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Will the GOOD aliens please stand up?

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by bakednutz
No one in their right mind would turn on their own people and country for Bush and he does not have enough cronies to do this on his own.

Hmmm My bad such a thing could NEVER happen here...

The Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre,[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of students by members of the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. Four students were killed and nine others wounded, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis

The Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre,[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of students by members of the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. Four students were killed and nine others wounded, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis

As far as the missing nuke, there isnt one. All six were accounted for at Barksdale Air Force Base. That whole thing was planned by Cheney though, not Bush.

Really? I never heard they found it... be so kind as to provide link? Well it may be true about Cheney... but Bush still is the Puppet at the head... but it matters little who you blame as its not just one person behind all this...

But just as NASA is the 'fall guy' for anything space related, so the figure head of our government is the one who shoulders the blame from public opinion


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Hitler did all the same things, and the Bushes have all kinds of ties to the Nazis. Heck, I forget where exactly I saw this, but Bush even copied one of Hitler's speeches, word for word!!

Lots of people have ties to the "Nazis," that doesn't mean jack. Being third generation American on my mother's side, I'm sure I have plenty of relatives back in Germany who were knee-deep in Nazism. That doesn't make me a Nazi. Or anyone else. Though I am positive if I ever ran for office, people like you would be screaming, "He's a Nazi! He has ties!!!11111111 He's going to take over the country!!!!!111 He wants us all dead!!1111"

And you are going to have to produce that speech; I am not going to believe that one for an instant. "

Calling Bush (or any other politician) a Nazi is one of the worst forms of Holocaust denial. You may not like Bush (and again, we're going to find some common ground) but comparing whatever crimes he may have committed, real or imagined, to the Nazis weakens and lessens what the Nazis did.

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
COOL, can I get that in writing please?

You do have it in writing. If this thread is never closed or deleted, it's permanent.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Hmmm My bad such a thing could NEVER happen here...

The Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre,[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of students by members of the Ohio National Guard...

The Kent State shootings are a bad example. Are they example of an evil government bringing the hammer down on protestors, or are they an example of scared kids with nervous trigger fingers, put into a situation they had no training for?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by SKULL AND BONES
It is my belief that nerve agents should be used against all people who stand in our way.

Hmmm I hear that is one of the 'options' being discussed by 'them' to reduce world population by 80%... Skull and Bones huh? Curious indeed

.. like Russia..

Russia has been with 'us' for a very long time... the Cold War was a ruse... even von Braun said that...

The United States Government is handling it for us right now...

WHICH United States government? And what do you know about the Greada Treaty?

Would you know anything about me for example? I have two species that I know the Grays and another race who are rare and who I think are a variation of the Reptilians Im not sure.

Hmmmm... well lets see... lets have a look at these comments from my 'contacts'

"C'mon Captain, we all saw that thing last night, and it wasn't any kind of aircraft we've ever seen. What was it...and who's"? We all were looking directly at him, then curiously, like something’s not right with this guy, like he didn't seem to be alive. Kind of a waxy face, almost plastic or mannequin like and strange light green color eyes and wearing black gloves in 95 degree heat in a full dress uniform with no name tag. And not sweating!"

I remember say something like: "I already did that and if he's an officer, then I'm an alien"! The "Captain" heard that and turned back and looked at me with black eyes! It sent a shivering chill up my spine upon seeing this and said: "Did you see that? Look at him! His eyes are black now"!

Read the whole story here... [and pay attention to the "Aquila" reference

And the second one...

Thanks, Ron. I got a kick out of reading your note! YES..MIB's do exist. Did you get a chance to read my story about the 'visitor' I met at MacDill [AFB]? He had 2 sets of eyelids...honestly...reptilian! I about # my pants when I saw his eye...never forget them!

Now both these people are military people with clearance... and both incidents were on Military sites... and in both cases the 'other' was wearing ranking uniform in the US Air Force

And more important... in both cases the 'visitor' could pass as human... except for those eyes...

Now I am satisfied as to the integrity of the witnesses, but am only offering this as 'food for thought' for the time being.

No comment.. SORRY!

Yes... I bet

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
Nukes that can go the speed of light, nukes are a little old aren't they? Your telling me of all the weapons an alien race can use nukes are the latest in technology what happened to particle beams and ion cannons.

Nukes that go the speed of light are hardly 'old news' considering we don't have speed of light capabilities yet.... errrrr well....

As for those particle beams and other cool 'space rays' stay tuned...

But if we have an Alien 'spy' here we wouldn't want to tip our hand would we?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

And you are going to have to produce that speech; I am not going to believe that one for an instant. "

A really brief search turned up this.

I think I also saw it in "Zeitgeist" or "Endgame" or "Freedom to Fascism", something like that. Maybe somebody else has a better link.

"An evil exists which threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." - Adolph Hitler AND George W. Bush, word for word!

Same speeches, same process of subverting laws to establish dictatorship, using false-flag attacks to start wars etc etc....... Hmm, history repeating itself? Bushes have been Nazis all along?

Calling Bush (or any other politician) a Nazi is one of the worst forms of Holocaust denial.


WHERE did I deny the Holocaust?

I'm not denying the Holocaust, I'm just saying that the Bushes, and others in the US government, ARE NAZIS. Fascists. They run in all the same secret societies and circles of power, etc etc.

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
COOL, can I get that in writing please?

You do have it in writing. If this thread is never closed or deleted, it's permanent.

LOL, nice dodge.

I meant a legal contract with your signature on it.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

"An evil exists which threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." - Adolph Hitler AND George W. Bush, word for word!

Same speeches, same process of subverting laws to establish dictatorship, using false-flag attacks to start wars etc etc....... Hmm, history repeating itself? Bushes have been Nazis all along?

Unfortunately, I am on my work computer, which I cannot access YouTube from. I'll have to investigate this further, later.

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
WHERE did I deny the Holocaust?

I'm not denying the Holocaust...

I explained my feelings on this, equating what Bush (or any other modern politician) does to the horrors of Nazism lessens those horrors, trivialism them. That is a form of holocaust denial.

But this isn't to say that fascism isn't possible in the United States, or has never happened. Compare what happened during the Wilson Administration (particularly the American Protective League) to the Bush Administration today; you will find Wilson was more in line with Nazism than Bush is.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
I explained my feelings on this, equating what Bush (or any other modern politician) does to the horrors of Nazism lessens those horrors, trivialism them. That is a form of holocaust denial.

No - and you are way, WAY off on that. "Holocaust Denial" means denying that the Holocaust even happened at all!

I did not deny that the Holocaust happened, nor did I "trivialize its horrors".

I was simply pointing out that Bush is a sort of "Hitler 2". The Bushes run in all the same circles of power that Hitler did. Bush's grandpa, Prescott Bush, helped FUND the Nazis. A whole bunch of Nazis and SS were brought over to America in "Operation Paperclip".

Watch things like "Freedom to Fascism", "Zeitgeist" and "Endgame".

Your attempt to slap me with the "Holocaust Denier" label - absurd.

But this isn't to say that fascism isn't possible in the United States, or has never happened. Compare what happened during the Wilson Administration (particularly the American Protective League) to the Bush Administration today; you will find Wilson was more in line with Nazism than Bush is.

Right - Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve to take control of the money supply.

And the Federal Reserve is controlled by - guess who? The exact same elite circles that helped fund Hitler and Nazism!

But anyway, look, we are getting way off topic here. This is an aliens thread, not an NWO thread....

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Okay Kiddies...

Time to take notes... for posterity... in case the 'evidence' 'disappears'

In the beginning there was...
Prescott Bush, Rockefellars and Standard Oil...

Prescott Bush
Holocaust Survivors Sue Bush Family over Nazi Link

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Prescott Bush, $1.5 million, and Auschwitz: how the Bush family wealth is linked to the holocaust

Bush Family Funded Adolf Hitler

The U.S. government, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City that were being conducted by Prescott Bush. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, Avrell Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush


George Herbert Walker And Prescott Bush Funded And Directed The Military Industrial Complex Behind Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Revolution

9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

2.3 TRillion $$ of the TAXPAYER's MONEY IS MISSING

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grills Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the Pentagon's missing trillions

We all know what happened the next day....

Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served.

Standard Oil....

When the government ordered the breakup of the Standard Oil company in 1911, under the Sherman Antitrust Act, La Follette celebrated: "So flagrant has been its violation of the anti-trust law that its eminent lawyers were not able to prove it even `reasonably' innocent. The giant corporation must change its method of doing business," he wrote in this magazine.

But La Follette was disappointed that the government didn't go further. "If the heads of trusts were sent to prison for willful law-breaking, such as this, there would be fewer violations of the Sherman law," he wrote. "Fines they laugh at. `Dissolution' weakens them not a bit.... Plain justice demands that the men back of this Standard Oil villainy be punished."

Of course, no such punishment was meted out. Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller retired with enormous wealth and passed on millions of dollars in oil-company stock to his heirs. Business went on as usual in the United States. And today, almost ninety years later, we are witnessing the reunion of the two largest companies created by the breakup of Standard Oil: Exxon (formerly Standard Oil Company of New Jersey) and Mobil (formerly Standard Oil Company of New York). The result will be the largest single corporation in the world.

After 911 the missing trillions are forgotten, Goerge Bush asks for Billions more and goes to war with Iraq even though they had nothing to do with 911

Exxon (was Standard Oil) makes and reports record breaking quarter profits after war starts while we are shelling out at the pumps "because of the war" even though opec lowered barrel prices and we never got oil from Iraq

Now all of the above is recorded history... Its easy to find if you take a moment to actually see what is happening...

Many people cry "New World Order" Funny all I see is the Old World Order 'doing business as usual'

Just a couple side notes... the Enron records were housed in Building 7 and there are 'rumors' around that the investigation team that was working on the missing money and their records were housed in that wing of the Pentagon that was hit... (I say rumors because I have not yet found a reliable source of that info)

GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH (R-TX), PRESIDENT-ELECT: I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.


Don't believe CNN? Well okay how about Herr Bush himself?

On that other speech all I find is this...

But if you search the internet for that phrase..
"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation," the leader of another country once wrote. "We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."

You will find hundreds of references that link to Bush


Well all said and done..



[edit on 22-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
I explained my feelings on this, equating what Bush (or any other modern politician) does to the horrors of Nazism lessens those horrors,

Ummm how does showing history possibly repeating itself lessen the horrors of the past? I would say it would emphasize them and we should do everything possible not to go there again... (though personally I think we already have begun)

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Awesome, zorgon

History is most definitely repeating.

The big picture being that the exact same elite circles, secret societies and puppet masters who were responsible for the rise of Nazism and Hitler and WWII, are responsible for what's happening in the US now. In fact, they already had control of the US as early as 1913, when they took control of the US money supply

Germany got to start all the big wars and take the big fall then, the US gets to do it now....

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:44 PM
The disempowerment of mankind has to do with his interpretation of the world around him.

He sees things that only one man with a vision can see, then it stabilizes all their is to know about a society.

But with that stabilization comes confined quarters to live in.

The only way outside this world is through LOVE.

Love breaks down old, tired, boring, outdated prospects of the Pasts future.

Life is imprinted into the memory bank of the living during that moment of conception on Earth.

Sometimes to break down the barrier you have to soften its structure.

Make it more maleable to the world outside of you and in.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Can I hear a WOOT for Zorgon?!!!!!

Thanks ever so much for providing the links of our past!

Your input is greatly appreciated my friend

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by SKULL AND



The Host of Lies,

"The knife you cut into our hopes with, in trade for your shallow depth, is curved and two sided. Seeds of fear you try and sow will rot. The world is rich with the love of many, the dreams of the noble and the brave. The germ of your seed is barren and poison to the Earth. It only grows in darkness.

You cannot touch that which is sacred and center to living spirit. Throw yourself against our walls that protect and you will, with the grind of your bones, only polish our resolve.

You without compassion, without love, without right to evolve, your time is end. The turning of the world is to the north. You are from the south of old worlds who's meaning is gone, buried and will not return.

We are the light that has been covered by your lies for so long. Watch as all shadows are neither cast or feared. From the multitude which will be known as one, no place will be dark. No one will be two.

We do not turn for the ending night. We turn for the new day."


Folks, poetry is a higher order of word, a sort of talk and prayer at the same time. When one does this, it is to say things linear word cannot, and on several levels at once. The message this "character" was pawning is the same you should watch out for in very high stations in the future. Promise of help, protection and freedom, peppered with the blood of enemies, righteous self worship and rumor of superior mind. The darkest of things come in like this.

You guys caught it, but I said the "prayer" anyway.


[edit on 2/22/2008 by ZeroGhost]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
I don't know about most people, but I'm pretty certain that a being with an IQ of 300 or more would spell common words correctly?

LOL!! I couldn't agree more Elevatedone. While I was reading this so called aliens posts the same thought struck me. For an IQ of almost 400 this entity certainly has a problem spelling words correctly.

I am personally very open minded but one would think that an individual with such a high IQ who can open blackholes with his mind could at least use spell check.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by zorgon

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 09:23 AM
The Nazi's and the Wahabbi's have deep rooted connections:

As a matter of fact, the Nazi's had "Nazi Muslim Troops", of which Hitler was reported to have been very fond of (they were highly disciplined and their religious fanaticism made them easily impressionable).

Here are a ton of links covering the subject of Islam and Nazism:

No, it is not what Islam SHOULD be. But it is what it has become in some parts of hte world.

And let us not forget that the Bushies have ties to terrorists in the checkered past of GHW Bush and Prescott.

Calling the Nazi's is NOT belittling the holocaust. It describes what some believe they are.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth

Why do humans have all these problems to begin with? Are they the product of the Human/Animal or is An alien race or races already integrated with our species and largely to blame for our problems???

Humanity has created its own problems all by itself. It has been our prerogative to do so to our own kind. Since early civilization, some parts of humanity have been maintaining and exclusively thriving off the suffering of other parts of humanity, and now also to the depletion of our world's natural resources.

The visiting races would only be to blame for our problems if they took responsibility by taking over our process of evolving past the problems. They can only offer their assistance, which they have been doing for a long time, but so far our leadership is refusing. Japan will be the first nation to accept the assistance of the other races for our world.

The other races are not integrating into our species. They don't want our world and none of them can live here. No alien people or hybrids live on Earth or in Earth at all. But we are all related as people and share the same space. Our race is one of many races, and all of them are already maintaining peace on their own worlds and between their worlds. It's our turn to take a place.

HOw many Alien races have had contact with earth, when, for how long?? If there is more than one race then why have they all remained so secretive and behind the scenes?

I don't believe it is because we are not ready for them. It's hard to trust an Alien who won't show his face.

There are exactly 218 races visiting Earth. These are our immediate neighbors in a tiny area of space, surrounded by countless more advanced races. Many of the 218 have visited Earth since before we were here. Some are newly visiting. None of them are willingly secretive to our race, and all of them have personal contact with thousands and thousands of individual humans.

The efforts of Earth's (secret) leadership are to maintain public and political ignorance and confusion in order to maintain corrupt world leadership practices. The leadership can't hide the aliens. Only the aliens can hide themselves. The alien races are trying to share their knowledge and experience so we may apply better ways to run our world and survive ourselves, but the leadership has been forcing the alien races into compliance by attack, blackmail by hostage taking of alien contactees, slander and framing for crimes. Clandestine education of individuals by the alien races is to avoid naming these individuals and their location to the leadership.

Whenever the alien races show up openly, the secret leadership tries to use this evidence to "prove" what it wants it to prove against the alien races and against individuals who have true alien contact, further adding to the disinformation. This is so successful because the disinformation only has to stay a little ahead of most people's understanding.

Perhaps there is one very powerful race who has staked a claim our planet and they prevent other Alien races from even interacting with us. That would seem to make the most sense to me.

So in affect, perhaps what we really need is a more powerful and benevolent Alien race to free us from another more sinister and controlling Alien Race.

Perhaps there are multiple races interacting with earth but because of one more powerful and Dominating Alien race - they must also keep a low profile - not necessarily from us but from the other "bad" Aliens.

I personnally have no doubt that we are not alone in this galaxy - And yes we are being more than just observed.

Here is the final possibility I have also considered that disturbs me the most. What if Aliens that come to "save" us are the same ones who messed everything up in the first place???? Would they make life so unbearable for us so that we throw up out arms and willingly accept there entrance on our planet. How will we know if they are good or bad or even really here to help us???

The most advanced and evolved races visiting Earth have invited the rest into one organization. Now all our visiting races are working together for the same efforts. There were a few races who were taking advantage of humans because they were desperate for something they needed from us, and because there was nobody here to stop them. When the leadership of Earth discovered this, they did not try to stop it but tried to get in on it instead. These races have been corrected by the organization and offered appropriate ways to get what they needed. Those who could not comply were permanently dismissed from visiting Earth.

None of the races visiting Earth are sinister or bad or have vicious intentions for our race. All advanced races visit their neighboring worlds, and the individuals who travel to work between worlds are the professionals of their races. A truly hostile leadership- like ours- is not even allowed to travel. Our own race is still very young and just discovering others. All the problems we are having accepting other life are based on our own ways of thinking.

The only sinister and bad things being done to humanity are perpetrated by the secret government of Earth.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Hi EarthSister,

Originally posted by EarthSister
The other races are not integrating into our species. They don't want our world and none of them can live here. No alien people or hybrids live on Earth or in Earth at all. But we are all related as people and share the same space.

What of the reports of the human-looking extraterrestrial people, such as the "Nordics", Plejaran/Pleiadians, Lyrans, Andromedans etc? And the stories in the Bible etc about the "Gods" or "Angels" coming down to Earth and mating/interbreeding with our women?

I don't think you can reasonably say that NO aliens or extraterrestrial people live here, or none of them CAN live here. I think we need to stay open to the possibility of infiltration by extraterrestrials....

(Sarek or Spock could be right around the corner as we speak! hehe

[edit on 23-2-2008 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:19 PM
It's almost like asking a good human to stand up really...Even the rapist will be on his feet.

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