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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

To stop unauthorised reporting maybe?

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 05:22 PM
Since the team left the villagers with a bunch of high-tech filming and night vision equipment the sightings seem to have all but dried up.

Do the Aliens know about the new gear and have now gone all camera shy or have they moved on to another less technically advanced tribe upriver to scare the bejeebus out of them?

You simply have to wonder.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
A travel advisory has been issued due to claims of the Shining Path terrorists group operating in the region.

Who are the Shining Path?

Understanding the Path of Terrorism

After approximately 10 years of recruitment, structuring, and self-examination, the Shining Path launched its war against Peruvian society in July 1980. Its goal is to destroy Peru's governmental and social institutions and replace them with a radical Marxist-Maoist regime.

Founded and led by Abimael Guzman, a former philosophy professor, the Shining Path has conducted a relentless campaign of violence and destruction for more than 12 years. It is responsible for the deaths of between 24,000 and 25,000. They have demonstrated that they will use all methods available and will strike any target to achieve their goals.

The Shining Path operates in mobile terrorist cells. These units are highly disciplined and are usually led by an experienced cadre commander. A veil of secrecy and a highly compartmentalized structure shields the group from infiltration by government informers and undercover agents.

Here's a more recent article:

Shining Path: Peru's guerrilla group all but defeated

Peru's Maoist Shining Path guerrilla movement, whose founder Abimael Guzman's body was cremated on Friday, is listed as a terrorist organization by the Lima government.

All but dismantled, a few members remain armed and active. This is an overview of the group blamed for tens of thousands of deaths.

- What is the Shining Path? -

The extremist rebel group was born from a split in the Peruvian Communist Party and rooted in the ideology of Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong.

Peru's post-conflict Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) described the group as a "subversive and terrorist organization" responsible for numerous crimes against humanity.

More on the Shining Path:

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 10:00 PM
I’ve been telling you it’s been ongoing for years in the tri- country region of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil.

This is from 2013-2017 Brazil. This is part of a Brazilian government investigation freedom of information release..

The location is border of Peru, just over border into Brazil.

This is just one incident described in video below.

They were seeing lights and then a bowl shaped ufo, about 2 meters across, descended into a village.

The ufo shined a light on a group of villagers. Those that looked at the light were incapacitated. One woman suffering burns to her eyes and face. They were rendered unconscious and for a period after unable to keep balance or think clearly.

When the ufo descended all phones became disabled with no tone or completely turned off.

Edit to add: they took photos but all equipment malfunction and none of the photos came out.

Whole village saw this, not a couple isolated individuals.

Many villagers were going missing and bodies never recovered.

In 2013, several unidentified aerial phenomena began to be observed flying over the Apiwtxa Village, Kampa do Amônia Indigenous Tribe, state of Acre, border with Peru. On July 24, 2014 one of these UAPs descended into the village and fired light beams at the indigenous people. This event prompted a request for help from the indians to the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), which in turn contacted the Federal Police and the Armed Forces so that they could help solve the problem. An investigation was then opened by the Federal Police, with these incidents happening frequently and extending the events until the end of 2014. In 2015 an investigation was also opened by the Federal Public Ministry due to a close encounter of the researcher and anthropologist Carolina Comandulli with one of these phenomena. Also in 2015, the incidents stopped in the Apiwtxa village, but started again in 2016, this time in the Kampa and Isolados do Envira indigenous tribe, when a light phenomenon descended and was received with shotgun fire by an indigenous person who then received a beam of light and had to be hospitalized. The investigation by Rony Vernet, engineer and researcher of unidentified aerial phenomena, culminated in the release of more than 120 pages of official documents by the Brazilian government and more than 20 minutes of videos, including the affected indigenous people testimonials as well as a UAP footage filmed by Paula Colares, who was doing her doctoral research in anthropology in the tribe.

This went on for years. And as I find them again I will post more Brazil incidents. Basically this is same phenomenon and is ongoing.

People hospitalized with injuries from the ufos.

These UFOs are not shy. They are landing right in the middle of these villages and the whole village sees what is going on.

People disappear and never return.

Yes, some might be getting kidnapped for organ harvesting and used as slaves by criminal organizations. But beyond that the same phenomenon as Peru is going on.
edit on 19-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Edit to add they took photos

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Interesting link to the brazilan enquiry. Here is the UFO / Orb footage.

After watching the Orb footage a few times, I would suggest that one should still keep separate the pelacara incident and the Orb.
edit on 19/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added afterthought

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 12:37 AM
Brazil aliens:

Interview with Brazilian UFOlogist Ronny Vernet

The cases are happening in waves. So that the incidents stopping in Talia’s village is par for the course. The incidents started in villages further south then made their way north to Talia’s village then have continued east into Brazil.

Noiseless devices being seen. Operating longer than traditional jet packs. 2.5-2.7 meters all armored like robot or astronaut with huge astronaut like device on back. Elongated helmeted head with illuminated eyes yellow color. Circular boots with circular one meter flying board. Sometimes there are larger 15’ two person person flying platforms. Sometimes there is a 2 person flying craft.

From 1970’s in Brazil until now reports of this two person vehicle. This is craft described and drawn by Brazilian Air Force which was shooting laser beams at villagers. Seen a lot by Air Force. Peru describing different acorn shaped 2 person craft. While different shapes they are similar because both vehicles are translucent or transparent allowing villagers to look into the craft to see the two people/aliens inside.

People absolutely terrified.

There are no big motherships either in Brazil or Peru. Just 1-2 person ships. Drawing from Brazilian Air Force:

Thousands of pages of disclosure in Brazil national archives. Brazil went through phases of open reporting and phases of secrecy and destroying info depending on commanders.

In 2008 the cases were so aggressive the Peru government formed UFO official body to investigative. Middle of night commander of investigative unit gets call from unit saying they were standing in front of a craft and shooting against it. The commander said take a picture and they responded no way we are shooting this ship.

1997 US military unit came upon a ufo imbedded in the rocks in Peru Jonathan Weygandt.

Since 2000’s lots of history of people being abducted.

Since 70’s it’s been moving from Brazil more west into Peru. 2000, 2008, 2010, 2015… lots of waves of activity in Brazilian Amazon.

Maze? Brazil 2020 craft in Brazil. Police officer saw. Something fell don’t know what. Craft, satellite, or something else it’s not known what. Military went into area and searched for something. Not revealed by government what it was.

These villages don’t have police, hospitals, government support but the do have drug cartels, illegal miners, organ harvesting. They respond with shotguns to all comers because there is no one to protect them.

"Moment of contact’ documentary Varginha Brazil. Large number of witnesses and documentation. Firemen, doctors saw the creature alive in hospital. James Fox documentary. He believes this was real. No Brazilian official documentation. 1996. This was period where government covered up. Someone allegedly has video of aliens in hospital but refuses to sell or give footage to James Fox. Crackle link to video.

Since 70’s behavior the same in Brazil and Peru. Sneaky behavior, example People fishing alone and big armored thing shows up behind them all of a sudden. No time to react. Freeze, can’t think trying to figure out what you are seeing. Sneaky ways and activity.

More injuries in Brazil than other areas of the world. Shoot light beams greenish to bluish. Instantly become paralyzed, like doped, feel radiation symptoms like feel weak for weeks, red skin and eyes. Some get permanent disabilities in motor abilities like loose ability to walk. Brain affected. Some become like little child. Physiological affect.

Compares what’s going on to scientist taking animals out of jungle, tagging them and doing experiments. Maybe it’s violent to animal but overall it’s for research and preservation.

More species in Amazon than most places in world, people small fraction, would be great place to study life on earth. Only appearing in low density populations.

Started in June in south then went North then East. August in Talia’s village. Sept/October in Brazil. Late October cases happening deeper in Brazil. They are following a river. Craft since 70’s described going in and out of the rivers.

We are just hearing about it and putting pieces together but this is big and ongoing for decades all across this region of the Amazon.

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 06:42 AM
Did you watch the videos I posted about Shining Path?

Peru currently produces more coc aine than Columbia. There's so much money at stake that the cartels involved could be well connected, wealthy, and have advanced technology.

Government operations shouldn't be ruled out either. There was someone on ATS, not too long ago, claiming that there were special forces using advanced VTOL vehicles in human and drug trafficking operations. I didn't want to believe it at the time, but then I heard that human trafficking location data correlates with the UAP location data. There's also the history behind movies like Air America, American Made, and God of War.

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: IndieA

I did. That lends credence towards humans over "aliens". Though the reports of cylinder flying machines go back a ways.

However this unfolds in the future, it seems to me that "aliens" are probably not to blame. Maybe the "aliens" are just innocent bystanders going about their business, whatever that is.

The other concern I have is governments going after something below ground that does not belong to them.

edit on 20/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added afterthought

A joint exercise of Peruvian and American Special Forces, air force, drug investigators and so on is one thing. But what the heck is Space Force doing chasing drug dealers?

edit on 20/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Waffled on

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 10:11 AM
Wow! I can't believe it's taken me 30 years to realize that this video is a pro-Shining Light (fascist communist dictatorship) propaganda piece. It's even harder to believe that this show of support for terror was released after Guzman had been arrested and after a long history of atrocities.

edit on 21-11-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: IndieA

Sendero Luminoso

Even if one did not know anything of their politics, their chosen name should raise red flags.

(Not commenting about you, IndieA ... just a stray comment)


posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 01:58 PM
Villager shoots black figure/ufo/alien with his gun, black figure/ufo/alien shoots villager with light.

Villagers heart stops.

He gets cpr and survives.

Situation unclear at moment will post more when I learn more.

Twitter thread with Video in link of him being revived.

D.E.W or (directed energy weapons) are being used in peru to instantly stop peoples hearts and they do NOT leave any physical burn mark

Pablo described his encounter by saying a "laser beam" came down to him and hit his heart. it was at this point he fainted after he SHOT It and his village found him (this video).

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 06:41 PM
Had seen Michael Herrera previously on Shaun Ryan's channel. TBH did not give him a lot of creedence simply because his interview came out at the same time lot's of ex military guys were flooding the internet with interviews.

Times moved on an events are changing.
Everyone "should" have been aware for awhile now that forward movement on UAP/UFO stuff has stalled as multiple involved parties scrambled to "position themselves". CYA really should be every Govt agency's motto. Just slap it on a T-shirt already. Get it over with.

Came across Chris Lehto's recent 2 part interviews with Michael Herrera.
What he knows now since his appearance in Greer's June 2023 event dovetails in 100% with all the other bits an parts we've been hearing for the last year or so. It also is almost a perfect fit for what's going on in Peru & other third world countries.

It's also NOTHING like any previous BS we've heard in the past.
Need help with embedding video!

edit on 22-11-2023 by Caver78 because: Epic fail at embedding video

edit on 22-11-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: Caver78


What you want to look for is the video number. For example:

In the URL above, the video number is the part after v=

So the video number is 7GG-qZNU9Yk

edit on 22/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added explanation

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Thanks for the assist!!
When I watched Herrera an listened to the info I sat there thinking "NS268" was correct, ET's getting blamed for what we're doing. Seems we've been EMF-ing 2 non-human craft a year at each facility. Typically it was easier for us to bring 'em down & just steal the tech rather then reverse engineer it. More stunning was what craft are ours can barely be recognized from UAP/UFO craft which is muddying up the water for everyone across the board.

His relevations tie up so many loose ends of just about every conspiracy theory, if anyone looks back on the last 30+ years of what we thought were one off's in UFO reports, it's easy to see that we missed all kinds of evidence. Like Abductees reporting humans in military garb. No one wanted to hear"More crazy than seeing a UFO" anecdotal data points incriminating our military.

The party line of seeing humans when a encounter occurred was explained away as everything was just a part of the witness's cover memory's, side effect of sleep paralysis, mental health issues.
It used to be a joke as people all over were hearing mechanical sounds from underground, that "there goes the Cabal building their own bunkers."

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Nice find there Caver78. The young fella in the video gives an introduction to psychotronics. The psychic side of technology as an interface to "alien tech". RV'ing (Remote Viewing) comes in there too.

Interesting that there is also an earlier reference in this thread to a tweet where a villager is hit in the chest by a DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) and almost dies. That one reminded me of an earlier post of mine where I saw a gremlin silhouette on my bedroom window one night along with an intense chest pain. The gremlin pixelated as it disappeared.

The other two technology demonstrations with the bust on my kitchen bench and the silver bullet from the sky was someone simply saying we know where you live and where you travel in the day. The grays stopped visiting after that. The first was a warning to me and the second/third were a warning to the grays. That is how these guys work, and ties in with what the young fella in the video says.

It was no accident that I saw the demonstration. They don't want people to know what the "aliens" really are, is my guess.

edit on 23/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and clarity

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Forgot to add Herrera's interviews were 2 video's. I just quickly linked to the second one.
The attackers Talia described fit the description of how the "Black Teams" operate. Herrera also was clear that he's been in front of Congress members same as Grush BEFORE the public hearing's took place.

It was very cool how he went into using flight tracker noting who isn't using transponders then working with FAA Radar Operators & the TSA to backtrack destinations & points of origin. That's definately something if we had the connections we'd of done & made a thread about it!

Wild - Crazy about your tech demonstrations!
I googled Cayome Mexico & LMAO! My first thought was Carlos Castaneta got tagged as a fraud, but what if some of this was what he was actually seeing & misinterpreting? Then more laughing cause Big Bend State Park & National park aren't too awfully far away. Bird watching & Black OP's watching forget Sedona & Dulce!!
When I go off on a tangent it's go big or go home.

The thing that's really hit home with me is just how many Conspiracy Theories Herrera's info touched on but went sideways from what we all accepted as probable. The truth usually JMO ends up being a 180. Not a 360, where you're 100% off base.
It's also gonna be a hilarious if Herrera is 100% proven true.

Lots of UFO conferences are going to go bust as it'll be clear they've been whistling dixie all this time. Same with Paulides missing stories. I can easily see those as collateral damage, or scooped up to participate unwillingly in this "Black Program".
More fallout with;
Aliens live underground - Nope that's us.
40 million people have gone missing in the last 20 years - Nope they got unwillingly recruited by us.
False Flag Alien Invasion - Nope 1/2 of those craft are ours an we're bringing down all the alien ones we find. False Flag to
get more funding? Yep it's getting harder to steal from the reg black ops budget!
Alien breeding programs - Nope that's us as Psi Recruits have kids an they're psi too.

You bet I'm having fun with this! We were soooo close, but still so off base.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Caver78

Keep in mind that the biggest problem, as I see it, is how do they explain the technology in their possession to the public.

They can't just suddenly put big black triangle UFOs over cities and do a 'show and tell.

There is a hell if a lot of explaining to do.

The video presented a few things I know are true. But it was still a shiny veneer.

The young fella was probably shown things, but what was he not shown.

This question is important because he has to believe this is a good thing, and that they are doing things for good reasons.

What he was not shown was a young girl having her face peeled while still alive. He wasn't shown her father's horror nor the girl's.

If they have indeed retrieved "aliens" and living technology, he was not shown the laboratories where reverse engineering takes place.

If biological were obtained, the very first question would be: how do we kill them?

Does anyone really think bio-warfare agents against biological aliens was not developed?

Does anyone really think the "aliens" don't know that?

I am quite sure the 'secret squirrels' read this thread, so I will say to them:

When you put a shot across the bow and the grays stopped visiting here, I did not know why they stopped coming. In hindsight I now do.

I was feeling miffed that I did a lot of work with them and they just left without a word. So I'll tell you Secret Space Force. They did come back, and they said something important. What they said to me was this:

Revenge will be our gift to you.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 12:12 PM
While our Space Force has “joint operations" with Peru in the same area all these beings are being sighted, apparently China and Russia might disclose info.

Source: twitter, trust me bro: Twitter link

Another source with knowledge of the current situation regarding the NDA negotiations told Liberation Times: "We've got a problem. Russia or China may beat the United States to disclosing the facts around a non-human intelligence if we don't get our act together fast. This should be motivation enough for Republican leadership to fight for the UP Disclosure Act. "They should be doing everything in their power to get it passed expeditiously. I'm baffled."

edit on 24-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Added close quote "

Edit to add: in very related, maybe overlapping news: Twitter link

We know that Dr. Hal Puthoff is in the know when it comes to scientific/governmental knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.

At SOL, he started his conversation with Leslie Kean by saying: “Let’s begin with this startup position… assume there have been crash retrievals from us, Russia and China.”

Those breadcrumbs (confirmations)…

edit on 24-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Edit to add

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: pianopraze
The Twitter account "TheJuan" also has a Instagram account with leaked powerpoint slides from Col. Karl Nell's talk.

I posted some SOL Foundation info over on the other thread.
Interesting times!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: Caver78

A quick point on Carlos Castanada.

I googled Cayome Mexico & LMAO! My first thought was Carlos Castaneta got tagged as a fraud, but what if some of this was what he was actually seeing & misinterpreting?

I've read the argument here on ATS that "Castanada was obviously a fraud because of missing University records" (or some such thing).

I wonder how much pressure his editor / publisher put on him to add "legitamacy". His first book was dismally academic (The Teachings of Don Juan). His second book, A Separate Reality, was very different. As if he realised the editor was wrong.

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