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Shots Fired At Trump Rally Trump Looks Wounded

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posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:27 PM
All you believers please read Revelation 13:3 please?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: 5thHead

...unless the vp is Elon.

Elon Musk is not qualified to be vice president. He was born in South Africa.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:28 PM
Anyone else wonder that if the shooter was Antifa, or some other unhinged leftist...did they just turn donald trump into the very thing they claimed to fear?

Ronald regan was an anomaly, I am not sure trumps ego would let him laugh off the attempt.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3

originally posted by: 5thHead

...unless the vp is Elon.

Elon Musk is not qualified to be vice president. He was born in South Africa.

Senator Barack Obama told a Chicago audience in 2003, he was born in Africa.

edit on 1372024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Thank you for the gnarly pictures of the snipers with their rifles!!!!


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: 777Vader


I have a post earlier summarizing that interview.

Guy on ground yelling at police saying they saw shooter. Shooter was over ridge of building and police could not see shooter.

I’ve reviewed the footage of counter snipers on roof dozens of times: Link to video of counter snipers

Their barrels are lower, looking at man yelling and pointing at sniper. They raise barrels and fire at shooter right after he fires.

They were aimed at disturbance on ground (man yelling) until shots were fired from roof. They make instant adjustment raising barrels up and fire.

Amazing shots actually.
edit on 13-7-2024 by pianopraze because: Added video link

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
Elon Musk is not qualified to be vice president. He was born in South Africa.

Didn't stop Obama.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze
Elon on fire:

Extreme incompetence or it was deliberate. Either way, the SS leadership must resign.


Secret service willingly put themselves in line of fire. One off few agencies for which I still have respect.

Normally, I would agree. But if they were warned ahead of time like the one interview of the guy stating they tried to alert them for several minutes of the shooter on the roof beforehand is true... Then I'm not sure how their lack of action can be justified.
edit on 13-7-2024 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:31 PM
guys i just want to say this i know everyone here is much more rational than the rest of the web but i am seeing people on some forums saying this means Trump is actually the antichrist and his followers are antichrists.

this is a very dangerous thought process to have and not particularly Biblically accurate in my estimation. but this is what you get from constant indoctrination. and it is beyond just religious indoctrination.

it is anti religious indoctrination. these people haven't read the Bible of course not. but everyone knows parts of Revelation and the seals and the antichrist and the whole shebang if you dont youre living under a rock.

so they view Christianity as bad or oppressive or whatever but they know this piece of scripture that describes evil and they ascribe that to the person they are told is evil. then by extension the followers of the "antichrist" who they think is the person they dont like are also evil.

i do not want any person on earth worldwide to be murdered because of their political affiliation. there are people who just like Trump because he IS a likeable person put aside your strong hatred. i feel like the hatred is from people who wish he was on their side. wish their candidate would go out there and say the things Trump says and a lot of it is not bs.

what i am saying is people just like Trump and that shouldn't be a dividing wedge between people. we all need to simmer down some and consider other perspectives.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

Tulsi wasn’t born here either.
Doesn’t matter where you’re born.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3

originally posted by: 5thHead

...unless the vp is Elon.

Elon Musk is not qualified to be vice president. He was born in South Africa.

Senator Barack Obama told a Chicago audience in 2003, he was born in Africa.

But his papers said Hawaii didn't they? Took them long enough to make them didn't it?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: 777Vader

These sharpshooters went against their top commander's orders. Chief Biden says suspects should be shot in the leg.

Not fatally!:

It's absurd, if they are to fire their weapon at a suspect at all it means the situation requires deadly force. If they were deliberate shooting at the leg then it would be a tacit admission that they weren't in fact in a life or death situation. Making the shooting unreasonable force, no qualified immunity and attempted murder.

I thought Joe went to law school, what a joke.
edit on 13-7-2024 by snarfbot because: Edited with quote for context, this threads moving fast

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

Tulsi wasn’t born here either.
Doesn’t matter where you’re born.

But wasn't she born on a military base? My understanding is that if you are born on a US military base then you are considered a natural born citizen despite where the base is located.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: Therealbeverage
All you believers please read Revelation 13:3 please?

Knock it off.

It's been explained to you at least 5 times.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: 777Vader
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

This could trigger a takedown, of sorts. Pun intended.

No election required.

How could a sniper be on a roof with a direct line of sight of the presumptive next president, a president by the way that is going to do a major course correst. Something is not adding up, it will be time soon enough to start asking that question and demanding some accountability.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Therealbeverage

"All you believers please read Revelation 13:3 please?"

Well...i have it pulled up here on my screen so lets chat about it.

Yes, its been read Mr Beverage....and it has been concluded.. that donald trump is NOT "THE BEAST THAT COMES OUT OF THE SEA". The scripture talks about a head-wound...yes....but that is all.
The amount of time stated that the (second beast ((OUT OF THE EARTH)) will serve/reign/do-his 42 months (6 months shorter than a US prez term).

So, Mr Beverage im sorry to be the (4th?) one to break it to you.....but Tump is not THE BEAST OF THE SEA.
The beast of the sea will be one who blasphemes Gods name (and it sounds to be quite frequently), where Trump often HONORS God's name....publicly...and prays with people, and allows himself to be prayed over. So....the character being described AT THE BEGINNING of Rev not trump....thats the Sea Beast bro, nothing in the context there points to trump or has anything to do with him or has anything in common with this situation.....except for a head wound, and even that, the head wound is not as it is described in the Bible....that one will appear somehow miraculous in nature. "The head wound will be fatal but will be healed and the world will be filled with wonder." (Trumps ear wound does not fit this description, nor does the reaction from the world).

And I had a head wound this week crawling in an attic...hit a nail... wounds happen all the time, to many people...and they dont go full "beast" mode.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

Tulsi wasn’t born here either.
Doesn’t matter where you’re born.

"The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years."

That comes directly from the Whitehouse .

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:35 PM
Bet Biden steps down after this.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

It’s already been foretold.
Do not be afraid.
The bible is has a 100% prophesy accuracy rating.
The hard road has always had fewer travelers.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:37 PM
Twitter link

JUST IN: Photo of Shooter who attempted assassination of Trump has been confirmed authentic by sources on the ground at rally in Pennsylvania, after shooter was shot dead. Heads are currently rolling at US Secret Service. Internal investigation teams from DHS inbound intent on investigating USSS… DEVELOPING… SIGNAL IN BIO… @OKeefeMedia

Photo of shooter dead and covered in blood.

Does not look like previously reported shooter with beard.

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