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The Chinese are preparing for a War

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 04:04 AM
This is my take on the whole debate: I work in town with part of the Chinese embassy in the same building as me.

As such, on a daily basis, I meet lots of Chinese - they go to the office for work permits, tourist visas, and any other enquiries that do not require heading to the main embassy in Epsom.

They are generally pretty happy. Not bitter. They might need to learn a few manners when it comes to entering the lifts, but otherwise, I have no qualms.

Here's my observation. They do not want war. Why? Because a new generation of kids is growing up with exposure to the western way of living. This is a better way of living - ok, it's a better way of living than what their parents had.

They love the trappings. So do the hundreds of millions of other Chinese on the eastern coast who've moved to the main cities to find work (yes, some were forced there because the government told them to go).

My point is, and I think most people can relate to this: Imagine being told that the world you aspire to live in is evil, and that that new TV, washing machine, mobile phone you own etc... is wrong.

Your first reaction is to rebel. This feeling of bitterness is multiplied when the parents who've worked hard, saved, sent ther kid overseas for an education, are now told that their childs mind is 'polluted'.

You wouldn't believe it. You'd fight it.

Too many people in China are now in love with money and the making of money.

War would destroy the wealth. War would destroy hope.

70% of all China's exports are made by foreign firms.

Name one great Chinese brand. You can't.

China needs export money, or it'll suffer a critical decline in living standards for its people.

There will be no war. Only an export war.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Mr Gunter]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 01:33 AM
After reading through this thread I have realized that most people outside the united states don't understand how our government works.

I see things such as "You drop atomic bombs on innocent cities"
But I don't do it.
Its not like I asked my government to go to war with Iraq.
We really have no choice in this matter anymore because our current administration just does whatever the hell it feels like doing.
I apologize to everyone outside of my country who feels like we have somehow wronged you by starting trouble where trouble was not needed.
But I didn't vote ( to young) for bush and I certainly would not have.
We are living in very troubled times right now my friends, and we really should be watching out for eachother.
But the problem is we are all to concerned about "terrorists" and things of that nature to let our guard down.
Just know that most americans don't want this war just as much as you, and I am one of them.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:56 AM
Russia never had "super aircraft carriers" - let alone 6 of them.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 05:00 AM
it has been foretold that a war will be provoked at sea a missle will hit the white house and an arab,chinese,russian alliance will merge this heralds the antichrist's return but before this iran has to be invaded and an earthquake or a comet will herald the start of it

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 06:54 AM
So china is sending out a lot of military force throughout the world.......

Doesn't this sound just like America, with all its military capability, all this sounds like is china becoming as powerful as America, is no other country but America allowed to be that powerful? Is America meant to be the only country to be allowed to able to rule the world militarily? So America is threatened of China's power, i say too damn bad, America can't rule the world for ever.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 02:26 AM
If you were China and had some UFO evidence or Alien evidence and did not want to disclose to the world what it might be because you felt it might jeopardize your well being as a nation that has fewer support than needed cause when the invasion occurs many nations would be ill prepared to defend themselves, yes, you would strengthen whatever you had to strengthen and take a higher road to survival than all the other nations at least once you find what is out there you need to know about you have solved half the puzzle of why your need to know must succeed. China is a vast influence and when other nations begin their quest into unknowns there might be accidents and wars that have nothing concrete to the contrary of what has been learned and this is China's objective - Learning, but from whom is a very big question? Don't think your not alone in finding the answers.

[edit on 27-12-2007 by OoTopNotchoO]


posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 03:26 AM
i do not think this is a sign of agression from Chine. I would more recognise a sign of economical wealth. Think that China has the largest currency reserves on the planet - 1 050 000 000 000 $ . They work for it , they are mostly paid with 1 $ a day for 12 hours of work a day . But i believe they will overtake any other country as economy , culture, science and really hope freedoms (i do not believe the last)

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Is China a threat?


To answer this question I went back thought our Air Force “AIM POINTS” email news and pulled out most of the significant articles on China’s military activities and responses to their actions from world leaders. Please note that the articles are from respected news sources all over the world…the majority of these items are not “filtered” Air Force versions of the news, but copies of the articles run by the original news sources.

You will have heard about some of the stories below, but a lot of them will be unheard of activities. This is largely due to the fact that American mainstream news sources either did not cover these stories, or, they were minor mentions of events, not on the front pages or in the TV or Radio spotlight.

What is particularly concerning to me is the constant “sparing and testing of responses” that have occurred over the last year. This is reminiscent to me of the German buildup/sparing with European nations before WWII.

I just want to be sure there is an awareness of what I believe to be a great concern in coming years.

I do hope you are interested and read some of these links.

Chinese Attack Sub and US Aircraft Carrier

Development of Space Weapons

China missile test, satellite weapon

Concern over where China's military buildup is headed. Note; the US publishes it's National Military Strategy and posts it on the web for the world to see.

The concern here is China is building and will not talk about its intentions.

Report on US military to increase in size/capabilities to counter China

China's submarine buildup

Cyber and Kinetic Weapons buildup

China a Threat to Pacific Region

Chinese focus on aircraft carriers

US - China Showdown

China develops anti-stealth technology

Australian Perspective

China denies hacking into Pentagon Computers

More info on Computer Attack

China emerges as leader in cyber warfare

China Launches Info Warfare with US, Britain, and Germany

China Promotes Taiwan Focused Officers over others

China increases air defense

Must Read...warning on China by Gen McCaffrey

Chinese military boosts hacking

Chinese spying is a threat

China suspected in Lab hacking

MI5 Warns of Cyber Attack from China

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by rkamp

China's not a serious threat because if there was a war with China and America, China would get pulverized. Period. They don't have a good blue water navy and most of their air force is short-range craft. Their military spending would fit many times within the American military budget.

Oh, and their economy would collapse if they ever went to war with us.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:04 PM
Did you read the link about how their new submarines can surface within firing range of our carrier groups undetected?

That sounds like a pretty good start to a decent navy.

Also, they bought 3 aircraft carriers from the Russians while we were all watching Paris Hilton go to jail.

Believe me, I don't want a conflict with China, but the overall perception that our military is in great shape falls short of the reality of the situation.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by rkamp

I'd like to see them survive an American bombing run. They couldn't. Furthermore, how is their American-dependent economy supposed to survive a war?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
They want to go to war with the ULTRA SUPER PATRIOTS of America who will love to send them back into the abyss!!!! I say bring it communist SCUM!!!!!Freedom will never die by your blood covered hands. I know many people who have many, many, guns,scary guns, and much ammo for these invaders to eat. Think about how psychotic Americans are about there country. Think about how crazy the men are about there familys.These mind controlled slave soldier fools have not a chance against us, unless our criminal government wants them to win. I am seeing this as a real scenario. I laugh in there the scum will have to fight over the sea.

Well their you have, Another form Of IGNORANCE. You do not get it. America is not freedom, it is a Dictatorship posing to be a Democracy. Why do think anything different from you is scum. Show some Love my man.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by darcon]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Frigging sucks you know. If America is attacked, and the Chinese miss the coordinates for their nuclear strike, canada will be screwed. America will drag us into another bloody war. Does it even matter, Canada is practically owned by the states.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by tac109
Having served in the U.S. Marines (infantry) I know first hand that we do not lose fights aginst anybody!!! Look at the history of the Corps, I dont have the time or space here to go into detail, but let me tell ya the Marines are ready! Look up famous marine quotes on google and you cant help but be motivated. Marines have the pride and morale that give us strength that cant be matched by any nation! Bring it on China!!!

You have never lost a fight against anybody!?!?!?!
Ever heard of Nam. Plus it does not matter about winning and losing, you know how many people die because of wars. Everybody loses. Simple as that.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
the chinese are a stubborn and old race that cant escape its insaciable need to conquer and impose its tyranny on others. Like a fat man on a plane taking up both arm rests. They not only enslave there own people, but others, its a crime, but whos willing to stop them? Oh yeah..God. And trust me coincidence is much more damaging than all out war. Failure is the only possibilty china has in this scheming, my guess iss its loosely tied to one or several people in the government, once they die of too much opium and high MSG foods, china will go back to being a tourist attraction.

the USA'ns are a stubborn and young race that cant escape its insaciable need to conquer and impose its tyranny on others. Like a fat man on a plane taking up both arm rests. They not only enslave there own people, but others, its a crime, but whos willing to stop them? Oh yeah..God. And trust me coincidence is much more damaging than all out war. Failure is the only possibilty the United States has in this scheming, my guess iss its loosely tied to one or several people in the government, once they die of too much coc aine and high MSG foods, The United States will go back to being a tourist attraction.

Just thought I might make a few subtle changes. :-)

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:30 PM
besides China being are biggest threat lets not forget what country really wants to stick it to the U.S which would be Russia.

Russia fell off the map recently, but Russia and the U.S havent always had the best realationship in the past. Putin disagrees with alot of the things the united states does and says.

China wants tiawan which is almost a fact, and the U.S has a pact with Tiawan that if any country were to invade we would protect their freedom. Which basically spells out China is not welcome in tiawan.

So lets say this, China invades Tiawan, which would piss off America ALOT since they are a HUGGGE trade partner and we dont want to pump any more money into China's growing economy.

With troops in South Korea, Iraq, Afganistan and soon to be Iran if Bush goes to war with them, and if he doesnt McCain will if he is elected. Our army is quite dispearsed.

Although im pretty positive we are completely ready to take on whoever.

China would form and allieance with Russia but you have to ask "what goal is going to come out of going to war with the U.S for Russia and China?"

DEATH would be the first one. This would be the largest scale war in mankind history.

England, Isreal and some european nations have our back but alot of countries will be biting at the tooth to take their shot at America if superpowers the likes of China and Russia are involed.

So basically World War 3 would happen.

Nuclear Weapons would be used no doubt. This would set mankind back for a lonnnng time because the only result of this is going to be horrible.

The world as we know it will not be the same because this war will be extremely intense and could last a veryyyy long time.

People are pissed because roughly 5000 troops died in Iraq, people will wish this was the case for this war.

Entire countries could be wiped out if nuclear weapons are used and at this point, thats a given.

I sure hope the U.S wins but if this war occurs no1 wins because it could be the end of the world as we know it.

All the people who say christ is coming back better be prepared for the harsh reality that he isnt. And that your going to have to put up with a world filled with disease, war, and death.

Food will be hard to find, people in America could turn on eachother just for common things such as bread.

My suggestion is buy a gun because you never know what kind of unrest could come from this. To protect yourself and your family. Because the world would not be stable after such a war of this magnitude.

BUT IF this happens i hope we wipe out the rest of these sorry #s because im sick of their bull# and their holding mankind back. As a society we must create new technology and try to get off this rock and go a little further then the moon. Because if we fail to due this, we will kill ourselves off and mankind will not exist. Exploration of space and world peace would be key to advancement of the human race. We see other civilazations all the time in the sky if you just look up. Its possible to get far distances in the unvierse we just need to figure out how to due it and stop bitching.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by belowtheinfluence

And you do know what this means, Canada is SCREWED!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Unlike other country's the U.K would alway's be behind America some see the U.K as Americas lapdog fair enough.

I see the The U.K as an ex serving soldier myself as a true brother of the U.S.A and i would go fight again with the U.S.A no problem.

I am gratefull to America for there help in time's gone by sadly some country's forget.

U.K and U.S.A all the way.

And i dont even worry about this post making me look pig headed.

Take care.


[edit on 21-2-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by neformore[

OOPS wrong thread

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Nailer]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
They want to go to war with the ULTRA SUPER PATRIOTS of America who will love to send them back into the abyss!!!! I say bring it communist SCUM!!!!!Freedom will never die by your blood covered hands. I know many people who have many, many, guns,scary guns, and much ammo for these invaders to eat. Think about how psychotic Americans are about there country. Think about how crazy the men are about there familys.These mind controlled slave soldier fools have not a chance against us, unless our criminal government wants them to win. I am seeing this as a real scenario. I laugh in there the scum will have to fight over the sea.

Have you ever seen a Chinese or North Korean? They are mean, fit, and well disciplined. Patriotism is great, and I love guns, but when these guys bring it, they will be millions strong. Not counting those million already among us who have slipped in through the porous border with Mexico. How much ammo do you have anyway?

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