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NEEDED: everyones theories, beliefs, facts on the here

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posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by time4chg07
reply to post by tnt3kgt

thank you i appreciatte your reply, although i still have questions about things, atleast you are one on here that wanted to give an answer and not get on me for questioning my faith..or tell me to read the bible more..cuz i have, thoroughly.

I just wonder why we still adhere to some of those rules..and wonder why such a loving god ordered so many people women and children to be killed in the old testament, it just seems like, its gods word right? back then that was gods mindset, so why would it change just because we have. isnt he supposed to be consistent.

Not a problem, its always good to question your faith instead of blindly following. Which rules are you refering to that we still adhere to?

Have you ever seen the Gary Larson far side comics where God is portrayed in a classroom environment and the Earth is in a jar like a school science project?

Sometimes I wonder that he didn't continue to learn and grow himself after creating us and everything else. It almost seems like he did just that. And I dont recall anything that says he cannot change his mind about things etc.

Remember all those times in the OT when he was about to unleash some fury on somewhere like Sodam and Gomorah? Well he went through with that one but he was persuaded to let Lot and his family go free as they were righteous and would have spared the entire wicked city if enough righteous could be found.

There are plenty of other examples where Moses or someone else intercedes and seems to convince him to change his mind (usually in regard to punishment). So I think its safe to say he can and does change his mind sometimes! (he must have free will also)

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 04:44 AM
Bleh, I hate to argue against such an awesome post but...

"God is not a man that he should change his mind"

"I am the lord the same today and yesterday. . . I change not. . . "

But if that contradicts the debates with Moses and Abraham, consider from whose perspective said debates were dealt with... and consider that what God said he would initially do was done anyway.
If anything this shows that the Israelites were encouraged to question God's decisions . Now I'm delving into opinion, but I think that would have been for the benefit of those arguing, I.E it was more important that Abraham knew how far he would go if God asked him ("sacrifice your son" "no, stop, I was just testing you..."), or that Moses see what he thought if God was going to kill his people, Etc.
But then again, maybe I'm just talking nonsense. . . wouldn't be the first time.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by cajones
Bleh, I hate to argue against such an awesome post but...

"God is not a man that he should change his mind"

"I am the lord the same today and yesterday. . . I change not. . . "

But if that contradicts the debates with Moses and Abraham, consider from whose perspective said debates were dealt with... and consider that what God said he would initially do was done anyway.
If anything this shows that the Israelites were encouraged to question God's decisions . Now I'm delving into opinion, but I think that would have been for the benefit of those arguing, I.E it was more important that Abraham knew how far he would go if God asked him ("sacrifice your son" "no, stop, I was just testing you..."), or that Moses see what he thought if God was going to kill his people, Etc.
But then again, maybe I'm just talking nonsense. . . wouldn't be the first time.

I think I have to agree with you and say that in the end His will is ultimatley achieved. It may merely appear that He changes His mind on a matter only when He does what he intended to do all along in the end.

A good example of this would be

Jonah 3:9-10
9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish."

10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

Here God sent Jonah to warn Nineveh about thier impending destruction in 40 days. He allowed for them to repent and by his compassion witheld the destruction He had threatened.

Was Gods will to destroy Nineveh or to have them repent and turn from thier sins so he could spare them that destruction? I would say the later and that was what happened, but they had to do this to persuade him...

5 The Ninevites believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.

6 When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 7 Then he issued a proclamation in Nineveh:
"By the decree of the king and his nobles:
Do not let any man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.

So to summarize I am not trying to say He says one thing and does another, but rather through prayer, fasting, and petition the people were able to convince him to withold the destruction he warned about.

They did the above in accordance with His will, and in His foreknowledge he knew what the outcome would be if he sent Jonah they would repent etc. So while it appears he changes his mind about destroying them...

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

I've always had a soft spot for cavaliers...

No, of course homosexuality was not "acceptable".
(And their society was, as I indicated, by no means the only one that disapproved of it.)

Let me put it this way: I don't see any indications in Paul's (who, again, is not my favourite character) or anyone else's speech (in the NT) that could be interpreted as condoning killing a homosexual for being one (of for anything else, of course).

There's certainly nothing in Christ's words that could make it even conceivable.

And that's what counts, in my opinion.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:53 PM
What made you question your faith? Why do you feel organized religion doesn't work? Dictatorship? A beautiful thing I heard about king David and Israel is this. Unlike the leaders of today King David was not just a politician but a leader, a General a person who loved his people and would die for his people in an instant. Now I see this a problem with todays leaders. Why did they choose their path. What are there intentions? Now if you pick up any slightest hint of ill intent than how does this affect you, a person there for leadership and guidance? Your pastor for example has to be a person that loves you and wants to see you succeed and the feeling should be mutual. just like the house you choose to worship in. I feel terrible when people question about donations and how mega churches deal with money or how Catholic churches I believe dump all extra money to the Vatican.

As far as you wanting other opinions that is fine but I must urge you to seek all these things out on your own as well. Never be tainted by another's beliefs. What you find natural seek it. If you feel anything wrong seek out why. Apply this to everything. OT is never talked about I know. Its like it was a mistake but mentioned out of respect. So it seems portrayed that way. I study the Torah and when you dive in it opens up beauty like nothing else. I feel within Christianity it is not mentioned just as it seems forgotten that Jesus was a Jew. Or how 90 years later one of the books that were "accepted" in the NT stated the law is bondage or all the talk of circumcision being a sin. I also feel you must consider one's closeness to G-d who has choose the books in the NT.

As far as approaching your pastor, I would consider what brought you to this point. What gave you these ills. Than search out if the ills or just or brought on by secular society or majority views by people against religion.

Women oppression, well I can comment most on the Torah and I have not seen this. I have seen brother go after canannites for forcing there self on one of their sisters. I have seen a Husband saying he was his wife's brother to protect her from being raped. Now from the start to the end you will have feminine attributes and we can't deny this truth. I don't think woman would find it natural to work the fields or hunt. I don't feel this is something of a brainwash either. It's natural.

Murder, Killing for faith? In the Torah I have never seen or heard of anyone being killed for this. It is said to "treat foreigners good as you were once a foreigner in a foreign land (Egypt). As far as Zealots i n modern day killing or putting people down for one's beliefs or non beliefs, well I think this is reflection one those person's self.

Homosexuality? The Torah forbids the homosexual act, known as mishkav zakhar, but has nothing to say about homosexuality as a state of being or a personal inclination. So one could be observant. The point is if it was natural and not a conflicted soul doing an unnatural act out of lust or being raped and acting it out again etc.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 02:06 PM
And if the old testament isn’t relevant because of christs crucifixtion then how come it is in the bible to begin with? :
I could go on about this forever but it seems (no offense) that unless it is all about Jesus Christians don't want to hear about it. I feel most do selective reading and only the NT part is read by most. When I see scripture wars online where everyone is quoting out of the bible it is always NT writings. So really it is Bias. Jesus was a Jew. He and his family observed the law. The book written about the law being bondage was written much later after the crucifixion. Plus one must consider one's closeness with G-d and intent when editing what books go in the NT. I don't believe in fate so I could never think the books would be right due to fate of mankind. I due believe in will of G-d if one accepts it. So that would be an area of study for you. See who did this accepting and who they were, if they wrote any papers as to get a feeling for who they were.

Also anyone have thoughts on this link?
if you go to the link the dark bible, you will find some interesting points.
-I think the authors of that site have one intention. I also feel every time they picked up a bible was to find the answer they wanted. I doubt they had an unbiased approach and I would think they hearts were hardened just like Pharaoh's was when the Jewish people wanted freedom.

Well you haave 16 pages of replies. May my words touch your ears.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:36 AM
I find this “thread” very interesting and could spend the time to read all 15 pages; however, I will attempt to explain my faith in a few words. God created man to have a relationship with him, he wanted a relationship with someone (or more) who did not have to be in relationship with him and he only had one rule. Once that one rule was broke, the man (and woman) knew the difference between good and evil. The did evil things all along before they new the difference, but that did not matter to God because he knew they did not know the difference. So the relationship changed based on what the man knew (thought). From then on all that was written was designed to show us that what we think effects our relationship with God. Once God decided on Abraham, (a man who did things, willing to kill his son for his God, begged God not to kill all the people no madder what there where doing) his thoughts seem to say I will follow your rules, and I love everybody no matter what they do. In time his children began to think what they did mattered more to God that what they thought. Overall I have learned what I think effect what I do, how I think of other effect how I treat them.
So in the end it comes down to what I think, that is important to God, (the only true thought police) what I do will reveal what I think. An few examples that are argued about here
The treatment of those who claim to be homosexual by those who claim to be Christian. I find the Bible to show me in both the old and New Testament I am not to judge those who do not know God and what ever they do is up to them. The killing of homosexual prescribed in the Old Testament was only for those who were Jew. In the new testament, if the person who practices homosexual behavior claims to be a Christian we are to avoid him/her, if they do not claim to be a Christian we are not to judge them they do not know the difference in there behavior.
The leadership of the church, as with the OT leader they did many things wrong and we are to leave them in Gods hands. An OT example Saul was king, but God had rejected him and choice David. David who was king in God’s eyes served Saul and Saul tried to kill David, but David kept his hands off Saul leaving him in Gods hands. In the NT it is written they (the leaders) have Moses seat and we have to do what they say, but should not do what they do. So again as I see it, it comes down to what I think, do I think everyone is on Gods mind and he will take each person as far as they are willing to go. All I need to do in have a relationship with God. Others seem to think they have to enforce God on people who don’t know him. It kind of like saying to someone you have to marry him/her and it does not matter what you think you will do it. That’s just crazy thinking.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'm in the same boat as you. I came across this site through a link earlier and read a really interesting discussion about JWs and NWO and since registering I haven't been able to find the forum again! I'm very intersted in the Watchers, what do you know of them? Have you read the book of Enoch taken out of the bible about the point of Genesis 6?? Am new to this site, please,please reply.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Hi all, it is no doubt the most difficult subject to talk about surely.
At the moment I am not going to go in to it too deep because I want to read the max I can on the other pages so to catch up.
But I would like to say for the ones who believe or use to believe or have some knowledge already about these things. I would like to remind everyone that we are leaving I believe in one of the darkest hours for human kind, meaning: confusion, turmoil, lies,etc etc and last but surely not least I must remind you that the prince of this world, if not already ruling at 100% but big time is the destroyer him self, Satan and all his anti-Christ’s followers. So it is not easy to keep head straight because he is at work big time. We cannot see God, the same way we cannot see Satan but that doesn’t mean he isn’t at work. I think he is pretty much busy especially with the believers that are the ones he wants to destroy; the non believers do not worry him.
Why was Jesus sent to earth? Why did he have to perform everything that he did? Why did he have to die?

Jesus was sent to earth because God looked everywhere and could not find one human with no sin, not even one. Jesus came to show humanity that there is a God, I believe that even the chosen people by the time of Jesus where already lost long time ago, they didn’t know God anymore, they knew that he existed from their ancestors and kept ritual to the ‘Gods’ but they have forgotten the real nature of the one true God. So God with mercy he has send his beloved son the only one that could deliver, and testify of the Father (it was with that relation he came) till death. It meant that even facing death Jesus would stand by God. Let me say this so you understand. Jesus when was crucified HE WAS THE ONLY BELIEVER OF GOD OF ISRAEL. Can you imagine that? Jesus has a man, he must have thought, I am dying for humanity and no one believes in the father like I do, and so it was. Matthew 27.46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi,[c] lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He was alone, for our sake my friends. Maybe we haven’t understood everything yet about the journey of mankind on this earth but I think soon we will know it. Oh my God, what happened that day on that place in this earth was tremendous so it still lives after 2000 years, and where all were guilty that day, all had his blood in their hands,: the Romans(the authorities, the pagans), the Israelites(the chosen people, Jews), the Priests (the church of those times), even the followers of Christ at some degree( they accepted Jesus has the one sent by God but the disciples did not know God, for real). Everyone that existed at that time ‘killed him’, with no exception. And let me tell you this, when it is mentioned all, or all human kind it means exactly that, because no matter what time, past future, present. that Jesus would have come; it would have been all the same. When Jesus was arrested and brought forward to his enemies, He said: Luke 22:53
Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns."

Darkness: some words for whom shall find some truth in the bible.

Mark 15:33
[ The Death of Jesus ] At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour.

Luke 1:79
to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace."
Luke 11:34
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.

Luke 11:35
See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.

Luke 22:53
Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns."
Luke 23:44
[ Jesus' Death ] It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour,)
John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

John 3:19
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

John 8:12
[ The Validity of Jesus' Testimony ] When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

John 12:31
Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.

John 12:35
Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.

John 12:46
I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

John 14:30
I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me,

Acts 2:20
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.

The Plan of Satan is to destroy anything that can remind us of Jesus. Satan will almost succeed by doing it so. Even the chosen ones will be deceived but the finest hour of our Lord Jesus Christ will destroy Satan and the ones whom act with him at an hour that anybody knows not even the Son of God. It will be a time when there will be peace on earth and people have no passion for God. Watch out, that was is warning. I leave it for now. There is so much to know but most important Jesus was trying to warn us and whoever tries to do that must be a friend.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 05:35 PM
one more thing and this is my opinion again.

Has the bible been changed, problably it has so to serve certain people. Has the whole bible been changed no i do not think so. The main message that needs to be passed till the end is still there and that is what counts.

Look at this passage, the last passage of the book of revelations.

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

It will happen so it means that changes have occur in the bible. And there will be ones whom their names will be not in the book of life.

to finish i leave you with the rest of the passage and final words of the book of revelations.

He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:06 PM

Hebrew -English

Adam- Man

Seth- Appointed

Enosh - Mortal

Kenan- Sorrow;

Mahalalel- The Blessed God

Jared - Shall come down

Enoch- Teaching

Methuselah- His death shall bring

Lamech -The Despairing

Noah- Rest, or comfort.

Anyway this is just one of many mysteries of the Bible encoded spiritually, plus add up the numerical values in hebrew and the rest of it and patterns with in it's writing and Bible codes being discovered.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:40 PM
I know that this is probably the biggest topic in history. For thousands of years, people have been indoctrinated into a system of beliefs that they were told were the absolute truth. The other element that was added to this system was the horror of being sent to a place where one would be tortured forever for defiance. What this has done is what it was designed to do: prevent people from asking questions or searching the facts for themselves. Everything that existed far before even the Old Testament was written were called "Occult" and forbidden by the leaders of the new religion. One would think that if, in fact, the Bible was the absolute truth, the leaders would encourage such investigations. This would serve to prove their faith. But with the three religions of Muslim, Christianity, and Judaism, this is something that is not tolerated. I have stated several times before that it is in no way the fault of those who have been indoctrinated into these ways of thinking and beliefs. I myself have been raised by a wonderful family who has always held the Christian belief system as the truth. Generations upon generation have been told the same story, with the same book, and all have included the same warning: DO NOT QUESTION! There was also a time when the population had absolute trust in the government as well, but we have all seen that this is an absolute power that has done exactly what it is said to do…corrupt absolutely. This is the case with the faiths mentioned above. It has allowed the leaders to do what they choose while the followers are told that it is the decree of God. Here is where the problem emerges. The same system has been turned against itself with all professing the same God, yet going to war against each other while both sides say that the other is the enemy. Muslim killing Muslim, Christian killing Christian and we see how Israel has its conflicts with the world. A kingdom divided cannot stand, especially with the explosion of information on the internet and on sites like this one. Don’t forget that Sitchen is Israeli, and look at what the archeologists have uncovered in the last 50 years! What does it all mean? Quite simply, it shows that the three above mentioned have stolen the stories from the original Sumerian text and have changed it to create a huge system of world wide domination. The very concept of a place of eternal torment is only three thousand years old! Here is a sample of how things have gotten twisted: “on Earth as it is in Heaven” came from the “Occult” saying of “As above, so below”. Remember that the very word occult simply means “hidden”. Why hide it if it has no basis in truth? The reason is clear. It will prove that the stories that the religions of today tell, are not the original, and if they are not the original, they are not the truth.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 11:14 PM
Originally said by SpeakerofTruth:

"Well, it is my contention that most of the murders in the Old Testament "sanctioned by God," had little to do with the will of God and a lot to do with an excuse for what people did. You know, "Well, God told us that we need to wipe out this tribe and that one, so we did," type scenarios. " (End quote.)

I'm inclined to agree with SpeakerofTruth on this issue. We have to remember that the Bible is in fact a book of history. And as with any history books the truth is slanted if not flat out altered to reflect the positive views depending on who's recording or re-telling the so called facts.

I find it hard to believe God "...who so loved the world..." could possibly command death and destruction. I began thinking about this a lot after hearing of the Texas woman that killed her five children, believing God told her to do it. Of course she was mentally ill, to put it mildly, but I began thinking of God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac! Regardless of the fact that an angel was sent to stop him just in time, the more I really thought of this the more I thought of all the incredibly horrible, most despicable things anyone could possibly be asked to do...

And I simply concluded it was just a parable, perhaps. Anything but the truth.

Why am I so sure? Because I do believe in a God, a supreme being simply because I can't image the earth, the universe and everything else being some grand accident. I believe God, or supreme being is good and kind because I want and perhaps even need to believe it.

And I could never love anyone or anything that could ever even think of doing, let alone asking someone to do such a thing.

Personally, if it is possible that after I die I should then gain a full understand of exactly what God is and should I have the means to speak with God at that time... I can't image having to try and explain why or how I could possibly have ever believed such a thing.

I mean, think about it, wouldn't you hate to think of someone who claimed to know and truly love you could think or believe you could ever do such a thing?

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:24 PM
The Bible is a journey of the sun thru the zodiac...or constellations. Orion plays a HUGE part in this story.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:28 AM
God is 'LOVE' is a wonderful 'selfless', caring, compassionate,forgiving, thoughtful & extremely helpful being....the Creator is real & does the fallen angel lucifer...Lucifer is full of is he that started 'religion' by giving humans the idea of it....he did this to take people 'AWAY' from our undermine our true potential & purpose for this Earth walk...which is to follow our Big brothers examples (& do even greater things than He did) & to give thanks & love & respect in return to our DAD ...(Who is neither male or female....but rather THE supreme spirit being) we can have a 'PERSONAL' relationship with HIM.....we are INSIDE this magnificent ones DREAM, having our own dream...& we are much loved in the most purest form....part of that love is tough love too, but love none the less....these are the 'hard testings' that help us grow...we are like little kids compared to this incredible one....ALL is meant to be & is a BLESSING...whether we see it or not....the OT is all about the history of our ancestors (we are ALL related, all actually one family)...u can read about them, their names, who their children were & all the mistakes they foolish they were....had miracles right in their face & still too dumb to get it...(NOT MUCH HAS CHANGED) Jesus was sent to pay our debt. inherited from our ancestors....& usher in a new deal....the deal was 'FAITH'....& the only way to get it was as a FREE gift from our DAD....u either are given it or u are is as simple as is HIS dream after all...He has the final say in what is allowed & what is not....we have also been given another free gift....the gift of FREE WILL....(whats the point of 'forcing' someone to love u in return, would'nt be REAL love)...we have the free will to go with SELF or with our DAD....Self is what Lucifer works on....Humility & 'LONGING' to know the FATHER is what gets a wonderful relationship with the Creator of ALL....this relationship is a wonderful thing based on LOVE....'REAL' has nothing to do with chemical orgasmic addiction
.....which is a pretty cleaver way of getting ur creations to breed....the BIBLE is a supernatural collection of books...(there are others that have been left out, but u can't have a collection of books so big u can't lift it...ALL u need is already there)...if u try & work it out WITHOUT Fathers help (HELPER)...u won' will be closed to u...just like it is closed to all with a HEADY SELF nature....the Creator can & does do ANYTHING He sees fit....nothing is impossible to GOD....He has told us how He will confound the wise...the WORLD is still currently under the rule of Lucifer...but time is running out for him (& the World)...the Bible is Instructions & LOVE letters from our is spiritual food for the Holy Spirit ( another FREE gift from our DAD) survive the near future u will need that food...& a personal relationship with our FATHER....this little 'i' humbled himself to that great ONE & 'asked' if i could please get to know HIM.....& He had pity on me...which i'm 'eternally' grateful for....i don't have anything to do with any religions...Father wants a 'personal' relationship with His kids...& thats no one eles business......( only the Creator knows who His 'CHURCH' are..those kids could be anywhere) the OT & NT it warns us what the priests & pharisees were/ARE like....they like to dress up & put on a 'show' & think they're important....better off having nothing to do with them.....personnally i just love them ....we have instructions NOT to argue the point with them or try to 'prove' anything to them....FAITH doesn't need 'proof'....although it is clear to all with eyes to 'SEE'....all who want proof, will not be given it.....FAITH is the new deal....Trust is a wonderful long as it is in the PERFECT ONE....humans need to work that out.....GB

[edit on 21-11-2007 by dave7]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 09:12 AM
the bible: one of the most genocidal books in our canon, it even openly praises such acts as righteous.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by time4chg07

If you are still checking this thread, I have an interesting book you may want to check out. It is called "Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural: The coming Great Deception and the Luciferian Endgame" by L.A. Marzulli.
Growing up, I was force fed the bible and Born Again Christianity. Unable to question anything I was told made me believe less and less in what the man at the pulpit was saying. Never was anyone allowed to question anything the bible said. That did not sit right with me. I am a free thinker and believe everything should be questioned until solid proof is provided. The book fore-mentioned may make many non-believers think twice. If you have any kind of belief in a higher power, the book is great.

[edit on 11/21/2007 by palehorse23]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:42 PM

the bible: one of the most genocidal books in our canon, it even openly praises such acts as righteous.
............History is history & today we see it still.... they are still murdering people & claiming God is on their side....madness....Father always gets the blame....what we're seeing is just more of the same 'tribal Fighting'....Domestic in family violence (we are ALL related, actuall one family)....if the Creator of ALL....decides to send people 'home' ...for whatever reason....who is going to stop Him.....if u are a parent in a supermarket & ur kids are running amuck in there doing horrible things to eachother & basically wrecking the long will u put up with it without intervening.....before u take them 'home'.....this whole planet is one big sodom & gormorra...& we know what happened to way or another the writing is one the wall for those with eyes to 'see'....if u are a creator & u create something out of fact u make heaps of things out of it....who's going to stop u from 're-cycling' the ones that ur not happy with.....if u are PERFECT & HOLY in can u make any mistakes.....we have been given FREE WILL.....look at how it is being used....WE are our own worst enemies....soon our DAD 'will' intervene...................GB

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by thinkink

"...Yes, "religions" are "man's" organizations, to control and manipulate the people and a very powerful tool used by the reigning authorities to keep the masses in check..."

This may seem off topic but is it?... I believe the above and think you did a good write in the above referenced post.

Controlling the masses through religion and its taboos may be exactly why or one of the main reasons for not releasing the truth re UFOs and EBEs.
Anything screwing with faith and self-control through religion could destabilize what peace there is in the world presently.

On the other hand, admission of UFO/EBE reality might throw the Koran extremists into bilge of self-morality by fracturing their beliefs taught through many generations.

Were we planted here of another race of beings and held together through such things as the Ten Commandments and the self-discipline 'techniques'' featured in the old and new testaments? More extreme, perhaps the Virgin Mary'was a virgin and the seed of Jesus was planted by the 'genetic science dudes (ebe s) masquerading around as the 'North Star'.

If the truth of Religion was brought out, what would the Courts do and how compelled would witnesses be to tow-the-line in truthful testimony? it go's on and on. How EBE reality crushed the Koran Extremists.


edit: add
UFOs in the Ancient World

[edit on 23-11-2007 by Dallas]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 03:55 AM
ET gets a mention in the OT.....but Jesus was a HOLY implant by Father not one of the ET races....'Religion' is Lucifers idea, & it's not keeping people in check, it's causing bloodshed & trouble....along with the ones who would use it for contol & power fact it is & has been used for a long time to committ murder/wars.....the temp. (spiritual) ruler of the world Lucifer is hell bent on causing as much trouble as possible...& he's doing a pretty good job....most are sucked in by him....lead 'away' from our DAD......when u start bringing the et races into it, it gets pretty complicated....but it's the SPIRITUAL battle thats goin on which is the most important........we don't need 'facts ON the Bible'....we need a relationship with the Great One so we can be blessed with the FAITH to believe the facts IN the bible............GB

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