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Woman Dies after Airport Arrest

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posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:57 AM
Here is another one:

Position Type: Police

Job Description

The Public Safety Officer position will be assigned to the Park Police Division, Airport Police Division or the Deputy City Marshal Division. To view the complete job description, go to .
Additional Information

Interested applicants should apply online at . The job posting closes October 7, 2007.
Starting pay for licensed peace officers range from $17.44 to $22.24 hourly, depending on experience.
If hired as a Public Safety Cadet, the pay will be $15.05 hourly until graduation from the academy.
Job Requirements

Age 21 Education 30 college semester hours Experience N/A Additional Requirement :
Applicants must have at least 30 college credit hours from an accredited college or university with at least a 2.0 gpa OR have at least two years active service with the Armed Forces of the United States and have received an Honorable Discharge OR have at least two years active service as a peace officer in the United States.

You can pretty much guarantee that they will be selecting from the top applicants not the bottom ones. So again college is a requirement. The point is that its more then a Rent-A-Cop standard which pretty much asks that you only have a pulse.

How many rent-a-cops do you know who’s starting pay is in the 50K range?
Rent-A-Cops pretty much make just above minimum wage.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:02 AM
Prediction of upcomming days news story.

I can see it now, autopsy report is now in from the hand picked coroner, she died of drug withdrawal. Nothing to see here, move along. (Not real story only prediction)

[edit on 3-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Souljah

It is also going to need to exclude that drugs or alcohol played a role or she had some unknown natural disease which played a role."

To me the fact that she was un-revivable has something to say about the situation. Unless she had been in the cell dead for an extended period of time, why was this the case? Normally if someone is un-revivable after a short period, it means that something was chemically off with the muscle tissue. This can be something as simple as lack of potassium caused by dehydration, which accompanies alcohol consumption.

We’ll just have to wait and see what the final outcome of the autopsy is before accusing anyone of anything wrong.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 08:12 AM
and we're all supposed to believe that this autopsy will reveal what really happened? please

we're never gonna know....oh, they're gonna tell us something but we will have to believe it or not.

i will wait for the report but i still say she didn't do this to herself and i still say the fuzz was negligent.

as the story comes out it talks about her getting irate and punching and kicking....if that is true, they definately should not have hooked her with 16 inches of chain and then leave her alone....ya think?

now, had she been cuffed with normal/standard cuffs, even if she could dislocate at will, she would still be alive....

not sure how many different ways there are to slice it but again, once you are in their custody, they are responsible for you...

'they' dropped the ball yet again....

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Boondock78
and we're all supposed to believe that this autopsy will reveal what really happened? please

we're never gonna know....oh, they're gonna tell us something but we will have to believe it or not.

So your suggesting that the medical examiner is going to falsify his report?
Just curious because most medical people I know are scared to death of giving false information for fear of losing their licenses.

That is quite an accusation, you have any proof that the medical examiner has falsified reports in the past?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 08:32 AM
double post

[edit on 10/3/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
So your suggesting that the medical examiner is going to falsify his report?
Just curious because most medical people I know are scared to death of giving false information for fear of losing their licenses.

That is quite an accusation, you have any proof that the medical examiner has falsified reports in the past?

what i am suggesting is we will never know the truth...i don't know how it is gonna go down or whatever but i don't see it...
maybe the examiner will lie. maybe he won't...i don't know, i just feel that this one is not going to go away and they will release something that will appease most people.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:25 AM
I have a question, If she is chained to the bench, what good would getting the handcuffed wrist in front of her do. I could see it if she was free to roam, some sort of sneak attack on guy opening door, but why bring hands forward if secured to the location. She wasn't going anywhere.

I read this, again and realize I am still debunking an obviously impossible story of events, going to wait for autopsy report

[edit on 3-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Redge777

it's a lot more comfy laying on a crappy bench when you're wrists are not bound behing you. if they are, you are pretty much limited to your side...
i don't know if that is why she tried, if she tried but thats why i would try.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Souljah

I love it in one breath we get Forensic expert says it is impossible, then take breath two and we get It's really not conceivable then breath three says cuffs to the bench might conceivably have done it.

All from hundreds of miles away which is nothing but 2nd guessing on his part without actually seeing the body :shk:

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by infamouskiller
it is physically impossable to put your hand behind your back up to choke your neck.

Actually its not entirely impossible, a friend of mine has abnormal shoulder joints and can do a full 360 degree movement without unlacing his fingers. But, he wouldn't strangle himself to get of out handcuffs either, in order to get them around his neck, he'd have to do it differently

But yeah, I call bull# on the official story.

[edit on 10/3/2007 by Rytak]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Ron paul 2008 can save us from this

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[edit on 3-10-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Looks like the autopsy was inconclusive so they have to wait for the Toxicology whose results may determine cause; they said it will take a few weeks

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by shots
Looks like the autopsy was inconclusive so they have to wait for the Toxicology whose results may determine cause; they said it will take a few weeks

yeah, thats normal

strangulations usually requite tox screens...


posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 09:53 PM
Ron paul 2008 can save us from this

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[edit on 4-10-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:14 AM
Ok this is retarded she did not strangle herself with the cuffs. I think they jumped on her maybe broke a rib or color bone or she had a stroke or heart attack.

The security used excessive force and it resulted in her death. Thats what i think went down.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Beefcake
Ok this is retarded she did not strangle herself with the cuffs. I think they jumped on her maybe broke a rib or color bone or she had a stroke or heart attack.

The security used excessive force and it resulted in her death. Thats what i think went down.

cnn just speculate on that very scenerio...apparently they are saying she was only left alone for 6-8 minutes...

docs and such talking about her possible state at the time are saying that was wrong and did explain how people on top of her soulc crush her.

i think all one has to do is think for about 3 seconds to realize she did not do this to herself....

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:47 AM
I was at the airport and watched this scene develop, ( i have and will scan and post my ticket stub to prove this) I was also interviewed by two different ocal media outlets. My inteview did not make the news because I didn't agree with the fact that this lady was a "normal" passenger and ws "victimized" by the mean 'ol security.
Let me tell you this wonam was freaking the F out! she looked to be intoxicated and was stumbling around and yelling obscenities. she was also yelling at imaginary assailants (but you wont hear about that either)

Bottom line is from where I was standing this is one case where tazing would have been justified, in fact i was yelling at them to "taze the crazy broad!" so I was not surprised to find her accidently hanging herself. she was whacked out. and i heard she was on her way to a rehab center on the plane she missed.
The only mistake here was by her husband who let her travel by herself!

as far as how she could have choked herself, she probably passed out from the booze and landed with her neck on the suspended chain.

crazy peoples should be put away so that they don't drown any more babys!

[edit on 4-10-2007 by icybreeze]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 10:34 AM
this is the account by police, and I would think that she was drunk. I think we can assume that, right? A recovering on the way to rehab? think she did not have a few miniatures on the plane. The reason there is to be a tox screen is to prove alchohol or other related drugs in the system.

On Friday, Carol Gotbaum arrived at Sky Harbor International Airport about 12:30 p.m. On Wednesday, Phoenix police provided the following account of what happened next. Their timeline is based on conversations with 15 witnesses, five officers and other investigative information:

Gotbaum arrived alone at Sky Harbor. She was supposed to then fly to Tucson. According to US Airways officials, Gotbaum was denied access to a flight in Terminal 4. There was a verbal altercation at the gate in Concourse B between Gotbaum and the gate attendant. Gotbaum became agitated and loud, and at some point, threw her handheld PDA, just missing a person. The PDA broke into pieces. Gotbaum left the gate area.

2:49 p.m. Phoenix police working at the airport received a radio call about a woman being loud and causing a disturbance at Concourse B. Two officers responded and located Gotbaum on the concourse. Before the officers contacted Gotbaum, they heard her yelling and observed her actions. They then tried to calm her, but she continued to yell and scream. Within 15 seconds of contacting her, they were joined by a third officer and attempted to arrest her for disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor.

2:53 p.m. Gotbaum and the officers ended up on the floor as they tried to handcuff her. The officers did not use pepper spray or a Taser. They then got Gotbaum on her feet, and two officers took her to a holding area. Gotbaum was handcuffed with her hands behind her back. She was still uncooperative, and the officers had to periodically slide her forward, with each officer holding an arm, in order to get her to the holding area.

Gotbaum was placed in a small holding room with a solid door and a small window. There were seven police employees in the holding area at the time. A female officer came to search Gotbaum, but Gotbaum continued to be uncooperative and didn't allow the search.

She was then additionally restrained as follows: In the holding room, there is a bench with an eyehook attached to it. The officers took a shackle, which is described as a metal chain, approximately 16 inches long, with a large handcuff on each side.

The total length of the chain with handcuffs is approximately 24 inches. One of the handcuffs on the shackle was attached to the eyehook on the bench. The other handcuff of the shackle was attached to the chain of the handcuffs that were on Gotbaum. So Gotbaum was handcuffed with her hands behind her back, and those handcuffs were attached to a shackle that kept her attached to the bench.

Officers felt that Gotbaum was not a threat to others or to herself and left her alone. They went to the holding area just outside the holding room. Gotbaum continued to yell and scream for six to eight minutes.

When she stopped, the officers went to check on her.

The officers found Gotbaum unconscious. Initial information indicates that she had worked the handcuffs to the front of her body, probably from under her legs, and had pulled the chain from the shackle across her neck area. The medical examiner will determine the manner and cause of death.

The officers called the Fire Department, removed the handcuffs and shackle, and began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR. While doing mouth-to-mouth, Gotbaum vomited into one officer's mouth. The officer then spit up but continued to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while CPR continued. The officers also attempted to use a defibrillator. Several minutes later, fire officials arrived and took over lifesaving attempts.

This is a tradgedy, but the fact is that she killed herself. She was not pepper sprayed or tasered, she was simply handcuffed. This is a normal procedure. People complain about brutality, but have any of you ever attempted to secure someone. She was not beaten nor abused by any means.

I worked security at a few bars in the Orlando area and it is no easy feat, especially if they are already pissed. Also, I would much rather handle a 300 pound guy then an irate woman. I have the experiences to back that up.

Again, this is tradgedy and a page 3 story. The only reason that there is so much press is that she is from tjhe upper west side in NY and her mom is a city advocate. Money buys press.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by esdad71

This is a tradgedy, but the fact is that she killed herself.

fact huh?

even though there has been no determined cause of death yet...

you're unreal man...really are.

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