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UFO Bombshell Announcement CNN to Bring forth USG military Officials

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:40 AM
Perhaps it'll just be the uncovering of the name for J.J Abram's WIP, at the moment only known as "Cloverfield". I guess thats assuming it's an Alien movie (which I hope it is), and not some crappy 'Godzilla' flick!

I wonder just who will be covering it on this day though...

[edit on 12/11/07 by Navieko]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:04 AM
Will this be on C-SPAN?

I heard someone say it would be at 11 a.m est and 10 am ct, but what channel?

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:57 AM
hey where my post go moderator.

was it filed :-)

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:09 AM
It'll most probably be posted on youtube so everyone would see it.
@Zorgon, I'd like you (or anyone) to post youtube link here from NPC as those above you posted for Larry's show...


posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by zooplancton
good show tonight. of course there was the obligatory de-bunker present, but for the most part, the interview was unbiased and good to view.
gotta love them poll numbers.

we are seeing disclosure right now. in fragments and "conditioning".
really can't wait to hear about the meeting on monday of the world's various countries representatives and what they have to say.

"conditioning". Yep I agree, The visual elements of the show were telling. The video playing in the background and the loser nerd for the skeptic.

Discloser can be a two way street and I am wondering if we should think outside the box for a moment. Has anybody asked the question that ET might be pushing for discloser. I mean let's just take an aircraft carrier size ship and go and buzz a passenger jet for half an hour. Could ET know our language so they know where they stand in the media and with public opion. For all we know LOL they could have been watching Larry and voted in the poll. There are a lot of interesting possibilities if you think ET has some morals and might be concerned about how they are being protrayed by the elite.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:37 AM
CNN has this conference live on their website right now.

CNN Live Video

Click on the link, then click "CNN live" toward the bottom of the page. finally select UFO Conference for the live feed.

[edit on 11/12/2007 by TheAvenger]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I saw about 20-30 minutes of the conference after tuning in late and having the usual distractions here at work. I did't see or hear anything new or different at all. Perhaps someone else saw it in it's entirety and can offer a better report.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 02:59 PM
any video??? can't find it@

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by tttt
any video??? can't find it@

Maybe someone will post a link if it's put on YouTube or somewhere. I only saw it live, and it ended hours ago.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:31 PM
Any real information on UFOs and that will only lead into free energy. Not expecting the power monopoly to sit back on this one.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by cravin Could ET know our language so they know where they stand in the media and with public opion. For all we know LOL they could have been watching Larry and voted in the poll. There are a lot of interesting possibilities if you think ET has some morals and might be concerned about how they are being protrayed by the elite.

LOL well here is another mind blower...

Our TV and radio signals that left the Earth 50 years ago are just now reaching the 50 light year mark from Earth... How many stars are within that radius? Not to many So take that to the first radio wave that left Earth....

The first extended broadcast of the human voice was transmitted through the air on December 24, 1906

If ET is not in the vicinity they would not even know yet that there IS any intelligent life out here...

And if yhey are just now getting all those old b&w TV images of how we treated 'Alien Visitors" and 'Flying Saucers'... well If I was them I would give this rock a wide berth

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Here it is the 12th of November and as I thought no big truth told. hate to be the bummer but some of you need to understnd they are NEVER going to tell the truth. They would have to come up with a lie about the reason they have been hiding the truth. Please.....

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Well Disclosure may be starting to heat up after all...

The Larry King Show on CNN on Friday with the follow up tonight has already been picked up by other news media...

The Globe and mail Toronto Canada
U.S. urged to reopen UFO investigations
November 12, 2007 at 8:18 PM
The Globe and Mail

BBC News
Call for US to re-open UFO file
By Will Grant
November 13, 2007

There are already four threads going on this... hard to keep up with all of them LOL

The Star Online
Former pilots, officials call for new U.S. UFO probe
The Star

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 02:51 AM
Zorgon, saw this on CNN tonight, and on the local (FOX) affiliate earlier. It was a National Press Conference release? If it is finally getting REAL media attention, it's about time!

Is this part of the 'Disclosure Project' I've read about? AND, if so, what is to stop certain agencies from quelling this again? Could any of this be a DisInfo ploy?

Seriously, just wondering.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:39 AM
Could someone who recorded the UFO Conference on CNN upload the complete live stream on or

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:00 AM
So it's back to square one! What was the big deal? The same old wine in the same old bottle! A couple of guys with a couple of episodes that happened a couple of decades ago. Haven't we heard all this before? Darn! These radio/TV shows on aliens/UFOs/disclosures are just getting boring to the point of death!

And to think I fought for a ring side seat to see Larry King's new earth shattering evidence that would probably change the course of history!
Why am I so stupid to have even bothered?


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:22 AM
It's good to see the debunker they used did not seem credible, and you could tell he himself was being consumed with his own lies.
Having Shirley answer questions, however bright she may be, may have been a detraction to credibility however, intentional or not.

Let me reitterate that CNN & every other television news agency make their money off of corporate sponsers; and the ones with the most power(oil & pharmaceutical) would be stood on their ear if the people found out the we would never have of these so-called crisis with the technology they are keeping under wraps, allot of same isn't even of extraterestial origin.
(i.e. battery powered transportation, batteries that never run out, metalic ions in low level concentrations able to kill any known virus).
The alien technology discloser may be a bit tricky however, we can't have a bunch of high school punks flying around in UFOs.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
So it's back to square one! What was the big deal?

You missed the important part Mike...

Usually when Mainstream does the UFO topic you will get one "for" person who is usually nervous and made to look a nut case and they have expert debunkers who generally have PhD's or something to tell the poor rube why he is wrong...

THIS time the UFO dudes were the calm and collected with Titles type and the one skeptic was made to look the fool... Listen to the way Larry King made the last comment before cutting the skeptic short something like " So these guys are lying? yeah Right.

Watch the body language especially the Skeptic... man that guy was SQUIRMING... I bet there was a wet spot on his chair

So the point is that this time it was a very well done and positive report and look at the votes 82$ of those who did the pole believe.

As to the reports

Triangle HUGE confirmed by the Senayor touched by the other guy and they had contact with it for 4o minutes or so...

This is BIG though it may not seem important to many... Its already trickling through main stream media. The trick is to keep the fire fanned

Here is the google video of the Larry King show for those who missed it. When I find the conference I will post it

Google Video Link

[edit on 13-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:58 PM
From the other thread...

Originally posted by guavas
You guys see this yet?

Apparently, this blogger is a reporter who attended the conference in question.

[edit on 13-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by zorgon

OK, Ron, I agree that we've got to keep the embers burning and gradually fan it into a raging fire.

Having said that why don't these guys bring some photographic evidence? As mentioned, a huge triangle was confirmed by the Senator and vouched for by the other guy and they had contact with it for 40 minutes or so...Guess senators don't carry their camera cell phones with them. And the other guy who vouched for it forgot the darn thing at home.

Even Greer's last MUFON presentation on 10th Nov failed to produce anything substantial. He did speak of 'Lilliputian Aliens' which he and his scientific team met in some obscure spot. Why the devil did he not provide compelling evidence of these so called 'Lilliputian Aliens'? Why didn't he take his camera along? Where are the pictures/videos? If he has them, then why hasn't he shown them?

That would've ended all speculation about aliens and their UFOs in one fell swoop! Get my drift?


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