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A closer look at Trump's shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

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posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:25 AM
Doctor G is not a Trump liker, but...

edit on 777Vam16America/ChicagoTue, 16 Jul 2024 01:26:12 -0500 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:28 AM
It looks like him...

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: hydr0cannibal

There’s only one reason he registered to vote as a republican but donated to the Progressive ActBlue.
Need three tries ?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: Vermilion

Gee, that makes “The View” Spitting on him appear so tame by comparison.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:14 AM
So how did they end up IDing him if he had no ID with him?

I was also wondering why that chubby dude with the black hair and the big aviator sunglasses got blamed for the shooting first? A couple hours after the shooting the chubby dude with black hair and aviator shades was all over the internet and blamed for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Why was this guy pinned first by all the medias?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:53 AM
It is probable that Crooks went to see a military recruiter at some point. Which is when he fist came to the attention of the covert operators.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: starvosan

Not mention, he did a commercial for Black Rock. That's Betsy DeVos' brother, Trump supporter Eric Prince' business. Lots of DARK money in there.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: EyeoftheHurricane
a reply to: hydr0cannibal

There’s only one reason he registered to vote as a republican but donated to the Progressive ActBlue.
Need three tries ?

To impress a girl?
His father is a Libertarian. His mother is a Democrat. It's the only choice for a rebellious teen to register Republican.

I guess you could say he registered Republican to vote against certain Republicans in primaries, but he registered in 2021, so it would be a long wait to register Republican to vote against Donald Trump.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

This dude feels like a Manchurian Candidate. A psychologically groomed assassin. Always use 20 year old males because they can cover it under the outset of schizophrenia. Like Jarod Laughner. Who let the bodies hit the floor in a flag burning video that went viral afterwards. And then scrubbed from existence

100%! A different kind of Teen Torture. (Referring to HBO's docuseries)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

That is an interesting take. His uncle (or someone with his same name) wrote an essay about how psychologists use fallacious logic to conclude an individual schizophrenic when they are truly suffering from a form of demonic oppression or possession.

You use terms like street theater, gang stalking, and MK Ultra, which seems to me a more technically phrased description of demonic oppression or possession.

Whatever description, neither seem to be very well understood.
edit on 16-7-2024 by ByeByeAmericanPie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 12:07 PM
Just a tidbit on the family:

In 2016 the Trump campaign built a database profiling millions of voters in key battleground states – including the family of Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Crooks.

It found that both the parents of Thomas Crooks were very likely to be gun owners and shared other gun-related lifestyle indicators.

The gun-related profiles which appear in the 2016 Trump campaign database range between 0 – meaning no likelihood – and 1 – a certainty.

Matthew Crooks scored highly across a range of gun-related models including: 0.99 for the likelihood of returning a warranty card for a firearms purchase; 0.95 for the likelihood of pursuing hunting sports; and 0.94 for the likelihood of shopping at the hunting retailer

Overall, averaged across all three of these measures, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park, Matthew Crooks was among the top 20 highest scoring individuals.

In total, the data technique was deployed in ten swing states – scoring a total of around 50 million individuals – to find voters who could be susceptible to political messages about gun-rights, a bedrock issue in all of Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns.


posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: frogs453

there it is. Trump did this. LOL!

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: 777Vader
It looks like him...

Id like to know when that video was taken. I read that it was about a week or two ago. Anyone know?

It looks like it's on a University campus, somewhere (PA?). The table has Trump signs, was it a table set up prior to Trump coming to PA?

If so, did someone else see his mental outbreak and approach him? Someone in a 3 letter agency? He sure seemed ripe for a patsy shooter.

I'm curious as to Crooks whereabouts and activities in the days/weeks prior to July 13th.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

It may be an interesting conversation, to know that police officers cannot detain an individual just for showing indications of homicidal behavior. It would have to be an explicit threat. I’m not sure if that video of the guy screaming is the same as this shooter. In that case, I think he said “Death To Fascists.” Even if officers became aggressive and took that guy in for making threats, I don’t think he could be detained for long just for screaming a political slogan.

But you never know cuz after this incident, the gov may more aggressively prosecute individuals for deviant behavior.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: network dude

You think he did? Interesting. I certainly never stated or implied he did.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

You think he did? Interesting. I certainly never stated or implied he did.

just speculating on the point of your post. Perhaps you can explain it.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: network dude

Well dude, it's 4 pages of posts about the individual and his family, like how many guns they own, what they do for a living, how they voted. If he was on this list, noted with a very high score to be as susceptible to certain mailings from the campaign, maybe something in the search history from the household led to such a high score? So the parents or kid maybe had quite the gun interest?

It adds context to the conversation. No? Did you ask the same question to every other poster here who added info on the family?

If not and just me, you seem to be harboring a bit of a unresistable urge to engage with me. I'm starting to wonder if I should be more cautious on my daily walks with the dog. Might you be lurking on the corner or behind a bush?
edit on 16-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Yea, it's just you. In fact, you are the first person I spoke to today. It's because you are so special. Don't ever change.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: network dude

Awww... see.. so special.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

He's not just screaming political slogans. He's making graphic death threats to the people he's yelling at.

I can't tell but it seems likely that the people at the table were indeed Trump people/Republicans. He is yelling and screaming about slitting the throats of Republicans.

Hard to imagine a guy that who allows himself to be filmed acting like this at political locations wouldn't be noticed by the authorities.

But these days you can watch lefties loosing it all day long on YouTube, so I guess anything goes in America now

edit on 5310214America/Chicagopm16 by 5thHead because: ◾

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