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Have I Disturbed Some One? (Revisited)

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posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 02:23 PM
Wait a tic...

I've examined the waves on your chair sound...I'm just saying that it's not normal.

On the troughs, you've got a rounded U shape, and on the recursive sides, it's nearly vertical. Very oddly shaped waves, I'll say.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 02:36 PM

If what I am hearing is what you are hearing, then (and this is no reflection of doubt on you, this is because I almost pee'd myself), would you please provide the exact link (my link, not yours) that you started with, and then go step by step through what you did to produce the final file? so that I could have this duplicated by a second person?


posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Loki
Wait a tic...

I've examined the waves on your chair sound...I'm just saying that it's not normal.

On the troughs, you've got a rounded U shape, and on the recursive sides, it's nearly vertical. Very oddly shaped waves, I'll say.

Loki...what does this mean? I'm now all jicky because of CatHerder's file

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 04:02 PM
I'll be back in a couple hours and will post a quick step by step (including screen shots of steps) to show how I arrived at both sample edits.

I used your first .wav you posted here - 1117ghostsound.wav and cut out the 2 portions (the rest was basically just noise of the recorder turning on and off from what I could tell, but there is a 3rd noise I want to try processing when I get back).

Keep in mind - what I did could mean that the results have nothing to do with your sound recording at all. Or, it could just be that the original recording was of noises that were at a different frequency and sample rate to appear to be just that: "noise" -- until they were slowed down appropriately. I'm learning towards the first one (in otherwords don't wet your pants).

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 12:34 AM
This sounds to me, like the thunder in the background. I'm waiting to hear the squeak again. After seing your stairway pic, and the fact it's covered in carpet, spooks me out. How could a noise which sounds like it is right there on top of the recorder, be a squeak from wood scraping on wood. It really couldn't get any closer to the recorder in my opinion, in fact it's the loudest part of the tape. Everything else more or less sounds at a distance, except for that.

I'm also glad that someone else noticed a face in your pics, nothing else of the pictures seems ghostly by scrutiny of the eyes. Cept I first saw the house pics, and the thought in my mind was, hey wasn't psycho filmed there? lol.

Any thoughts on the wood grain ghost?


P.S. I don't recall if you mentioned this, but what breed of dog was it again, for some reason I'm thinking beagle or weiner dog/daschund.

Oh yeah one other thing, the pic you posted of the wet spot which developed on your floor, looked to me like doggy piddles, did you have the dog yet? lol!

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 06:55 AM

I look forward to hearing back from you. This is all very interesting. I want to see if processing it with some one else's equipment along the same lines as your steps has the same result.


That was the disturbing thing about the noise from the minute I heard it. The entire upstairs is carpeted. In order to get to a wood floor you have to go down stairs. Right after hearing the recording my daughter and I spent a full half hour going through the house and opening and closing doors, drawers and then moving furniture across the wood floor downstairs - WE COULDN'T EVEN MAKE A NOISE LOUD ENOUGH TO ACTIVATE THE RECORDER! Not one single time did we get the recorder to kick on.

My doggy is half Schipperkee and half pug. And the "puddles" happened one month before I got him.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 10:32 PM
Did I get little orb thingies in my pictures???

Story behind pictures. They were taken back in April when my son was taking his girlfriend to her prom. I took them on my digital and then dumped them to my computer. That night, after the prom, they broke up. Well, my son hasn't asked to see them since (go figure) and I didn't have any reason to pull them up.

Tonight I was scrolling through my picture files and I came to them and pulled them up. The following are three of the pics taken. Two have an "orb" like thing in them and one doesn't (just to show that it wasn't a lens thingy). Both times they are around my son!

I've always thought this orb business was kind of weird and haven't given it much thought. Do you guys think I caught an orb following my son around?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:21 AM
I see the orb on your sons stomache area on the tux, and then the other of him around below his knees. They are faint, though. I mean look at that girl's eyes She is obsviously the source of your problems, you should be fine now they broke up, lol.


posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 04:10 PM
how old is your son?

hubba hubba!

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:54 PM
First instance of something around here in awhile. As you may or may not know, Springer now lives up here.

Well, we had an incident earlier in the evening that I can't really go into detail on right now, but it concerned a doorway...not an external doorway, but an internal doorway.

About 10 minutes ago I was up here in the computer room with both dogs (because now Springer's dog, Kita, is up here with my little dog, Bear). Bear jumped up and started growling at the stairwell, and then Kita did too. Then they both ran down the stairs and started barking loudly and growling downstairs. I went down and they were both staring at the same doorway involved in the incident earlier in the evening....just barking and growling like mad!

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 07:14 AM
Well Valhall, you have successfully creeped me out *shivers*.

Sorry I can not add anything constructive, but this is very interesting to say the least.

They do look very like an orb type manifestation though, at least very comparable to ones I have seen.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Well, I just spent like 2 hours reading all the posts, now I'm on the edge of my seat. What's the story with the internal doorway? What happened and how did the dogs react?

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:36 AM

I just finished reading this entire post, start to finish. It took me an astouding 3+ hours
. I could'nt stop and I didnt want to miss any pertinant informaion. What I would like to know is where are yall standing on the proposed renovtions. As I recall the last thing that you said you were getting ready to do was to level the house, along with demolishing the bricks. I know that is pretty much where the whole story began, but I think maybe the recent activity in the last few months may have something to do with more alterations. Also, did you ever find out if there was a 'Henry' who lived there. For some reason I am led to bleieve that Henry may have been the grocer. Wheather or not Henry was what the recording said, I dont know because your site is down. It could have also ben a name similar to Henry, such as Henrietta (?sp), Harry or Hank. I know that the comparison between Henry and the grocer is very straight forward, and I dont know if anyone else came to this conclusion.

Anyway, I am very interested in your situation, and can relate to what you are going through. I myself have numerous ghostly encouters, and I am trying to find ways to communicate with the entities. Check out my post on my most memoriable and recent encounters. Please keep us updated on the whole thing, as I we might be able to help each other in opening some lanes of communication. Just a thought


posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 05:06 AM

Possibly the most real-time and pretty darned hard to figure out what's going on event since I've been in the house. And it's happening right this minute!

In the past 15 minutes there has been to instances of louded banging on the side sounds kind of like knocking, but more like the door is being banged against the jam. The dogs go apesh!t and run down and just bark like nobody's business. There isn't anyone there!

There is no wind right now...I mean NO windsock is just hanging like a wet noodle. FREAK FREAK FREAK! I have gone down there both times it happened...and it continues to happen as I come down the stairs, but has always stopped by the time I am downstairs proper. It's LOUD! It can't be an animal because the dogs would not stop barking...they have fits everytime anything is on the property...but they are completely calming down in between it happening.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 07:22 AM
i believe that dogs sense things that we cant.... me and a few friends was messing around in an old crazy house that has been shut down for years. we did this a few nights in a row, an one night i took my fearless pit bull.. this dog would not go into certain rooms, i bout choked the dog with its leash to try an get it in some rooms... some rooms she would go right into, and some she would be so scared she would start to pee on herself like she was a puppy in trouble..she was 6 years old and ive never seen my dog act like that about juss going in a room.. i believe the dog seen things in the rooms that me and my friends couldnt see.. old crazy house, im sure lots of people have died there... so my point, yes i believe your dog is onto your ghost or whatever it is...

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 07:46 AM
Ah, my favorite "weird sh*t" thread is back! Val, you have much stronger nerves than I do if you can sit down at the 'puter and post about this stuff *as it's happening.*

So fill us in--is this the first occurrence since your last group of postings?

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by sandge
Ah, my favorite "weird sh*t" thread is back! Val, you have much stronger nerves than I do if you can sit down at the 'puter and post about this stuff *as it's happening.*

So fill us in--is this the first occurrence since your last group of postings?

Things have been very quiet around here for quite some time. First occurrence in almost a year (worth speaking of) was the post about the dogs going freakazoid at the internal door. The rest of the story on this is that Springer was extremely ill that night and due to fever and meds started hallucinating earlier in the night. He had been laying on the couch and started seeing "some one" standing in the internal door (to be quite honest he said, and I quote "the devil is standing there staring at me". He described a man with white eyes (no pupils) and it was really freaky and eventually he came out of the fever and all that and couldn't even remember his mutterings afterwards.

The strange thing is while this was going on the dogs were in the room. Not once did they become agitated by anything. It was later in the night, when Springer had already gone to bed and I was upstairs at the computer that they start freaking out, growling and barking and run down the stairs. When I got down there, both dogs were barking at the same door Springer had "seen the visitor" in while in his fever.

That was the first occurrence in months and months. Now this. To be quite honest, I learned a long time ago when I was up here by myself that getting on this thread and talking about things actually makes me feel better. LOL...this morning I was so freaked out (and Springer was still asleep - but was woke up both times the dogs barked, just didn't get out of bed), that I just wanted to be talking to you guys!

Concerning the questions on the rennovations. We have done A LOT. We have completely busted out all the brick skirting and have had the west and east sides of the house leveled. We closed in the crawl space with plywood for the time being because we have to do re-wiring, re-plumbing and re-air conditioning that will require access.

We have put new windows all in the bottom portion of the front of the house, have completely redone all the porch columns and porch trim below the porch roofline. We are waiting on the new front door and will get it installed. We are ordering the new siding right now and will start residing soon.

Inside, we have been putting the house actually back more the way it was when it was originally built by undoing really bad "remuddling" things that have been done to the house over the years. Lots of hard work with real slow progress as far as seeing things accomplished. Every time we think we're about to get a certain thing finished, we uncover a major problem that adds 14 other things that need to be fixed. THE MONEY PIT!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, back to this morning. The occurence ended up happening only the 2 times, and it was pretty weird. Maybe we're coming into some phase or something.

[edit on 11-17-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 11:09 AM
My apologies. I had forgotten that there were a lot of mysticfish links that would now be dead. Here is the ca 1906 pic of the house:

I will work to get the audio file back up on my new ftp when I get home tonight and will post the new link.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Ms Valhall......have you saged (burn some sage) the house?......might help, can't hurt and smells good

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by NetStorm
Ms Valhall......have you saged (burn some sage) the house?......might help, can't hurt and smells good

As a matter of fact we have not. I have a friend that has done this for me before, but not at this house. We had a prayer meeting here (this friend was not there for that), but I really should ask him to come over and do this.

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