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Thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing to Russia: the FSB is weeding them out

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posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 02:54 AM
Hello ATS!

Today I want to tell you about one phenomenon that you most likely have not heard of. The fact is that Ukrainians from Europe and Britain have been coming to Russia for several months now. They come en masse, in the thousands and tens of thousands. Those who left Ukraine from the beginning of the Northern Military District. Now the only corridor for their entry into Russia is Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow. There are no other checkpoints for them. But there they undergo very strict control by FSB officers. From 30 to 50% do not pass this selection and are forced to leave Russia forever without the right to enter. Naturally, great tragedies happen. An article about this was published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, “Thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing to Russia: how the FSB weeds out those who secretly hate our Motherland,” which I want to bring to you with slight abbreviations. So.

“The rainbow “visa-free” with lace panties and fantastic cava, for which they jumped on the Maidan, unexpectedly turned into a loss of freedom for Ukrainians: men are not allowed out of the country, when they try to escape they are caught and packed to the front. And in Europe, it turns out, no one has them doesn’t wait - they are not allowed to work and study, and they don’t even renew their Ukrainian passports until you go to the embassy, ​​where the military registration and enlistment officers are sitting. And this is the same: a suitcase, a train station, a trench.

Realizing that no one else needs them, the persecuted Ukrainians, even the most fierce haters of Russia, still run to us. But it turns out that they are not exactly welcomed here with open arms either.

The only gateway to Russia for them is Sheremetyevo Airport. Not everyone is allowed in. Arriving citizens of an unfriendly state must go through a filtering procedure. To prove their loyalty or at least the absence of harm to Russia. But this is not so easy to do.

A story spread on the Internet: a Ukrainian woman was turned around at Sheremetyevo and sent back - they found a bank card with a drawing “Russian ship, went to...”. “What’s wrong?” - the woman was sincerely perplexed, just think, a picture! She wasn't carrying a bomb in her bag.

The problem is that she did not carry the bomb in her bag, but... in her head.

After 30 years of anti-Russian propaganda in Ukraine, hatred of Russia has become the norm for many of its residents. They don't see anything wrong with it. And it is all the more surprising that this hostile, contemptuous, and often hostile attitude towards Russians for some reason easily coexists with everyday practicality - if in Russia it is now better, calmer and safer, then why not move there?

There are dozens of channels, chats and groups on the Internet where they discuss how to pass filtering, how to correctly answer FSB questions, and how to quietly clean your phone of anti-Russian content. There is even a paid service “we’ll clean your phone.” But you won’t surprise the FSB with “disinfection” for a few hryvnia. They immediately see what was deleted, when, how. And with a snap of the fingers, all this is restored. Passengers without phones or with new phones are turned back without talking.

“The Internet remembers everything. Their program goes back years. Everything about a person is revealed... And there will also be an interview, 2 - 4 hours,” say experienced “infiltrators.”

Or here’s another story: a certain Ruslan Mosherov writes that he was turned away because he liked some anti-Russian statements using a German SIM card from an old phone:

“They were able to determine my German number from a scan of my face (what, Karl?). And my handjobs in messengers on that German number. I didn’t even take this SIM card with me - I threw it away before arriving in Minsk.”

Ukrainians go to Russia for various reasons: some want to settle down (at least for a while), some want to visit relatives, some want to sell their parents’ house or their own, remaining in new regions.

Most of their residents received Russian passports and sometimes housing certificates to replace lost housing. Now those who didn’t want to receive all this are coming. You have to live, but your funds are running out, so the plan is simple: get a passport here by right of registration in the conditional Mariupol, sell your apartment (which has increased in price!) - and back to Europe. This reason is not enough motivation for admission to Russia, but it is an honest one.

Such sudden “returnees” are answered sharply:

“Why did these people remember the house, not when it needed to be defended, conquered, rebuilt? What if something happens tomorrow, all these sufferers will run across Europe again?”

There are more dramatic stories:

“I lived in Russia and decided to go on a honeymoon with my husband. The husband is a citizen of the Russian Federation. On the way back I was not allowed into Sheremetyevo, they said: refusal. I'm pregnant now, at 20 weeks. Returned to Turkey. Then my husband left me and went to Russia, I was left alone, and the only chance is to go to Ukraine, there are no other options."

Continued below...

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 02:55 AM

“It seems like you feel sorry for a pregnant woman, but you understand that since they refused, it means there were reasons. After all, this happens often:

“In Ukraine they volunteered for the military. We went to Poland, volunteered there, collected donations. Then they migrated to Germany, but something went wrong, and they decided that they needed to go to Russia. A woman with a decent belly. When we went to Russia, we were probably 100% sure that everything was ok.”

“If anyone knows that he did obscene things, do not waste time and money and do not harbor hopes of crossing the border of the Russian Federation. Miracles only happen in fairy tales,” experienced people advise.

But try to explain to them what is “obscene” and what is not.

Svetlana writes in telegram chat: “They didn’t let my mother-in-law in. She is a citizen of Ukraine. There are three children in Russia. They made me wait for more than 2 days, and in the end they said that they found a like for a video about politics, although she deleted the photo and removed likes related to politics.”

Only here those filtered rarely clarify what kind of posts “about politics” they meant. Is “Fried Colorado” about politics?

And Victoria has a similar story:

“Although I have a Mariupol registration, I was not able to pass the filter... I was open and honest, did not hide anything, and answered everything sincerely. Old photographs and messages were restored; it turned out that a year ago an old acquaintance wrote about political events that I no longer remembered. This became the reason for the ban.”

Alexandra says the same:

“A neighbor wrote his political views 2 years ago, I had already forgotten about this message, they found it, showed it and put a ban on it.”

But, apparently, the point is not in the neighbor’s views, but in Alexandra’s reaction to them. People who are guided by the theses “What’s wrong?” and “What are we doing?” will be unclear.

Someone Kus Kus is indignant:

“They can turn away for any reason, even to the point that they are simply in a bad mood. A friend was turned away only because he wrote the word “Rashka” instead of Russia a couple of times in his message.”

In general, Kus Kus is right, FSB officers really get into a bad mood when they hear “Rashka,” like all sane residents of Russia.

Rejectors are usually dissatisfied with the conditions in the filtration zone. The conditions are ordinary - airport conditions, with uncomfortable benches, and you have to sit for a long time. First, you wait in line for an interview for hours, fill out a form, and give your phone to be checked. And if you refuse, you wait for hours, and sometimes days, for a free seat on the plane to be seated in the opposite direction.

Some passengers travel through Europe or the Baltic states to Minsk, and from there to Sheremetyevo by plane. Someone flies through Serbia or Turkey.

They arrive with children, dogs and huge luggage. Moreover, those sitting in the filtration room do not have access to their suitcases. That’s why the most experienced ones take a blanket with them - they can hide from the air conditioner, they can spread it on the floor to sleep, and they can wrap up the child.

It is recommended to take food per day. Vending machines sell doshirak and sweets. Water in coolers is free. Those who need it will also receive medical assistance here.

There are two lines for the interview - one for the elderly and passengers with small children. She's a little faster. The other is for everyone else. People over 80 years old, as a rule, go through without filtering - they only have a short conversation with them. You are not asked to fill out a form or hand over your phone number. But it happens that the old grandfather is let through, but the daughter is turned away. And there are many such stories about separated families.

Experienced Ukrainian migrants and chat moderators are drawing up instructions for new arrivals, which will be the reason for denial of entry:

1. Participation in events directed against Russia, its government agencies and the army. Including negative messages on the Internet, participation in anti-Russian performances on the streets of Europe, participation in the ATO, transfers of funds to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, etc.

2. Long-term residence in Russia without obtaining citizenship. Assessed as a disregard for citizenship.

3. Open demonstration of selfish interests (obtaining a passport for selling real estate).

4. Providing false information, cleaning phones, trying to hide close relatives associated with the civil service, the Security Service of Ukraine or the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

But what’s interesting is that FSB officers can turn a blind eye to almost all points except the last one - they evaluate visitors “based on the totality” of the information received. There were cases when they let in people with relatives fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, or people who fled to Europe for two years and only now decided to come to Russia. Even those who wrote in the questionnaire that they did not support the SVO and were in favor of peace were allowed through.

The main thing for border guards is to understand whether a person poses a threat to national security or not. And they do it very subtly."

Continued below...

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 02:56 AM

"The main advice to visitors, found in chats: “You can’t lie during filtering! You can’t seem better than you are. A conversation at the FSB is like a confession with the Apostle Peter the Keykeeper, the guardian of the gates of heaven.”

Judging by the reports, there are plenty of solutions that turned out to be happy for visitors:

“The FSB admits that at the beginning of the conflict people did not understand and were on the other side. They look at the attitude over the last year.”

“I know a case where a guy passed the filtering who did not hide the fact that at the beginning of the conflict he was a patriot of Ukraine. Photos with a flag on the shoulders, yellow and black hearts, emojis and all that. But due to his culture, he did not allow insults to the “enemy,” President Putin and Russians in general. He didn’t like calls to kill everyone or deal with prisoners, and didn’t give money to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He calmly explained how his worldview had changed. Everything was checked and confirmed. They let him through."

“The man told how he was allowed in, but his wife was not. He stood up for his wife, explained that she was stupid and that it was their own fault, that they had let the country take its course, and, they say, he promises and takes her on bail, and he and his wife were let through. This is the only case when a person was allowed in after a refusal.”

For Ukrainians, who had plenty of fun on the Maidan with yellow-blue, or even red-black flags, and then became severely disappointed in the Kiev regime and in European cookies, looking for a better life from Muscovites is a risk. A refusal at Sheremetyevo could close Russia for them for a long time. But this risk is driven by fear of the future. That’s why they write encouraging messages to each other in chats: “Good luck everyone, I’m on filtering, otherwise in this Europe there are no normal people here.”

In borderline states, on the verge of life and death, a person always remembers his mother. Mentally returns to the one that gave birth to him, to the source of his life, the starting point. Sartre called this “finding existence,” reassembly, rebirth, “return to one’s true self.”

It is this phenomenon that we are seeing now in Sheremetyevo, at the threshold of the only gate through which you can return to the Motherland. But the heart of this Mother was hardened by the prodigal children themselves, which they are now suffering through deservedly. However, there is no such thing that the Mother does not forgive. He may punish, but evil will not mock and will definitely forgive.

The only thing that confuses us about this model of “re-finding the Mother” is its simplified approach given the multifaceted nature of the relationships within our family. "Yes or no". This doesn’t happen in life, only in instructions.

It is clear that outright bastards cannot be allowed into the country. The bastards - let them suffer. But, besides the bastards, there are fools who committed a mistake and realized everything. For them, in Sheremetyevo, you can hold a “rite of national repentance” in front of the Motherland and record it on video, for memory.

In difficult cases - you fought against Russia or were in the ATO (and millions were driven through the ATO) - welcome to the labor camp! What is popularly called “chemistry” is used for construction projects of the national economy, to replace migrants. Pay a (small) salary and limit your movements: construction - hostel. And it is imperative to create an information environment. And a year later the case will be re-examined.

After all, without hypocrisy, my mother’s heart was hardened by the majority of the population of Ukraine. Those who were openly against it left in 1414 and 1919, when the “simplified procedure” was introduced - “a simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship by citizens of Ukraine.” And everyone in the Motherland has a reasonable question inside: “What were you waiting for after the Maidan?” This is a good question, especially if it is asked by a person who has never been in exile, who has not destroyed his entire life in one fell swoop, with a brain smoking from the Russophobic propaganda of the last 10 - 30 years. It is still a strong act - to return with a repentant head under the stern eyes of your mother.

Even though they are prodigal, they are still children. If we could add a little motherhood to the process of returning, tens of thousands will come to us. And they definitely won’t be superfluous. And those who remained, looking at those who returned to the Mother, will think hard about whether they are right. And this is also important."

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll


And just more Russian propaganda designed to do nothing more than sow division and spread discontent.

It dont work RT and your game rather plain.

Anyhoo, and as always, freedom to Ukraine and down with Putin's piss-poor invasion farce.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 03:46 AM
I too run into the arms of my aggressor/abuser.

Something I should work on.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

The fact is his propaganda piece portrays a bleak and unwelcoming picture for Ukrainians in both Europe and Russia.

He is simply trying to sow discord and diminish support for Ukraine as he always does.

As usual, the overall narrative is heavily biased and full of lies and hyperbole.

And the idea that Ukrainians fleeing to Russia must undergo a "filtering" process and prove their loyalty concerning too say the least.

“The man told how he was allowed in, but his wife was not. He stood up for his wife, explained that she was stupid and that it was their own fault, that they had let the country take its course, and, they say, he promises and takes her on bail, and he and his wife were let through.

I especially liked this part full of gender bias and misogyny painting his wife as less capable and intelligent than himself and the "promises and takes her on bail" part priceless never mind degrading and unjust.

Most likely complete nonsense but it paints rather the picture and is rather telling imho.

edit on 29-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

A Ellis island situation RT where immigration is checked and the wheat is separated from the chaff .

The European countries should have done the same thing with all the immigration pouring over our borders

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SteamyAmerican

The fact is his propaganda piece portrays a bleak and unwelcoming picture for Ukrainians in both Europe and Russia.

He is simply trying to sow discord and diminish support for Ukraine as he always does.

As usual, the overall narrative is heavily biased and full of lies and hyperbole.

And the idea that Ukrainians fleeing to Russia must undergo a "filtering" process and prove their loyalty concerning too say the least.

“The man told how he was allowed in, but his wife was not. He stood up for his wife, explained that she was stupid and that it was their own fault, that they had let the country take its course, and, they say, he promises and takes her on bail, and he and his wife were let through.

I especially liked this part full of gender bias and misogyny painting his wife as less capable and intelligent than himself and the "promises and takes her on bail" part priceless never mind degrading and unjust.

Most likely complete nonsense but it paints rather the picture and is rather telling imho.

Exhale Andy.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Goosfraba Imhere.

Anyhoo, back on to the topic of the thread methinks.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

So, PetitePutin is claiming Ukrainians are 'fleeing' into his soft, flabby bosom? The same nutjob that claimed this Special 'Operation' would be over in days and 'welcomed' by the Ukrainians..?

Dude, go push your Russian tripe elsewhere. No one buys it.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:43 AM
Ukraine will become a dusty empty abandoned city soon

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: Opossum19

The same could be said about Russia considering the massive loss of life.

Ukraine is not a city through but a nation.

With Kyiv/Kiev being its capital.
edit on 29-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: NoOneButMeAgain
a reply to: RussianTroll

So, PetitePutin is claiming Ukrainians are 'fleeing' into his soft, flabby bosom? The same nutjob that claimed this Special 'Operation' would be over in days and 'welcomed' by the Ukrainians..?

Dude, go push your Russian tripe elsewhere. No one buys it.

Source on Putin saying it’ll be done in 3 days or days?

Apparently you bought into that propaganda, because Putin never said that.

You’re probably referring to Lukashenko saying that.

At any event, Crimea was taken quickly basically without a shot fired under Obama.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: Imhere

There is no verifiable record of Putin explicitly stating that his "special military operation" in Ukraine would be over in 3 days as you well know.

But the notion of a quick victory was widely speculated to be the case.

Hence the troop movements and deployments.

I think its a safe bet to say however things did not go as planned when the Ukrainians refused to capitulate and roll over to the Russian scum invaders.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

and that's not a security threat? Aren't you currently at war with Ukraine? And allowing Ukrainians into Russia seems like you are setting you country up for an attack from within. Or do they all promise to be nice?

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 05:49 AM
Very interesting article and I'm glad to see the FSB is doing very strict screening of these Ukrainians who are coming to Russia who might not have the best intentions or have been brain washed with anti Russian Propaganda.

Very thankful to the FSB that they are working hard to keep the motherland safe!


posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: RussianTroll

and that's not a security threat? Aren't you currently at war with Ukraine? And allowing Ukrainians into Russia seems like you are setting you country up for an attack from within. Or do they all promise to be nice?

That's why the FSB is doing very strict screening of who they are allowing into the country unlike the USA who has the open border where tens of thousands if not more from enemy countries and hostile regions walk into the USA with little screening or none at all and become another of the millions of "gotaways" that have crossed yhe US border.

Remember Russia and Ukraine are very closely linked and many Ukrainians love Russia and have family there that they are coming to live with.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Ah, so the promise to be real nice. Got it.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Imhere

There is no verifiable record of Putin explicitly stating that his "special military operation" in Ukraine would be over in 3 days as you well know.

But the notion of a quick victory was widely speculated to be the case.

Hence the troop movements and deployments.

I think its a safe bet to say however things did not go as planned when the Ukrainians refused to capitulate and roll over to the Russian scum invaders.

Yeah there’s propaganda on both sides. But Putin never said it would be done in 3 days.

Regarding Crimea, one of the things that went as planned is having the water established again after being shut off since 2014 by Ukraine.

Two days into Russia's invasion of Ukraine in late February, Russian military forces blew up a dam that Ukraine had built to cut off Crimea's primary water supply. Ukraine barricaded the North Crimean Canal in retaliation for Russia seizing the Crimean Peninsula in 2014.

The Kremlin had been fuming about the dam ever since.

Anna Olenenko, an agriculture historian from the Khortytsia National Academy in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, points out that blowing up the dam and restarting the flow of water toward Crimea was one of Russia's first acts of the war.

"I think that this shows us the importance of that issue [to Russia]," she says. There were multiple reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine, Olenenko says, and restoring the flow of water to Crimea was one of them. "Putin and the [Russian] government promised to the Crimean people that they would solve the water problem in Crimea," she says.

edit on 29-7-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Do you actually believe this rubbish ?

Serious question.

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