posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:00 AM
No we weren't homeschooled we went like everyone else but weren't allowed to attned religion class (got a free period!!) or Sex-Ed (even better) or
go swimming with the rest of the school (afternoon off!!) they were bonuses.
It was strange because there was another Palmarian family in our school, we didn't mix, but my brother told me there were rumors about them being in
some "mad" religion. (they lived in the area, we didn't)
Of course we kept our mouths shut, if anyone asked I told them my parents were Atheist & didn't want me learning something that was bulls**t, ended
up I got 2 other guys to get notes saying the same thing so we all got off religion class and bunked off together, ahh good times! If only they know
I know that the Irish (at least I heard my Father saying) that some faithful wanted to go to Palmar & live in a commune, he thought it was a stupid
idea & the Priest said it wasn't a good one either....why?
Because they would give up their jobs, no more donations & Palmar would have to accommodate them.
Thats not in their game plan.
That story of the woman putting her foot in the sea? I know of loads like that, one woman looked at a photograph taken at a wedding and was
ex-communicated and had to beg to be let back in, another fell in the street & broke her hip, she was rushed to hospital (was one run by nuns, she was
in an ambulance, didn't know where she was) and was excommunicated for that, not allowed in a hospital run by the clergy, she didn't even know where
she was being taken - imagine!!
There are loads of stories and many left, but the tagline always is - the weak will leave we must sort the weak from the strong. (pander to the ego of
those who stay - your strong & will be rewarded, only one drawback though, you have to die first)