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Woman Dies after Airport Arrest

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posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Of course, it sort of depends on how they had her secured.

If she was hog-tied, that could kill her right there. If they cuffed her to something in the cell in such a way that her breathing was impaired by her position and she could not change position, that can do it as well.

Fun reads: positional asphyxia, and SICDS: Sudden in-custody death syndrome.

Anyway, here's a pretty interesting pdf on the subject.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Tom Bedlam

If she was on her way to rehab as has been stated, her phsical and mental condition could fit the profile of "In-Custody Death" Syndrome

I'm a healthy woman, but if I ended up on the wrong side of handcuffs for whatever reaso, and they put me in a small holding cell and leave me alone, and I have claustophobia, I could see that as being life threatening.

And, law enforcement is supposed to be aware of this condition

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:02 PM
police make me sick.

i read that laaw link, and its all written up like this suspect citizen that has just randomly died in your jail is SUCH a hassle on the cops involved, talking about media exposure, etc.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:15 PM
ok....i JUST got home and cranked on cnn.

they are saying she was on the way to get treated for alky'ism..

NOW they are saying that she was shackled BEHIND her back, to a bench with a 16 inch chain...

i have no link but i heard it on cnn not 1 minute ago.

section8, i am with you...the chances that THIS lady could do it are slim...fact is though, people can dislocate....MAYBE she i said, i suppose i 'could' buy that part of it(i don't but it is plausable) but the choke, no....

now that we are told about a 16 inch chain though, changes things

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
Even if she did bring her arms over her head it would dislocate the rotator cuff. This doesnt make sense.Red Flag!
[edit on 1-10-2007 by dntwastetime]

You can't dislocate your rotator cuff.

Anyway, only way I can think of is she pulled up her one arm over her head with the other at the back and thought she could bring the cuffs to the front of her (which obviously doesn't work) and strangled herself, but there is one catch... the cuffs need a long-ish chain to be able to pull this suicide off...

If only there was a photo of the woman, showing HOW she managed to strangled herself. Ow yeah, the won't show that, due to sensitive people.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by The_unraveller

they are now saying 16 inch chain..

least thats what cnn said about 3 minutes ago

and while we are at it, so much for th epolice locking her in there for her safety....
i call blame on them still OR neglect...

they tossed this 'irate' woman in a cell, cuffed with almost 1.5 feet of chain?
come on man?
why can't these law 'enforcers' get their # together?

[edit on 1-10-2007 by Boondock78]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:22 PM
First thing that came to mind is that she was having a Diabetic reaction, which added to her erratic behavior after being delayed by the airline.

Regardless, scratch it off as another kill for the police state. They won't stop, you had best start planning to defend yourselves.

Obtain a firearm, and use it if your life is in danger.

If everyone started doing this the police state would have to think twice about culling us off.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Wonder if the 16 chain is a 'revised story'. Guess it will come down to pictures, video or credible witnesses. I still think better supervision on security's part was in order.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

Most police departments have standing regs that require the constant monitoring of an officer when you are in restraints, at least every pd that I hit for "positional asphyxia" requires it for that very reason.

Sticking her in a cell shackled with no monitoring other than "when she finally quit asking for help we looked and she was dead" might just be unlawful in itself.

Bets that there magically isn't any record of any sort.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Wonder if the 16 chain is a 'revised story'. Guess it will come down to pictures, video or credible witnesses. I still think better supervision on security's part was in order.

my guess would be yes.
cnn has been saying all day she strangled herself with cuffs and "some people just don't understand how this could happen"

maybe people are not as dumb as we thought so they decided to go from cuffs with 4 links to a 16 inch chain....noice

i am still not buying it....

it would be one thing is 'woman hung herself' or something with lots of rope....i still fail to see how one strangles themself with 16 inches of chain.....either she got REALLY tangled with no monitor(cops fault), or, it didn't go down that way...

i am staying with it didn't go down that way....

i just don't see how she could have cinched herself like that....

we'll probably never see pics or video

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Ok.... I have been locked up a few times and I am familiar with the way you are chained to a bench. There is no 16 inch chain. They do not give you much room to move around on the bench.

Secondly, shackling is much different from being handcuffed. Shackles go around your feet the chain from them goes up your back and around your waist. Your hands are then attached to the chain around the waist and your hands are in front of you at just below the chest. Again, your movements are VERY restricted and there is no possible way she could have chocked herself to death.

I seriously question the 16 inch chain story. I would have to see this for myself.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by section8citizen
Ok.... I have been locked up a few times and I am familiar with the way you are chained to a bench. There is no 16 inch chain. They do not give you much room to move around on the bench.

again, we are on the same page...

i was in that spot a few're on the bench, cuffed with a standard pair of cuffs. there is a metal ring bolted to the wall. then, one end of a different pair of cuffs gets cuffed around the ring, the other cuff gets cuffed to the few links of the cuffs behind your back....

still not hardly any room to move at all. it might give you an extra 6 inches but that way, even if you could dislocate you would not get your hands over, and with that method you can't go under the butt.

you think the chain will turn into 24 inch rope or an extension cord or something?

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:00 PM
We have in essence created a police state that does'nt want to 'appear' to be a police state. So we make kindly grandmothers with their canes and a plate full of cookies take off their shoes at airports so there is no fear of legal ramification by the Muslem looking guy in full beard and khamis.
Fear is a hugely productive mode of control. Now they have it.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:02 PM
How would you expect a person to act who has done nothing wrong, and is being man-handled? I'f I were female, with a bunch of cops going out of their way to harrass me, I'd make a massive scene in hopes of a camera being present. Honestly, people can say anything they want. It's not like there is a red light on their head that blinks when they tell a lie.

If the plane hadn't left the gate yet, they shouldn't be hassling her. She bought her ticket, and I dont blame her one bit for giving them a hard time. And after going through airport security, I can expect she was agitated about being prevented from boarding a plane that was still at the gate. I would be, perhaps enough to say so. Airport security now gums up the works when it comes to big airports, and missing a flight because of security would be more than enough to piss me off if it were an emergency.

I dont believe anything I hear from the news networks anymore since they lied about the deathcounts in Iraq, so I'd recommend taking this as grain of sand along with everything else.

On Saturday, Hill said investigators guessed that "Gotbaum had possibly tried to manipulate the handcuffs from behind her to the front, got tangled up in the process, and they ended up around her neck area."

Impossible, as anyone who has ever been handcuffed knows you need only get on your back in the fetal position, and slip your feet through. Simple if you have long arms, and there is no way you can convince me that the story given by the rent-a-cops is a true one.


[edit on 1-10-2007 by Knightshadowz]

[edit on 1-10-2007 by Knightshadowz]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by infamouskiller

Title of the thread contains disinformation no where is the story or video does anyone mention she was beaten. People really should stop jumping to conclusions

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by section8citizen

I seriously question the 16 inch chain story. I would have to see this for myself.

Doesn't sound likely, does it? I mean, I'm not exactly gumby but I think I could slip them over my feet at 16". Not much point to having a chain that long, unless you secured it in the back to something.

I'm also of the opinion that I'd have to be plastic man to get them over my head from the back, 16" or no.

Now, leg irons come standard in 16", but why would you use them for handcuffs?


posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Riddick can do it. Are you saying you're not as cool as Riddick? 'Cus I am.

Waiting for the video if there is one... this makes so little sense it could easily go either way.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 06:36 PM
There seems to be more to this story than what cnn is reporting. The women was asking for help. Yelling I'm not a terrorist! I'm a sick mom! I need help!"
So did they help her ( NO! ) she's dead now.

They put her in the cage with cuffs on. did she really still need the cuffs on in the airport jail. who ever heard of such a thing.

My guess is this situation escalated and mostly likely was started by security not her. making a mountian out of a mole hill . Im sure security made a big mess of this siltation. Like most airport security they are very untrained in situations like this not to mention just about their entire job. Where do they get these people from to guard our airports. Security personal at airports have to look at the situation different , we are not their enemy. But we are all treated like we are.

I think the media should start telling the entire truth and not just what will make a headline.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 06:43 PM
This is just my two coppers.
When I was younger I got arrested and was cuffed with my arms behind my back.It was very easy to get my arms in front of me from under my legs, and I did this while I was drunk AND in the back of a dark police van.
My arms never came close to my neck.
I'm not proud of that day but wanted to share.
I'm also not saying the cops were "bad" or anything sinister happened, I just find it odd.
Maybe she had a heart attack?

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 07:02 PM
I saw this news story hit the net yesterday night, and at first i was screaming outrage, until i read the article.

The woman was irate over her flight getting ready to leave without her.

The woman was irate over the plane leaving without her, even though she was late, so in her wierd reality that she was living in she wanted to delay the other 300 passengers who all got theere on time and force them to wait while she got on the plane, thats not how itworks.

The woman got mad, and was arrested.

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