This is a very important issue. I highly recommend that you get your hands on some apologetics such as evidence that demands a verdict or the
spreading flame by FF Bruce (out of print but excellent if you can find it).
There is a sequence of facts that you should examine prior to just throwing your faith away subject to the propaganda of the world.
First if there is a God who loves mankind, then how has he revealed himself to us? Is this God so weak that he has allowed his message to be
distorted or hidden? The answer to this is no, God has not hidden his message. If you look at the major world religions then, which has the
greatest probability of being the revealed truth? We have
1) Islam: founded by a genocidal, promiscuous warlord. Preaches hate to all unbelievers.
2) Christianity: Gave us teachings like, 'love your enemies', 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you'. Raises up self
sacrifice, including God's sacrifice on the cross as a high ideal.
3) Chinese ancestor worship: Basically a pagan worship of one's ancestors. Very specific to a single race. No call to change the world
4) Bhuddism: not really a religion but more of a philosophy. Followers worship statues etc.
Only the Bible has an amazing unbroken track record of fulfilled prophecies. For example the rebirth of Israel is explicitly prophesied in Amos,
Ezekiel and Isaiah. In Isaiah 11 we learn the further detail that Israel would be scattered twice and restored twice (fulfilled in 1948). Moreover
the second restoration is clearly associated with the last days. Daniel 9:26 predicts accurately to the exact day the arrival of Jesus into
So based on fulfilled prophecy alone we must look to the claims of the Bible and consider them more seriously. From this the rest of the christian
faith follows. Now it may be that most of organized christiandom is in disarray and have strayed from the faith, but this to was prophesied.
Here is some more information.
And here is my website, which is getting a bit dated.