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Are the invader cells being activated? I think so.

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posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


Projecting while looking in the mirror is not a good way to go about your day.

Isn't that what just happend with your post?

Your all bold opinion is totally true and applicable to most xenophobes...

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:08 AM
If only you truly cared. What a world it would be?

Clearly, you waste our time.

quote]originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

Of course you're free to be afraid, actually be very affraid, buy guns because somehow they'll save your country but most importantly be affraid of the well trained and fully equipped invading forces...

And more guns will serve them well, they'll dont even have to bring them to invade your home, just check the nightstand drawer...

Appart from right wing fear mongering media outlets spouting their fear driven propaganda there still has to be a shred of actual proof migration is a coordinated effort...

People who jump on that bandwagon are showing how critical thinking gets circumvented when fear is at the forefront of their reasoning...
Quick question.

How are children being raped and murdered by foreigners right-wing propaganda?

The majority of child rapes and murders in the USA are done by American citizens. Usually, but not always, these are done by someone known to the child, and with frequent access. Some are even done by family members.

Asking for the brutalized deceased and the bereaved families. Thanks in advance.

Unless you’re suggesting that none of this has happened. Mayor of Aurora, is that you?

There are occurrences of individual crimes that get a lot of press. Crime statistics are nowhere near as salacious, but through sheer weight of numbers the paint a clearer picture of the overall situation.

FBI Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2019
Agreed and that’s fair. But a different thread.

In the same vein I disagree with Trump that we should be bombing Mexico because of the fentanyl trade that’s killed hundreds of thousand of Americans.

But to claim that they did it to themselves is akin to the argument you’re making.

I don’t wanna sound heartless. I’m not. I understand why people would want to come to the US. But that US is damn near a thing of the past because of liberal ideology and policy. I’m still liberal just not one the left would snuggle up to.

It has to do with sovereignty and law. What we let slide sets the precedent. Standards are set by what refuses to tolerate. And every day is a gift. So somewhere between those two truisms the West must make a stand or grab their ankles and shut up about it.

If we can’t respect that, why would we expect others to.

So how many dead Americans is enough for any kind of pushback in your book? When is enough, enough?

I'm fairly sure that if you cared about the numbers of dead Americans, you might call into question those who refused to vaccinate, wear masks, or sanitize, and who attended political rallies and other super-spreader events at the height of a pandemic that took over a million American lives.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Justoneman


Projecting while looking in the mirror is not a good way to go about your day.

Isn't that what just happend with your post?

Your all bold opinion is totally true and applicable to most xenophobes...

No but I do recognize the Gaslighting Rules for Radicals your team uses and it is stale.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

Way to make one's own opinion irrelevant...

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
If only you truly cared. What a world it would be?

Clearly, you waste our time.

quote]originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

Of course you're free to be afraid, actually be very affraid, buy guns because somehow they'll save your country but most importantly be affraid of the well trained and fully equipped invading forces...

And more guns will serve them well, they'll dont even have to bring them to invade your home, just check the nightstand drawer...

Appart from right wing fear mongering media outlets spouting their fear driven propaganda there still has to be a shred of actual proof migration is a coordinated effort...

People who jump on that bandwagon are showing how critical thinking gets circumvented when fear is at the forefront of their reasoning...
Quick question.

How are children being raped and murdered by foreigners right-wing propaganda?

The majority of child rapes and murders in the USA are done by American citizens. Usually, but not always, these are done by someone known to the child, and with frequent access. Some are even done by family members.

Asking for the brutalized deceased and the bereaved families. Thanks in advance.

Unless you’re suggesting that none of this has happened. Mayor of Aurora, is that you?

There are occurrences of individual crimes that get a lot of press. Crime statistics are nowhere near as salacious, but through sheer weight of numbers the paint a clearer picture of the overall situation.

FBI Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2019
Agreed and that’s fair. But a different thread.

In the same vein I disagree with Trump that we should be bombing Mexico because of the fentanyl trade that’s killed hundreds of thousand of Americans.

But to claim that they did it to themselves is akin to the argument you’re making.

I don’t wanna sound heartless. I’m not. I understand why people would want to come to the US. But that US is damn near a thing of the past because of liberal ideology and policy. I’m still liberal just not one the left would snuggle up to.

It has to do with sovereignty and law. What we let slide sets the precedent. Standards are set by what refuses to tolerate. And every day is a gift. So somewhere between those two truisms the West must make a stand or grab their ankles and shut up about it.

If we can’t respect that, why would we expect others to.

So how many dead Americans is enough for any kind of pushback in your book? When is enough, enough?

I'm fairly sure that if you cared about the numbers of dead Americans, you might call into question those who refused to vaccinate, wear masks, or sanitize, and who attended political rallies and other super-spreader events at the height of a pandemic that took over a million American lives.
What I don’t get is this. If you’re gonna bring this up in a thread that has nothing to do with Covid deaths, then address why Japan just announced almost 100M have been infected with nanobots.

Or that the vast majority of Covid deaths in hospitals is now attributed to being put on ventilators and given a cocktail of detrimental drugs.


Alas these things are lost and don’t have any point other than to further derail this thread.

And to suggest I don’t care in the same breath.

For real? Infuriating!

If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be up in this thread about illegals immigrants extorting apartment buildings in CO.

It’s like someone sticking their fingers in their ear and goin la-la-la-la while you try to discuss something like an adult.

Me: “What do you make of this situation in Colorado with Venezuelan gang?”

Them: “The chicken crossed the road in a tutu and had a leopard-print parasol because he had to vote.”

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: watchitburn

Way to make one's own opinion irrelevant...

LOL.... Yeah you calling the truth irrelevant will work.


posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Calm down.

Nobody is trying to invade the USA.

Criminals do criminal stuff, and, according to the FBI, most crimes in the US are done by Caucasian citizens.

Remember when it was the Italian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Russia Bratva, the Chinese Triads. It's always someone else, at least on the telly.

I feel so much better now. A loser from the other side of the globe has assured me that the million and a half "got aways" that came into the country over the last 3.5 years are all peaceful and not at all gang members. Sleep well my friends, we have been told by the ultimate authority, all is well.

Sure, some of them are gang members, but not all of them.

Even if every last one was a gang member, each of those alleged 1.5 million 'undocumented' is still outnumbered 220 to 1.

And I'm no authority, but neither are you. LOL.

I just don't believe the BS from bigots who have neither credibility nor capability with simple math and who never seem to look-up online statistics.

statistics tell the true story don't they. Sadly, they didn't help Laken Riley. When she was raped and killed, I'll bet she was running the numbers in her head, "the odds of this happening to me are tiny, yet, here is this man, raping me and smashing my skull in". Well, let's not cry over spilled milk eh?

The difference between you and I isn't credibility, it's geography. How far are you from the problems of the open border?
edit on 30-8-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Do you now...

I'm team anti idiots pushing xenophobic propaganda...

I have no political affiliation.
seems like projecting your dichotomous worldview is limiting your capability to think critically and account for all the shades in between... Again

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

No they haven't eradicated crime, and there are people who are affraid to walk the streets at midnight and there are those who aren't...

It's a basic trust in life and the good things in humans, once you loose that your life becomes a misserable place...

Dehumanizing rhetoric certainly makes it easier, but in the end it just goes to show once own morals...

Live is deadly you can either live it in fear of death or not. If my life is threatened by showing the other cheek so be it. Taking somone else's life is not and never will be my call, like i said life is deadly without me playing God... You will die with or without guns, not taking other peoples life along the way probably helps in the end...

so there is an acceptable level of crime? Or should folks do what they can to try to fix the crime? Be careful how you answer, it's important.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Justoneman

Do you now...

I'm team anti idiots pushing xenophobic propaganda...

I have no political affiliation.
seems like projecting your dichotomous worldview is limiting your capability to think critically and account for all the shades in between... Again

Still. Not. One. Original. Thought. About. This. Thread.


posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:29 AM

Maybe an anti-migrant group has begun to spread the notion that these ''yellow?'" buses are free buses or even cheap buses that can be used by the public so that groups of migrants will wait at a bus stop for the bus and then want to get on

a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Anti-migrant group? Really, you mean the majority of Americans.

CBS’s Brennan Thrown for Loop By Poll Showing 62% Want All Undocumented Migrants Deported: ‘What Exactly Do People Think They’re Supporting?’
number is most likely higher than that
Look, if these anti-American illegal aliens are too stupid to realize that is a school bus then they need not be in this country. Where do they think their going to? Your theory is not plausible, this was an reflexitory move to feel out the response to a soft target. The illegals who are doing this are creature criminals-meaning they have criminal instincts and they are testing the boundries of their new environment. It won't be long until this turns into a schiit show. The democrats/uniparty are willing to allow this invasion to keep control and power. Anti-migrant, are you kidding me? That is an absurd thing to say.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thanks for telling us what is and isn't happening in the country we live in. We're so thankful to have you here to calm our concerns about things we see with our own eyes. Whatever did we do before we had Lord Kiwi?

In other news: Gaslighting doesn't exist. We made it up because we're crazy.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:32 AM
Speaking of original thoughts about this thread….

If, and I do mean IF these Venezuelans have been “activated”, there’ll be a trace for SIGINT folks to follow.

Likewise, IF they’ve been activated to test the water in middle America to see how Americans will react, then may I suggest that law enforcement has been told to stand down and let this LARP table-top exercise play out so that they can gauge the response from “curfews”, to “shelter in place”, to full-on Martial Law.

There’s a conspiracy theory for ya.

ETA: there’s a rumor a journalist was killed already. While I sans a link, I’m curious what they were doing, who they talking to, and what was being investigated if anything.

Wrong place, wrong time? Or something else……?

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

This a good site to express opinions but don't expect to change any minds here, pard. That's not going to happen.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: charlest2
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

This a good site to express opinions but don't expect to change any minds here, pard. That's not going to happen.
What ya mean?

I’m not sure the OP was doing anything other than bringing this to light now that the mayor’s gotten involved.

I appreciate this thread because the OP speculates that, YES, this is the beginning of terrorist activity and the activation of the illegal immigrant network that has been bussed, flown, and trucked to every corner of this country. Certainly been allowed to amass within the US border and given goodies like no other group.

While I don’t know if it is this or not, it’s a good spot to place the footnote of initiation of activity that certainly RESEMBLES this very notion. However it could be thugs doing what they do in their new host country, as the violent parasites they are.

It’s interesting to see how this is discussed, or rather flat-out denied, and even having insults thrown along with extreme evasion in discussion the possibility at all.

Highly peculiar responses from some folks indeed.

Not you necessarily. lol.
edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

Just trying to save AwakeNotWoke some mental anguish and grief in trying, because it's not going to happen.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Justoneman

Do you now...

I'm team anti idiots pushing xenophobic propaganda...

I have no political affiliation.
seems like projecting your dichotomous worldview is limiting your capability to think critically and account for all the shades in between... Again

You are not on the team you think at all from every post I have read of yours.

You need to step back and re assess this.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: charlest2
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

Just trying to save AwakeNotWoke some mental anguish and grief in trying, because it's not going to happen.
Oh. I see. I get your meaning. Not sure that’s what’s happening in their meaning. But yeah.

Yeah I’m just glad for the food for thought and breadcrumbs which could potentially be the biggest deal since the revolutionary or civil war in the US.

I hope not. But even the Covid threads needed page 1.

Where’s dashen?

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

I didn't read any replies yet. Just my initial take.

This invasion of many known criminals/gang members, even terrorists, was purposely allowed to happen by the "Biden" administration, and even encouraged by the Democrats (actually who knows who is really running the country). If it is a powerful far left liberal Democrat politician, Soros or the Chinese then definitely it is being allowed to happen to take down the US. Whoever it is, is leveraging all the criminal activity of the Biden family to wrest control of the US to destroy it.

Witness the last 4 years of drastic moral decay, crime increases, and Dem run cities/states taking care of illegal immigrants while kicking veterans out of nursing homes to house illegal immigrants. $$ handed to illegal immigrants while poor citizens receive little or nothing.

Notice not one ordinary average citizen voted for Kamala, very convenient.

Kamala was anointed, "crowned", to be the figure head (queen) of the US by the elite of the Democrat Party.

Whoever is controlling the liberal agenda of the Democrats wanted another person they could control completely, while allowing Kamala to be a figurehead. That way they could insure the destruction of the US and make it "equal" to the rest of the world or worse.

Because, they (liberal Democrats) are convinced America
was born in injustice and evil and
is inherently an unjust evil county.

Democrats also openly believe. and frequently their most important leaders insist,
that the US is full of unrepentant inherently evil citizens
(racists/sexists/homophobes/transphobes/domestic terrorists/insurrectionists/gun and bible clingers).
who must be brought down by any means possible.

I firmly believe Kamala will win because whoever is really running the government wants another puppet.

TERRIFYINGLY, Whoever is really in control of the Presidency,
will do ANYTHING to insure that Kamala "wins",
no matter what it takes,
no matter what they have to do
since the (their?) failed assassination attempt on Trump.

The US is toast if "Kamala" wins and I'm glad I don't have that long to live to see what will happen or to experience it.

edit on 8/30/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 09:21 AM
FWIW listening to Mayor Coffman makes me think he’s been coached on what to say and how to say it.

Not too uninformed, not too harsh to their plight, not too unaware of the machinations at the border.

If you listen to what he’s saying it sounds somewhat legit.

However it’s all a little slick for my liking.

I almost wonder if he’s been threatened.

And not by the Venezuelans.

edit on 30-8-2024 by SteamyAmerican because: (no reason given)

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