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It has begun... Iran begins attack on Israel, launches tons of drones towards the country

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:23 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Most Jews are good people, those in power don't play for any team other than what's in their own best interest. Keep hiding behind your bigot card though, it's an easy out. When you don't have an argument resort to attacking the messenger. Have fun.

(post by budzprime69 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Most Jews are good people, those in power don't play for any team other than what's in their own best interest. Keep hiding behind your bigot card though, it's an easy out. When you don't have an argument resort to attacking the messenger. Have fun.

You being a bigot had nothing to do with my argument. Keep hiding behind that.

Explain to me why these "bad Jews"--just the ones in power, of course--that control the US only send themselves a fraction of a percent of the US federal budget every year.

Whatcha got on that, bigot?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:32 PM
Satire and joke sites starting to "criticize" Iran for taking Biden's advice about "within certain limits" and the "Don't" warning.

No wonder the attack failed. Bwaaahahahahahaha 😀

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
They're really desperate for another war aren't they? This "attempt" by Iran was pathetic to say the least.

Get ready to send your sons and daughters to fight yet another bogus foreign globalist war. Make sure to pick a side!

Please stop interfering with the war propagandists, trying to drum-up support for another banker's war.

Rational thinking has no place in circles like this.

And don't ever question those whom thirst for blood ...

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Lol. Shouldn't your posts be deleted? Hopefully the mods enforce the rules equally around here. There was just a mod posting any not addressing other members, that's all your posts have been towards me.

That's all you got though. Like I said, have fun hiding behind your empty insults. 👋
edit on 14-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Lol. Shouldn't your posts be deleted? Hopefully the mods enforce the rules equally around here.

That's all you got though. Like I said, have fun hiding behind your empty insults. 👋

So you got no answer to the glaring problem with your antisemitic trope about Jews controlling the US?

Noted. Just gonna pretend all I did was insult you and there was nothing else in the post.

Wow, what a coward.

They can delete my posts, that's fine. I don't mince words when dealing with cowardly bigots who can't answer challenges to their hare-brained antisemitic beliefs.

Take care, bigot.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: KnowItAllKnowNothin

originally posted by: ImagoDei
They're really desperate for another war aren't they? This "attempt" by Iran was pathetic to say the least.

Get ready to send your sons and daughters to fight yet another bogus foreign globalist war. Make sure to pick a side!

another banker's war

You guys really should get together and streamline this #.

Earlier one said our wars are all for the oil companies. Then another one said the wars are for the MIIIIIIIIIIIIC. Now it's for the bankers.

Lemme guess, I'm not thinking big enough, it's for all 3?

You guys are as bad as the 9/11 Truthers. It was a missile! No it was a hologram! Death rays from space! Mini nukes! Aliens!

The total lack of coherence just demonstrates you're all grasping at straws. Zero thought goes into any of it. You just heard something you thought sounded clever and repeat it.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Lol. All I can do is laugh at the absurdity of your posts. You obviously have a ton of hate in your heart, either that or you just like to push people into getting post banned by reacting to your inflammatory remarks.

Bark up another tree. 👋

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Iran has no choice but to show some kind of "power" to apeace their terrorist followers, that is why they did the failed attack on Israel.

I do not think they are stupid enough to do anything else, beside sending message to wake up their terrorist cells in other countries including the US to do some terrorist acts.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:51 PM
Not sure if this has been posted yet or not - to everyone saying Iran’s attack was pathetic/did no damage/etc. please let me know your thoughts on this:

Iranian missiles struck both Nevatim and Ramon air bases. The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated anti-missile defenses in the world, were impotent in the face of the Iranian attack.

Not sure if confirmed or not, but I think worth considering (and if so, what are the larger implications of this? )

edit on 14-4-2024 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Interesting, it could a propaganda piece from Iran to make themselves look good after the attack, I guess we will find out later.

I have a friend that have family members in Israel, I will ask her tomorrow about her family and how they are doing after the "iran attack"

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: YourFaceAgain

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: FlyersFan

When is Biden sending an Aid Package to Iran?

#Iranian Genocide

It appears by breaking news that the Biden administration actually green-lighted Iran's attack, within certain parameters.

Waiting for more info to come forth before saying anything else.

I talked about that yesterday. There is often communication behind the scenes about these things.

There's a lot of big Iran supporters in the Biden administration, holdovers from Obama's pro-Iran government. I'd be shocked if they weren't coordinating.

Jerusalem Post Breaking News

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be "within certain limits."

Turkey, which has denounced Israel for its campaign on Gaza, said earlier on Sunday that it did not want a further escalation of tensions in the region.

The Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his US and Iranian counterparts in the past week to discuss the planned Iranian operation, adding Ankara had been made aware of possible developments.

Don't have time today to make a thread on it so dumping it here...

Going back to this, it seems all the more believable that Biden gave Iran the green light for this attack against Israel considering Biden famously gave Russia the green light for a "minor incursion" into Ukraine. In public.
edit on 14-4-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Finding some news sources, apparently Nevatim sustained minor damage but Ramon Air Base more significant (several missile strikes)… if these are accurate:

At least 7 missiles hit Ramon Air Base

Nevatim Air Base sustains minor damage

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: FamCore

If true it seems like Israel let it happen. Any excuse to get into a larger scale war. It's inevitable. Pick a side! Lol.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
Not sure if this has been posted yet or not - to everyone saying Iran’s attack was pathetic/did no damage/etc. please let me know your thoughts on this:

Iranian missiles struck both Nevatim and Ramon air bases. The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated anti-missile defenses in the world, were impotent in the face of the Iranian attack.

Not sure if confirmed or not, but I think worth considering (and if so, what are the larger implications of this? )

A couple getting through out of 300+ doesn't sound like the defenses were "impotent" to me.

Looks like anti-West propaganda to me. Not necessarily from Iran though. There are plenty of Westerners who hate their own countries, especially leftists.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

I think the Israeli government has already proven that they have no issue with going to war. It lines their pockets, war is profitable. You won't see any of the Israeli leadership in the death count, nor any of the Iranian leadership. That list is designated for plebs only.
edit on 14-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti
I'm sure Iran thought they'd come out of this looking tough. Instead, they look like amateurs. Hundreds of drones launched and no impact (no pun intended). If I were Israel, I wouldn't retaliate with a military response. I'd have a press conference in the morning and bust out belly laughing at the ayatollah.

I believe this would be the best response Israel could give. It would certainly be entertaining!

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: FamCore

If true it seems like Israel let it happen. Any excuse to get into a larger scale war. It's inevitable. Pick a side! Lol.

Why would Israel have to resort to those stupid tactics? They can just attack any time they have any justifications, like they have many times, and they have since Oct7. 😎

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