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NEEDED: everyones theories, beliefs, facts on the here

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

Granted that a lot of others were murdered , the de-formed, the retarded, the gypsies were almost wiped out, roman Catholics, Jehovah witnesses, Mormons, all killed. Jews were the Asian of their times hard working, helping their own families, saving money to better themselves ( the trickle down economics worked and when Hitler destroyed them ,he killed the German economy.) Do a town by town search in Europe for Jews lost in the war. It is no hoax , look for the original books put out by the American legion right after the war. The pictures are graphic. If Zionists have had such a head start in controlling the world they would have been in complete charge by now. Iran and Iraq would be off the map. They would have their Temple and be the major world power to deal with. As for Palestine it comes from the word Philistine, who were invaders to that part of the world they were not Arabs or Semites. They were Greek by heritage they were not related in any way to Arabs. The word that Arabs use for that area is Falastin. Taken from the Greek Roman word Palastina whose root word means dividers , pretenders and invaders. I am sorry but I don’t remember which roman leader named that area after the philistines just to tick off the Jews. There are no real Palestinians. The area the United Nations gave to the people living in “Palestine” was taken by Jordan and Syria, they considered “those people” as lower than the low, and with no army, easy pickings. Arab brothers, hating Arab Brothers.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by sequan-1

Now you sound like a Zionist - or Jewish apologist! You ignored my comments and are repeating your forgone conclusions. If you really wanted to know the truth and investigated the questions and findings about the fake 'Holocaust' that I raised (and that several 'Holocaust Deniers' like Zundel are raising), your response could not have come so soon.

The playing with the names of Palestine and insulting the people who lived/live there until the Zionists started murdering them (before 1948 until now) - ignoring the genocide still in progress - makes you either ignorant or a Zionist sympathizer, if not a Zionist outright. My guess is that you're a Zionist (ZioChristian?). Fortunately, the future for Zionists is as bleak as the past was for the fake 'Holocaust' victims. Yahweh's BIG MELT is coming.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by time4chg07

Hi all,

The first problem encountered with the bible is to do with the translation from Hebrew to Greek and God knows how many other languages, the problem is with each translation there have been small mistakes made in the translation which amount in the end to people getting the wrong message for example if you have a copy of the Jerusalem bible, flip through to Luke 24,22 and read where it states “two whole days have gone by” now take a copy of the king James bible and go to the same verse and chapter and you will see it clearly states three days, a blatant twist of the bible for all with eyes to see.

There are and is a lot of truth to be gleaned from what the bible says, peoples first mistake is too take the bible at face value and read it like some stereo typical book, this is wrong for the bible jumps around quite a lot so one minute you could be reading about the end times and the next something about Jesus’ resurrection..

Again take genesis, some religious types take this to mean the very beginning of the universe, this is simply wrong (fossils prove this), read it again but keep in mind that God is repairing the earth, not making it, it is A beginning, not the beginning. Its correct translation should in A beginning, not The. Read on “Gods spirit hovered over the water” i.e. the water was already there.

Another one is the resurrection of Jesus Christ taking place on a Sunday morning, this is simply wrong, this requires in depth explanation which I can give but will save for now as I only have so much room to type but save to say that it took place on the Saturday evening.

In genesis God clearly marked out the way in which we should keep time i.e. sun rise = starts of day and sunset = end of day. God is simple in his ways and humans still lose the way and mess things up.

This is jus a tiny portion and if you would like to hear more just ask, good luck with your pastor.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:49 PM
if you have read the bible, actualy sat down and read it, you will find more contradictions in a single book then there are in the Coby rape trial. if you ask me there is a unifying force to the universe we cant explain, and any time a group of humans try to empose its explenation of it onto others, it is corrupted

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:43 PM
catholic = universal church - if your a believer your a catholic. Roman Catholic is something much different. Christian means little Christ or Christ like. the followers of Christ were called this as a form of abuse by the Romans and they accepted the name willingly as a honor. Hence to be called a Christian of Jesus is an honor to great to fathom that many people take for granted.

response to:

"Well, you see that's the biggest problem with Christians today. You feel that since there are people out there who don't believe like you do, that they are going to hell. Oh, but you are going to heaven of course because you know you have seen blind eyes opened."

my history to yours is quite different. I got to know GOD not religiously (I did not grow up in the bible belt) but in a relationship way, I lived in the world, I did a lot of things the world did, I thought how the world thought, I talked how the world talked, GOD worked on me for many years and brought me to this point sometimes kicking. How can I water it down to appease you or anyone else and sell out my LORD. No thank you and please take this the best way I can word it. He's my best friend, He was and is patient and HIS love is breathtaking. The greatest love here I can show is to tell it to you with all truth, strait up with no twists and turns to hold anyones hand.... I'm planting that seed that so few are scared to address because it doesn't meet ones ideals in todays norm - with love I will let GOD do the rest. For those who read this, theres so many variations being tied in here, so many twisted form of religious doctrine incorporated that its so watered down that only the basics are really going to be given here and thats sad and unfortunately thats exactly what satan wants. If he can keep all bickering on the little things the power that Jesus delegated to the church through His name is missed. Do we have to wonder why signs and wonders which Jesus said will follow those who believe are not evident in many of the churches??? Thats also one of the problems with "Church variations", they are watering down the word and not standing on the authority that Christ has dictated to the body. I don't follow everything what man says pastor or not, I take it to GOD and HE proves it though revelation reading His word or HE will bring others my way who will confirm HIS word if it is HIS teaching and not someones interpertation of the word and HE is always just to hold up HIS end of the bargain. He confirms it. The norm in the church that says to hold everyones hand its ok feel good church doesn't understand that GOD and people are looking for people who are going to make a stand for GOD and not get caught up in all the he said she said stuff. Its GODS word, its HIS body, its filled with love, devotion, dedication, accountability, responsibility, and much much more. Theres so much to this walk with GOD than "I" or "me". Its about saving ones souls but thats the beginning. Understand word church, GOD called us to be his "called out ones". His church, the understanding has changed over the years. Church = His government here on earth, standards and practices, Jesus used the word Ekklessiais for church

Ekklesia (“gathering of those summoned”), in ancient Greece, assembly of citizens in a city-state. Its roots lay in the Homeric agora, the meeting of the people. The Athenian Ecclesia, for which exists the most detailed record, was already functioning in Draco's day (c. 621 BC). In the course of Solon's codification of the law (c. 594 BC), the Ecclesia became coterminous with the body of male citizens 18 years of age or over and had final control over policy, including the right to hear appeals in the heliaia (public court), take part in the election of archons (chief magistrates), and confer special privileges on individuals.

hell is in the bible and just as real like or not.

whats more important? Souls saved and set free or coffers earned? Simple answer hard question.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:59 PM
from previous post...

ekklesia (ek-klay-see'-ah); from a compound of NT:1537 and a derivative of NT:2564; a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): KJV - assembly, church.

(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

although the word used changed by todays understanding it was not meant to be so, GOD is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments.

John 15:9-16:7

9 “Just as my Father has loved me, I too have loved you; so stay in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will stay in my love — just as I have kept my Father’s commands and stay in his love. 11 I have said this to you so that my joy may be in you, and your joy be complete.

12 “This is my command: that you keep on loving each other just as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love than a person who lays down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends, if you do what I command you. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is about; but I have called you friends, because everything I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, I chose you; and I have commissioned you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last; so that whatever you ask from the Father in my name he may give you. 17 This is what I command you: keep loving each other!

18 “If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, the world would have loved its own. But because you do not belong to the world — on the contrary, I have picked you out of the world — therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they kept my word, they will keep yours too. 21 But they will do all this to you on my account, because they don’t know the One who sent me.

22 “If I had not come and spoken to them, they wouldn’t be guilty of sin; but now, they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father also. 24 If I had not done in their presence works which no one else ever did, they would not be guilty of sin; but now, they have seen them and have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this has happened in order to fulfill the words in their Torah which read, ‘They hated me for no reason at all.’

26 “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send you from the Father — the Spirit of Truth, who keeps going out from the Father — he will testify on my behalf. 27 And you testify too, because you have been with me from the outset.

16 1 “I have told you these things so that you won’t be caught by surprise. 2 They will ban you from the synagogue; in fact, the time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is serving God! 3 They will do these things because they have understood neither the Father nor me. 4 But I have told you this, so that when the time comes for it to happen, you will remember that I told you. I didn’t tell you this at first, because I was with you. 5 But now I am going to the One who sent me.

“Not one of you is asking me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 Instead, because I have said these things to you, you are overcome with grief. 7 But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don’t go away, the comforting Counselor will not come to you. However, if I do go, I will send him to you.

To know the love of Jesus, wonder of GOD, read, study, let Him teach you.

Not vain opinions of men who are here today gone tomorrow.

- the bible is such a beautiful expression of GODS love for His people, He's always knocking always seeking to know you.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:21 PM
52 of the 55 signers of the declaration of Independence were orthodox Christians? the other 3 were firm believers in the bible as well

Patric Henery - one of the founding fathers famous quote... if you can find it in the history books... GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH he said... "an appeal to arms and the GOD of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just GOD that presides over the "destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or so sweet as to be purchased at the prices of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty GOD. I know not course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." The speech given March 23, 1775, St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia, credited with having swung the balance in convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. In attendance were Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, the crowd, upon hearing the speech, jumped up and shouted , "To Arms! To Arms!"

in 1776 Patric Henry... "it cannot be emphasized to strongly or to often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians; not on religion, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded the freedom of worship here."

George Washington
"it is impossible to govern the world without God and the bible. Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are the indispensable supporters. Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that out national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

in 1782 the US congress voted this resolution
The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools."

did you know that harvard was founded by Christian and for a 100 years 50 percent of its graduates were pastors...

1963 the supreme court decided to take the bible out of the school. the justification... if portions of the NT were read without explanation, the could be and have been, psychologically harmful to children." "if the posted copies of the 10 commandments were to have any effect at all, it would be to introduce school children to read them. And if they read them, meditated upon them, and perhaps venerated and observed them, this is not a permissible objective."

"don't interfere with anything in the constitution. that must be maintained. for it is the only safeguards for our liberties." Pres. Abraham Lincoln.

"the New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world" - Charles Dickens

"a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education" Pres. Theodore Roosevelt.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke

"freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the US where men were free." Pres. Ronald Reagan

"a nation which does not remember what is was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know here we came from or what we have been about. The Bible is the one supreme source of the revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of GOD and spiritual nature and needs of men. It is the only guide of life, which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation. America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelation of HOLY SCRIPTURES. - Pres Woodrow Wilson.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:31 PM
To explain a little better....

The Church existed...for nearly 500 years before anything identical to what we now call "the Bible" could have been printed.

A truly Christian understanding of the Scriptures, however, must be founded in truth...not in thoughtless acceptance of the "received" notion in one's own that circle Orthodox, Roman Catholic, or Protestant. When we speak of "the bible" we speak of a collection of books. The earliest of these existed in oral form long before they were written down, but attained a written form many centuries before the birth of Our Lord. The latest of these books where written many years after His Resurrection... the very latest, probably, as late as the end of the first century, some 60 or more years after the Resurrection. The former, of course, comprise the Old Testament that he refers...few of the New Testament books had even been written yet, and complete agreement in the Church as to which books comprised the "New" Testament was yet several centuries off. Many individual books of both Old and New Testaments, exited first in papyrus scrolls, then later in hand-copied huge volumes containing one or a very few books on very similar material. A complete "Bible", had it been possible to assemble one, would have occupied a good-sized set of book shelves.

Which came first...
The Chicken or the Egg?

This classic riddle is very much to the point here. In point of time, it should be apparent that the Church long precedes the Bibles as an integral collection of books, and considerably precedes even the individual books of the New Testament. Thus, it is quite certain that the Church founded by Our Lord was not "based on the Bible". The Church created by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost had no Bible as we know it...and didn't have to have it to be truly the Church.

My source is from a little "book" i have called: The St. John Of Kranstadt Press Rt. 1 Box 205 Liberty, TN 37095. ISBN 912927 - 36 - 4

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

your true colors indeed show ,I just happen to be a history buff. Enjoyed the threat, I assume you wear a paper hat and are offering me a tuna melt I like it with goat cheese

learn to study both sides don't believe everything you hear in the mosque, and try the ham its delish

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:55 PM
About the Old Testament....
Everyone seems to forget that Jesus was a JEW.
And that Christians were first called Christians at Antioch!!
They really should have never been given another name.
God said he would come.
He came in the flesh. He was tempted in all manners like us.
The flesh died for our sins.
The flesh's body was transformed and ascended into heaven and sits on the throne.
God is the ONE spirit. The Christ was the flesh.
The Christ said he came in his father's name.
His name was Jesus.
Jesus sits on the throne.
Jesus taught from the Old testament. That was the law and the prophets. He gave them those words and prophecies.
And again.....Jesus never changed the name of the Jews because he came to fulfill the Old Testament. And there in that Old Testament is where he said he will come to us and fill us with his Spirit so that "if that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in us, it will also quicken Our mortal body at the last trumpet" when the dead are raised incorruptible.
You have sure picked a big subject. I think you had best pray for Jesus to infill you and then He can guide you in your quest.
And remember....Jesus said "he that believes and is baptized shall be saved"
Make sure the baptizer says "I baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ" when he baptizes you. All that father son and HSpirit is way too vague and the bible says we must be "buried with Christ". So that means immersion in his name.
This is what the bible says. Everything else is just so much rigamarole that man introduced over the last 2000 years.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by ready4whatever

Everyone knows the Chicken came first.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by tikcufan74

Very nice post, thank you. It is good to be reminded of these basic facts. God help us in these last days, as America becomes increasingly apostate and the blessings of liberty are lost.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 05:27 AM
well i know that jesus was a horse theif

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by tikcufan74
hell is in the bible and just as real like or not.

The word "hell" may be found in some translations but the meaning of the word is incorrect and does not mean an eternal place of torture. This was made up by the modern church as a means to control us.

Here are some links to what the word translated "hell" in the Bible actually means.

Lake of Fire - Part A

Lake of Fire - Part B

Lake of Fire - Part C

Lake of Fire - Part D1

Lake of Fire - Part D2

Lake of Fire - Part D3

Lake of Fire - Part D4

What if I told you that almost everything you ever believed was wrong.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:13 AM
The Bible -

Old Testament: Perverted history of the ancient world.

New Testament: Fiction written by the Church to maintain control over the masses.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

What if I told you that almost everything you ever believed was wrong.

Good one.

I am a man of faith, I don't believe something just because somebody else does. I am a believer from my own experiences. If I am being "controlled by the masses" then why am I successful, happy, and intelligent? I love god with all my mind, heart, and soul. And I like to treat everybody the way I would like to be treated. Those are the two most main commandments that are supposed to be followed. Is that really wrong? I am not here to judge anyone's beliefs, but there is far more things to being a Christian then to "follow the bible".

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by ready4whatever

Ready4 Whatever- your avatar is hypnotic, it becomes mirror images after a few seconds- even just in the corner of my eye. sorry but for some reason I find it unsettling. This is not just an attention thing- It really does kind of freak me out- not just visually and coincidently, but truely to my core. It's like a Love/Hate compulsion.
I was probably just on the verge of an epileptic seizure, but it was difficult to pull away. cool in a strange kind of way.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:10 AM
As always, leave it to religion as a discussion topic to send everyone into fits. Everyone has their history with beliefs...times they became disenchanted, times their beliefs were reinforced, etc. Anytime I hear someone who is a converted humanist or agnostic, Its the same set of problems with religion (any or all of the following):

1. Science
2. Philosophy
3. Dogmatic exclusivity
4. People (and how wrong they are)

But really, it's actually the latter of these problems: people. Whether it be lecherous priests or crazy bible beaters, its people that piss off so many people. For instance, I'm a christian. I also think evolution occurs (the way science says it does, not some christian-friendly version), and I think God created the universe, like it says in Genesis. But Genesis isn't a science book. It's a general layout passed though 2500-3000 years of written tradition and perhaps years upon years of oral tradition. What really pisses me off though is the creation museum and the same crap christians come out with, not to engage in a discussion that furthers understanding, but to circumvent and undermine it
There is nothing wrong with questioning the Bible, just as there is nothing wrong with questioning science. I would say devout christians have done a lot to strengthen evolution as a theory. In the same manner, Philosophers, Scientists, not to mention Historians, Literary analysts, and Archaeologists (what do you know, I happen to be the last of these types of people) have done a lot to fortify belief...and maybe some things that have sought to circumvent or undermine religion in the same way the creationist museum have to science. Trust me, there are disreputable scientists as well as priests.
The problem though is people who lash out at God in response to these kinds of adversity. I mean if the fact that people are idiots or just plain suck is reason enough to not believe in God, good luck to you. But when I hear (obviously paraphrased) "yeah f*** the bible its just this or that" or "God is the universe" or "Jesus wasn't blah blah blah", I have to think now what logic lead you to that conclusion? Most of the time they have no reason to say that accept for
1. they got a raw deal from some a**hole pastor/church/bible thumper/parents, and
2. they read such and such from,, or meetmydips*** (I have no idea if those are real sites).

Or maybe humanists have some good ideas, I dunno. In the same sense, my psychological beliefs are very influential: when people say they used to be christian but now are spiritual/agnostic/atheist, my brain tells me "hmmm...I guess they just don't want to do what Jesus asks them to." And sometimes that really is what it comes down to! Because in all its simple commandments, being a christian is hard! You have to put something above yourself and be humble and loving and give credit for everything decent you've ever done to God. And that sucks...we'd like to think good and true and loving behavior comes naturally to us rather than hateful, bloody, war-like, lecherous, envious type stuff, which is what we're really interested in! Ask any artist, "What's art all about?" she'll say "sex and death." That's our real natural disposition. We have to fight that.
But I'm not here or anywhere else to say that Zoroastrians or Muslims or Hinduists or anyone else is going to hell. I don't know that...really what it all boils down to is God's decision. God is not unjust. But people suck.

Ask yourself: Why do you believe what you believe? I know why I'm a Christian...beyond a million little snippets of fact and historical text and dogma and upbringing and warm fuzzy feelings...its because God loves me, and I have to do the best I can to reciprocate.

Oh, and women are equal to men no matter what leviticus says, you don't have permission from God to kill anyone, and the "sin" of homosexuality really can be up to interpretation.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by purple girl
reply to post by ready4whatever

Ready4 Whatever- your avatar is hypnotic, it becomes mirror images after a few seconds- even just in the corner of my eye. sorry but for some reason I find it unsettling. This is not just an attention thing- It really does kind of freak me out- not just visually and coincidently, but truely to my core. It's like a Love/Hate compulsion.
I was probably just on the verge of an epileptic seizure, but it was difficult to pull away. cool in a strange kind of way.

haha, thank you purple girl, I'll take that as a compliment.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:15 AM
I agree with your point dd0gr, there was no better way of putting it.

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