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Are the invader cells being activated? I think so.

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posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 5thHead
a reply to: chr0naut

Dude. They're all criminals. If they came here illegally they are breaking the law.

So yeah. Let's deal with the criminals.

Not all migrants. Just the criminals that came here illegally.

People who cross the Southern border and seek asylum once they are inside the US are not 'illegals'. They are compliant with the law for seeking asylum in the US. They cannot do it at an embassy, or from a foreign country. They must have already crossed the border.

You're racist by the way.

No, I can talk about Caucasian bigotry, because I am Caucasian, and I try to not be bigoted.

You see the mention of ethnicities and cultural differences is not racism. Racism is where you negatively profile an entire ethnicity as having attributes that they do not all have.

There is such a thing as willful ignorance.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: charlest2
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

This a good site to express opinions but don't expect to change any minds here, pard. That's not going to happen.

thats true. sadly. i am open to other opinions but i dont like extremists.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

do you let homeless people into your house? are refugees bad people per se? shouldn't your discontent be directed at the system (why are there so many refugees?) rather than the poorest of the poor? or are you just campaigning for the selfless trump, who has dedicated his whole life to ordinary people?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 5thHead

originally posted by: chr0naut

How is my mention of the criminality of rape in all situations, ignoring anything?

I was just being pragmatic.

No. You were trying to excuse rape, ignore it, and sweep it aside by saying people get raped all the time.

But you know that.

That wasn't what I was trying to say.

I was trying to say that blaming immigrants coming across the Southern border for something that very few of them will ever do, is bigotry.

What is it called when somebody blames illegal immigrant criminals that come here for criminal enterprising? 😀

Until guilt is proven in a court of law, it is an accusation. If guilt is proven in a court of law, it is a conviction.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
a reply to: chr0naut

Well if an illegal alien raped someone while coming across the border then they SHOULD be blamed for it.


No one is making the argument that all illegals are rapists. That's just a game you play.

Too many are making the argument that all border crossers from the other side of the Southern border should be completely stopped and turned back. While that would probably stop some criminals, it would also stop many very desperate and poor genuine asylum seekers who are innocent of such crimes.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Calm down.

Nobody is trying to invade the USA.

Criminals do criminal stuff, and, according to the FBI, most crimes in the US are done by Caucasian citizens.

Remember when it was the Italian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Russia Bratva, the Chinese Triads. It's always someone else, at least on the telly.

I feel so much better now. A loser from the other side of the globe has assured me that the million and a half "got aways" that came into the country over the last 3.5 years are all peaceful and not at all gang members. Sleep well my friends, we have been told by the ultimate authority, all is well.

Sure, some of them are gang members, but not all of them.

Even if every last one was a gang member, each of those alleged 1.5 million 'undocumented' is still outnumbered 220 to 1.

And I'm no authority, but neither are you. LOL.

I just don't believe the BS from bigots who have neither credibility nor capability with simple math and who never seem to look-up online statistics.

statistics tell the true story don't they. Sadly, they didn't help Laken Riley. When she was raped and killed, I'll bet she was running the numbers in her head, "the odds of this happening to me are tiny, yet, here is this man, raping me and smashing my skull in". Well, let's not cry over spilled milk eh?

Yes it is tragic, but how many other women have been raped and killed across the planet, and usually by a family member?

Violence Against Women And Girls Today: One Killed Every 11 Minutes

The difference between you and I isn't credibility, it's geography. How far are you from the problems of the open border?

Or, you could be just repeating what you have heard from vociferous bigots?

... especially based upon overwhelming evidence that immigrants are not a major cause of crime in the USA:

Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Contentious Issue

Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens in Texas

Does Undocumented Immigration Increase Violent Crime?

Urban crime rates and the changing face of immigration: Evidence across four decades

... and of course those previously linked FBI crime stats.

I don't think you grasp the argument at all. We have our own crime, we'd rather not have any, but as Americans are Human, it seems greed and stupidity will always be a factor. But to import it, and pay for the privlidge of importing it. Then ignoring US citizens who could use the help as well, and paying billions to deal with them. Those of us who live here, and understand whats actually going on, would like a more secure border, where we can better controll who comes in, as doing so is a privlidge, and not a right. No hate for the one's coming, other than the gang banger who are just working. Your understanding nor approval is needed for any of this, so if you choose to remain ignorant, you do you Boo.

Trump claims that he is a business hard-hitter (but his convictions say otherwise) but it seems incredible to me that no-one there is monetizing the process of entry into the US.

The US as it is today has its power and economy not from its native inhabitants, but from its immigrant populations. A smart businessman would see the opportunity for wealth generation in all those customers and that future labour force.

You guys are paying (for courts, fortifications, enforcers and etc) to inhibit your economy.

Not sure if you are aware, but Trump hasn't been president since Jan 21, 2021. You might want to look into that so you appear less dumb.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 5thHead

originally posted by: chr0naut

How is my mention of the criminality of rape in all situations, ignoring anything?

I was just being pragmatic.

No. You were trying to excuse rape, ignore it, and sweep it aside by saying people get raped all the time.

But you know that.

That wasn't what I was trying to say.

I was trying to say that blaming immigrants coming across the Southern border for something that very few of them will ever do, is bigotry.

They are not immigrants though.

Not if they are deported.

They are, by definition, criminals when they cross the border illegally.

Are those that park their cars contrary to signage or for a duration longer than allowed, criminals?

What about pedestrians that cross roads at points not identified as crossings, are they criminals too?

So they are, by definition, criminals from the word go.

Illegal aliens.

Like Lewis and Clarke, or the Pilgrim Fathers?

What is bigoted about that statement?

8 US Code 1325 looks just like it is $50 fine in most instances, and the statute makes no mention of deportation, which would seem a reasonable enough thing to include in such a statute. Why then, is this stipulation absent? Are Federal lawmakers idiots, or is there other, pre-existing statutory law which would be in direct conflict with that stipulation?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Calm down.

Nobody is trying to invade the USA.

Criminals do criminal stuff, and, according to the FBI, most crimes in the US are done by Caucasian citizens.

Remember when it was the Italian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Russia Bratva, the Chinese Triads. It's always someone else, at least on the telly.

I feel so much better now. A loser from the other side of the globe has assured me that the million and a half "got aways" that came into the country over the last 3.5 years are all peaceful and not at all gang members. Sleep well my friends, we have been told by the ultimate authority, all is well.

Sure, some of them are gang members, but not all of them.

Even if every last one was a gang member, each of those alleged 1.5 million 'undocumented' is still outnumbered 220 to 1.

And I'm no authority, but neither are you. LOL.

I just don't believe the BS from bigots who have neither credibility nor capability with simple math and who never seem to look-up online statistics.

statistics tell the true story don't they. Sadly, they didn't help Laken Riley. When she was raped and killed, I'll bet she was running the numbers in her head, "the odds of this happening to me are tiny, yet, here is this man, raping me and smashing my skull in". Well, let's not cry over spilled milk eh?

Yes it is tragic, but how many other women have been raped and killed across the planet, and usually by a family member?

Violence Against Women And Girls Today: One Killed Every 11 Minutes

The difference between you and I isn't credibility, it's geography. How far are you from the problems of the open border?

Or, you could be just repeating what you have heard from vociferous bigots?

... especially based upon overwhelming evidence that immigrants are not a major cause of crime in the USA:

Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Contentious Issue

Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens in Texas

Does Undocumented Immigration Increase Violent Crime?

Urban crime rates and the changing face of immigration: Evidence across four decades

... and of course those previously linked FBI crime stats.

I don't think you grasp the argument at all. We have our own crime, we'd rather not have any, but as Americans are Human, it seems greed and stupidity will always be a factor. But to import it, and pay for the privlidge of importing it. Then ignoring US citizens who could use the help as well, and paying billions to deal with them. Those of us who live here, and understand whats actually going on, would like a more secure border, where we can better controll who comes in, as doing so is a privlidge, and not a right. No hate for the one's coming, other than the gang banger who are just working. Your understanding nor approval is needed for any of this, so if you choose to remain ignorant, you do you Boo.

Trump claims that he is a business hard-hitter (but his convictions say otherwise) but it seems incredible to me that no-one there is monetizing the process of entry into the US.

The US as it is today has its power and economy not from its native inhabitants, but from its immigrant populations. A smart businessman would see the opportunity for wealth generation in all those customers and that future labour force.

You guys are paying (for courts, fortifications, enforcers and etc) to inhibit your economy.

Not sure if you are aware, but Trump hasn't been president since Jan 21, 2021. You might want to look into that so you appear less dumb.

I am aware of that. But a major point of Trump's campaigns has been the insistence the many seeking asylum or a better life in the USA have been "sent" in some sort of deliberate international campaign to afflict America with crime (as if the USA isn't already more 'criminal' than those attempting entry).

You have to remember that 70 years ago, there were laws in the USA where people of colour could be arrested for doing 'white person things' like receiving higher education, or using particular parts of public transport.

edit on 2024-08-31T06:02:59-05:0006Sat, 31 Aug 2024 06:02:59 -050008am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: chr0nautPeople who cross the Southern border and seek asylum once they are inside the US are not 'illegals'. They are compliant with the law for seeking asylum in the US. They cannot do it at an embassy, or from a foreign country. They must have already crossed the border.

International law says they have to do so at the nearest country.

Why would the want to move to a country they detest?

Surely it would make more sense that they'd want to live in a place they thought was nice?

i.e. you admit they want to move to a nice country. Perfectly understandable, I agree.

But what will become of the world and us if the rest of the world's poor don't have to work to improve their own country but can just come here?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
It says that 69.4% of all arrests were of white people.

I assumed you meant "per capita."

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:33 AM
Question for Chronaut:

What is your point?

You spend your time trying to prove the subjects of the thread aren't really breaking that many serious laws, but the point of the thread is that some people find some recent arrivals to be a little suspicious because they seem to be primarily military-age, unattached young men who, some have observed, seem to comport themselves in a military manner.

Proving they are not breaking as many laws as some forum members think is beside the point. Must you interfere with our discussion that some seem to detect that "something is afoot?"

If you were from here or visited those people, maybe at least you could have something relevant to say about why they seem like they do lately.

Please consider reading the OP more slowly.
edit on 31-8-2024 by Solvedit because: added a sentence.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
8 US Code 1325 looks just like it is $50 fine in most instances, and the statute makes no mention of deportation, which would seem a reasonable enough thing to include in such a statute. Why then, is this stipulation absent? Are Federal lawmakers idiots, or is there other, pre-existing statutory law which would be in direct conflict with that stipulation?

Once again, what's your point? We are allowed to discuss in our country whether we think a given law is too lenient.

I don't think anyone here is trying to prosecute a given new arrival in a court of law, so it is irrelevant to say "the law only says give them a $50 fine."

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 07:40 AM

You have to remember that 70 years ago, there were laws in the USA where people of colour could be arrested for doing 'white person things' like receiving higher education, or using particular parts of public transport.

a reply to: chr0naut

Don't be a hypocrite.

New Zealand: A nation grappling with its racist past

look no further than the racial segregation that took place in the South Auckland town of Pukekohe from 1925 to the early 1960s. Travel there as I did and start asking around and you will find your answer. The topic is a forbidden history; a taboo subject that makes many residents uncomfortable and defensive. 

get over yourself

You know New Zealand has a racist past too. Not long ago land and cultures were conquered that was the way the world was, everywhere. The USA has been a beacon for freedom and equal rights to all people. Integrating different races, religions and cultures has been known as the great experiment. This experiment, the melting pot, has not come without strife. Every country has a dark past even New Zealand. I really don't appreciate your constant bashing and insulting America and Americans.

‘New Zealand is a racist country and always has been’: Thousands accuse new Kiwi government of ‘anti-Māori’ policies

what is going on here?
edit on 31-8-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

Because calling other human aliens goes to show how dissociated one has become to the planet they live on. Get off this rock if you want to call your fellow human aliens

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Lumenari

Because calling other human aliens goes to show how dissociated one has become to the planet they live on. Get off this rock if you want to call your fellow human aliens

From Oxford Language, slightly edited for format:

aliens (plural noun)
1. a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living:
"an illegal alien"
Similar: foreigner, foreign national, nonnative, immigrant

2. a hypothetical or fictional being from another world.
Similar: extraterrestrial, ET, Martian, Venutian, Jovian

3. a plant or animal species originally introduced from another country and later naturalized.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
...a major point of Trump's campaigns has been the insistence the many seeking asylum or a better life in the USA have been "sent" in some sort of deliberate international campaign to afflict America with crime...
Crime and poverty are expensive. There does not need to be a deliberate international campaign to afflict America with crime.

...(as if the USA isn't already more 'criminal' than those attempting entry).
Which countries are you talking about?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: loam
What is happening in Aurora, Colorado is the direct consequence of a system in collapse.

We're reverting to the mean of human experience...which is to say, a life of instability, subjugation, and loss.

Maybe some distant future generation will get it right.

It is a system... We have 50 different systems, so places like CA, CO, WA, NY etc are collapsing, but other places like where I live in VA is doing just fine.

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Terpene

Because calling other human aliens goes to show how dissociated one has become to the planet they live on. Get off this rock if you want to call your fellow human aliens

How about invasive species?

A huge influx of people from other cultures destroys the cultures native to the areas. We are seeing it in EU a good deal. So, what planet do you live on since it seems yours has no borders anywhere on it?

A huge influx of poor people who are only going to take from the system overwhelms the social system that is already maxed out. Do you like 50 kids to 1 teacher where 1/2 the class doesn't speak English? Have you tried to use an ER in Texas? Are these good things to you? The big question is why are they coming here, and it isn't for asylum reasons.

I also wonder how many of them have you taken into your house to care for them?

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Society has always profited from cultural mixing... big international cities, and places that had alot of influx of diffrent cultures where always the cutting edge for societal advancement...

Cultural incest, and the decadence of thinking there is nothing to learn from others is the beginning of the end...

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Terpene

Society has always profited from cultural mixing... big international cities, and places that had alot of influx of diffrent cultures where always the cutting edge for societal advancement...

Cultural incest, and the decadence of thinking there is nothing to learn from others is the beginning of the end...

I'm not talking about cultural mixing; I'm talking about cultural destruction. Please explain to me how England is doing so well when they infused a large number of people from a vastly different culture?

Cultural incest, and the decadence of thinking there is nothing to learn from others is the beginning of the end...

This doesn't even make sense in 2024. We have a worldwide connection 24/7. We know so much about so many other cultures today that even 50 years ago an average person today would be an expert back then. You also act like all cultures mix well and they only bring good ideas, and that is far from reality.

You also are ignoring the invasive species point from me. There are enough ME people, or Chinese, or Indian, or South American that the numbers are so great they could completely replace whole cultures and not bat an eye to the population loss back home. Put 50 million Chinese in England and see what happens. All good to

America takes in 2 to 3 million per year, and you feel is a few 100 million came here openly would be great for all.

The bigger issue is these cultures do not mix and force their culture on others. Japan is bringing in workers and these workers are creating squaller, crime, etc that Japan has never seen before, is that all good?
edit on x31Sat, 31 Aug 2024 09:53:10 -05002024243America/ChicagoSat, 31 Aug 2024 09:53:10 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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