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Shots Fired At Trump Rally Trump Looks Wounded

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posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
What some have observed might be coming out....

Online someone claiming to be the sniper who took the shot says he had the shooter in his sights for 3 minutes (it sure looks that way) but was ordered to stand down unless shots were fired….

If a stand down order was issued, heads will roll at the SS, that female director Kimberly A. Cheatle will be gone.

LINKS PLEASE. I hadn't heard that and I don't believe it was an inside job. However, it could have been an inside response. Interesting. I haven't read the last couple of pages so if you already shared, mea culpe. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

I dont have the pic its the opening second of this video.

eta: Lead stories calls it a shadow, backed up by trump not saying anything about taking a round in the vest.
edit on 42Sun, 14 Jul 2024 13:42:12 -050042120101pmf by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Interestingly, the crowd in the video did turn to the right looking at something and the sharp shooters two of them obviously where looking at something.

Then the shots were fired.

Coincidence, I do not know, but something was odd on the video.

Lets remember that witnesses were screaming at the police and SS about an armed man on the rooftop.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: Annee

this is whats being reported from msm

State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican and the upcoming election would have been the first time he was old enough to vote.

When Crooks was 17 he made a $US15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.

The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Crooks's father, Matthew Crooks, 53, told CNN that he was trying to figure out what happened and would wait until he spoke to law enforcement before speaking about his son.

i have heard of democrats registering republican to vote in primaries i am not saying that happened here.

That is not one sided. Both do that.

Ever read Putin’s biography? You should.

I am anti-Trump because he is a carnival barker conman. The only thing he really cares about is Trump.

As far as Biden goes — he is a career politician who knows how the system works — world wide. He would surround himself with qualified people — unlike Trump’s Yes men — that really have no clue.

I hear you, partially about Trump. But even you Annee, an instructor, and educator, should see the flaws in "As far as Biden goes..." Because even you know this isn't true as the disarray and chaos of this country should be OBVIOUS, not only to you but everyone. Even uneducated Biden supporters realize it's a ch#t show and has been since Biden took office. You refuse to acknowledge what is, because??????

My point is, if you want to support the Left, Biden, whatever. But please don't treat us like idiots. Just own it.
edit on th31202400000031bSun, 14 Jul 2024 13:50:45 -05002024000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
What some have observed might be coming out....

Online someone claiming to be the sniper who took the shot says he had the shooter in his sights for 3 minutes (it sure looks that way) but was ordered to stand down unless shots were fired….

If a stand down order was issued, heads will roll at the SS, that female director Kimberly A. Cheatle will be gone.

LINKS PLEASE. I hadn't heard that and I don't believe it was an inside job. However, it could have been an inside response. Interesting. I haven't read the last couple of pages so if you already shared, mea culpe. Thanks.

Yes, this needs a source.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
I still would like an answer from those vehemently against Trump. What did he do so wrong as president that warrants the amount of vitriolic hate he receives? Exactly what actions did he take that means he should suffer any of this?

From the outside of the USA Trump is viewed pretty much as a very good president who actually was making America great again. Obviously out slavering left wing media and a few talking heads follow the prescribed agenda, but not one can explain why he is such a bad man and what he ever did that was so wrong.

This is not true in Europe. In Europe most think hes evil because of the media copying CNN.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: ElitePlebeian2

originally posted by: ARM19688
I still would like an answer from those vehemently against Trump. What did he do so wrong as president that warrants the amount of vitriolic hate he receives? Exactly what actions did he take that means he should suffer any of this?

From the outside of the USA Trump is viewed pretty much as a very good president who actually was making America great again. Obviously out slavering left wing media and a few talking heads follow the prescribed agenda, but not one can explain why he is such a bad man and what he ever did that was so wrong.

This is not true in Europe. In Europe most think hes evil because of the media copying CNN.

The same sort of people that do in America yes. Most normal people no, they don’t. I’m in Europe. Most rational people see his record not the MSM agenda.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: Annee

this is whats being reported from msm

State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican and the upcoming election would have been the first time he was old enough to vote.

When Crooks was 17 he made a $US15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.

The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Crooks's father, Matthew Crooks, 53, told CNN that he was trying to figure out what happened and would wait until he spoke to law enforcement before speaking about his son.

i have heard of democrats registering republican to vote in primaries i am not saying that happened here.

That is not one sided. Both do that.

Ever read Putin’s biography? You should.

I am anti-Trump because he is a carnival barker conman. The only thing he really cares about is Trump.

As far as Biden goes — he is a career politician who knows how the system works — world wide. He would surround himself with qualified people — unlike Trump’s Yes men — that really have no clue.

ok so its just how he is like his mannerisms and how he makes his grandiose type speeches and things and you feel like he wont appoint good people to positions in his administration.

so you dont condone all the rhetoric going on. i dont either on any side but do you have like i dont know who all served in his administration are there any examples of totally unqualified people who were just yes men for him?

ill just ask everybody can anybody tell me all the people trump appointed who were just unqualified yes men?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

John Bolton. LOL. this isn't a serious person.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: 5thHead
Anyone notice how a lot of these people seem to have a lot of explosives and guns in another location?

Like recently a guy in Colorado was found suicided in a cave or something. He wrote a note saying he didn't want to kill anyone but there were tons of explosives that were not used.

Or the Vegas guy had I think hundreds of guns in his hotel.

Or other shooters who were shot dead but their truck or van was full of guns and explosives.

Just seems weird to me. Why have a bunch of guns and bombs you aren't going to use? Why leave it behind n a truck or van? Just weird.

Oof thats a good one, maybe a way to launder weapons used somewhere else for some reason? Or maybe just crazy people thinking they need as much as they can take...

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:59 PM
This guy had to have been on the roof before this. How did he know if he would even have a shot? How far in advance was the stage set up?

I can't believe he threw his life away without even knowing if he would have a shot. He had to have gone through a dry run.

I can't believe the SS didn't think this roof was of no concern.

This guy had help.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

The gains in france, german, and the UK would suggest differently.

Or the AFD, RN, and Reform wouldnt have been so large this year.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: network dude

i dont think trump is a dummy. he knew especially the first time he might have a big ego or whatever but he knew he had no idea really what he was doing having never really been in the political scene in this way before.

i AM a dummy and in that situation i would pick the absolute best people or the most knowledgeable people for that reason alone. i am totally new to this help me out ya know? so i doubt he just had yes men if so i really dont think he would have done the totally unnecessary lockdown for the virus among other things.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

The gains in france, german, and the UK would suggest differently.

Or the AFD, RN, and Reform wouldnt have been so large this year.

The right here doesnt mean they support Trump as well. I think most of the right in Europe still believe the media about matters overseas and I think most European media just copy Reuters/CNN. Also most just want the migration problem handeled, doesnt mean they think Trump is good.
edit on 14-7-2024 by ElitePlebeian2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

Doubtful. To put it mildly.

Don't put it mildly, tell us. Is it difficult? Why?

I'm calling nonsense on your claim.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

Or maybe it's because some of these people were manipulated and the manipulators think "let's fill his truck with guns and explosives to make him look extra guilty." Even though it doesn't really make since.

Don't get me wrong. I think this guy did it. But I also think others were involved.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

Me too on yours.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:09 PM
Would a bullet graze, made by a rifle from 100 yards away, look any different from any other laceration made by some other sharp object?

We have not yet seen any photos of the right side of Trump's head as the bullet grazes his ear, or just after, but before he rises again from the ground.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: Annee

this is whats being reported from msm

State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican and the upcoming election would have been the first time he was old enough to vote.

When Crooks was 17 he made a $US15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.

The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Crooks's father, Matthew Crooks, 53, told CNN that he was trying to figure out what happened and would wait until he spoke to law enforcement before speaking about his son.

i have heard of democrats registering republican to vote in primaries i am not saying that happened here.

That is not one sided. Both do that.

Ever read Putin’s biography? You should.

I am anti-Trump because he is a carnival barker conman. The only thing he really cares about is Trump.

As far as Biden goes — he is a career politician who knows how the system works — world wide. He would surround himself with qualified people — unlike Trump’s Yes men — that really have no clue.

ok so its just how he is like his mannerisms and how he makes his grandiose type speeches and things and you feel like he wont appoint good people to positions in his administration.

so you dont condone all the rhetoric going on. i dont either on any side but do you have like i dont know who all served in his administration are there any examples of totally unqualified people who were just yes men for him?

ill just ask everybody can anybody tell me all the people trump appointed who were just unqualified yes men?

Yes, Trump had some unqualified people, not properly vetted people and some downright bad people, not all his fault but he was POTUS, so there is that. But claiming Biden's people are better? PUH-leeeez. They're the epitome of a clown show and with all the info coming out regarding staging mantra's about the 'evil' Trump, their lies and outrageous coverups and hypocrisies, harrumph! Biden's people are all 'Yes men' and most definitely are out only for themselves as the American citizens are suffering with no relief in sight.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 02:13 PM
More info is coming out on the shooter. A loner who was also part of the High School Rifle Team. Pretty convenient. Another odd thing is the van with explosives/etc with the Arizona plates.

I thought the shooter was from PA?

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