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Biden is Out

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posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
Young Turks wants a brokered convention

"brokered" or "broker" šŸ˜ƒ

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: frogs453

And soo is Trump wife, she is an "immigrant" is a different between Immigrants in the country legally and illegals that forced their way at the border.

Both Trum wife and Vance wife are successful productive members of society, they are not here to burden the system and compete with the already burdened America and homeless and poor.

Apples and oranges my friend, let no forget the drug dealers and cartels in the nation thanks to open borders.

I am all for camps to restrict illegals and making sure that they are not a treat to Americans, before dumping them in the streets.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Project 2025 said Trump is not affiliated with them in any way. His name isnā€™t mentioned on any of those 1000 pages of it, nor anything else in that project.

Suuuuuuuuuure! You just keep pushing that distance.

We're not buying it though!

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: DAVID64

Those attributes will certainly work against her. There are already sexist comments being made about her in this very thread. Soon they're going to start with the "DEI hire" put-downs.

She brought it on herself since long ago. She isn't called "Heels up Harris" for nothing you know.

Soon they're going to start with the "DEI hire" put-downs

As if that is a bad thing to do for such obvious reasons. DEI hires are not hired for their skill at doing a job, ANY job. Hence all the failures.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

"soon" ? I already said she's only there because she's a woman of color. Everyone knew that from day one.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:09 PM
I seem to remember a leaked video of Trump on the golf cart saying Biden was so bad at the debate heā€™d drop out and Kamala would take his place. He was right!šŸ¤”

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:09 PM
Dbl post
edit on 21-7-2024 by Texasgirl45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:11 PM
Obama Praises Biden for Decision to Exit Race, Does Not Endorse Harris
edit on 21-7-2024 by bluemooone44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: frogs453

Now when he forgets his wife

The very first example you gave of Trump lying is a lie its self. If you watch the full video you can clearly see he is referring to another women. And since I know you wont take me at my word, here's one of those fact checks you guys love so much. This is one of the main things about the left which I despise, they froth at the mouth ranting about lies and disinformation, but then completely ignore the outrageous lies coming from leftist politicians.

It's comical how the left projects their fears about Biden onto Trump. They live in their own little fantasy world, where they admire the most evil and vile liars on this planet. How can you possibly defend the blatant lies Biden told about his education during his early political career? Or what about some of the more absurd lies he has told in recent times? And Hillary is probably even worse, at least Biden has the excuse of senility, it really baffles me why so many people think she's a hero.

How about the other lies Joe has pushed for decadesā€¦.

He has exploited the accident that claimed the life of his first wife and daughter, falsely attributing fault to the truck driver she collided with.
And at the age of 35 he marries Jill, who was 26 at the time.
Jill was first married in 1970, and Jill and her husband worked on his 1972 Senate campaign. After Joe's first wife was killed, the 21 year old Jill started helping babysit Joe's sons Beau and Hunter.
They have both lied through the years about having first met on a blind date after her first marriage ended, but that has always been BS to help keep the real story covered up.
The 31 year old Joe started an affair with a 22 year old who was then married.
31 year old Joe had the hots for the babysitter barely out of her teens.

The more you know.ā˜ļø

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: burntheships

Running a younger candidate is the best move. Trump can continue discussing the shark or the battery, Hannibal Lector, "bringing concrete back", attacking everyone and everything, while his VP choice has to clean up his own mess when ads will point out his true feelings for Trump which he expressed many times, while Maga dogs out his brown wife, daughter of immigrants while Trump and crowds screech for the biggest camps ever for immigrants.


Face it, Joe and his minions just conceded to running on
a lie, he knew it, she knew it, everyone knew it.

Your team keeps forgetting that there are real people
out there who knew joe had dementia 4 years ago,
before he ruined the economy, Before skyrocketing gas
prices, BEFORE inflation, BEFORE the endless wars.

Just what is it your offering again?

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

As someone resident in New Zealand during the pandemic, I can tell you that Ardern handled the situation well, and voluntarily left office before her term was up, afterwards.

Lmfao, let me just say, basically everything I see you say about NZ is the opposite of the truth. Ardern enforced one of the most strict and heavy handed responses to Covid out of all nations, she acted like a totalitarian and threatened ridiculous actions like banning unvaccinated people from public places such as restaurants, much like other wanna be dictators such as Trudeau. Then before her term was even up I believe she resigned and slinked out of the public eye, probably fearing the potential repercussions once people start to realize how much they messed up during the pandemic.
edit on 21/7/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:13 PM
Biden is not out just yet.....there are some pardons he has to take care of first.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: RickinVa

Yep I am sure that it was some sweet deals been worked out in order for the biden family to allow biden to drop out of the race, many deals and mucha plata, money runs politics.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: FamCore

Clinton? Please God, noooooo....

Ever read her bio?

No, I haven't read her bio per se, but I have spent hundreds+ hours over the years regarding her life. More importantly, I have lived through a lot of her "qualifications" and saw most of these things first hand as they unfolded. Remember:

Whitewater investigation
Clinton foundation dealings
Vince Foster
Travel Gate
Huma Abedin / Anthony Weiner /laptop with national security secrets among the porn
Supposed drug running operations in Arkansas
Clinton legal defense fund
Russian collusion by Trump efforts
the "hit list"

lots more here, but you can see I have read her "bio" in a way. And please don't say "all made up crazy stuff" because you can look for yourself. Dates back even to when she began her first job in politics. Too many people have told what they saw, too many are no longer with us. Too much smoke, has to be a fire.

*wanted to add something in all fairness to Mrs. Clinton. She does know her way around the world stage so she's not a newb, and also that I had a dream about her years ago - and if the dream is accurate...she will play a very big part in world events. So perhaps this is her time.

edit on 21-7-2024 by TruthJava because: added text

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:17 PM

WHOOOAAAAaaaaa It's The NWO! šŸ¤£

BREAKING: Alexander Soros has just endorsed Kamala Harris

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:19 PM
surfin the idjet box seeing what all the jabber jockey's are saying and cnn has some guy on talking up harris for a couple of minutes then at the very end spent a few seconds on other dem ones that might could run.

bet ya cnn supports harris.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

WHOOOAAAAaaaaa It's The NWO! šŸ¤£

BREAKING: Alexander Soros has just endorsed Kamala Harris

Leftists are in the "Rage FOR the machine" party. Useful idiots.
edit on 21-7-2024 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: TruthJava

Don't forget she "misspoke" about bullets flying around her.

As in, lied.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I do not think we may see old Joe for the reminder of the presidency, he is soo far gone now that he will be put away and use only in necessary events. Is going to be epic.

posted on Jul, 21 2024 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Sookiechacha

but I don't know if swing voter and the undecided are ready for Kamala, a woman of color, just yet.

Already starting the racist narrative I see. Gotta get that out early, huh ? I'm sure that's the excuse you'll use when she tanks.

She has probably followed Trump's edict to go back to the #hole country that she came from.

And she is.

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