posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:47 AM
Well, I scanned the first page, but I'm afraid I don't have two hours to read through all of the posts, lol. Anyway, I think the story is
fascinating! What makes it most fascinating is the fact that you have gone into so much detail leading me to believe 100% that what you have said is
true and not fabrication. I just wanted to make a couple of points that might interest you if they haven't been posted already or if you haven't
already tossed around the ideas.
1. This one I'm sure you have thought of since I may have briefly seen mention of it on the first page but:
This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn what you can from this situation if you are truly interested in paranormal activity. However, you do
have the child/children to consider and their psychological well-being, and this I understand. Of course, if things get hairy...well, you can cross
that bridge when you get to it
. I believe I saw something about a tape recorder? While that will give you the possibility of tangible proof (though
in this day and age and w/technology being what it is, that may not hold water), a recording will do little to help you understand what is going on in
the universe. Well, instead of me seeming to tell you what to do, let me just rephrase to say what I might like to do in this situation. I would love
the opportunity to just be able to hear what is in the air around me and try to do this with a partner that is interested in it as much as
me and to relate all things that I learn to a larger reality of the mechanics of our planet. Oh my god, this would be so actually have
the unique once in a lifetime opportunity to gain wisdom and enlightenment unsurpassed about life after death or spirits, angels, gods or what have
you. Best of luck, and please keep us updated!
2. I've often wondered if I'm one of a few or many when it comes to feeling or having felt the presence of something not visible in our cosmos. I
guess this part is more of a question than a comment, but haven't many of us had an experience as a child where we felt something strange at work
around us? Something unrationally coincidental beating the odds of possibility? The feeling of seeing something out of the corner of the eye while
deep in thought that all of the sudden is not there anymore when we turn quickly to look? There are just so many things that I have seen and heard
both in childhood and as an adult to not consider that the paranormal is really normal but more or less ignored and given less priority than science
and logic or tangible, material things. I try to think outside the box these days...a box that represents all that I have been taught or all that I
have been TOLD to believe from people in my little environment and instead make judgments solely on my own experiences and interpretations...and it
has made all the difference