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Geneticist Says: Genetically, blacks aren't as intelligent. (Update: Now Denies It)

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by euclid

Dr. Watson shouldn't be attacked for his ideas. He could be right.

I don't know if anyone has posted this info yet. There is a plethora of information to indicate that there are, in my opinion, at least 3 distinct sub-genus to the homo sapiens sapines genus:

1. Asain (Asian sub-genus)
2. White (Caucasus sub-genus)
3. Black (Africanus sub-genus)

Interesting article from wikipedia, but you are aware that in that article it is made plainly clear that Rushton is nothing more than a Pseudo-scientist who is more interested in confirming his bias than anything else.

Dr. Barry Mehler

"Rushton's theories are a bizarre mélange of nineteenth century anthro-pometrism and twentieth century eugenics. Although there is no evidence showing different cranial sizes between races, Rushton has cited the genetic distance studies of Allen Wilson of the University of California to claim that Africans have smaller brains and are more primitive than whites and orientals, who evolved to cope with the more demanding northern climes. Wilson commented: 'He is misrepresenting our findings'. These 'show that Asians are as closely related to modern Africans as Europeans are'. When asked if he was aware of any anthropological evidence at all that might support Rushton's claim, he replied, 'I'm not aware of any such evidence. The claim shocks and dismays me'"

ATS: How to Quote

[edit on 10-18-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by RedDragon

Einstien famously had a small brain.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by TheKnife

It actually doesn't. You must be selectively reading. It's actually quite a balanced presentation of what he believes and what some of his detractors think. It doesn't suprise me that one of your myopic intellect would think as you do. It is merely a jump off point.... It is obvious that your base your decisions of whether some one has vaild information based on a wiki. You are truly naive and ignorant. Read his book and the Bell Curve, if you are able to comprehend such; and as much as you can of all the literature available on the topic from all sources available.

Wiki's shouldn't be your primary source..... nothing on the web should be a primary source.


[edit on 18-10-2007 by euclid]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by euclid]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by grover

If you had verified the available literature on the subject of Einstien's brain you would know that his brain was actually not smaller. What they have done is to actually count the number of neurons in 4 specific parts of his brain. Within those areas they determined that there was a small ratio of difference in the number of neurons within only those areas. So he had fewer neurons. One major difference is in the number of neuroglial cells.

Due to this disparity of of having fewer neurons to glial there were theoretically more neurons firing to process information. This increased functioning would require more glia cells because of the increased energy being used due to the increased number of neurons being used; it is supposed that this was the cause for his superior intellect. He used more of his brain than people with a full set of neurons. He was of caucasus descent and there was a negligible difference in brain size compared to other "normal" humans. It is often misrepresented.


Get your information straight.


[edit on 18-10-2007 by euclid]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by grover
Einstien famously had a small brain.

I don't know about that, but Einstein's brain was on the small side.

Size doesn't matter and neither does color.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by 123143

Size does matter.... and color does matter too.


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:42 PM
Watson has now issued an "apology."

NYTimes Article

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:04 PM
So is there anyone else besides me who has had a fair experience with all sorts of blacks who is willing to state their opinion?

Apparently racism, opinions and statistics are only a problem is you use it to generalize something perceived as negative. When these things point to something negative, they are disregarded and discredited.

There are a lot of double standards when it comes to this.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:07 PM
One of the smartest persons I ever knew was black.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by euclid

You don't have to come across so arrogantly... especially for a newbie.

The thing is ALL human brains vary in size but that it does not equate greater or lesser intelligence for either the individual or a race.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:11 PM
Hmm..considering how much africans have suffered and how long they have been oppressed by other nations....It amazes me how much their descendent's have accomplished. This type of 'study' is absolute garbage because the way the brain functions in relation to what is defined as intelligence is remains an unknown. And I'll bet I can pull out more than a few dozen articles confirming this if I wanted to.

Adding to what grover said...comparing brain size in humans is pointless. Einstein's brain was actually just average sized.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by laiguana]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by laiguana

I don't generally agree with you but I do on this.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:17 PM
Originally posted by bizone

Instead of posting statistics from random polls and other peoples opinions... Why don't we all post our own conclusions on the intelligence of blacks based on our own experiences.

I respect the fact you are thinking outside the box here.

In my experiences with blacks that I have personally dealt with more often than not fit the typical negative stereotype. Loud, rude and stupid.

I agree with you here too... Young Blacks can be annoying. They are loud and boysterous in the wrong places...(movie theatres) and even rude (they may even lustfully hit on your prom-date right in front of your eyes) & when you tally these two things up, it is even stupid. I have another word for it -- "Ghetto."

That's my 100% honest opinion.

It's the kind of thing you usually keep to yourself as to not offend an entire race of people, but in my experience it's been the truth.

Anyone else with a fair amount of experience with blacks willing to give their honest opinion?

Yes, I do sir. You must have based your conclusions on the fact you are most likey Caucasian?? And I respect your angle on Black America.

I've lived on the West coast, NY and have traveled to most states, Mexico and abroad. -- I've been there, done that.

Now, lets give your observations something to campare too. Shall we??

1. Tijuana - on any given weekend, drunken whites between the ages 17 and 35, arguing, staggering and vomiting all over Revolution' St. As the native people - stare from their tinket business.

2. Buckhead Atl - drunken, loud, white college youth grappling in the streets over the girl with the biggest implants. (as blacks egg them on)

3. Girls gone wild - you've seen the freaks in this freakshow. (outside of porn, how many black women flash their tit's & fondle their best friends fur coat for a shot of whiskey?? Please! What does Oral Roberts have to say about that??

4. Halloween - let's see how much property, car, and personal injury will happen when those respectfull & un-rude little Johnny's reign their terror in and on your suburbs.

5. Skate boarders - these rude punks run over thousands every year. But since they have X - game endorsement's I guess their acts don't count?

6. Abroad - many countries think American white's are loud, disrepectful, stinky, goofy, and just plain stupid in many cases. (and this is their honest opinion.)

7. Sporting events - Blacks are Cool... Whites can be Fools...

Blacks have their flamboyance but believe me -- so do Whites.

Remember, no theory is ever 100%.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Level X]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:30 PM
What I should have known is that you people are comparing yourselves to -blacks- who are of lower-income families and do not have the proper education or mannerisms that people of your -class- follow. Well....let me tell you every single day I deal with professional -black- people that are eloquent, respectful and very intelligent. Perhaps you should take a good look at yourself and realize that these individuals you are encountering aren't exactly the best way to sum up a complete generalization of everyone with a darker skin color.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:47 PM
LOL! Well the OP has done something I don't think I have ever seen on ATS.

4 Warns. Time to retool the way you address and issue and topic.

Back on topic, I think that people are all special in there own ways. What this means is intelligence has only a little to do with what makes up a human being.

Compassion is high on my list I would choose a person that has compassion over a really smart person.

Many times people that are really smart lack many positive characteristics and think they are superior to everyone else.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:52 PM
And yes it got me a bit cross today, as intended. I have lived in Ireland half my life and personally know this statement is false, also had me querying, does this thinking apply to all whites like Russian, polish, Albanians, Irish

Why did they not make this front page, I bet it just about made it onto the net

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 07:54 PM
You guys are buying into this crap, it is made to stir up things, when we are all just trying to live a good and honest life, we should all know by now, certain political parties, don’t want people to be happy and proud, so they put # like this on the front page of the tabloids, giving away free newspapers to all, in most busy places, it is just another way to # with peoples minds, come on guys we all know there are clever people in every race, and vice versa. What do we mean by clever, if I am good in maths, am I clever, or will you class me as clever if I can write computer games, are pilots clever people. What defines clever, clever is once again based upon what is being observed. Sometimes a iq test ect can count for nothing as a lot of black people wont buy into white history ect, because if a young black guy gets to extravert he is seen as acting white. I believe we are all equal, my personal opinion is that the white man is scared of the black man because if you give us an inch we will take a meter, proven by our latest number 1 lewis hamilton, plus why do they always leave out egypt whenever you investigate black inventions, black history ect.
And when I mean blacks are smarter than whites. Remember the whites favourite saying, if your not white your black, so if ever there was a racial war, we would have so many powerful countries behind us, annihilation would begin, and a new dawn would rise. I am not a racist of any sort I am just responding to certain tabloid headlines, and no I wont provide links and stuff, I just want a general chat, and yes you think I am black, but I am mixed race, but it does not really make a difference to the white man ( but who cares). Was going to finish but I thaught I would make a quick point, whites emulate whites, blacks emulate blacks, nobody likes to be the odd one out.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by MESSYSC]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
LOL! Well the OP has done something I don't think I have ever seen on ATS.

4 Warns. Time to retool the way you address and issue and topic.

I think he's been banned from ATS after complaints that his threads were bigoted, I have'nt read them so I don't know if the ban is right or not. Nobody likes censure, but if he's going to upset people then it's prob for the best.

I've been following this up it's not so straight forward, Watson might have been misquoted or misrepresented wholesale he doesn't recall saying exactly that 'statement'. Truth is I can believe it, we're all aware some journalists are low-life.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Guys... what's happening now in Africa is constant war. Corrupt governments cause conflict, conflict causes uprising, uprisings cause wars, and wars cause the economy to go down. THe more the Africans fight the more poverished they will get, and the poorer they get the more they will fight for food and survival. DO you think they give a damn now about getting a good education? Most of them are trying to survive, the few african schools you see on CNN or other news channels are so rare in Africa. Africa will not get anywhere with people complaining that they are stupid to began with. Africans are not "stupid", they may not be as intelligent but don't say that they're stupid.

Now the African American society is a different race. They deny help, education, and an opportunity in which their African counterparts have no chance of getting. Blacks in white societies really are stupid... the few that i know that are smart and actually "nice" are either from Haiti, Jamica, or some country in Africa, they can actually compromise with you.

ALso about the asian thing... Caucasians and Asians are very similar, their intelligence may say are equally in proportion in the population.
I'm a chinese myself and i can say that there are more people that are smart than are outcasts in society. you just haven't lived in Asia before so ya'll wouldn't know. Africans may also be the same if they werent so suppressed.

Also i don't think that they have a large or random enough sample to predict a parameter. How many people in Africa can you actually reach and experiment on? 100? 200? from the same country? City? Village? THe experiment maybe was only done on blacks in white coutries.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:07 PM
The following African Americans are responsible for either inventing, or improving on the invention of, a wide variety of items. From Dr. Charles Drew to Garrett A. Morgan, the inventions of African Americans have played a large role in AMERICAN history.

Andrew Beard - Automatic Car Coupling Device (1897)

Henry Blair
- Mechanical Seed Planter (1834)
- Mechanical Corn Harvester (1836)

C. B. Brooks - Street Sweeper (1896)

Mark Dean - Microcomputer system with bus control means for peripheral processing devices (1984)

Dr. Charles Drew - Established Blood Banks all over the world (1940)

W. Johnson - Egg Beater (1884)

Frederick Jones
- Refrigeration for transport trucks (1938)
- Refrigeration for railroad cars (1945)

J. L. Love - Pencil Sharpener (1897)

Elijah McCoy - Automatic Lubrication System for railroads and heavy machinery (1892)

Jan Matzeliger - Automatic Shoe Making Machine that revolutionized the making of shoes (1883)

Alexander Miles - Elevator (1888)

Garrett A. Morgan
- Gas Mask that saved many lives during WWI (1914)
- Automatic Traffic Signal (1923)

Norbett Rillieux - Sugar Refining System that revolutionized the making of sugar (1846)

W. H. Sammons - Hot Comb (1920)

Lewis Temple - Toggle Harpoon (1848)

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - First Open Heart Surgery (1893)

Granville Woods
- Multiplex Telegraph system, allowing messages to be sent/received from moving trains (1887)
- Railway Air Brakes that provided the first safe method of stopping trains (1903)
- Steam-boiler/radiator (1884)
- Third Rail [subway] (1893)
J. T. White - Lemon Squeezer (1896)

First open heart surgery need I say more.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by MESSYSC]

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