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The Donald Trump False Flag Assassination Attempt

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posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Uh, okay? Didn't seem to help 'the shooter' in this case, did it?

I don't disagree, I was just shocked someone said their HS had a gun club.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
...want to talk about the Senate or Governors... geez

Not really, I just thought it was funny.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Didn;t take you for a Jones disciple, but I guess when needs must.

I'm not, but when the evidence is so overwhelming you need to call it out.

I mean, honestly, 'nicked his ear'? Just a tiny graze and the thing is still attached? From a high powered rifle? Please, gun owning Americans aren't stupid.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Not really, I just thought it was funny.

It was kind of...

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

I mean, honestly, 'nicked his ear'? Just a tiny graze and the thing is still attached? From a high powered rifle? Please, gun owning Americans aren't stupid.

To be honest, I don't think the nick came from a bullet. I think it happened as he was bum-rushed by the SS. The shooter shot 3 people in the crowd and wide misses on 2 or 3 more shots.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

well obvioisly but not some random guy in a crowd who is his follower i cant recall something like that happening before but you could probably enlighten me. like the scenario that happened does not seem even necessary if it was faked for anybody to die at all. so that just makes trump a cold blooded killer in your mind? because i really think if it was faked it was unnecessary for somebody else to die in order to sell it.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

I've come to believe that the irrational people who are calling everything a "false flag" are doing so to be the center of attention. "Look at me! Look at me!" They will do anything, fabricate any story to get themselves noticed. They don't need any evidence or even for their wild fantasy to have even a sliver of truth to jump in with both feet as if they had the smoking gun in their hand.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: UKTruth
Didn;t take you for a Jones disciple, but I guess when needs must.

I'm not, but when the evidence is so overwhelming you need to call it out.

I mean, honestly, 'nicked his ear'? Just a tiny graze and the thing is still attached? From a high powered rifle? Please, gun owning Americans aren't stupid.

and here I thought you were more intelligent than this .

Clearly I mis-judged you.

Perhaps you can explain to the Father who was shot in the head protecting his family how the shooting was " Staged " .

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

You are correct, we are not stupid. In fact, we are smart enough to see you as a troll who is trying to get a rise out of people. You must be really getting a kick out of the whole thing.

Sorry, you lose the internet today, go crawl back under your bridge.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

I've come to believe that the irrational people who are calling everything a "false flag" are doing so to be the center of attention. "Look at me! Look at me!" They will do anything, fabricate any story to get themselves noticed. They don't need any evidence or even for their wild fantasy to have even a sliver of truth to jump in with both feet as if they had the smoking gun in their hand.

That is exactly what he's doing but even still it's wildly disrespectful to everyone killed and injured.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

What must really have happened is really, really obvious. Some crazed, maladjusted, gun-addicted lunatic yearning for an end more spectacular than the traditional suicide-by-cop was recruited by secret operatives on someeone’s Team Red to crawl up on to a roof and shoot a few people in the crowd. If someone died, so much the better. Meanwhile, Trump just clapped his hand to his ear, bursting the sachet of fake blood hidden behind it, and staggered about a bit while the Secret Service agents did their duty blew the shooter to bits. Dead men tell no tales, eh?

I see all the points you are making and completely understand how you are drawing your conclusions . This is ATS after all but allow me to help you better understand two things .

1. Shooting 2. The human bodies response to being shot at .

The Shooter fired I think 4 shots . Which means he was actually very controlled in the moment all things considered . The first shot missed it's what you call a cold shot , the body is anticipating the shot and you are jacked with Adrenalin which is why the guy fired wide . The second shot he was walking it in gathering his composure and actually hit Trump the Third shot is right when Trump ducked and that is the one that would have killed him and I'm not sure about the fourth shot.

Now as to the human bodies response to being shot and or shot at . Most people have no idea what its like to be shot at from a distance , they think they will hear the gun shot . Wrong all you hear is a muffled pop and then the hot metal buzzes and snaps past your head. Trumps reaction to the first shot was completely natural for a person not familiar with combat, the second shot hit him and he realized ' Oh Sh*t someone is shooting at me ' he took a breath and ducked.

As for the delayed reaction of the blood . Adrenalin is the bodies fight or flight chemical it does many things to keep us alive. One of which is controlling bleeding and clotting the wound so we don't immediately bleed out . I've seen arterial wounds not bleed as a result of Adrenalin but as the Adrenalin wears off and the body calms then you bleed and likely die if the wound hasn't been tied off.

All in all the real question is how in the hell did that guy get on that roof ?

Someone who believes that trump is more useful as a martyr than as a functional commander in chief put the guy on that roof. I admit this is pure hypothesis but I still can't shake the feeling it's all very convenient. And I would bet Trump had no idea because that's part of the play, his reaction needed to be authentic.

edit on 14-7-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
To be honest, I don't think the nick came from a bullet.

That's exactly what I said. But it will be covered up by the Nicked His Ear people.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
so that just makes trump a cold blooded killer in your mind?

Who said he arranged it? It could have been his handlers who staged the whole fake assassination because he was going to lose again.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
Perhaps you can explain to the Father who was shot in the head protecting his family how the shooting was " Staged " .

The 'assassin' was never meant to kill Trump, that's how it was staged. 'Nicked his ear', LOL.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
You are correct, we are not stupid.

So you're fooled by the overused trope of a bullet grazing someone's ear?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Someone who believes that trump is more useful as a martyr than as a functional commander in chief put the guy on that roof. I admit this is pure hypothesis but I still can't shake the feeling it's all very convenient. And I would bet Trump had no idea because that's part of the play, his reaction needed to be authentic.

It's only a matter of time before you're called wildly disrespectful for not buying the official story.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

That's exactly what I said. But it will be covered up by the Nicked His Ear people.

They will bleed this dry, pardon the pun

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

The 'assassin' was never meant to kill Trump, that's how it was staged. 'Nicked his ear', LOL.

Oh, I think he was there to kill Trump, just couldn't shoot worth a damn in the end. No one is going to knowingly give up their life for a hoax.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Shoshanna
so that just makes trump a cold blooded killer in your mind?

Who said he arranged it? It could have been his handlers who staged the whole fake assassination because he was going to lose again.

who are his handlers you mean the special interest groups that would prefer trump over biden for their own benefit? this is an interesting thing to think about though because everybody is focused on who is pulling bidens strings and nobody is asking who is pulling trumps strings.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Oh, I think he was there to kill Trump, just couldn't shoot worth a damn in the end.

Yeah, 'nicked his ear'. Sure.

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