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UFO Bombshell Announcement CNN to Bring forth USG military Officials

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posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Contrary to popular belief (?) the US isn’t out to take over the world… but you can bet your a__ Hitler was… and trust me there are many others just like him out there RIGHT NOW

Which is why we need to impeach NOW!

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Technology is catching up to the secrets the government can no longer keep. But who knows this could be the greatest of the greatest scams of all time. But I want to see aliens and I mean real ones not just a flying saucer. And I wonder if time travel is possible then how about the government of the far future coming back to scam the past to change the future

That's what I been saying a lot lately. Our technology is advancing and other countries are interested in space too. They can't hide this information forever.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:19 AM
When everyday, living paycheck to paycheck; low "middle-class" status?
Going to school full time and working full does that work into the schedule? you got your own mouth to feed and maybe a couple others along with it to try to participate with the "Revolution."

Say alright "Aliens are real! In fact heres one for the world to see for the first time on TV!" So what happens after that? Can't really escape into the maybe appropriately worded "fantasy?"

A lot of people on here seem to be saying "yeah damn straight revolution time!" and "Yeah damn straight! Tell us the truth that we want to hear! tell us aliens are real!"

What do you after that? What happens?

Everyone seems to just cheer it on and demand it and plans out the steps to start it and get it done...but what about the aftermath? Memphis will be laid to waste and then what..?

Maybe that's why "Disclosure" or the "Revolution" everyone been anticipating and itching for hasn't happened..

That is the downfall.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:29 AM

so what are you saying? you don't want disclosure or the revolution?
Of course there isn't a "plan" for the aftermath because the aftermath isn't anything other than starting again with truth in the mix instead of dishonesty.
Are there "leaders" included in the plan? No. How can there be. You would essentially keep everything the same except the track the public would allow any organization to lead would be held accountable.

That's why there hasn't been "disclosure". How do you disclose and then expect to be held responsible for not disclosing in the first place. You have to grow up is how. How do you grow up when you've treated everyone else like an infantile?

Yes we scream, yes we rant but not wanting the unknown afterwards is even more infantile than being allowed to be led by juveniles.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by chinabean

Downfall? Only if you make it that way is it a downfall.

Example: All those people working on the oil rigs and generally for the oil industry could be re-employed with the space industry unloading all the goods from the ships that land here. Keep your job, keep eating and keep buying stuff. No problem. Just a different supplier.

Example: Just because you meet an alien doesn't mean you have to stop believing in God. It might mean that you will be exposed to belief systems that are totally alien to us. That's just about how a Muslim feels about Christianity.

There is no need to fear. That is just what those that would control you want.

[edit on 11/10/2007 by TheExaminer]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Wow, The Larry King show was great!
I watched the July broadcast right after!
One thing I noticed was the debunker or sceptic on July's show was dressed ver neat and seemed very educated and well spoken where as, on last nights sow... they brought in a guy who seemed rather... I don't know... not to bright maybe... all he did was deny everything but had nothing to come back with at all... accept... their minds played tricks on them. I think this is a very important message here. Also... if I remember correctly, more then once I heard someone mention that this broadcast was to break the ice or get a feel for public reaction. This is big... lets keep on it!!! ~ Jen

Here is links to July's broadcast:
Past Larry King Live on UFO's (July 13 2007)

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007 (Part 2 of 6)

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007 (Part 3 of 6)

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007 (Part 4 of 6)

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007 (Part 5 of 6)

Larry King Live on UFO's - July 2007 (Part 6 of 6)

[edit on 10-11-2007 by JEnigma]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy

so what are you saying? you don't want disclosure or the revolution?

I do, but I'm just questioning; like how we all want it to happen(including myself) but we got everything planned for it to happen and bring it forth but I don't believe anyone has planned what happens after it..that is why I think it wasn't disclosed before..kind of like that war of worlds..they were testing waters of releasing it to the public but then the reaction of the public? I don't think they want that to happen again is all i'm saying..thats why they gotta do the whole martial law and stuff I believe and it seems to all connect in a weird way if you understand what i'm trying to say.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:58 PM
I posted this last night but I will post it again.

I want you guys to take a look at this thread:

If you were in chare of disclosure, when would you do it?

Do you think the OP of the above thread is an insider really in charge of disclosure, or just a coincidence?

By the way, who the hell is Shirley McClaine? Up until now I have never heard of her before. Maybe its just because I am too young.

[edit on 11/10/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Shirley Maclaine was an actress from many years ago, she is also a dancer and writer and has been into spiritual and paranormal topics for ages.... but I haven't heard about her in a while now either. I believe she wrote a lot about spirit guides and alien contact... and she knows a lot of people... she was really famous!!! I was so surprised to see her on there but really happy about it too, she has done a lot of research.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:33 PM
Okay for those that haven't seen it, it looks like I have found Larry King's latest UFO segment.

Apologies if this has been posted but this thread was longer than I suspected and just skimmed the last few pages. Just starting to watch it now.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:23 PM
so does anyone know about a link to see the National Press Club Disclosure thats happening on Monday @ 11am EST ... bieng from Australia im not exactly familiar with how you guys present them to the public.... If anyone knows of a link to be able to see this please throw it up on here.... Cheers

[edit on 10-11-2007 by pom311]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by 2SeKsi
Wellp its going on now...

In the very beginning Larry King said that on Monday there's going to be, seemingly something big, happen at the National Press Conf. bout Disclosure.

Anyone heard anything bout this before?

Yeah but that was supposed to be Oct 30...

We have a thread on the Disclosure at the National Press Conf promised by Hoagland and an ex NASA employee

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Manincloak
IMO, people whom say the world would collapse as we know it if Aliens simply made themselves known to us, are just scaremongering.

Suggested reading "The Brookings Report"

This is the report that NASA commissioned and based on its findings made the decision to withhold info..

1938 War of the Worlds radio show made to sound like a real invasion... wide spread panic....

ET movies and TV? Sure but that hits the people like us that are into this... Do the Bible Belt or the Muslims extremists watch ET film?

And you forget one VERY important factor...

If disclosure means telling people there are all sorts of friendly Aliens flitting about our solar system... well no problem

If disclosure proves on the other hand that the Aliens are hostile, and truly have been abducting people for experiments and have been making deals with our government to let them 'collect' in return for 'alien tech' and that Reptilians that look like us (except the eyes) are wearing high ranking military uniforms...

I bet it would be different

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Beating people over the head with it isn't going to change anything I'm afraid.

You may be right... yet you continue to try... in every thread on the topic

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:31 AM
Looks like someone started another thread on this....

Originally posted by SolveCoagula
UFOS: ARE THEY FOR REAL? Larry King Show on CNN (Video Part 1)

UFOS: ARE THEY FOR REAL? Larry King Show on CNN (Video Part 2)

UFOS: ARE THEY FOR REAL? Larry King Show on CNN (Video Part 3)

UFOS: ARE THEY FOR REAL? Larry King Show on CNN (Video Part 4)

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by PrplHrt
It's the "haves" who are waging war via the "have-nots". When young men and women refuse to fight to benefit the wealthy, maybe we'll make some progress towards the next plane.
No soldiers. No wars.


I don't see how it can be honourable or noble to willingly want to join any of the armed services! They are ALL professionally trained murderers and perpetuators of the lies that are fed to them from the chain-of-command. Controversial, maybe, but it's my opinion.

A government has no power if it does not have the numbers of blind, obedient citizens who will be willing to unquestionably obey it and die for it. Here's hoping that every army on the planet never recruits a paid employee again. How many soldiers were FORCED to join and serve in the Middle East? They chose their line of employment, so I hardly feel sorry for them when they meet their fate. If death concerns them, then consider another career option - perhaps cleaning toilets would be safer for some of the mindless grunts.

I'm hoping for Disclosure, but I know we won't get it on Monday, or any other Monday that I'm alive.

Aren't the people you are bashing here the same ones who give you the great freedom you have? Without them I doubt you have the same lifestyle and freedom of speech you do now.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 04:57 PM
So this is taking place around 11 tomarrow? I assume all major news will be there......not. So that being the case I wonder where we can get a transcript or info?

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by 2SeKsi
Wellp its going on now...

In the very beginning Larry King said that on Monday there's going to be, seemingly something big, happen at the National Press Conf. bout Disclosure.

Anyone heard anything bout this before?

Yeah but that was supposed to be Oct 30...

We have a thread on the Disclosure at the National Press Conf promised by Hoagland and an ex NASA employee

It's not the Hoagland press conference, man. Did you watch the Larry King show? It's another press conference scheduled for THIS monday 11/12.

I hope it's something good, but it seems to me like it's going to be announcing the release of Fox's new movie.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:53 PM
They have chosen an interesting day for a press conference. Most of the federal government will be shut down tomorrow as the day off work holiday for Veteran's Day which was actually today. A slow news day, methinks.

U.S. Federal Holidays For 2007

[edit on 11/11/2007 by TheAvenger]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by flashback
It's not the Hoagland press conference, man. Did you watch the Larry King show? It's another press conference scheduled for THIS monday 11/12.

No I just posted the time and date I was busy on a contract so will have to catch the Youtube version

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