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Thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing to Russia: the FSB is weeding them out

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posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: jofafot

Ukraine is a sovereign country. It gave up it's nukes. In return, Russia agreed not to attack it. They have.

Ukraine is not Russian.

Russia is trying to take over Ukraine and make it it's puppet.

Ukraine did not like being Russias puppet hence why they rose up.

The US is not invading Ukraine. Russia is.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Ukraine is not russian

They are literally using the same alphabet, speaking very similar if not the same words, have similar looks, using same vehicles, weapons, equipment...

Russia is trying to take over Ukraine and make it it's puppet.

No, russia is trying to take "ukraine" completely, they are not trying turn it into a puppet state because it is russian land.

The US is not invading Ukraine.

They already helped 2014 coup happen. There is no need to physically invade "ukraine" as it has already became a puppet state of usa.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: jofafot

It's a sovereign country.

But keep supping the Kremlin Kool Ade.

"Russian land"?!!!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: jofafot

"They are literally using the same alphabet, speaking very similar if not the same words, have similar looks, using same vehicles, weapons, equipment..."

By that logic you should be fine with us Brits invading the US to take it back?

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: jofafot

Most Irish people speak English.
The Irish use exactly the same alphabet as the English.

Ireland was under English/UK control for over 700 years, far longer than Ukraine was under Russian control.

Ireland became independent in 1921.
We still share many common traits.

Does that give the UK the right to invade RoI if it disagreed with its policies and how they were governing themselves?

Of course not.
Ireland is an independent country and it chooses its own path - which is only right and proper.

Please explain to me how it is different with Ukraine and Russia?

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: jofafot

"They already helped 2014 coup happen. There is no need to physically invade "ukraine" as it has already became a puppet state of usa."

No, it has not. Russia IS physically trying to invade Ukraine and occupy it, by force, and turn it into a Soviet style vassal state.

Against the wishes of it's people.

Who have the right to self determination.

A right you obviously seem to want to hand wave away.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: jofafot

They are literally using the same alphabet, speaking very similar if not the same words, have similar looks, using same vehicles, weapons, equipment...

And can you tell the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese? Because I swear I cannot. I'll say more; they both look and speak similar to the North and South Koreans. Tomorrow China will invade Japan and then move on to both Koreas because to an avarage American or European they are all the same; yellow, cross-eyed and speaking funny.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: jofafot

"They already helped 2014 coup happen. There is no need to physically invade "ukraine" as it has already became a puppet state of usa."

No, it has not. Russia IS physically trying to invade Ukraine and occupy it, by force, and turn it into a Soviet style vassal state.

Against the wishes of it's people.

Who have the right to self determination.

A right you obviously seem to want to hand wave away.

It doesn’t take 3 posts to reply to one, cmon.

You know better. You always go around telling others about repeating themselves or about how they should “stay on topic” etc

Yet, you’re here dribbling multiple posts in a row trying to reply to one.

Have some consideration for others that are trying to read and reply to the thread. And not go off spamming multiple postings in a row about your personal opinions.

originally posted by: jofafot
Russians are right about this "war". And they were right to call it an operation rather than a war. They weren't expecting western propaganda to be this effective, they weren't expecting their fellow people would fall for it so badly. I guess promises of "democracy" and "freedom" works wonder on some people, even if they don't actually get any of them in the end. Now, "ukrainians" are farthest from democracy and freedom, all thanks to western influence. But it doesn't matter, who cares about "ukrainians", am I right? It is just yet another proxy war between usa and russia, except this time russia is fighting for their own land, rather than fighting for preventing usa from taking over yet another country and turning it into its puppet.

Not only that, some say that Putin was weak and naive back in the 2000’s believing that better relations/partnership and ties was possible with NATO. Much less one that had the Clintons/Tony Blair/Biden and co around being knee deep with pay for plays etc.

After Yugoslavian war and NATO bases planted in the area now. Ukraine was next on the platter.

The MIC needed that boogeyman still or else what would NATO be good for?

No war drum beatings means no extra fundings. You’d see a lot of stocks plummet.

Later, after Putin had the well known meeting with Bush (Bush had high praises of Putin and still speaks about with high regards) in the 2000’s, it was clear then a threat and destabilization was inevitable near Russia’s borders and national security.

I mean there was a radical 2014 coup and ousting of a duly elected President (Yanukovych) in it’s backyard.

edit on 2-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Good that at least you are not repeating yourself, Imhere.

Oh wait! Here, it is:

I mean there was a radical 2014 coup and ousting of a duly elected President (Yanukovych) in it’s backyard.

I know what Goebbels said about repeating the lie enough times but this one won't become the truth anyway.

Did you know that Yanukovych was so desperate about staying in power that he bribed everyone possible, including your favorite "Nazis"? He must have not paid them enough since they overthrew him.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

And can you tell the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese?

Do they have different history, culture, language?

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

No, it has not. Russia IS physically trying to invade Ukraine and occupy it, by force, and turn it into a Soviet style vassal state.

Against the wishes of it's people.

Who have the right to self determination.

A right you obviously seem to want to hand wave away.

Those are a lot of words that don't say anything meaningful in the end. Here's why:
"ukraine has not become puppet state of usa" is a laughable statement at best. Has anyone ever see ukraine saying no to usa or any other western country after 2014 western backed/influenced coup? Excuse my language but perhaps the best way to describe this is "ukraine" is acting less like an "independent/sovereign" country and more like a "dog on a leash" ever since that coup.

"Russia IS trying to turn ukraine into a Soviet style vassal state."
"Ukraine" and "ukrainians" were called "russia" and "russians" not so long ago. That land is theirs and those people are russians. Why would they want to turn their own land and people into a "vassal state"?

"Against the wishes of it's people. "
Wishes of who? The so called "ukrainians" who are actually just russians but brainwashed by western propaganda to weaken russia?

"Who have the right to self determination."
Self determination feeling you get caused/given by an external/foreign force is called propaganda. It is a part of good ol' divide and conquer tactic. Pit them against each other and watch them kill themselves from the safety of your home. As a bonus, profit from the situation by selling them weapons and various equipment. That's exactly what is happening right now.

a reply to: Freeborn

Most Irish people speak English.
The Irish use exactly the same alphabet as the English.

Ireland was under English/UK control for over 700 years, far longer than Ukraine was under Russian control.

Ireland became independent in 1921.
We still share many common traits.
Please explain to me how it is different with Ukraine and Russia?

Do you have different history, culture, language? Or are irish people just different in name compared to english people?

Does that give the UK the right to invade RoI if it disagreed with its policies and how they were governing themselves?

Of course not.
Ireland is an independent country and it chooses its own path - which is only right and proper.

Why don't your government try disagreeing with uk and usa atleast in a few matters where it counts. I want to see how quickly your "independence" is going to be taken away and how quickly "west" announces your government is full of "dictators" etc then split your people in half with their propaganda and cause civil war/coups like they did to russia in ukraine and many more countries.

You are "independent" because you agree to be on a "leash". The moment you act against goals of your "owner" you are going to be put to "sleep" or get "thrown out of home", if you know what I mean.

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

By that logic you should be fine with us Brits invading the US to take it back?

That's one of the saddest bait/troll attempts I have ever seen but I'll humor you. Yes, I am fine with brits forcibly taking over other countries and enslaving their native population because god bless queen and all that jazz.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: jofafot

That's one of the saddest bait/troll attempts I have ever seen but I'll humor you. Yes, I am fine with brits forcibly taking over other countries and enslaving their native population because god bless queen and all that jazz.

Aye, the Queen is dead buddy.

Keep up or catch up.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: jofafot

Do you have different history, culture, language?

Yes, Ireland has its own culture and history....but it also shares a lot with the UK.
We are lot more intertwined than many people realise.

Same as Ukraine and Russia are intertwined but also separate.....which is why Ukraine wants to be independent and express their own cultural heritage which was/is suppressed by Russia.

Or are irish people just different in name compared to english people?

The Irish are their own people and they now chose their own way in life, no-one has any issues with that.
All Ukraine wants is exactly the same.

The rest of your reply is just word salad, meaningless nonsense.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: twistedpuppy
a reply to: Imhere

Good that at least you are not repeating yourself, Imhere.

Oh wait! Here, it is:

I mean there was a radical 2014 coup and ousting of a duly elected President (Yanukovych) in it’s backyard.

I know what Goebbels said about repeating the lie enough times but this one won't become the truth anyway.

Did you know that Yanukovych was so desperate about staying in power that he bribed everyone possible, including your favorite "Nazis"? He must have not paid them enough since they overthrew him.

exhale bro

Either which way you look it was destabilized enough where a coup happened ffs, a duly elected president was ousted.

But continue on how it’s just hearsay

edit on 3-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Either which way way it was destabilized enough where a coup happened ffs, a duly elected president was ousted.

Should a government not be afraid of its people?

Yanukovych was removed from power due to his corruption and abuse of that power.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Imhere

Either which way way it was destabilized enough where a coup happened ffs, a duly elected president was ousted.

Should a government not be afraid of its people?

Yanukovych was removed from power due to his corruption and abuse of that power.

(grasp pearls)

Did you live there?

edit on 3-8-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: jofafot

Against the wishes of it's people. "
Wishes of who? The so called "ukrainians" who are actually just russians but brainwashed by western propaganda to weaken russia?

Your ignorance of the history of the Eastern Europe is showing here. Ukrainian nationalism dates back to the 19 century. From the beginning it was strongly anti-Russian. The first independent short lived Ukrainian republic was proclaimed after the Bolshevik revolution. In 1920 Ukrainians under the leadership of Petlura were fighting together with the Poles against the Bolsheviks.

Even earlier in the 17 century there was Cossack Hetmanate which was for some time autonomous and distinct from Russia. There was even a project of creating the Republic of the Three Nations: Poland, Latvia and Ukraine (Cossacks) after Chmielnicki insurrection. The Cossacks lost their autonomy during the reign of Catherine the Great.

Your theory that Ukrainians became anti-Russian and felt different from the Russians in 2014 after the coup supposedly sponsored by the US is ridiculous.
edit on 3-8-2024 by twistedpuppy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: jofafot

"That's one of the saddest bait/troll attempts I have ever seen but I'll humor you. Yes, I am fine with brits forcibly taking over other countries and enslaving their native population because god bless queen and all that jazz."

No. I was simply using your own twisted logic.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Imhere

"Have some consideration for others that are trying to read and reply to the thread. And not go off spamming multiple postings in a row about your personal opinions."

Personal opinions are rather what ATS is about.

You don't get to tell me what I can post .

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Grasp whatever you please.

However where i live hardly changes the facts or answers the question posed.

And the fact is Yanukovych was removed for good reason.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Your guy Yanukovych:

"Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accused Yanukovych and his associates of embezzling some $70 billion in state assets and transferring the funds to foreign banks. "

Thought you were opposed to corruption?

"Authorities in Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein moved to freeze assets and accounts linked to Yanukovych’s family, and prosecutors in Geneva opened a money-laundering investigation. Yanukovych himself denied the existence of any foreign accounts. In January 2015 Interpol placed the deposed leader on its wanted list in connection with those charges."

edit on 3-8-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

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