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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thank you Rel

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 10:39 AM
I snagged this from another thread.....posted by crayzeed

Here's a nice one for you, what if Cohen was a long time plant and his sole job was to f### up Trumps books to fit a crime.

What do we know about Cohen prior 2017? Did Q mention him?

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: ORRED

Text message from President Trump-
Where should I ship this all black MAGA shirt.
Take a a look."

34 Felony Counts.

Susieq tweet

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Finally the Pope has had a terrible May.

Pope Francis faces another mess in Argentina

Something is really off when he cannot go to Argentina or South America.

"Indeed whatever happened in Mar del Plata has been considered grave enough that 3 prelates have now resigned, and both the Holy Father and the DDF prefect are deeply involved in the case."

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

We are going to be treated to a guest appearance by Gov Andrew Cuomo before the Covid Select Committee on June 11th.

Andrew Cuomo=11.

Andrew Cuomo to testify

They are especially intrigued about why he would order Covid positive patients into the nursing homes. I can't wait to hear his explanation.

Interesting timing- the Covid Select Committee has released the transcript of Fauci's testimony behind closed doors in January.
Fauci transcript

"I don't recall"
"I don't recall"
"I don't recall."

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

President Trump referred to this article-

The Real Reason Boeing is in the News

This is absolutely shocking and once again the MSM weaponized against us.

"China is aggressively lobbying to have its copycat model replace it"- Boeing 737 [17]

"China has made an exact duplicate of the Boeing 747 and wants to see it in service as a replacement world wide.
This China "knockoff" costs a fraction of the Boeing model and is waiting U.S. regulatory approval."

A complete set up with Biden ready to give the stamp of approval.

ht- truestormyjoe

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

China 737 Boeing model-
"This is a threat to national security. Also unknown to most passengers is that the U.S. military maintains its reserve program authority to convert U.S. airlines into military operations at its discretion. What would this mean if the domestic U.S. airline fleet were compromised of Chinese- manufactured models, with Chinese parts, software, computer code, electronic sensors- effectively a flying iphone that can be tracked and traced, or interrupted, or shut down, on command by a foreign government?"

Boeing timeline.
Keeping track of resignations Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun will be resigning December 2024.

FAA Timeline

Soo we have Pete Buttigieg and Secretary Chao around this.

Elaine Chao announced her resignation on January 7, 2021 effective January 11, 2021.
Elaine Chao Wiki

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 01:10 PM
Gates celebrates research collaboration with the NIH February 2014

As we can see Billy has made deep inroads into the NIH.
Just because of trust issues "Over time, the cost of making vaccines will get down to something like 20 or 25 cents per child."
"Only hours after Gates talk, Obama announced a new NIH innitiative to seek an HIV cure supported by $100 million...over the next 3 years."

100 days to prevent the next plandemic strikes a chord. One of Gates first interests was the meningitis vaccine.

Meningitis Vaccine Project Timeline

He's right back with the numbers again.
2001 the Gates Foundation awarded PATH and the WHO $70 million to develop a meningitis vaccine in Africa.

This is weird- In 1996 more than 25K people died from the largest outbreak. More than 250K cases reported to the WHO.
1996 was when Jennifer Gates was born.

Nigeria files criminal charges against Pfizer

June 1999- FDA issues a warning about the Meningitis vaccine... Rory Gates birth year 1999.

Pfizer finally settles after 15 year legal battle

$175,000 to the families whose children died.

"But last year a U.S. diplomatic cable uncovered by Wikileaks revealed that Pfizer hired investigators to look for evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in an effort to persuade him to drop the legal action."

They are completely rogue- a culture of corruption.

Since Jennifer Gates birthdate is a key
#1996 Aug 28, 2018 [7]:4[9]:[07] No 2789791.
The Punisher

Rory Gates birthday May 23

#523 Jan 13, 2018 10:36:29 No 11

Phoebe Gates= 11.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

The US should buy twenty or thirty of them! Load them each with a 10 meg thermo-nuke and fly them around the Pacific. When China calls them home or tries to disable them, they fly to China with a big bang...

They certainly couldn't blame anyone but themselves.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: daskakik

No judgement, just a question: You don't seem to find any value in this thread and argue non stop to convince others to think as you do, yet it obvious others are getting something out of being here.

Are you trying to 'save' people from themselves? Is it impossible for you to accept that others aren't willing to think as you do so you must keep showing them how wrong they are?

Anybody with a teenage daughter dating a jerk knows the best way to solidify their relationship is to try and convince her he's a jerk.

I just don't get your lockjaw attacks on others who obviously enjoy walking the 'what if' road. Can you make it make sense?


posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
No judgement, just a question: You don't seem to find any value in this thread and argue non stop to convince others to think as you do, yet it obvious others are getting something out of being here.

Are you trying to 'save' people from themselves? Is it impossible for you to accept that others aren't willing to think as you do so you must keep showing them how wrong they are?

First off I want to say thank you for formulating your post like you did, instead of just saying that I am a paid shill, carrying water for the dems or just working for satan. I get that some would see those 3 things as the same.

So, my objective is to remind anyone who has had their hopes lifted to a high degree that this idea that there is a group fighting to bring back justice and righteousness to the US and even the world, could be fiction.

You are right, some here get something out of these threads but so far it hasn't been what Q said they would get "soon". I guess I could say I am here to temper their expectations by pointing out that things really have not changed.

It is so petty that there are a dozen, maybe two dozen people that the anons want to believe are buried under GITMO. I don't need for them to think like me but I want them to stop being so naive that they believe 12 to 24 people taken out is going to end government corruption, human trafficking and even gambling and the drug trade, which is also just groups taking advantages of other people's weaknesses.

It reminds me of my eldest daughter saying how much she hated some character in a movie when she was a kid. I played along with it because she was a kid, she was just thinking how bad they were in the movie but we are not kids and this isn't a movie. There isn't one person or even a small group to label "the bad guys".

My biggest pet peeve is Q's totally anti-tinfoil hat statement "military is the only way". Excuse me Q, you mean military as in the "M" in MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the thing OG tinfoil hat wearers have been warning against for decades? How can someone call themselves a conspiracy theorist and think "Yes, we need martial law. Military is the only way" lock up a couple dozen people and then everything will be all rainbows and unicorn farts.

Anybody with a teenage daughter dating a jerk knows the best way to solidify their relationship is to try and convince her he's a jerk.

I just don't get your lockjaw attacks on others who obviously enjoy walking the 'what if' road. Can you make it make sense?

They don't see it as a "what if", to paraphrase T3, "now that we know how Bill Gates communicates...".

They don't know that, but they think they do, that is where it stops being a "what if" based on the flimsiest thing ever, number manipulation. Doesn't fit one way? Split, add, subtract, multiply, divide, flip, bring in numbers from some other post and do it until it fits.

I'm totally cool with "what ifs", what I have seen is a lot of "now we know" over the last 6 years and the results indicate they didn't, so why should I place any trust in that, why should anyone?

edit on 2-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: daskakik
Thanks for helping me understand your motivation, Daskakik. I bet you'd be a hoot at a Bible study!

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 07:19 AM

Excuse me Q, you mean military as in the "M" in MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the thing OG tinfoil hat wearers have been warning against for decades?

a reply to: daskakik

Just wanted to clarify for you daskakik, the MIC is not the military. The MIC -military industrial complex- is a loosely used term which refers to the profiteers, suppliers and manufacturers of military equipment and munitions.
The military is not the MIC.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Have you been following the Covid Select Committee testimony? It appears to me that there is an overwhelming focus on the role of the NIH in all this funding of EcoHealth Alliance.

Gates Foundation Funding of EcoHealth Alliance

Granted this was under the cover of Covid- August 2020.
Again the odd dollar amount $[1,4] [9] [94] [14]. Jennifer Gates=13- 9/14 Phoebe Gates birthdate.
56 months-
That would take us to March 2025.

EcoHealth Alliance Partners
Of course they have a 4 star rating from the Charity Navigator.

Have these partners made donations to EcoHealth Alliance?

Financials and Strategy

Well it seems they were not adverse to accepting donations from anyone and they guarantee that they will allocate .86 of every $1.00 [1.00 - .86=.14]

This Covid Select Committee should be summoning Billy the Gates because after all those jabs were the best investment he ever made.

Then there is his role documented by Ugur Sahin that he met privately with him and was encouraged to develop a plug and play for a plandemic.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

Well that was a creative thought. Speaking of flying objects I cam across this thriller written by the inspiring author Fauci himself.
Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus: The Way Forward

This is from Sep- Oct 2012.
What is disturbing was that this was a "voluntary" moratorium on gain-of-function- not mandatory and of course the NIH was funding the research.
No doubt there was tinkering going on behind the scenes. Ukraine?
May 31st- FDA approved Moderna's mRNA RSV vaccine for adults 60+

"The agency's independent committee of vaccine advisors will consider at its next meeting June 26

whether Moderna's vaccine should be recommended."
Of course it will be recommended- they approve and recommend everything.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

I just knew it- Tedros mouthpiece for Billy is not giving up on the Plandemic Treaty.

Tedros Tweet

"Finalize the #Plandemic Treaty within a year, or earlier if possible in 2024."

The General Tweet

The anti- vaxers are the problem, something I never was until they concocted this scheme. They can make as many different flavors of jabs but more and more people will be wondering why the big push all of a sudden.

Japan Crisis 24- Mass protests against the Plandemic Treaty

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Rook here's a good Brownstone article explaining how Fauci and Dasak work together.

Virus Research and Countermeasures Deployment Plug & Play

The MSM willingly went along with the narrative and that was before the bioweapon was released. With all this evidence how much more is needed before these people [if that's what they are] are arrested? We have so much showing how everything has been preplanned and executed.

The next stage according to former UN employee Clare Edwards
It would be nice to know what her views were on how to protect oneself.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: daskakik
Thanks for helping me understand your motivation, Daskakik. I bet you'd be a hoot at a Bible study!

I post very little any more, but I have been here since the 1st Q thread and I've probably posted at least once in every thread (or almost every thread). Bible study is a pretty good parallel for these threads. I would call myself a Christian and I try (but fail daily) to lead a Christ-like life of denying my own needs to serve those around me. I have not gone to church for probably over 10 years now because my experience is that Christian churches, for the most part, are filled with the most judgmental, hypocritical, self-serving anti-Christian people I've ever met - and perhaps some day Jesus Himself is going to say "I never knew you". They take little bits and pieces of the Bible to twist and use against others to feel superior in their judging of them, while not even seeing the hypocrisy that judging others is one of the most mentioned sins Biblically, but they still feel safe in their life of self-fulfillment and never helping anyone who truly is in need because those sinners aren't in their religious club. They follow a religion and not faith.

For what it's worth, to me anyway - Dask is pointing out how much this whole Q thing has turned into a religion. Anyone who questions the very questionable twisting of Q posts, the Q numerology thing, the Q clock, the many years of "it's habbening this week", etc. is met with pitchforks and torches. All that is doing is pushing any "fence-sitters" to the side that believes Q was just a Trump reelection campaign or that it is a bunch of bull fertilizer. A true Christian doesn't "save" sinners by telling them how sinful they are, you save people only by setting the example and showing love and kindness. The same should be true with the "Q movement". Telling someone how wrong they are from a place of perceived superiority isn't going to change anyone's mind, and will most likely push more people over to the other side. I know that for sure because I am questioning the Q thing now myself. Hillary and other bad guys have been executed and replaced with actors in masks now... but they're doing the same evil crap they always did? JFK Jr is alive and has been working behind the scenes on the plan for nearly 25 years? Not only that, but JFK himself survived and is working on the plan behind the scenes too? He would be around 107 years old now! Does anyone honestly believe these things? These threads are twisting and turning Q posts/crumbs into a religion. Even Q himself/herself confirmed Jr is dead!

There's an old saying I have pinned on the wall over my desk that says "The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion". And yes, I am hypocritically stating my opinion here, but we're not going to win by mocking those with different beliefs. After all, you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 02:54 PM
All I can say is Q topics have gone mainstream, with us getting a preview and a stake in the outcome via sharing. Nobody here is beating a dead horse and claiming the strike teams are inbound. So, what's the harm in fitting current events up with topics we anticipated in 2017?

10s of 1000s of posts later, we have an understanding of current events which would otherwise not been apparent, save for Q. How long does it take t9o drain the swamp? I dunno, it's never happened before.

edit on 777Vpm02America/ChicagoSun, 02 Jun 2024 14:54:33 -0500 by 777Vader because:

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