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Geneticist Says: Genetically, blacks aren't as intelligent. (Update: Now Denies It)

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:27 AM
I like seeing how everyone described the successful person as being a business man; owning as much as he can, and proving that he can make lots of money.

Being successful is a trick; you get less happiness. In the long run; you deal with stress, a lot of stress... sure you get that nice paycheck, but money only touches so deep.

Being intelligent in my opinion is being able to be happy with the least amount as possible; and show kindness. Conning people; or being nice to get a good position, or working in school to learn about god knows what; only takes up time to enjoy the life you could be having; humans werent meant to sit in schools while growing up; nor were they meant to sit in cubicals; or be sitting at desks all day. Your life passion should be an art form; the pride of your existance... and noone can teach you art... only technique.

Perhaps the ones who strive for an ego; or a place in this world simply need to realise that life is like an ocean; and you're just one single wave.

*Edited for spelling*

[edit on 18-10-2007 by GrimTroll]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Being successful is a trick; you get less happiness. In the long run; you deal with stress, a lot of stress... sure you get that nice paycheck, but money only touches so deep.

Being intelligent in my opinion is being able to be happy with the least amount as possible;

Freakin awesome. Nicely put. I agree wholeheartedly. I think these threads are ridiculous. You pit one race against another and that is not the point. The point is if your lucky you live sixty years or so. I refuse to spend my sixty years upset with someone over the color of their skin,or nationality. If a particular person harms me or my family then i will handle accordingly. But to harbor hatred is wrong. I love you all until you change my mind. If you have my best interests in mind, I will return the favor. Life is about the relationships we forge, not the wealth we amass. Wealth will never make you feel as good as one strong friendship.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by ShooterSix

Thus my entire point. He posted a link to someone's opinion, not to anything that even remotely backs up that opinion. And as I've stated before, I don't care who the guy is, his opinion doesn't mean much to me without evidence to back up his claim. Everybody has opinions, but that doesn't mean they are right. I could say that in my opinion women are smarter than men. After all, I'm a woman so I know how smart women can be. Does that make me right? No, it doesn't. All it means is I have an opinion. Same goes for this guy, it's an opinion not a fact.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:16 AM

But to harbor hatred is wrong. I love you all until you change my mind. If you have my best interests in mind, I will return the favor. Life is about the relationships we forge, not the wealth we amass. Wealth will never make you feel as good as one strong friendship.

Thankyou; and you also expanded perfectly as to what I was trying to get across. So many peoples view of existance is so crooked.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:19 AM
Everyone is still hung up on this "racism" label..

There is an argument there, however taboo you might think it is to talk about it and it is not necessarily racist to acknowledge it.

And to think I spent almost an hour writing my post...

Sometimes I wonder why I bother...

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
The fact that many afro-americans fail to submit to the 9-to-5-job-system as a corporate slave and time-controlled-robot shows me that they still have some intelligence left. Albeit a different kind of intelligence than that established by the establishment.

I never really thought about it that way. Smart enough to know that the 9 to 5 thing is BS and choose another path. Interesting.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by RedDragon

Originally posted by 1337cshacker

Any human is capable of the same intelligence, all humans are capable of a capped intelligence where they cannot be any smarter.

Wrong. No matter how hard a dog tries, it will never be as intelligent as Einstein.

You're limited by the genetic design of your brain. Everyone's brain is designed differently.

Humans all have different intelligence capabilities just as they have different physical capabilities. For example, no matter how hard you try, you will never be 6'3" if you're 5'8".

I could actually agree with this, my bad, I was getting a little philosophical I guess.

Originally posted by ccclean
reply to post by 1337cshacker

I object. I spent nine hours yesterday in a school board training session. I will tell you the kids of today are more educated than they have ever been. Now whether or not they take it thats another story altogether. Have you heard of no child left behind. Its a new policy that makes certain struggling students receive more care. They give grants to the school systems for these programs and the only way they can spend the money is on the appropriate programs. So the education is there for the taking no matter where you are located. I live in the poorest state in the nation and we have these programs in place.

I object. You mean to say, they are more filled with CRAP than they have ever been. Complex math and grammar and science do not make SMART kids. School is a joke, they think they are teaching important things, but in the school system, 9/11 happened, bush is a savior, and gays are not tolerated. They still do NOT teach kids to LEARN. If they did, there would only be a few grades, because then the kids could figure everything out themselves. A teacher from New York has come out about this 'teaching to learn' scenario, and he was promptly fired. So, schools are just teaching more complex ideas, does not make their intelligence higher, does not raise their IQ, and does not benefit humanity. What we need are people who can figure and learn for themselves, and they teach them, yes, allot of crap, but how to be dependent rather than independent.

Also, schools are more geared toward certain people. I did not like to learn their way, and was forced to. This made me, and other people who don't like to learn their way, poor at school. They do not conform to you, in order to get out, YOU must conform to them. This is not what a school should be. I went to take my GED though and scored the highest in a class of 90 or so people. But it was difficult for me to even get through high school? SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:39 AM
This pick and choose, back or attack mentality just amuses me.

If this were about Christianity for example, everyone would be citing scientific theory to attack and pick it apart. However, when it seems to serve the other side of the spectrum of their belief system or comfort level or just plain trying to deny their own buried prejudices scientific theory goes right out the window. Everyone that is seemingly offended by the OP should think about that next time they are on the offensive against something they don't believe in.

Furthermore, if even one of you is completely devoid of some form prejudice I'll eat my hat! I particularly like how the sympathetic point out the areas where Africans are better than their white counterparts yet don't even see the racism in their own statements.

I neither support or deny the OP on this as there simply isn't enough data but I can say one thing that is definite:

Hypocrisy abounds....

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Everyone is still hung up on this "racism" label..

There is an argument there, however taboo you might think it is to talk about it and it is not necessarily racist to acknowledge it.

I agree completely. I don't see why the race card was played so much. It's widely accepted that Asians are more intelligent than Whites are. I don't see people up in arms about that.

Thank God we have the PC police here to save the day.

And just for fun, I saw a post a few pages back saying to "deny ignorance". I don't know if anyone's noticed, but half the posts on ATS are about how Hillary's a reptilian.. Not trying to derail the thread, just making the point that this deny ignorance business is starting to get old.

You can't say there is no possibility of an intelligence gap existing between races and then at the end of the post tack on "deny ignorance".

[edit on 18-10-2007 by alkali]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:44 AM

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by docklands

LOL, this is what seems to me... but of course there are very intelligent black people and very dumb whites... So I think rationaly we can´t get to any conclusion, except that we discovered them wile they were in africa andnot the oposite, what we did after was the dumbest thing we could have done.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:32 AM
You can get a conclusion.

You could go to Japan and see a 6ft 6" guy and go to Europe and see a 5ft guy but it doesnt stop you coming to the conclusion that Europeans are generally taller than Japanese.

Now the study may be right or wrong but saying you know an intelligent black man or a stupid white man proves absolutely nothing.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Another thread about this?

Dr. Watson's Greatest (below the belt) Hits:

In 1997, he told a British newspaper that a woman should have the right to abort her unborn child if tests could determine it would be homosexual.

He has also suggested a link between skin colour and sex drive, positing the theory that black people have higher libidos, and argued in favour of genetic screening and engineering on the basis that " stupidity" could one day be cured.

He has claimed that beauty could be genetically manufactured, saying: "People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think it would great."


"Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you're not going to hire them,'' (- Dr. James Watson)

Watson reportedly went on to suggest that people who live in northern climates drink more alcohol to compensate for the unhappiness they suffer because of sunlight deprivation.

The bad news, said Watson, is that thin people are more ambitious...On the other hand, fat people may be more sexual.

(graduate student) Sarah Tegen was offended by Watson's repeated references to women. "To be a woman in science is difficult enough as it is without one of your own demeaning women,'' she said.


So those saying that this THEORY is correct because of his prior work with DNA...and it is a theory by the way NOT a fact it clearly states this...then you must also accept his other theoretical and subjective conclusions:

1. Homosexuals should be genetically found and exterminated before birth

2. Women should be genetically altered to create beautiful eye-candy

3. Blacks are sex-crazed unintelligent sub-humans

Sexist, racist, and homophobic.

This type of thinking is old news and as usual from the same type of dehumanizing white males with a racial superiority complex. These arguments have been made to justify terrible acts and I see they are again being rehashed by the likes of men like Watson.

Women are nothing more than objects apparently since he feels they all should be altered to appear as whatever the current male-based standard of beauty is at the time. Who care what they have in the brains department right? Blacks should be slaves because they are too stupid to be considered on an equal level...hell they may not even noticed they're chained.

Why waste time on gas chambers when we can strike at homosexuality from the womb.

Brilliant idea old bean!
Concentration camps here we come!
Undesirables and the genetically inferior beware!

What exactly was the purpose of trying to establish his theory on blacks I wonder? What does this serve to do? If hypothetically this is true then what now? Is there a wish to help educate the unintelligent blacks or to further ostracize them?

How exactly is this theory helpful to anyone in any way other than to serve to feed ones own ego?

There are many factors to take into account that I think are purposefully ignored. Otherwise you could say from this study that white boys aren't genetically smarter than black boys:

'Poor white boys come bottom of school league'

White working class boys are now doing worse at school than any other group of pupils, a report for Tory leader David Cameron said.

Family break-ups are blamed for their educational performance slipping below that of working class black Caribbean boys, who have long been regarded as the ethnic group likely to perform worst in the education system.

Only 17 per cent of white boys who get free school meals now leave school with five or more good GCSE grades, the report said.

Daily Mail

At least that article rightfully mentions environment as a factor.

p.s. Oh and any of you overweight computer geeks out there...don't bother sending him your resume. He'll trash it once he sees you

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Darn someone beat me to the punch
I thought I may have to whip out my psychology notes to disprove of this theory.

The fact being you can make any one look intelligent with your own test of intelligence. If I ran a test of the the last two or three presidents in the U.S. anywho who passed is intelligent, anyone who failed is less than intelligent =/, things are mixed up in science...

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by stumason

1) Firstly, the Geneticist saif AFRICA. For the first two pages people were banging on about "African-Americans". Not the same thing people.

2) Consider that, over several hundred years, the strongest, fittest and most intelligent of AFRICA's people are taken away.

3) But, when you compare the spread of civilisation over the ages, up until the Slave Trade, and you have an Africa almost devoid of advanced civilisation, except for the North, boredering Europe. Most Ancient advanced societies come from Europe or Asia. Considering mankind supposedly sprang from Africa, it does beg the question why they are the last to advance.

1) Exactly. The average "African"-American is actually 25% white due to illegitimate children during the slave era.

2) Slaves from Africa would be pretty much bagged at random then genetic discrimination would only take place once they arrived and were sold in the states.

3) When most people refer to black people, they mean Africans from under the Sahara. Northern Africans like you're talking about are actually considered to be caucasian as the only difference between them, Europeans, and Middle-easterners is skin color; skeletally, archeologists can't tell a difference.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:58 AM

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:58 AM
I guess since I have a one of the highest IQs ever recorded, I should walk around with an arrogant air of superiority?

Intelligence is relative.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:06 PM
To fellow poster: Wealth != Intelligence.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:37 PM
ha ha. except a few good replies, this thread is filled with massive stupid. sorry, thats all i wanted to voice my opinion on. golf claps to those opposing the garbage in this thread. especially to the guy who tried to break down african and middle eastern societies to some farming, warrior, hunter society. pft!!!

is it me, or have people on the net just gotten dumber and dumber. with so much access to info, replies from members on forums that i go on all across the net , just seem to be getting dumber and dumber.

i bet that some of the dumbest post in this thread are probably coming from a white male/female.

where did you copy and paste that society info from?

im not denying that there are not genetic differences between "races", but the MAJOR factor here is the environment. which is what was brought up a few times, but not enough clear emphasis was put on it.

plus, intelligence is not just how well you are at math, and how good your grammar is. but i dont need to repeat anymore of what was already said. long story short. this thread is filled with lots of stupid, and it doesn't really shock me.

dont go purely on statistics all the time.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:44 PM
well, when it comes to race its politicaly correct to ignore facts.

it is a fact that out of the three races, negrozoids are the most violent, followed by caucazoids, followed by mongloids.

however to say so is not "pc", even tho it is scientific fact.

does that mean as a member of the non negrozoid demographic that i hate them, or am implying that they are inferior?

of course not.

It is also a proven fact that they (negrozoids) are the most athletic. It is not because of breeding for slavery as jimmy the greek was fired for saying, howerver geneticaly it is true.

i havent seen the actual sources for his 'non official study' as of yet, but judging off what we already know, im guessing that he is correct.

That does not mean i am insulting negrozoids in any way. it just means from what i have seen in life and the corelating scientific studies it seems this will hold water.

and by the way, a racist white albino who was born in africa is an african american, and an intelligent educated black man born in france is not, just for the record.

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