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What am I missing with regard to SCOTUS roe v wade thing?

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posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: network dude

I asked the poster how this could happen.

Again if Obama had followed through (he didnt because they never want to fix a problem) it would be a dead argument.

Again, please tell me how Obama, Biden, Harris, ANYONE could have "followed through" to enshrined ROE into law so that SCOTUS couldn't have overturned it, revoked the right and gutted whatever Obama, et al, did?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

They could have made the SCOTUS appointments that would not have followed the law but redefine it. Why do you think they wanted to appoint so bad?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

So, you're saying...not only is abortion a hot issue for this election, but the Supreme Court is a hot issue too?

Well, mark the date, because I couldn't agree more! Dems need to elect a Democrat to, once and for all, FIX abortion AND this SCOTUS thing!

edit on 1220242024k23America/Chicago2024-07-31T11:23:12-05:0011am2024-07-31T11:23:12-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
... FIX abortion AND this SCOTUS thing!

Abortion is a states rights issue as it should have been all along, and the SCOTUS is just fine. No 'fixing' needed.
edit on 7/31/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: network dude

I asked the poster how this could happen.

Again if Obama had followed through (he didnt because they never want to fix a problem) it would be a dead argument.

Again, please tell me how Obama, Biden, Harris, ANYONE could have "followed through" to enshrined ROE into law so that SCOTUS couldn't have overturned it, revoked the right and gutted whatever Obama, et al, did?

they couldn't, just like Harris can't. But they could have made a law, back when they had the house, senate, and white house. Wonder why they didn't.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

It’s not even a top 5 issue no matter how much you want it to be.

The democrats changed their narrative…
Old narrative: republicans are destroying democracy
New narrative: republicans have cooties

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: matafuchs

So, you're saying...not only is abortion a hot issue for this election, but the Supreme Court is a hot issue too?

Well, mark the date, because I couldn't agree more! Dems need to elect a Democrat to, once and for all, FIX abortion AND this SCOTUS thing!

why not just make Murder legal, and then all this goes away.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

No, I am saying the Progressive left messed up and did not appoint who they needed to push their agenda.

Leave the SCOTUS Alone. Amazing how when it benefits them it is ok.
Leave Abortion Alone. It is not a government issue. I mean, I hear do not tell me what I can do with my body but at the same time you want them to tell you what you can do. It is an insane stance.

Vote Local. Congress and Senate elections mean nothing to us anymore as citizens.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

But they could have made a law, back when they had the house, senate, and white house. Wonder why they didn't.

What difference wouldn't that have made? The "law" would have been based on "Roe". The Dobbs decision overturned "Roe" and would have gutted any law that enshrined it.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: matafuchs

So, you're saying...not only is abortion a hot issue for this election, but the Supreme Court is a hot issue too?

Well, mark the date, because I couldn't agree more! Dems need to elect a Democrat to, once and for all, FIX abortion AND this SCOTUS thing!

why not just make Murder legal, and then all this goes away.

I guess that what they did in Kansas, et al, where the voters voted to reinstate the Roe standards and guidelines into their state constitution, after the Dobbs decision.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Do you know why there are nine Justices on the Supreme Court?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Leave the SCOTUS Alone.

Absolutely not. They just ruled that it was perfectly constitutional for them, looking at you Thomas and Alito, to accept bribes, as long as those bribes are accepted after the fact, for a job well done.

SCOTUS needs a code of ethics that can also be enforced. Term limits doesn't sound like a bad idea, either.


posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: matafuchs

Leave the SCOTUS Alone.

Absolutely not. They just ruled that it was perfectly constitutional for them, looking at you Thomas and Alito, to accept bribes, as long as those bribes are accepted after the fact, for a job well done.

SCOTUS needs a code of ethics that can also be enforced. Term limits doesn't sound like a bad idea, either.


The code of ethics is a good idea which might be able to happen.
Term limits is a joke and everyone knows it, for so many reasons.
The bid problem is the leaks.
Need to get those leakers out of there and put them in jail for awhile.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

The bid problem is the leaks.
Need to get those leakers out of there and put them in jail for awhile.

So you agree that Alito needs to be removed from the bench.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: Vermilion

The bid problem is the leaks.
Need to get those leakers out of there and put them in jail for awhile.

So you agree that Alito needs to be removed from the bench.

A few things.
The Dobbs leak was definitely a lefty justice as we all know why.
The recent leak made Alito look like he was alienating the other justices so it’s highly unlikely it was him.
It doesn’t make sense.
A lefty Justice makes sense, especially considering their habit of leaking.
edit on 31-7-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Only one Justice has witnesses willing to say they leaked court decisions and that's Alito.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

I haven’t seen anything about that.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

The Dobbs leak was definitely a lefty justice as we all know why.

Alito leaked it, and we all know why. He has a history of leaking.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Vermilion

The Dobbs leak was definitely a lefty justice as we all know why.

Alito leaked it, and we all know why. He has a history of leaking.

“Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said in an interview earlier this month that he has a “pretty good idea” who leaked his draft Supreme Court opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade and its constitutional right to abortion last year, but that neither he nor the court can prove it.”

Your logic is that Alito leaked his own decision to one of the lefties biggest rags, Politico. LoL
Get real.

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