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UFO Bombshell Announcement CNN to Bring forth USG military Officials

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I'll probably watch it, barring unforeseen circumstances. My expctation level is low, and it's gotta be a compelling topic for me to tolerate ol' (My suspenders are pulling my trapezius muscles into my back pockets) Lar, but what the hey.

By the way, going to the CNN link in the OP affords you the opportunity to email a question. Give it a shot. Maybe stick in an ATS reference and we'll get some additional exposure. That'd be cool.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:38 AM
CNN, there not going to upset thier oil/auto/health sponsers.

But those evil toy manufactures must pay for thier sins.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by HokkaidoHillbilly
(As a total aside, (and this is my opinion only, but...) there's too much at stake for the government/powers that be/ "Them" anyway, so unless a) aliens land on the white house lawn or b) it's forced somehow (which would pretty much cover the first condition), you and are are never really going to see disclosure in our lifetimes.)

I seriously doubt even that would prove anything nowadays.

I bet an alien could land on the white house lawn, walk up to the preseident, give him a purple-nurple in broad-daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, go back to his UFO and shoot back off into space.

And no one would believe it. It was staged. It was a hoax. It was a false-flag.

Blah blah blah.

I think the disinfo's working...

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:47 PM
The reality would be, if aliens made themselves known, world wide panic (not everyone), economic breakdowns, religious consequences, mass suicides, riots, you name it. I know most people here would say “Not me, I think that would be cool” Maybe so, but deep down, you’d be scared s**tless. I for one would think it’s neat but scared at the same time. You couldn’t contain your natural instincts; you don’t know how your mind would react at such an event.

Maybe something will be revealed, but most likely we will be left hanging like usual. The government can’t keep covering up and keep up with the growing evidence that we are being visited by others. There are too many people with camera’s catching videos, which I will admit usually isn’t very convincing. But, my take is if they are as advanced as people think, then they only will be seen when they want to be seen.


posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by concreteconspiracy
The reality would be, if aliens made themselves known, world wide panic (not everyone), economic breakdowns, religious consequences, mass suicides, riots, you name it. I know most people here would say “Not me, I think that would be cool” Maybe so, but deep down, you’d be scared s**tless. I for one would think it’s neat but scared at the same time. You couldn’t contain your natural instincts; you don’t know how your mind would react at such an event.

I just find this hard to belive myself. REALLY.

I just cant see myself all of a sudden running around like a little school girl screeming for mommy. I dont see myself all of a sudden being taken over by some primal natural instinct to go into frenzy mode either. Mabye the odd 'cracker-jack' out there will of course, but they do that anyways today.

IMO, I think you underestimate yourself, or human kind. I dont see any 'panic' by the average person. Now, military posturing by gouvernments, thats a different story. I can see them for sure taking this as a threat first, untill they know different - they would have too... But 'panic'... no sir, I dont see it.

Would the world be a different place after disclosure? OH I dont think there is any question about that. But personally I would belive and hope for the best outcome. We need a major revolution, IMO. Not to mention, I think that may people by now with all the movies and desensitization that in our subconscious we belive there is other life forms already - we are prepaired to deal with it already.

[edit on 9-11-2007 by JbT]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by DCP
they are putting UFO stuff on a Friday...for all the dorks that cannot get a date. if it was real news they would have had it on already. Why does the TV people think all dorks just sit at home on a stereotypical...personally i just make sure i am home for the late showing of battlestar galatica

I never heard any TV person state such claims, you're making claims about the TV persons. Why does it matter when it's shown? Regardless of when it is, it will be an interesting watch, or maybe not.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 02:36 PM
The "Quick Vote" on the Larry King show website currently stands at 75% Yes to the question: "Do you believe there is extra terrestrial life?"

Of course that's not a "scientific" poll.

And, thanks to this thread and others, I'll bet the higher than normal, extra visits from our believers here at ATS have skewed the results somewhat.

A short "statement" authored by Fife Symington has been posted on the CNN website today as well.

IMO. a promo piece leading up to the Press Club appearance...

In 1997, during my second term as governor of Arizona, I saw something that defied logic and challenged my reality.
I witnessed a massive delta-shaped, craft silently navigate over Squaw Peak, a mountain range in Phoenix, Arizona.
Source | Special to CNN by Fife Symington

[edit on 9-11-2007 by goosdawg]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:00 PM
From some of the things I have read this Larry King is pretty foxy and in with the elitist.

My feelings are beware he will be nice and stab you in the back.

I will watch his show and watch his body moment.

His polls are probably being watched by the government to see where the populace stands of this date.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by observe50


Can you clarify, because that's the oddest reply to this thread yet.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Aw, I like Shirley well enough but I would hardly consider her to be an expert.

I saw the last interview with Stanton Friedman and Buzz. It was a joke. I really can't expect tonight's show to be any better, but I want to watch it anyway. Just because.

I hope they talk about the footage that was released by the Mexican military.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
"Is God an alien?"

That's a silly question... of course God is an Alien... and so are the angels, the fallen angels and Lucifer himself....

In the truest sense they are all ET's Extra Terrestrial = Not of this Earth

So that makes Luci and the fallen ones landed immigrants...

Does anyone know if Bush issued them a green card?

The only REAL question is...

Are we routing for the right side

I do not think there will be real disclosure (beyond what we can find out here) until they declare an 'official' alien invasion...

And for now we still have Iran and China to 'play with' so I don't think the ships will be landing anytime soon

Either that or all the push to 'get back to space', the new mining plans for Moon and Mars, and the extraordinary build up of Space Command may mean its sooner than we think

Personally I don't see the main stream news networks as any better than the fringe reporters... both have an agenda, but the 'big boys' have better budgets...
and a tough boss.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Right now Comcast shows Larry King on CNN from 9pm EST to 10 pm.

The show description only reads.....

"Interviews with newsmakers and viewer calls."

That's it. Nothing about UFO's or Extraterrestrials. *shrug*

I'll definitely be tuning in though and checking it out.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I'll watch! Hope it's good. Here's a clue: real good=real ratings.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by guavas

Something like that already happened in the early 50s(Washington Merry-go-round), and I think they used the "temperature inversion" excuse.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:58 PM
I'm guessing a bunch of fuzzy pictures with the debunkers having the last say on all topics.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by pc is here
I'll watch! Hope it's good. Here's a clue: real good=real ratings.

Well bring us a report
I have to work tonight

Originally posted by mek12
I'm guessing a bunch of fuzzy pictures with the debunkers having the last say on all topics.

Well if they weren't 'fuzzy' they couldn't be real.. A UFO in flight would appear 'fuzzy'

[edit on 9-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Disclosure is never going to come out of some crummy chat show with a host that is caped in makeup. It's a good sign though, that the subject is being taken seriously and it's getting some quality airtime.

I just hope it doesn't turn into a slanging match where the skeptic is just shouting over the Ufologist.

A good debate would nice.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 06:54 PM
In my humble opinion, this Larry King thing is most likely going to go one of two ways. And I'm posting this over an hour before seeing the program myself.

1. They cover the basics, barely get past Roswell, ridicule, not let people answer the questions, make ignorant statements, treat educated callers like assholes and generally dismiss the whole thing with the words "little green men" sprinkled in for "humor".

2. They blow the lid off the whole thing. Expose critical people involved, provide incontrovertible evidence, allow educated callers to participate and generally spur a major search for truth.

I'm sure there's possibilities in between but close enough. I have been waiting a long time for the 2nd option, but somhow I don't see the Larry King show as a venue for that kind of hopeful thinking.

Who know's. I'm up for surprises...

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:09 PM
So far, so good. It's been taken seriously up to this point. Very interesting and serious information.

There is a poll on Larry King live asking the viewers if they believe or not. At the time of this post, it's 77% yes and 23% no.

[edit on 11/9/2007 by SonicInfinity]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:13 PM
Well it just started, and it seems promising. His panel of 4 or 5 men, are all believers, and all but one I think have had sightings/and or close encounters.

They even have the mayor of Arizona (well the guy who was mayor during the pheonix lights), and although he made a poor taste joke about it a few days afterwards, he has recently had his own sighting, and is now a believer.

No signs of Micheal Shermer(sp?) yet thank goodness. And so far Larry King seems pretty open-minded, he's doing a good job with asking questions and getting information without showing his own beliefs. I can't tell if he's a believer or a skeptic. Seems he just wants the truth.

So it seems like it'll be a good show, but they're basically just re-hashing the most well documented cases of the past 10-20 years or so, I doubt they're gonna drop a bombshell , and come out with any new info, or evidence, other than this meeting that is supposed to take place on Monday.

Supposedly they(lots of people and un-named countries governments) are pushing for U.S. disclosure, and are saying that there are a dozen or so countries are going to demand US disclosure at this meeting on Monday? I dunno if they said this coming Monday?

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Nola213]

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