posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Hi Trask,
All questions are appreciated & none are mundane!
I don't know about the long sleeves rule as that has been in place for years, I can remember when I was a kid I could wear shorts, tee shirt & go to
the beach etc; then suddenly we couldn't anymore, so I'm not sure about the reasoning.
The denim rule I know about as this was quite recent (since around 2000) but I suspect the others followed a similar pattern.
An ex-bishop who was still a member at the time told me the story, apparently a guy (a palmarian of course) came up to the Basilica one day wearing
really tight Jeans, a Bishop (who I have been told was not a nice character, a power tripper) did not like this at all and went straight to Fr Isidore
(Corral) to complain; Corral heard the story & immeditaly banned ALL denim items of clothing - period, no question no going to see for himself.
Corral goes to Clemente to inform him, Clemente then got up on the pulpit & declared all Denim banned as it was offensive to God & God instructed him
to ban them, but it wasn't God, it was Corral who did it on a whim.
I suspect that this is where most of the rules came from, snap decisions & tactical reasoning.
For instance, if you look at the rules concerning Palmarians & how they cannot speak to non-Palmarians unless they adhere to the Plamarian dress code,
you can see that this is a very cunningly devised method of forcing Palmarians to sever contact with non-palmarians - as NO-ONE dresses the way they
So to summarize, they say - "we're not telling you you can't talk to them, you can, but only if they dress like you do" Quite a spohisticated way
of severing contact with outsiders who may be able to talk some sense into them don't you think, without actually saying it out straight?
Their quite good at what they do....
But as for your question, the only one I can answer is regarding the denim rule.
Thanks for asking and any more do throw them my way
ps. in regard to your question on the baby suits, you are correct they would be considered a pantsuit & so they are banned
[edit on 6-10-2007 by marker3221]