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Are the invader cells being activated? I think so.

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posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit
Question for Chronaut:

What is your point?

You spend your time trying to prove the subjects of the thread aren't really breaking that many serious laws

Nothing I posted even vaguely inferred that.

Yet you said there was only a $50 fine.

In 2019, while Trump and co. were saying what you just repeated, there were nearly 1/3 more families that crossed from Mexico than there were single adults.
So? How does that disprove the OP?

My contributions were on topic, and were countering right-wing fear mongering about immigrants 'invading'.

Truth is, the defending forces outnumber them massively and have far superior weaponry. It would be futile to mount an attack that would end in failure and threaten to escalate to further failure.
So your tactic is to pretend we were talking about a military invasion. Too silly.

It would make more sense to try an angle which suggested they might be simply psyching themselves up for difficulty by taking on the spirit of a military operation, or something along those lines. Maybe they are.

I feel quite confident that I fully understand the OP.

Then why is it all off-topic misdirection? You must realize you could not have too much appreciation for what the OP says from New Zealand.

"What do you think they're doing, Chronaut?" "Uh, from way out here, it looks like you can't prove anything to me at all, so I'm just going to barge in and tell you you're all wrong bla bla bla..."
edit on 1-9-2024 by Solvedit because: format

edit on 1-9-2024 by Solvedit because: format

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit

originally posted by: chr0nautPeople who cross the Southern border and seek asylum once they are inside the US are not 'illegals'. They are compliant with the law for seeking asylum in the US. They cannot do it at an embassy, or from a foreign country. They must have already crossed the border.

International law says they have to do so at the nearest country.

I think US Law is more applicable within national boundaries, but please feel free to cite that international law.
Do you understand that we are not prosecuting recent arrivals but discussing whether the present policy is desirable?

Why would the want to move to a country they detest?

Surely it would make more sense that they'd want to live in a place they thought was nice?

i.e. you admit they want to move to a nice country. Perfectly understandable, I agree.

But what will become of the world and us if the rest of the world's poor don't have to work to improve their own country but can just come here?

Take a look at America when it was booming. It wasn't made that way by its first nations inhabitants. It is a country of immigrants, many of whom came to America with very little wealth.

So, adding more people=booming. Then why weren't their home nations booming?

War, corruption, mismanagement, lack of resources, bad weather destroying crops, crime, disease, all the same reasons for nations not to boom. Sometimes its just bad luck. Sometimes the nation is booming economically, but all the wealth goes into the hands of a few people.

But why not make it overall profitable for the US to take in people? Then the extra cash can pay for the humanitarian aid to asylum seekers.

Why don't you just say "make it profitable for them to stay home" if you are busy randomly inferring profitability.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Terpene

Immigration fails mostly because the country they migrate to suck at Integration...

I disagree with your whole need for world integration part. I think you are mixing isolationism in all this as the same. Isolationism is not good I agree, but you can't convince me that Sweden needs a large Muslim or Asian immigration to be whole with the world, and if they do not get it then it is their collapse as a society.

The only true reason for immigration is to beef up the workforce when needed. The problem is all these countries that people are immigrating from have zero immigration of their own. Go try and immigrate to China...not going to happen.

You see when goods move freely all over the world, but you treat people, that might just follow their ressources, like scum there is little incentive to not just behave that way. If you're treated like scum no matter what, how long will one try to be good before they say:" # it, I'll give them what they expect."

This makes no sense... No one is treating anyone as scum. How much do you travel? I traveled extensively seeing how the world lives damn close to everywhere. We are back to the basic issue of how many does a country allow to come in to infuse the society, not take it down.

We take in more people per year than damn close to the rest of the world combined. For the left that isn't enough...We really do not need Biden to say I'm reversing everything Trump tried to do and come one come all, and they came. Now Harris is talking about shutting down the borders and building Trump's wall after 30 million floods in and then starting to hit liberal cities, the left is so full of sh!t.

The problem is these people will need full social support and we can't even take care of our homeless and people below the poverty line. We also had zero vetting and so we got gangs like we see in CO recently, and illegals trying to get on school busses.

So yeah, being treated like an invading force long enough you might just get what you asked for.

Anyways i get your point about globalization, i would just be vary about blaming all your problems on migrants, couple that with a charismatic populist leader and it will not take much for media to mobilize the world against fascism. I honestly think that's what the USA is being primed for.

We need to define migrants first... These people travel across a good number of other countries, get to our borders and border lawyers tell them what to say to suggest asylum which we all know is total BS. Being poor is not a reason for asylum and you are required to go to the nearest country to claim it, not travel across half of the Americas to get to the US border.

So, what do we do now that the liberals pulled an anti-Trump move and opened the borders just to spite him? We have little clue as to who is here, and many were not from the Americas. I'm thinking more about human trafficking, child sex slaves, military-level men from countries that hate us, gangs/criminals, massive drug issues etc. This is all unaccounted for...we have zero clue who is here, that OK with you?

If the USA is to come out of this turmoil they better identify the enemy properly and without doubt or things will go as planed...right now it seems to go all according to plan.

Biden/Harris created They have no plan other than Harris has been parroting Trump's agenda.

Down the road you need to convince the world that action is necessary, you might need a couple of conflicts or just plain False flage that convince the other powerplayers to band together against the threat called hitl... Uh wait....Trump...

No need, just start deporting as like about 170 other countries do. It seems you are not old enough to remember Obama was worse than Trump, his nickname was Deporter and Chief, and he built and used the children

Can't really expect the bulk of the purposely kept dumb population to grow beyond their handlers... We'll either be lucky or nukey.

The goal is much bigger and immigrants might just be the means to sheppard the people into a certain narrative...

How many votes does it take to swing an election? AZ was about 11,000 between Trump and Biden, many local elections are in the 100s. It was less than 100k that made Biden President and not Trump. So, if you bring in 10s of millions of illegals and give them money and say vote for the democrats as many states are removing the need to have ID this is just an old plan in the liberal playbook where they promise everything to the poor to get a vote and provide nothing.

edit on x30Sun, 01 Sep 2024 09:09:21 -05002024244America/ChicagoSun, 01 Sep 2024 09:09:21 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

My contributions were on topic, and were countering right-wing fear mongering about immigrants 'invading'.

What is your point here? We already bring in 2 million+ per year. On top of that, we allow talent to work here using a working visa. The part we are lacking is a seasonal work visa program where a few million vetted workers come here for the crop season etc. It would be a perfect system if that is all we did and secured the borders not allowing illegals to come in and disappear.

So, you say fearmongering when we are talking 10s of millions that flooded in with zero accountability, mixed in all that are gangs as we saw recently in CO, human trafficking, child sex trade, Fentanyl and other drugs, criminals, military-aged men from countries that hate us...and so on...

Then you have just poor people who will need 100% social support for many years, maybe forever, and we can't even get our homeless off the streets and our poor above the poverty line.

And you call it fearmongering... How is England doing?

edit on x30Sun, 01 Sep 2024 09:24:14 -05002024244America/ChicagoSun, 01 Sep 2024 09:24:14 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

Apparently in the USA people have the right to bare arms.

What did you think that would look like?

Once again I'm at a loss as to what you are trying to say or how it relates to the post you quoted.

Are you saying average everyday people should get guns and shoot these people?

Are you saying the Venezuelans have a right to walk around 5 deep with guns drawn scaring people out of their homes and collecting "rent" ?

Because I can assure you they don't.

edit on 5300909America/Chicagoam01 by 5thHead because: šŸ›‘

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Calm down.

Nobody is trying to invade the USA.

Criminals do criminal stuff, and, according to the FBI, most crimes in the US are done by Caucasian citizens.

Remember when it was the Italian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Russia Bratva, the Chinese Triads. It's always someone else, at least on the telly.

Allow me to say this again ....

These Democrat Ran cities are not reporting their crime statistics to the FBI any longer, They are using a separate system .

If the Crime is committed by a Juvenile the Records are sealed and not made public at all .

If the Criminal is Released right back on to the streets like most of them are there again this not accounted for in the statistics.

your need to try and cover up the Blatant evil of these people is sickening mate.

Say it all you want. Doesn't make it true.

Donald Trump wrong that crime stats exclude 30% of cities, including the ā€œbiggest and most violent"

I'm not quoting DJTrump on this......

And yes it is true mate they are simply not reporting the Rise in Crime . You ask me to prove it ...... Okay Go to an inner city in America and have a look around use your own two eyes. As for somehow getting the FBI to admit to their own ineptness .... yeah snowballs chance in hell .

You are twisting your mind into knots trying to make this make sense when you could just see the Reality.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 11:09 AM

New Zealand never had legal slavery, nor segregation laws.

a reply to: chr0naut

Based on how you contantly denigrate Americans I am shocked, not only the racist-segregationist past New Zealanders have, but how it still persists today.

Most Māori experience racism every day - new research

Racism today-will it ever go away?

At Broadwood District High School in Northland, Māori students could not use the tennis courts at the same time as Pākehā. Segregated toilets were the rule of the day in Kaikohe, Tauranga and Kaitāia. In some places, there were separate maternity wards and, in one Northland hospital, Māori patients were given enamel mugs, while the Pākehā received chinaware. In 1959, Diana Thomas of Tokoroa wrote that while visiting the Papakura Hotel with her Māori husband four years earlier, they were told: ā€œMāoris are not served here.ā€

Wow, and even today the Maori fight for equal treatment, equal respect but instead racism and ignorance remain in their daily lives at the expense of New Zealanders and a feckless government. The shame.

Māori were often relegated to the back of the bus, and if the route from Pukekohe to Auckland was full and a Pākehā passenger boarded, the Māori passenger was forced to stand.

I hope one day New Zealand can realize racial and cultural harmony. It is a dark stain for New Zealander's, seems like it has been difficult for them to let go. To think they voted for this too just wow. I never knew.

Segragation in Auckland

So far, the current government have performed unspectacularly, economically, and have pushed agendas to remove Māori representation from politics, even trying to negate our Constitution in the process. They openly have anti-Māori policies

a reply to: chr0naut

Are the voters in New Zealand more interested in US government policies to understand the issues of their own elected government? Maybe this is really the will of the people, very eye opening.
edit on 1-9-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 11:48 AM
Any true man that wants to immigrate for a better life would take his family with him. Any man on his own is immigrating for his own ends. These mass of peoples UK/USA do not want to integrate, they congregate into their own communities and in continuing with their culture drags the area down to the same sh##hole that they came from and when they get any sort of majority is where your country is lost.
Question:- What if those murdering migrants where not in the country? All those people would still be alive.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

To think Obama was any better or that any government has the big picture hanging in their office makes me laugh just as much as you...

In the bigger picture voting makes no damn diffrence, politics and nations are merely tools and if they grow to influential they will be grounded... all it takes is one bad but popular apple to lead a nation in shambles astray, and whem the time comes it will be alowed to happen until you can rally the world behind a common cause....

Switzerland has had it's immigration and in fact my dad and his family came here as immigrants. He showed me some newspaper articles talking about immigrants and it's over the top racist generalization.

If you're treated like a nasty piece of # just because the news told them, all immigrants are nasty piece of #, no matter what you do... you'll soon stop to be nice as it's pointless and makes you an easy target to be picked on. Becoming the nasty piece of # at least gets you feared and left alone, which is the best you can hope for... That's how my dad experienced his immigration growing up in Switzerland. He grew up and understood the social dynamics of such propaganda and the susceptibility of the sheeps.
he took a hard turn before having kids, and by the time he had me the rhetoric already shifted to another nation. It's hard to uphold the narrative as soon as the second generation turns out to be perfectly integrated.
he was a great dad and I'm so grateful for everything he gave me on my way. I have seen that rhetoric shift from Albania, to Muslims, to Africans within my life... It's so lame just change the country, religion, ethnicity and copy paste.

All those rhetorics used by the right to rally their racist base are all too familiar to me, and we don't even have a migration problem.

Switzerland is a higly racist country. But also pragmatic and we trust the democratic process and once the voting is over we get # done even if it wasn't our favorite outcome. It's not about me but what the majority wants and we value that higher than our personal feelz.
But the run up to voting is full of debates lots of it and not the childish type US has, it's informal, diverse, and intellectual mostly... It can get very heated and alot of bad blood flows but the aftermath is always the same, we respect the outcome. doubting our democratic process, it's considered higly anti patriotic... Only critique is economy funding parties giving them an edge by being able to afford better propaganda and the danger this can be in a democracy of feable minded dumbed down people.

Switzerland also deports many people, and there is nothing wrong with a strong migration politic.
Our borders are open, many places you can cross and the posts aren't even maned. But, and to some this is a big but, everyone here has to provide ID to authority at anytime they are asked for. kinda "papers please" deal. This coupled with the inevitable but hard to proof racial profiling makes it that illegal immigrants have a very hard time in Switzerland.
Forget voting fraud, it's air tight, why we trust it.
There are several tiers of immigrants here and it takes a lot to get into the voting tier. Like several years of working and paying taxes without any hiccups, and to become a full fledged swiss you have to make a test that many swiss born citizens would fail...
Just to make it clear I'm not saying immigration shouldn't be tightly regulated and controlled, just that you can't know if somone is legally here or not without papers and that means you have to provide ID to the popo without probable cause.
you look foreign isn't probable cause it's just racist.

I see the issues, and yes it needs adressing, how it is adressed is what i find concerning. It's eerily similar to the rhetorics used during nazi Germany or fascist Italy and Spain blaming the economic turmoil on a specific demographic. It can go sideways very fast in a two party system even more so.
My fear is that's exactly what's planed here...

You could extend the government's reach to control people, not just on the borders, because you can't make borders air tight especially not if there actually was a coordinated effort to penetrate them...but that would mean " papers please"... We know, you won't have that so anything that doesn't go full isolationism, will at best have a racist undertone or worse. But then again who'd a thought you'd have a patriot act, maybe that's what it takes...

Maybe it's by design, but the aim would be to deteriorate the global standing of the US as the leader of the free world.
won't work if the people don't go along creating the incidents needed to spin the story. By all means do what you must, but be wise about it.

At this point, I'd almost say disbanding the USA and making all independent states with their own government is your best bet to get out of this mess with a scratch. Because together isn't an option and the size is only manageable if you have some sort of common ground.

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
In the bigger picture voting makes no damn diffrence, politics and nations are merely tools and if they grow to influential they will be grounded... all it takes is one bad but popular apple to lead a nation in shambles astray, and whem the time comes it will be alowed to happen until you can rally the world behind a common cause....

I keep thinking you are talking about Trump here. What would Trump do to lead us to shambles? We saw how he was with his first 4 years and he did a pretty good job even with everyone against him. Shambles is the last 4 years under brain-dead Biden, it's not like they didn't know for the last 10 years either. Even when he didn't have degenerative issues, he still sucked in so many ways. To further that shambles would be Harris. She is just plain dumb, her thoughts are stupid, and what she thinks would fix things are really stupid ideas and she can't see that.

Switzerland has had it's immigration and in fact my dad and his family came here as immigrants. He showed me some newspaper articles talking about immigrants and it's over the top racist generalization.

They are having issues with too much too quick, but that wasn't my question. Do you think Switzerland would somehow collapse as a society if they didn't flood their country with Muslims? Have you been there recently, I was there 6 months ago, and it isn't the Switzerland we would think.

If you're treated like a nasty piece of # just because the news told them, all immigrants are nasty piece of #, no matter what you do... you'll soon stop to be nice as it's pointless and makes you an easy target to be picked on. Becoming the nasty piece of # at least gets you feared and left alone, which is the best you can hope for... That's how my dad experienced his immigration growing up in Switzerland. He grew up and understood the social dynamics of such propaganda and the susceptibility of the sheeps.

It isn't just one-sided. Muslims typically see non-Muslims as nasty pieces of sh!t. These immigrants want their new country to change for them and not the other way around. I just see it as a bad fit.

Switzerland is a higly racist country. But also pragmatic and we trust the democratic process and once the voting is over we get # done even if it wasn't our favorite outcome. It's not about me but what the majority wants and we value that higher than our personal feelz.

All countries are racist at some levels. Asian countries are the worst. Also, what you call racist to label everything doesn't mean that when people disagree with others or their way of life.

What I find interesting is White culture is seen as racist if they resist cultural changes from others, but if non-white cultures are asked to change then that is racist in the other direction to even suggest they should adapt to the culture around them. Then we have the whole culture appropriation charge that is like icing on the

Lastly, one needs to wonder why there are negative feelings toward mass immigration on just about every level and with every country that has done it. There are many layers there well beyond just ignorant racism. No matter who a person is, MOST just do not want other cultures in their lives, plain and simple. If I want other cultures I will just travel to their cultures and enjoy whatever part I like. I like parts of the Muslim culture, such as Ramadan, but I don't want my area where I live to be all of a sudden seen as being under Sharia law with expectations put on me and my family to accept it as part of our lives.

edit on x30Sun, 01 Sep 2024 13:00:39 -05002024244America/ChicagoSun, 01 Sep 2024 13:00:39 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

If I was to belive politics, yeah switzerland is at the brink of collapsing under the flood of migrants... Sure it's not the uptight, secluded Christian incest paradise anymore but that's not a loss. Things work better than anywhere I've lived, why I came back after having spent the last ten years in itally and Spain...
There is money, there is work, the bureaucracy is oiled as #, it's clean, save, good water and good food, it was hard to find an affordable place to live, wasn't expecting that to be such a hussle. But all in all It's a good living here.

Trump certainly has the popularity amongst voters, i don't really see his caracter to be that of a dictator.
In my eyes he's a showman, with narcissistic tendencies. It's not about him but the voter base that rallies around him... I mean j6 happend in some form or another and that wasn't trump ordering his crowd... It's the entitlement of a specific demographic that can go south rather quickly, especially in the current social climate...

I totally get the double standard currently at play with the whole race discourse. But I think that we should condemn racism when it's apparent. Not everyone is racist but there are racist everywhere. The way the immigration problems are framed especially by the right is racist. Now Muslims treati g non believer as pieces of sh1t are racist, DEI and what not is racist too no argument from me there.

there was a vote 10 years ago and Switzerland was pretty confident they don't want any new minarets. why? The common denominator was more or less, we don't want religious propaganda to disturb our peaceful Sundays. this had the effect that many Christian churches stoped ringing their bells for purely religious reasons too...
It's not that it was mandated but it was often requested by the population to follow true with their sentiment about religious propaganda, it wasn't about minarets. that's what i mean with pragmatic we follow trough with what the population wants no hurt feelz.
Old ones, 4 in total, are still standing and I think they're only allowed the muezzin on special occasions if ever...
edit on 1-9-2024 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
If I was to belive politics, yeah switzerland is at the brink of collapsing under the flood of migrants...

I'm sorry, you missed what I was trying to ask you. You said that countries need to mix cultures to survive. My point is we need immigration to fill jobs that need filling such as working crops and many other jobs that take skill and hard work to do.

My question is do you think Switzerland would crash as a country if they didn't go in the direction they did with immigration? Are they now better off? I also feel that as cultures go, there are many we just do not want or like as part of our own culture, and the immigrants are very extreme to not want to change theirs either. You end up with what we see in EU in many places.

I'm not going to suggest Switzerland is crashing due to immigrants, but I will say one's living standards are reduced to the negative side of mass immigration. Crime including rape has been going up 10 to 15% per year in Switzerland since the mass migration. We also see more poor people due to the immigration of unskilled workers etc. All this puts even more drain on the government.

edit on x30Sun, 01 Sep 2024 16:15:21 -05002024244America/ChicagoSun, 01 Sep 2024 16:15:21 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I'm thinking more about human trafficking, child sex slaves, military-level men from countries that hate us, gangs/criminals, massive drug issues etc. This is all unaccounted for...we have zero clue who is here, that OK with you?

I don't think the human trafficking and child sex slaves is brought up nearly enough.

You would really think that just those points would make these people think more security and vetting is a must. Truly sickening. I have no doubt the sex trafficking and drugs is a primary reason the boarders aren't as secure as they should be.

I wonder how many of those were funneled to a certain island or pizza joint.

edit on 9-1-2024 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No i think the reasons we're better off has mainly to do with how we play the capitalist game... I think the BIS gives switzerland an edge on the international playing field.

This country wouldn't work without immigration, but they either adapt, which most do, many don't even want to be reminded of the # holes they left behind, or they isolate in their circle jerk.
we don't take sh1t pushers nor illegal immigrants kindly, there is no second chances. One criminal offense and it's mostly on the next plane out. if you're lucky! if not, you'll spend a good amount of time in prison under stressful conditions only for deportees, and then you get flown back to wherever...
That's what happens to many that have no papers, so they can't apply for immigration and are therfore here illegally. it's the bureaucratic hussle to send them where they need to go that makes this such a long process.

There are pieces of sh1t in every demographic, every race , every religion, just any group of humans big enough is bound to have some assholes.
That's the only generalization that always applies.
As soon you single out one group and use their assholes to make a generalization about the whole group you enter the field of questionable rhetorics.

Fun fact we beat the USA by immigration per capita

edit on 1-9-2024 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
As soon you single out one group and use their assholes to make a generalization about the whole group you enter the field of questionable rhetorics.

No one is generalizing. There are a lot of bad people in America unaccounted for. There is a lot of sex trafficking and child sex trade, lots of drugs, crime, gangs, and cartels, all of which are using the open borders to their advantage. There are also concerns that terrorists are using the open border to get into our country to set up another 911-type event, or worse.

Let's say only 10% are these people, that is still 3+ million people. I have said this before when people suggested I generalize about Muslims. Because of the numbers, if only 10% were extreme that is still 100 million people.

You don't need to suggest the majority is extreme, just a small percentage and it is still a massive world problem.

edit on x30Sun, 01 Sep 2024 16:53:34 -05002024244America/ChicagoSun, 01 Sep 2024 16:53:34 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Good point...

I think pizza gate throws more people off this very much needed discourse...

Why not just avoid the coockooo conspiracies and stick to the facts like nxivm and the likes?
there really is no shortcoming, and you'll still be taken serious... Unless that isn't your goal

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

The only way against illegal immigration is more control on the border and in the country, but that would also include you and everyone else. Ready for that sacrifice?

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: Solvedit

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit
Question for Chronaut:

What is your point?

You spend your time trying to prove the subjects of the thread aren't really breaking that many serious laws

Nothing I posted even vaguely inferred that.

Yet you said there was only a $50 fine.

I said that in the majority of cases it is only a $50 fine. As per the the statute: 8 U.S. Code Ā§ 1325 - Improper entry by alien. This is US statutory law, not something I have invented.

And please note that the statute specifically describes the penalties as civil penalties. This means it is civil law, not criminal law. Crossing a US border at other than a designated point of crossing does not make someone automatically a criminal.

If they commit criminal acts, that makes them criminals, but crossing the border undocumented is not a criminal act.

In 2019, while Trump and co. were saying what you just repeated, there were nearly 1/3 more families that crossed from Mexico than there were single adults.
So? How does that disprove the OP?

It does not disprove the OP, nor does it prove the OP. It was a question, not a statement.

My contributions were on topic, and were countering right-wing fear mongering about immigrants 'invading'.

Truth is, the defending forces outnumber them massively and have far superior weaponry. It would be futile to mount an attack that would end in failure and threaten to escalate to further failure.
So your tactic is to pretend we were talking about a military invasion. Too silly.

The right-wing keep mentioning military age single men when they talk about 'invasion'. What do you think they mean? Tiddleywinks?

It would make more sense to try an angle which suggested they might be simply psyching themselves up for difficulty by taking on the spirit of a military operation, or something along those lines. Maybe they are.

Nah, the far-right can parade around the US with all sorts of weapons, protected by the 2nd Amendment, so why can't others? Surely the same law that arms one lot, arms another lot, but it is really disturbing when you see a different set of thugs marching around conspicuously armed. The first video in the OP was obviously just American residents enjoying their Constitutional right.

I feel quite confident that I fully understand the OP.
Then why is it all off-topic misdirection? You must realize you could not have too much appreciation for what the OP says from New Zealand.

The same right-wing ideologues exist here too. But the truth is, it's hardly ever the minority. Perhaps if someone talks about it, things might change and the problems could be dealt with instead of being scapegoated.

"What do you think they're doing, Chronaut?" "Uh, from way out here, it looks like you can't prove anything to me at all, so I'm just going to barge in and tell you you're all wrong bla bla bla..."

"But Brawndo has what plants crave. It has electrolytes."

edit on 2024-09-02T00:35:26-05:0012Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:35:26 -050009am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead

originally posted by: chr0naut

Apparently in the USA people have the right to bare arms.

What did you think that would look like?

Once again I'm at a loss as to what you are trying to say or how it relates to the post you quoted.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure I can do much about your lack of comprehension.

Are you saying average everyday people should get guns and shoot these people?

Do these Venezuelan residents of the USA not have the right to be armed, protected by the US Constitution?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nah, seems fairly straightforward.

Are you saying the Venezuelans have a right to walk around 5 deep with guns drawn scaring people out of their homes and collecting "rent" ?

Because I can assure you they don't.

Of course they are breaking the law if they are doing that.

The woman who posted the first video said that the police refused to come to the apartments unless the was a serious crime committed.

But the Mayor said that there was even a taskforce raised to deal with the alleged problems at the apartment.

So at least one of them was lying. My guess is that the woman's story is backed up by the video, but the Mayors is not.

And the Mayor does have to tow a political line, in accordance with the policies of his Republican party, which has an anti-immigrant policy and asserts that America is suffering from a crime wave brought over the Southern border, and not, in fact, predominantly arriving through official ports of entry.

The OP and many of the posters seem to be oblivious to the obvious problems with the report in the video in the OP.

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Solvedit
Question for Chronaut:

What is your point?

You spend your time trying to prove the subjects of the thread aren't really breaking that many serious laws

Nothing I posted even vaguely inferred that.

Yet you said there was only a $50 fine.

I said that in the majority of cases it is only a $50 fine. As per the the statute: 8 U.S. Code Ā§ 1325 - Improper entry by alien. This is US statutory law, not something I have invented.
But the point, man, the point. What's your point? Is your point the fact that you can't tell if there's something military about them from the middle of the South Pacific? I agree, so why don't you stop hogging bandwidth?

And please note that the statute specifically describes the penalties as civil penalties. This means it is civil law, not criminal law. Crossing a US border at other than a designated point of crossing does not make someone automatically a criminal.

If they commit criminal acts, that makes them criminals, but crossing the border undocumented is not a criminal act.
But what does that have to do with whether they seem to be comporting themselves in a military manner?

In 2019, while Trump and co. were saying what you just repeated, there were nearly 1/3 more families that crossed from Mexico than there were single adults.
So? How does that disprove the OP?
It does not disprove the OP, nor does it prove the OP. It was a question, not a statement
No, it was a statement, not a question. You stated that they couldn't have something like an invasion on their minds because they weren't the only ones crossing, which makes no sense.

My contributions were on topic, and were countering right-wing fear mongering about immigrants 'invading'.

Truth is, the defending forces outnumber them massively and have far superior weaponry. It would be futile to mount an attack that would end in failure and threaten to escalate to further failure.
So your tactic is to pretend we were talking about a military invasion. Too silly.

The right-wing keep mentioning military age single men when they talk about 'invasion'. What do you think they mean? Tiddleywinks?
So it's that or tanks? They must mean Tiddlywinks because there aren't any tanks.

It would make more sense to try an angle which suggested they might be simply psyching themselves up for difficulty by taking on the spirit of a military operation, or something along those lines. Maybe they are.

Nah, the far-right can parade around the US with all sorts of weapons, protected by the 2nd Amendment, so why can't others? Surely the same law that arms one lot, arms another lot, but it is really disturbing when you see a different set of thugs marching around conspicuously armed. The first video in the OP was obviously just American residents enjoying their Constitutional right.
I see it's time to stop talking to you. If Americans can have guns, why shouldn't criminal gangs from Venezuela break into apartments brandishing guns? Please elaborate if there's some way that makes sense that you haven't stated clearly enough.

I feel quite confident that I fully understand the OP.
Then why is it all off-topic misdirection? You must realize you could not have too much appreciation for what the OP says from New Zealand.
The same right-wing ideologues exist here too. But the truth is, it's hardly ever the minority. Perhaps if someone talks about it, things might change and the problems could be dealt with instead of being scapegoated.
You've been consistently on your own page. You are obviously not here to talk about change. You are seemingly here to channel your avatar: a spacey baby floating around in orbit, looking at things that are too far away to see from orbit.

"What do you think they're doing, Chronaut?" "Uh, from way out here, it looks like you can't prove anything to me at all, so I'm just going to barge in and tell you you're all wrong bla bla bla..."
"But Brawndo has what plants crave. It has electrolytes."

You may be a little low.
edit on 2-9-2024 by Solvedit because: format

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