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A closer look at Trump's shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

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posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: starvosan

Not mention, he did a commercial for Black Rock. That's Betsy DeVos' brother, Trump supporter Eric Prince' business. Lots of DARK money in there.

Blackwater. Eric Prince sold in 2010.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

Black Rock.
Infamous DEI Marxists.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Seems right. The Trump campaign can figure out who people are better than the government.

Unless like me you think the government knew about this guy as well.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: hydr0cannibal

It appears the father of the shooter is in shock and didn't have a clue about his son's mental condition or private life.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

The Secret service, (and the powers currently behind them) are guilty of attempting to facilitate a presidential assassination.

The shooter was just a tool in the toolbox of larger forces that are involved, including Joe Biden and the people behind his puppeteering, corrupt maggot filled carcass.


Yep, the event was 'allowed to transpire' and possibly even helped to occur....Deep State or 4th Reich ? one is guilty, just like 911
edit on 16-7-2024 by StudioNada because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

It doesn't matter. Eric Prince founded Blackwater and fine tuned it to the covert ops operation that still is, today. It was his brainchild and Eric Prince is one of Trump's wealthy supporters. It's how Betsy DeVos got on Trump's Cabinette.

So don't tell me Blackwater's link to Eric Prince is irrelevent, or that Prince can't make a phone call. Don't tell me that Crook's link to Blackwater doesn't also link Crooks to some pretty nefasious people.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

That's interesting.

Here's where I'm crazy.

A friend of mine had "demonic possession" used as a gaslight by the group that gangstalked him.

He had a recording of them on tape talking about how they were going to convince him "he was possessed by a djinn"

He worked as a stocker overnight at a commissary and when he had enough of them, he snuck up on their conversation on the next aisle and recorded their ringleader discussing how they were going to screw with him. Their goal was to make him feel possessed and pray. To prove God is not Dead. (There's a backstory as to why he needed saving)

I don't think that's Christianity. That's Jim Jones cult sh*t. They literally gaslit him into that, and they never admitted it (even presented evidence) or stopped until he moved. And then it followed him online.

He would have breakdowns against Christians just like that guy against republicans. Because Christians were stalking him into believing a contrived narrative of absolution he would lash our at JWs and evangelicals. Even said he was going to shoot up a church over it. Got in trouble.

And it's something that would have never happened had a pathetic old cultist christian parasite not run around his job trying to falsely convince him "he's possessed and needs Jesus."

Some of these people legitimately thought it was a US law that to serve in the military or work for the government you had to believe in God. They were serving their country. DeCA LET IT HAPPEN. Always found that odd. Always made me think they were being used. It happened for 2.5 years

As a side note, he would fight posts like yours online with disdain, fully believing they were deliberately posted to sway his opinion. He did nothing but fight ALL ideas of faith. Anything he had to believe in without proof became his enemy. It messed him up. Still wants revenge for never being told why things started happening like that.

And the public screaming this guy did reminds of that friend screaming at Christians to leave him alone. Or that he's going to shoot up their church.

I often thought another actor superior to all parties, put this group up to these games for whatever reason. That's where the three letter agencies and MKUltras come in.
edit on 16-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Not mention, he did a commercial for Black Rock. That's Betsy DeVos' brother, Trump supporter Eric Prince' business. Lots of DARK money in there.

This is your post.
You posted it.
I corrected you because you’re wrong.

Stop acting like you were correct.
Blackrock has nothing to do with Trump, nor prince, nor devos.

Blackrock extorts companies into pushing DEI Marxist policies.
Exactly like Soros and the democrats who take his money.
Dark money doesn’t get any darker than Blackrock and Soros money.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Okay. I'm telling you it doesn't matter. It was Eric Prince's brainchild and Erik Prince is one of Trump wealth supporters. And, it's not just money he offer's Trump, it's his inside knowledge of dark matters and his dark connections.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: 5thHead

Ok, let’s assume he is screaming his most violent fantasies out loud. I’m Still not sure that video is even Crooks, btw.

How long can someone be detained for doing that at a political rally, assuming the agitator has no other criminal record ?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

I’m finding your story unbelievable for following reason.

I have been following the gang stalking subreddit for a few months now, and as far as I can tell, nobody ever catches their gang stalkers!

If he did catch them, he should try to prosecute them, as organized stalking to harass and gas light someone is a crime which can be punished.

If he can’t get the police to help, he could at least publish his findings on social media, like this place, and/or many others.

Maybe you can prove my belief wrong?

I don’t have any disagreement with people who believe demonic possession is really gang stalking using technology to manipulate the mind. That is my personal belief too. But I don’t know this. Gang stalking and demonic possession are both religious beliefs, unless the truth of the matter can be found. I think there is enough evidence to keep these subjects in mind.

I have a negative bias toward those claiming to be gang stalked.

Here is an example of what a person claiming to be gang stalked has done.

And here is another example of 2 people who I personally knew, but hadn’t spoken with in years.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

They never used his name. They said "he," and he tried to prove they were talking about him, to which they denied. Even when reporting that this conversation proves this is happening his boss denied that the conversation was about him. It was likely in his head. It was his word that he caught them talking vs. his bosses non-belief, and them denying it when he played it and confronted them.

And then continued. It was just a fuzzy audio phone recording of people talking about a "him."


People catch them all the time, just being able to capture it to prove to others is illusive. He had to catch them NOT DOING it. Like sneaking up on them when they thought he was on break and recording them.

He still never really proved it, and has since given up.

He's just one of about seven I have known. I could tell you an even more disturbing one about what a mother did to her 36 year old daughter. In fact it's the same "ringleader" as the above person.

The mysterious "they" tend to reuse instigators.

I see elements of my friends who got harrassed in the shooter. The instigated schizophrenia as it were. So back to the thread.
edit on 16-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: starvosan
It is probable that Crooks went to see a military recruiter at some point. Which is when he fist came to the attention of the covert operators.

Yes it is . Some Young People who like the Idea of Learning the Use of Firearms Usually have the Military in Mind in their Future .

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 07:29 PM
Some news sites using the word 'Incel' to describe crooks.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
There's a much bigger issue than just the shooter, since the SS ignored the shooter on the roof which they were staring at the whole time according to witnesses, and then once they saw the shooter failed and all their collective asses were on the line, they then took out the shooter.

The Secret service, (and the powers currently behind them) are guilty of attempting to facilitate a presidential assassination.

The shooter was just a tool in the toolbox of larger forces that are involved, including Joe Biden and the people behind his puppeteering, corrupt maggot filled carcass.

Plus, astoundingly, Thomas Crooks had NO ONLINE FOOTPRINT?

Is this true?:

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
There's a much bigger issue than just the shooter, since the SS ignored the shooter on the roof which they were staring at the whole time according to witnesses, and then once they saw the shooter failed and all their collective asses were on the line, they then took out the shooter.

The Secret service, (and the powers currently behind them) are guilty of attempting to facilitate a presidential assassination.

The shooter was just a tool in the toolbox of larger forces that are involved, including Joe Biden and the people behind his puppeteering, corrupt maggot filled carcass.

Plus, astoundingly, Thomas Crooks had NO ONLINE FOOTPRINT?

Is this true?:

Yes. Everything about this screams secret dark ops. The media's ridiculous propaganda and lies being streamed is like those farmland industrial manure sprayers. The pretending incompetence's by the secret service and their publicly outspoken Trump hating director, what a human wreck she is. Pathetic.

edit on 17-7-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 12:56 AM
I think there's a much simpler explanation than all the crazy conspiracy theories, and it all makes sense if you look at all the available info. I'll list the main points first, and then add detail to each one afterwards (kind of a TL;DR approach)

1.) The shooter (not going to glorify his name) fantasized about shooting Trump, but wasn't really serious.

2.) The shooter was not alone at the rally. No accomplices, he just wasn't at the rally by himself. He was with a group of peers. (There's proof)

3.) The firearm was stashed at, or nearby, the building he climbed onto well before the rally.

4.) The ladder to climb up on the building was not placed by the shooter.

5.) He had been radicalized by some group over the past couple years.

6.) The shooter had some sort of a mental snap shortly after the rally began.

7.) The delays in neutralizing the shooter are a tragic comedy of errors due to serious security lapses by the SS (and conflicting directions and chaos after he was spotted).

Okay, so here's what I believe went down...

Points #1 and #5 - As has been noted by numerous sources the shooter was endlessly bullied when younger. Over the past couple years he began to gain his identity and acceptance by associating with a group of radicals (possibly coworkers or friends). As many of us have seen there is increasingly violent statements being made in social media and various MSM outlets. Over time the shooter developed a hatred for Trump and had fantasies of taking him out. This would have (in his mind) made all his radical associates accept him even more (as twisted as this is), but he never really believed he would actually do it. It was merely a fantasy (but one he would come close to acting out). I've actually seen this kind of behavior (not about killing people, but just secretly living out some secret fantasy in real life).

Point #2 - There is now proof he was not alone. I've posted actual video of this in the SEAL thread. There is a video of a woman screaming his name after he climbed on the roof. She screams..."CROOKS...get over here! What are you DOING???...and she continues repeatedly screaming this same statement several times, even after he is shot. After he is shot, you can hear her screaming the same thing, but now she's sobbing (because she likely realizes he's just been fatally shot.) In the same video you can hear several others screaming the same thing; they're not as loud as the girl screaming, but they're all screaming at him by name. The fact they all refer to him as "CROOKS" likely means they are not parents or siblings, just associates or friends. He was at the rally in a group. There weren't accomplices; he acted alone, but he wasn't at the rally alone.

Point #3 - He stashed the firearm at the rally site before the rally (possibly even days before). We know this by the tone of the woman screaming in item #2 above. If you listen to her voice, she sounds astonished and distraught. It's like she's truly surprised that he's acting out on something they may have snidely or sarcastically discussed. She sounds stunned that he's apparently walked away from the group (thus the "Get over here!" statement). 'Here' where the rest of the group he was with is; she's telling him to come back. It made his fantasy seem real

Point #4 - There are numerous pictures (even here on ATS) of the ladder in place on the side of the building before the rally. It does appear to be attached in some fashion to the building. Even if it was attached, it is not installed per any Building Code in the US, so it wasn't professionally installed there, but it was there before the event. The shooter likely knew this, and figured this would be his way to get a good spot to shoot from. The shooter also stashed the rifle nearby this ladder (again, ahead of time). In his fantasy, he would retrieve it the day of the rally, climb the ladder to the roof and carry out his twisted plan. But, he never believed in his heart he could actually do it. Regardless, stashing the rifle made it all seem real to him. Plus it probably got his adrenaline rushing doing it.

Point #5 - Already covered in item #1, but just to add...the group he was with are likely part of the peer group he was radicalized by. They likely spewed non-stop hatred for Trump and he just became crazed after a while by peer pressure and the desire to be accepted. They may have intended to be protesters at the event, or were planning on causing some sort of disruption. The screaming girl/woman recorded on video calling him by name and telling him to come back was a member of these radicals. She was yelling at him to come "back" to the group.

Point #6 - At some point shortly after the rally began, possibly because of all the noise, and all the strong support for Trump he just snapped and walked away from the group he was with. He may have even told them ahead of time what he'd done, but no one believed him. In any case, he snapped and suddenly decided to make his fantasy become real. Sort of a..."F*** IT! My life sucks, Why not?...kind of moment. He then walked away from the group, grabbed the rifle, climbed up on the roof and began carrying out his twisted fantasy. It was then that members of the group he was with saw him up on the roof and became increasingly distraught. When the screaming woman saw he really did have a rifle after all, she really started screaming even louder. She continues screaming until after he is shot at which point she is sobbing.

Point #7 - The delays in taking the shooter out are simply explained as just a series of screw ups by both the SS and the LEO's. People reporting things to the LEO's on the ground, conflicting radio calls back and forth trying to verify which roof, and whether the shooter was really not actually an LEO. I've seen this kind of radio confusion a million times. Fragments of radio calls, incomplete information, conflicting directions and mass confusion. There is absolutely NO excuse for this, and people should be held accountable, but it doesn't change the fact that these things frequently happen, especially when people get excited and/or start to panic.

Conclusion - When one of the LEO's got boosted (by another LEO) up to the edge of the roof, and the shooter saw him, the shooter turned and pointed the rifle at the LEO. This was the turning point for the shooter. Right at that second he was committed to doing something; in his mind he had no choice but to act because his life was about to be ended. He likely knew, no matter what, he was going to get shot, so he started firing. If the LEO hadn't peered over the edge of the roof, the shooter most likely would have stayed there for a while longer before shooting (and may not even fired at all), but when the LEO popped up the fantasy ended immediately and reality set in. Everything was going to be over in a few seconds and he knew it. So, he pulled the trigger.

I'll be willing to bet a chicken dinner that when the final story comes out, what I've laid out above will be pretty close to, if not almost exactly, what happened.

My assessment is the authorities need to find out exactly who the screaming girl/woman was, and who the group was which the shooter was with, and authorities need to seriously question these individuals. They hold the key to what happened at the rally July 13th.
edit on 7/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

I met a fellow the cult calls a “perp” once who tried to instigate an altercation between me and the now deceased Union City shooter, who the cult calls a “TI,” who I shared an earlier link about. Luckily I don’t get too worked up by insults, cuz if I had, I doubt I would have been as lucky as the cop who got shot in the arm, initiating such an altercation, or back on topic, Trump who got his ear grazed by this lunatic mass shooter Crooks.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:19 AM
Just as kind of a follow up, despite the delay, once the counter-sniper team got clear direction, they wasted no time in taking the shooter out. I honestly don't believe there was any conspiracy here. When they acted, they acted decisively, and accurately. They did their job. A lot of other people failed, but the guys pulling the trigger on the good guy's side did their job, and did it with expert precision.

Remember, these guys aren't part of some 'deep-state' anything, they're just doing a job, and doing what they are told. It's way too far over the top to think any conspiracy came down to their level. Maybe some how, some crazy way, there was some other 'conspiracy' (like not having enough security (possibly intentionally) or some such), but it wasn't at the counter-sniper level. It's hard enough to do a job like that without having to worry about a bunch of politics at the same time.

edit - I am also not inclined to believe there was another shooter on the 'water tower' as some witnesses have alleged. I would surmise this was just an LEO that someone saw at a distance and didn't recognize as such. Plus, witness reports are notoriously inaccurate. Video though, seldom lies. It can be faked, but not as fast as social media can post it these days, from as many sources as happens.
edit on 7/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Awesome summary… I hope we can get some answers about the group he came with.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Good analysis. Couple of questions.

How could someone hide a gun there a couple of days before? Tough to hide that through a pre event sweep of the area. How did he know a couple days before that he would be able to get a shot off from that location? Did he get it from the van or someone else hide it closer to the time?

With the ladder, looks like it was already there so far. How the team inside missed it? Yet the shooter knew about it? Got caught with a range finder 30 minutes before. This implies that it is the first time he had been to that location to prepare, or maybe he just had to check where the stage actually was? He was familiar enough with his weapon to dial it in. Got the height spot on.

I know the system ain't perfect. It does work better when more eyes are on it catch the mistakes.

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