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A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime - or preparing for an American attack. "The Iranian government knows and is aware of such infiltration. It means that the Iranian government has identified them [the covert operatives] but for some reason does not want to show [this]," said the former diplomat on condition of anonymity.
Originally posted by jsobecky
You saying it is so doesn't make it so.
I need to know every detail of your life, grimreaper797. All your financial and medical records, please. The most intimate details on your sexual relationships with whomever.
I need to know that info. I pay taxes, therefore I am entitled to that information.
See how ridiculous that sounds?
Just because you pay taxes does not make you privy to military or intelligence information.
Well then, your recourse is the ballot box.
Well, you'll get your honor soon enough:
One of the missing 3 soldiers was found today in Iraq, floating in a river. His face was so badly mutilated that identification was very difficult. It is obvious that he was tortured ( and I don't mean, subjected to a barking dog torture, I mean grown-up torture ) before he was executed with two bullets; one in the chest and one in the head.
But you'll get your "honor". When we capture the ones who did this, we'll make sure that we read them their rights. We'll make sure they have their prayer rugs, and culturally adjusted meals. They'll be treated with kid gloves.
And guys like you will be defending their rights all along.
If they are too weak to stand up to propaganda, then they deserve to fall. There is nothing illegal or immoral about propaganda, except in your mind. You need to toughen yourself up a bit there, grimreaper.
Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Since we are all up inside Irans petootie,
The dead get nothing from this.
Originally posted by grimreaper797
sure it does because it is OUR money they are spending, and OUR citizens lives they are risking. We don't need to know "we are going to have a raid in bagdad on may 29th at 7:00AM" but we do need to know "we are going to launch pyschological warfare against *this country*"
It is simply way too dangerous to have it otherwise. In fact, its the reason the middle east is so screwed up, because we let the CIA have fun in the middle east overthrowing governments and selling weapons. Now we have the situation we have today, because they did as they wanted, with no one to keep them in check because "national security" came before national agreement.
And when this nation has fallen apart and our forefathers are turning in their graves, the ballot box will mean nothing.
It is the mentality of people like you that makes me give up on america, and consider leaving.
You're damn right we will be defending their rights. I'll be doing it and with pride too. I hate those bastards that did it, but you know what, as some one of PRINCIPLE and real morality, I believe in maintaining composure. See there are a good amount of people out there that like to talk the talk, "Fair trial, all men created equal, I believe in freedom and liberty" but then they are faced with the real scum of this earth, and they can't hold their principles. They are WEAK. They do nothing but TALK of what they "believe". What do I believe? That if some countries military attacked us and congress voted to go to war with that country, that I would be ready to fight right out on the front lines. I don't care if you believe me or not, because I am a person of principle and pride.
I don't switch my position when the real world comes into play. When the scum of this planet kill, we give them their fair trial, not because we believe they deserve it, but because we believe that "rights" aren't a words we throw around when it best fits our personal beliefs. Defending rights isn't speaking out when your freedom of speech is being censored, but speaking out when your enemies freedom of speech is being censored. Defending rights isn't about ensuring your family member get a fair trial, but making sure the man
Originally posted by grimreaper797
It is the mentality of people like you that makes me give up on america, and consider leaving.
Originally posted by slingshotsally
I never really paid attention to covert operations against other nations until a class I took recently about Latin American history. To me, to destablize the government of another nation is troublesome, as how would the United States respond to another country attempting such tactics with us?
Personally, I would be very irritated to say the least, that another nation would think that we needed them upsetting our government.
Originally posted by jsobecky
Need money for a one-way ticket? Either way, don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!
You benefit from my taxes, right? Therefore, you owe me. Sorry you missed that in your one-dimensional world.
And if you want to justify your love for the terrorists by calling yourself a "patriot", go ahead. You're not fooling anybody but yourself. The difference between you and me is, I'd make sure they received their rights (grudgingly), but you'd be falling all over yourself as you grovel up to them, saying "Love me! Love me! It was all my evil president's fault!"
[edit on 23-5-2007 by jsobecky]
Originally posted by jsobecky
Guess what? Nations use propaganda against us every day of the week.
Chavez gives away discount oil to some of our citizens.
What do you think that is, altruism?
Don't fall for the naive rhetoric that says we're the only ones who use propaganda.
Originally posted by jsobecky
And if you want to justify your love for the terrorists by calling yourself a "patriot", go ahead. You're not fooling anybody but yourself. The difference between you and me is, I'd make sure they received their rights (grudgingly), but you'd be falling all over yourself as you grovel up to them, saying "Love me! Love me! It was all my evil president's fault!"
Originally posted by Cutwolf
Originally posted by hoochymama
This is the point.
Bush is THE Dictator right now and can do as he pleases.
PS. The term "Fool me once" should NEVER, EVER even enter into the conversation in regards to WAR. I am educating my kids at a young age to question there Gov. at all costs.
[edit on 23-5-2007 by hoochymama]
Oh boy, Chicken Little...
Yes, congress has to approve it.
I question the government.
This is a bad government. One of the worst in American history.
It is hardly as bad as chicken littles like you make it out to be.
Continue to flaunt your lack of knowledge of the constitution and your in depth knowledge of the underground, alternative news sources. It is quite amusing.
Cutwolf I saw on the news today that Bush has the Demcrats over a barrel over the funding in Iraq. Bush will not yield,compromise, or even talk about it. He has to have it his way...period. Look how many bills he vetod already regarding the war funding.
Originally posted by AllSeeingI
In my opinion it wasn't that much of a secret if the ABC was able to get their hands on it. The US government should know better than to let "secrets" like that slip.
Originally posted by Cutwolf
On the other hand, we are at war. We seem to forget that the goal in war is to kill as many of the enemy as possible. We seem to forget that war is violent and that civilians do die in war.
When we finally turn the lights back on, we've either won or lost. That is really all the matters.
How you achieve victory in a war should not be an issue. War is war and the goal is to win.