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Will the GOOD aliens please stand up?

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:45 PM
Maybe there is a deep seated need for humans to be controlled in some way.
We fall into several categories, two that interest are those who lead and those that need to be led.

If we are waiting for 'superior' beings to appear and take control of our lives, tell us what to do and when, stop us from harming ourselves then my point is - What is the point of free will, freedom means acting in a grown up responsible way and taking responsibility for our actions on a day to day basis.

We do not need ET to tell us what is right and wrong neither do we need them to baby sit us. After all the six billion citizens of earth are ruled by less than a few hundred men (real power not the back room staff) and they need terror and the gun to keep us in order.

Look at the US no matter who they vote for they still get the same old BS and no public health care, can ET sort that out? What exactly could ET do - nothing unless we get off our own a**e's and do something about our own problems.

This is escapism I wonder if ET landed just how long they would last until we corrupted them in some way, man is a flawed being - GOD knows this and more than likely so does ET.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Exactly why would an intelligence from who know where want to come down and "rescue"earth when we cant save ourselves?

This reminds me of what Sarah Conner says in Terminator 2 and that is "there is no fate than what we make for ourselves" and it couldn't be more true.

The human race has created catastrophe over the entire globe, pollution, war, disease, famine, global dictatorships, one world governments, money driven societies, deception of the public, drugs, depression, and countless others, we have created the unfixable and the earth is the price we pay for ignorance. And with the grand illusion of freedom the government has given you, humanity has let this veil blind them. There is no free world, no one is free unless you want it bad enough.

This is where it hits home, this is where some people turn around and say "what have we done"? Look out the window to the horizon, see the smog filled air thats staring you right in the face, thats what humanity has done.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
Exactly why would an intelligence from who know where want to come down and "rescue"earth when we cant save ourselves?

Life and/or Life Force is that which the Universe and all active members in the Universal establishment court is in active action of achieving.

Earth is a life establishment planet, it is like the internship of the larger Light and Life Corp.

Like true beings they want to help others increase. They are not looking to knife mankind in the back. That's a rule learned here on earth.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Why must aliens be either good or evil? I thought people would've realized by now that life is not black and white. If they were to help us it would be more than likely they would be doing it for their own benefit and not ours. And now to play Devil's Advocate. How do you know that we're not viewed as evil, and that's the reason they're not helping us? It seems pretty ignorant to think of the human race as good when the things we've been best at throughout our history have been war and destruction.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:50 PM
I am the Alien Hybrid Sent to earth. The Annunaki are using this planet to harbor my kind. If there becomes a time when I am no longer existent, this planet will end. We have given the humans all the knowledge of Life, Science, and Government. I am now and always have been In Control of this dimension of the infinite universe.

We have not asked for much, but have come in control of 90% of the economy of earth. There is a major war going on right now, between ALL governments of this planet. This war is the stabilization of your own reactions, This war is about you(the human race.) If the Human race continues to destroy it's self then we will "push it off the edge," using nuclear power, in order to save that which we came to do.
Last warning!..


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
If there were "good" aliens... that'd be "ever so nice". But as Gazrock has said... they haven't overtly expressed themselves in a public and forthright manner in any positive manner that isn't wrapped in an exopolitical-sell-job by some predatory human.

Your argument for "no good aliens" is strong indeed.

But it's possible that the "good" aliens have tried sudden, total, open disclosure with other young civs before and found it to be too disruptive and harmful. I mean, we like to think we're at the top of the food chain; so the sudden, full realization that we're more like cosmic ants who could be squashed literally at any second would be devastating for many!

Perhaps there are "good" aliens, and perhaps they have good reasons for doing the gradual "baby-steps" disclosure that's happening now.....

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:19 PM
There is but one original source of creation that is known of as "God". All "Good" creatures throughout creation follow after the "Will of our Creator".

Perhaps the true "Good" aliens don't see this time as yet the time of the disclosure. Maybe they are waiting. Maybe they are alowing mankind it's final achievements in this Ephoc before shifting gears.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:45 PM
You raise an interesting point and I too have considered the possibility of Aliens saving humanity - However - this of course raises other issues. Here are a few of them:

Why do humans have all these problems to begin with? Are they the product of the Human/Animal or is An alien race or races already integrated with our species and largely to blame for our problems???

HOw many Alien races have had contact with earth, when, for how long?? If there is more than one race then why have they all remained so secretive and behind the scenes?

I don't believe it is because we are not ready for them. It's hard to trust an Alien who won't show his face.

Perhaps there is one very powerful race who has staked a claim our planet and they prevent other Alien races from even interacting with us. That would seem to make the most sense to me.

So in affect, perhaps what we really need is a more powerful and benevolent Alien race to free us from another more sinister and controlling Alien Race.

Perhaps there are multiple races interacting with earth but because of one more powerful and Dominating Alien race - they must also keep a low profile - not necessarily from us but from the other "bad" Aliens.

I personnally have no doubt that we are not alone in this galaxy - And yes we are being more than just observed.

Here is the final possibility I have also considered that disturbs me the most. What if Aliens that come to "save" us are the same ones who messed everything up in the first place???? Would they make life so unbearable for us so that we throw up out arms and willingly accept there entrance on our planet. How will we know if they are good or bad or even really here to help us???

[edit on 21-2-2008 by CyberTruth]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by SKULL AND BONES

Then you will know that I have started a movement for change for the better. I have heard the messages of your race echo throughout most abductees however that was not the message I was given. Help me put into motion a movement this globe has never seen for the good if indeed you are who you say you are. You know it is not to late if we make a change, you play a part as well, that fact must not be allowed to go unrecognized.

Major change requires major action so help me know that you are a hybrid. And the change can be made for the better. Im serious about this as time is running short as I expect you know as well.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth
Perhaps there is one very powerful race who has staked a claim our planet and they prevent other Alien races from even interacting with us. That would seem to make the most sense to me.

So in affect, perhaps what we really need is a more powerful and benevolent Alien race to free us from another more sinister and controlling Alien Race.

You know, I've never thought of it that way!

Staking claim......

It seems very logical to assume that a powerful negative force is overpowering a positive force. Maybe they have tried.....

Perhaps a plan is in the works

I just hope we don't get left in the dark

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

If you're being kept in the dark it is only because you're afraid of the light. I keep trying to tell people about the "Urantia Book". I don't belong to a group that deals with it. I don't follow after other peoples understandings. However through my own abilities I've come to the realization of that book as it pertains to reality.

We are on a planet that is quarinteened. The Universe works like one large free will, but with higher understandings of free will, govenmentship. Aliens did in fact try to seperate earth from the rest of the unverse. Mostly has been delt with now. Only waiting for earth to recover.

Urantia Book.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth
HOw many Alien races have had contact with earth, when, for how long?? If there is more than one race then why have they all remained so secretive and behind the scenes?

I don't believe it is because we are not ready for them. It's hard to trust an Alien who won't show his face.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by CyberTruth]

Maybe they have shown there face.... from what i know of the posters on ATS
is that we may have already debunked them as being a hoax?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

Rest assured plans are in the works and it is people like scull and bones if he is indeed a hybrid who can help. Whether he is a hybrid or not I will leave to him, but I sincerely hope he is for real, and not just staging some prank.

It is a battle for good and for skull and bones to admit that his supposed race has acquired 90% of control and nuclear weapons shows a lot of power and also shows a lot of destruction. But yet peace is the message?

Im just hoping he/she is for real.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by ST SIR 86

That's a whole other topic matter that could be discussed in dept.

We don't believe others because there is a majority of wacky people that are not dealing in the same reality as the group.

This however doesn't make the whole claim group false just because the great majority is.

It's a real catch222

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth
Why do humans have all these problems to begin with? Are they the product of the Human/Animal or is An alien race or races already integrated with our species and largely to blame for our problems???

Excellent reasoning, CyberTruth

It's entirely possible that we have already been infiltrated - especially if there are extraterrestrial people out there that look just like us, and are sexually compatible with us

And many contactees do say that, including Cliff Stone (maybe minus the "sexually compatible" part)

Perhaps there is one very powerful race who has staked a claim our planet and they prevent other Alien races from even interacting with us. That would seem to make the most sense to me.

My problem with this is, if we're being controlled by a race that's so powerful that it can prevent other races from even coming here - then why would that race need to HIDE itself from us? And WHY would they allow us to develop things like Nukes and other exotic weapons which could possibly be used against them to liberate ourselves?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:23 PM
IMAdamnALIEN you say that your a hybrid correct....ok so what makes you
think you are a hybrid? i'am NOT asking you to prove yourself , i feel i don't have the right to ask that.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by ST SIR 86]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
Im just hoping he/she is for real.

A lot of people are probably saying the exact same thing about you, Drakiir

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

Well I'm ready for anything. Humanity certainly cannot go on this way much longer. If there is a plan in the works then I hope it is carried out sooner than later. Sooner because I fear many good people will be "lost to the dark side of the force" forever if they are forced to languish in this illusive and demented reality much longer.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

hahahahah Im santa clause going on a shopping spread doing pre-orders for christmas.

Im for real, Im not dead as far as it know

I just hope this person is serious.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:34 PM
What is this "Real"?

What's a hybrid? What's Original?

What if aliens that established the building blocks of life on this planet used orginisims that were fundemental throughout life accross the universes?

Does that make mankind somehow an original being? Doesn't that make mankind the same organic mass as the rest of the universes creature?

What if there were no "purebloods" and we are all a hybrid? Then who is the "Hybrid" and what is the Lowbrid?

I feel it is clear:
Baisc life was established here on earth.
Other races of universal creature were mixed in at the time of the rebelion.
Other race creature was mixed in at the time of "Adam and Eve".
Other races of creature evolved.

We're all messed up.

Who isn't a hybrid these days?

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