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Shots Fired At Trump Rally Trump Looks Wounded

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posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:28 AM
Well, it needs to be Don Jr then. I think ALL of DC is compromised and the States too. It needs to be family now. That will make em scream King again. These people will hire Ninja's next. Some folks believe Ninja's will only kill someone deemed evil and not anyone good. Only haters of humanity would want to stop the one guy who has the guts to fight the DS over living out his life in luxury like an aristocrat of old.

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: Annee

You’re dead set on not making this about Biden.
Trump was shot running for president against Biden. Would he have had an assassination attempt on this day if he wasn’t running against Biden?

Who would have pretty much been given the election if Trump was taken out?
No matter how you dislike the thought, it is about Biden.

Former President Trump is UNWISE (to put it mildly) for not having named a Vice President running mate. That person would run against Biden if the bullet (or anything else) is fatal. I've been saying this for MONTHS because everyone knows AT LEAST ONE attempt on Donald Trump's life will occur before he's sworn in on 1/20/2025. Just as assuredly as Democrats cheat.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: BernnieJGato

The shooter was right in front of them! Plus, sighting of a sniper on the comms (which it surely would've been) and the SS would surround Trump immediately. Instead minutes went by in which the SS on the roof and those around Trump waited for the shots before acting... Fishy as fook

THE SNIPER WAS NOT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!! The large crowd of supporters were right in front of them, the sniper was off the rally grounds and to the side of the stage and the snipers and about 130 meters away

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Did they not take him to the local Hospital?

I'm not buying the fake blood angle.

And there is video evidence of the damage that will be zoomed in an enhanced I'm sure.

Shots were obviously fired.

Just my two cents all the same.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

He told the police minutes before and saw them in a panic, according to the witness. That police reaction means this sighting would've have been on the comms. So regardless of what the SS snipers did Trump would've been rushed off stage by the SS long before shots were fired.

There's too many things that should've happened but didn't. Of course Trump supporters won't want to entertain the notion that this was dodgy, since surviving an assassination attempt will dramatically improve his chance of winning.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

If it was staged then i'm sure all of that was prepared for, including the local hospital. Seems the one thing that wasn't prepared for was the witness. And there's alway the possibility that it was staged without Trumps knowledge, i spose.

Unless my wacky idea that anti-Trump staged it in order to then release evidence that frames Trump as having staged it. Then the witness would prob be part of that. But like i said thats a real wacky outsider of the theory

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Therealbeverage

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
Trump was speaking shots were fired (5)...Trumps ear bleeding with SS pushing him down.
Trump later stood up...and was ushered out with blood running down his head.

It definitely looks like he was hit in the they led him away.

MORE as develops

MOD NOTE see guyfriday's post

Isn't there something in bible about the antichrist wound to his head?

A fatal wound not a glancing blow. So , not this one anyway. It would need to be someone we all saw die, then miraculously revived he becomes the world leader promising peace while readying for a major ending of humanity as we know it. Many will die and be martyrs of the evil plans. The body is a vessel, and we are here to choose good or evil on our own accord. How we handle the way people treat us is going to be crucial in that scenario.
edit on 14000000223120247America/Chicago07am7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: BernnieJGato

They were told minutes before the shots fired that there was a sniper on the roof - the roof right in front of them - by someone who could see the sniper from the ground. The notion that the rooftop SS didn't see the sniper when the witness did (surely sooner from their position) is unconvincing to say the least. Do you think a highly trained SS sniper takes 2 minutes to sight in a target through a scope and fire?

I think characterizing the roof as right in front of them is inaccurate, especially looking at this video. Just because somebody sees him at that location doesn't mean the Secret Service snipers pick that information up immediately 150-175 yards away. There is a lag
edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:45 AM
I wonder if the democrats in the white house will build now a great wall of China to protect the capitol, with a moat full of alligators in between.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: McGinty

The shooter was right in front of them! Plus, sighting of a sniper on the comms (which it surely would've been) and the SS would surround Trump immediately. Instead minutes went by in which the SS on the roof and those around Trump waited for the shots before acting... Fishy as fook

says who? the guy talking to the BBd said they told the police first who were running round like a chicken with their head cutt off, then he saidthey started trying to get SS 's attention. you have no idea how long it took and to do that, and no idea how long it took the sniper to aquire his position on the roof

the barn the SS snipers were on was behind and to the right of the stands, the side of the roof the shooter was on was on the backside facing away from them at a angle to the stands. you have no way to know that they could see him until he started firing.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel
THE SNIPER WAS NOT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!! The large crowd of supporters were right in front of them, the sniper was off the rally grounds and to the side of the stage and the snipers and about 130 meters away

The witness says he told the police 'At least 3 or 4 minutes' before the shots. He says "I'm thinking to myself why is Trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage..." Why indeed?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
says who?

Well, you obvs don't!
He said the SS were looking at them through binoculars pointing up at the barn. Imo there's more than enough warning for the SS to remove Trump from the stage before the shots. You believe what you want

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

He told the police minutes before and saw them in a panic, according to the witness. That police reaction means this sighting would've have been on the comms. So regardless of what the SS snipers did Trump would've been rushed off stage by the SS long before shots were fired.

There's too many things that should've happened but didn't. Of course Trump supporters won't want to entertain the notion that this was dodgy, since surviving an assassination attempt will dramatically improve his chance of winning.

He never told the Secret Service about the sniper, he told local police according to him. How did local police act? We have no idea but maybe they were all in z panic li,e the witness says or maybe they werent? Maybe local police thought he was talking about the secret service snipers?. Maybe the local police didn't even hear this guy with all the hoopla going on and Trump already speaking over the loud speaker.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and we are only hearing the one sided story of this witness. If he had a buddy with him and the friend was backing up everything he said that would be a different story but he didn't have a buddy backing his story up to the reporter.

Hey maybe everything is exactly like this guy is saying or maybe it's not, we have no idea and I'm not gonna just blindly believe everything he is saying just because he's a Trump supporter, I do more thinking for myself then just saying "case closed the cops were in on it/didn't do their job because one guy is saying so" 😝

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: BernnieJGato

The shooter was right in front of them! Plus, sighting of a sniper on the comms (which it surely would've been) and the SS would surround Trump immediately. Instead minutes went by in which the SS on the roof and those around Trump waited for the shots before acting... Fishy as fook

You’re missing that the shooter on the roof was on the other side of the roof pitch. They most likely couldn’t see him until he cleared the ridge of the roof.

Since he was a local it’s possible he pre planted the rifle on the roof so he wasn’t seen carrying it there.
edit on 14-7-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: putnam6

A '3 or 4 minute' lag?

Even if these SS snipers had for some reason chosen to set up and face rooftops they couldn't actually see well enough to spot a shooter climbing up on them, then surely 3 or 4 minutes is enough time to tell the SS on stage that there was a potential shooter spotted by the public. Were they using carrier pigeons for comms?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Yes, this is true, and possibly a reason the SS didn't spot him first. But it doesn't account fro the 3 or 4 minutes warning they had from the witness. It certainly doesn't account for the SS with Trump not removing him from the stage until shote were fired. In isolation the SS snipers not spotting him is possible. But together with this other stuff it reeks

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

I never said the witness told the SS. But given that he told the police 3 or 4 minutes before the shots i think its fair to assume the SS were notified. It's the Secret Service, this is what they do and being told immediately of any potential threats would've been part of the briefing. Not being told or not acting on it for 3 or 4 minutes is way too much of a stretch

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: McGinty

I agree it does reek of poorly guarding him, but we don’t know what the sniper saw through his scope when he first looked. Possibly the shooter didn’t have his gun up and ready to aim when they looked. If you just saw a man on a roof you have to first wonder is he just up there to get a better look of the rally. Imagine that headline “Trumps SS kills rally attendee getting a better view.”
They cannot just open fire on someone they don’t first know their intentions.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:12 AM
Is it true the SS did not put up drones for this rally?
I've seen them at many other ones.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: McGinty

there is a lot that doesn't seem right about this, but the shooters ability and the weapon's ability are difficult factors to dismiss. The initial story sound plausible. Nutter almost killed Trump. Now how he was able to get in such a visible spot with a long gun and get 4 shots off will be an interesting part of all this.

Telling the police '3 or 4 minutes' before the shots and the SS doing nothing about is what i find most interesting. The witness even says that he didn't understand why they'd not taken Trump off the stage

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
Is it true the SS did not put up drones for this rally?
I've seen them at many other ones.

I think some of the footage is from a drone. One of the picture showing the shooter from before he climbed the building is said to be from a drone.

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