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Will the GOOD aliens please stand up?

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:20 AM
I wouldn't quite laugh Skull and Bones of yet, the answers is giving seem to have truth about them, so give the person a chance on here. If he is not trustworthy to you than how come all of you aren't asking questions like mine. Because if you guys had been through what I have you would see some amount of truth in his answers.

Im going to give him a chance I think he may be on to something. He has as much right to talk as any of you have to disbelieve,

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Drakiir
Im going to give him a chance I think he may be on to something.

If there are a large group of people, and one person stands up and makes wild claims infront of the group, and that person doesn't seem to be crazy, the group will mostlikely still dismiss execpt for the handful of peoples in the group that also hold understandings about themselves.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Drakiir

I never said I would not give skull and bones a chance to prove he is alien. I just find it hard to believe. He gives no evidence of such a claim so what am I suppose to think? Anyone can claim they are an alien and then write a few sentences to go along with it.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:29 AM
Well theres always the possibility that Greer is right where he quotes this on many occasions:

"As immense as that game is, there is a bigger one: Control through fear. As Werner Von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex - would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today) to the ultimate trump card: A hoaxed threat from space."

If Bush was looking for real grounds to move to martial law he would use this. But people please try remember, Martial Law is usually exactly what it states - Bush wouldnt really be making the decisions here, it would be the General in charge of the US armies.

(define)Martial Law:the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law.

Bush is concerned with the Civil Laws, he doesnt control the Military.
In past times governments have been taken over by military's that declared martial law.

There are a lot of elbows rubbing between the politicians and the military, remember it's all compartmentalized, the lie is different at every level.
Bush is the least of your worries, the true person you need to worry about is mostly unknown to the world.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by bakednutz

Thats because your not asking the right questions. They have to be relative to him, every answer he has given me, being monitored, the mind control reference are both true. They only sound like wild claims to someone who hasn't experienced it but to me I know his answers are truth.

How many people in here have asked how to cross communicate with alien beings Im the only one because my situation is relative to him, where everyone else could be thinking whats he talking about.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Peace is highly overrated.. It's nice, but growth is much more important..
Your right though, the secret war is becoming unbearable for most of us..
And so we must step closer too the edge.. once again.
It is my belief that nerve agents should be used against all people who stand in our way.
Any terrorist governments living inside the US,..
and even entire populations liveing within terrorist governments.. like Russia..


Are every alien species aware of every contact or is it just the species that contacts you?

Where I come from, all information is known. The United States Government is handleing it for us right now..

Would you know anything about me for example? I have two species that I know the Grays and another race who are rare and who I think are a variation of the Reptilians Im not sure.

No comment.. SORRY!


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by bakednutz
Wow, well first Bush is not going to declare martial law. I guarantee it, and if you like I will donate all of ATS points to you if he does.

Not good enough... I want all your worldly possessions WHEN he does...

There are a lot of americans that own guns as well and until they are out of the hands of us americans it will not happen.

Okay lets review this

you have pistola Bush has Stealth fighters with smart bombs that take out your house from 50 miles out... you won't even see it coming...

You have rifle... Bush has Particle Beam weapons in Space that will melt your neighborhood like they did the Twin Towers...

When we took this land from the Natives 'We the people...' had guns, the natives had bows and arrows

When we took this country from the Brits..'We the people... had pitch forks and muskets, they had more muskets... so we developed "Guerilla Warfare" and hid behind trees...

When we tore our country apart in the Civil War, both sides had guns and Cannons...

But today while you still have guns and a few of you may have a cannon or two... THEY have so much fire power that now YOU are the Native...

And if thou doth protest too much, they have the Patriot Act and Homeland Security...

We had Homeland Security back in Germany too... they were called the Schutzstaffel which translated literally to Protection Relay or 'network'... in other words "homeland security' They became known as the SS

And in the immortal words of Herr Bush (or is that immoral?)

I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by SKULL AND BONES

Nerve agents used on entire populations, thats mass murder. That is no way to peace and your taking a dominating stance. Your "destroy all who get in our way" is not a way to peace. Intervention can happen in an open and controlled way, there's no need for mass war. Peace doesn't just "sound nice" as you put it, it can be achieved and is completely realistic. I appreciate the help you gave but am firmly against your stance of total destruction. You will create a war going down that path and no one will welcome a race of alien beings who kill entire populations.

The "no comment" answer means you are withholding something all I what the know is what "no comment" means even if you send me a u2u (personal message) click the inbox button under your profile, if your not prepared to do that than I will leave you alone. Whether you tell me is up to you, if you do than you know what to do.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Well, im not going to give you all of my worldly possesions because anything is possible. Also, you failed to address both of my original questions in the post.
Why would he do this?
Who would follow such crazy orders?

I have heard of this article you attached to your post but the article fails to mention who exactly attended the meeting and who the three were that claim to have heard him say this. Im not saying it is not possible but some names would be nice.

I just do not find this plausible in any way. Like a previous poster said, it is the guy you dont know you have to worry about.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by bakednutz]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by bakednutz
Why would he do this?

To stay in power...

If he 'created' a war with China and declared Martial Law he wouldn't need to leave at the end of term

Who would follow such crazy orders?

All those who placed him in Power
All those who voted for him twice
All those frightened of the Marshall law you know... the sheeple

Remember that missing nuke from our arsenal? Imagine if that were used on one of our cities...

No one would question Marshal Law then..

Now I wonder just who has that missing nuke?

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Ok so you think he wants to stay in power. That is reasonable.

But as far as who would follow those orders? I was not talking about politicians or voters but army personnel. No one in their right mind would turn on their own people and country for Bush and he does not have enough cronies to do this on his own. As far as the missing nuke, there isnt one. All six were accounted for at Barksdale Air Force Base. That whole thing was planned by Cheney though, not Bush.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by bakednutz]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:23 AM

Nerve agents used on entire populations, thats mass murder. That is no way to peace and your taking a dominating stance. Your "destroy all who get in our way" is not a way to peace. Intervention can happen in an open and controlled way, there's no need for mass war. Peace doesn't just "sound nice" as you put it, it can be achieved and is completely realistic.

Well your not going to be too happy when Russia launches thier new weapons(Which will probley be, nukes that travel at the speed of light.) Remember when the US got the atomic bomb from nazi time travelers?? Well the samething is hapening in Russia.. They are receiveing technology which they hope will get by our defences. Its just a matter of time.. 5 days.. 30seconds.. 20years.. we do not know when they will be ready.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by SKULL AND BONES

They are receiveing technology which they hope will get by our defences. Its just a matter of time.. 5 days.. 30seconds.. 20years.. we do not know when they will be ready.

Strike immediately, your said entire populations, under whos command can you do that by? No we must wait until the time the new age for man comes along. You'll be victim of your own undoing by striking now no one will embrace a race that promotes destruction for ones own means. The humans of this earth will want to declare war on you if that happens, and I don't want to imagine that.

Nukes that can go the speed of light, nukes are a little old aren't they? Your telling me of all the weapons an alien race can use nukes are the latest in technology what happened to particle beams and ion cannons.

And I notice you didn't answer the "no comment" question about if you know anything about me, you think I feel comfortable knowing that I don't get a yes or no on that, no way in hell. I repeat again if you cant disclose it on here then send me a u2u personal message. Unless you don't know, which makes half of your comments false and not all information is given to you as you claim it is.

I have been known to see through people like a pane of glass, even on another computer.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:00 AM
The nexus of infinite worlds is in each one.

Follow and you shall always be behind.

Believe in another and you will not believe your own heart.

The heart is a tuning fork. You will hear dissonance clearly and feel it in your center when you are tempered. Listen to your heart. It's song is one.

The actors are preparing to stage. The music builds, the tension and the secrets meant to set your heart uncertain are in the program given at the door of the theater you entered innocently and with love original. But you can leave at any time and find you are on a long street with many, many theaters and you can sit at any show.

The nexus of infinite worlds is in you.


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:55 AM

And I notice you didn't answer the "no comment" question about if you know anything about me, you think I feel comfortable knowing that I don't get a yes or no on that, no way in hell.

Hey sorry, I layed down 0n the couch for a second. MyBAd!!!


Umm as far as I know, Theres only a certain amount of bases being used, right? So like alot of people are working along side of one another. The Illuminati has made many agreements with the other aliens. And have lent them use of thier facilitys, as was agreed to usualy years ahead of time, sometimes upto 40 years later. Anyway, I would not have a clue as to what your experiences were being contacted. Nor would I know what group was responcible, it could even have been the United States government... but probley not... The United States government was created by my people.. we created the declaration of independence, and the consitution. The Bill of Rights as well... The United States government is the most ethical government.. and definately not the only choice..

And on the possible subject of knowing actual information about you.....
Nothing works like it should, right? If i could find out information like that, I wouldent be here. id be there. Reading it all...

Nukes that can go the speed of light, nukes are a little old aren't they? Your telling me of all the weapons an alien race can use nukes are the latest in technology what happened to particle beams and ion cannons.

I was talking about russia, they are very behind.

We have nukes too though.. Some big enough to destroy planets..
There are plenty of things that destoy planets... =)

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:58 AM
If some people would spend 1/4 the time they spend being full of crap or playing within the playground of their own minds in study rather then folly this world would have some really smart people in it.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by SKULL AND BONES

The Illuminati has made many agreements with the other aliens. And have lent them use of thier facilitys, as was agreed to usualy years ahead of time, sometimes upto 40 years later.

So rebel, turn on the illuminati and strike back. You mean to tell me that these aliens know what these illuminati are up to and they still go along with it. Either they are playing the illuminate to a tune or these aliens are traitors to earth, one of the two.

God if you can open a wormhole than you have ten times the power that these so called illuminati have, after all its just to make them feel good. Those types are all ego anyway. They think they have control of the world until it turns around and bites them in the butt.

And on the possible subject of knowing actual information about you.....
Nothing works like it should, right? If i could find out information like that, I wouldent be here. id be there. Reading it all...

See now we have some honesty coming out, you could of just said no or I dont know, by saying no comment was what got me suspicious. But you have come clean so we made good progress and its forgotten.

I was talking about russia, they are very behind.

Thats what I thought I was going to say Russia are seriously kidding themselves if they think a super fast nuke is the latest in technology. Come on your another species, the illuminate cant continue without your advanced technology, they need you, you don't need them. They have no control over you, you can go anywhere you wish, don't be strapped down by their chains free yourself.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:56 AM

So rebel, turn on the illuminati and strike back. You mean to tell me that these aliens know what these illuminati are up to and they still go along with it. Either they are playing the illuminate to a tune or these aliens are traitors to earth, one of the two.

Everyone wants earth..

God if you can open a wormhole than you have ten times the power that these so called illuminati have, after all its just to make them feel good. Those types are all ego anyway. They think they have control of the world until it turns around and bites them in the butt.

We like the illuminati, we are even members.. and we are very responsible.

See now we have some honesty coming out, you could of just said no or I dont know, by saying no comment was what got me suspicious.

I think I was actually talking about another issue.

the illuminate cant continue without your advanced technology, they need you, you don't need them. They have no control over you, you can go anywhere you wish, don't be strapped down by their chains free yourself.

This is just blabber... Sshhhhhhhh!!!!

,.This is probbley my last post.. for tonight atleast!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by SKULL AND BONES

This is just blabber... Sshhhhhhhh!!!!

What do you hate the idea of being free, do you like being in chains and shackled to their will their way, and you are a member of the illuminati so your responsible for all the mayhem and soon to be mayhem thats going to happen. So if your not against them than your with them so I think I'l just say goodbye and good luck.

Don't try and win me back I don't talk to traitors.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:36 AM
there are good humans on Earth but do these people help ants to live their lives happily ? they might observe ants, but that's probably it.. well sometimes use for their own purposes

why do u think aliens should help ? If aliens are so advanced, than aren't we just mere ants in comparison with them ? relax and pray they won't step on us !

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