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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

He firmly denies this is any of the flying tech posted elsewhere in this thread. He says it could be more advanced anti-gravity tech in similar shape, but it is absolutely silent.

There were reports of the technology making some noise, at least during take-offs.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Correct soft air or humming noises under extreme acceleration.

Whisper soft compared to existing jet packs/hover board tech. The girl did not hear the disks coming.

I’ll add this I just found on a different note.

In Varginha Brazil there was a famous crash/retrieval I’ve previously referenced.

Apparently one of the US pilots that participated is retiring and is part of this latest whistleblower group:
Twitter video link

Hypothetical Catastrophic Disclosure...

USAF pilot that flew the plane in Varginha in 1996 to recover the non-human craft and bodies goes public.

This is second hand. He’s not yet made public statement like Fravor. Apparently they are insinuating he might if disclosure doesn’t go through on NDAA.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 05:46 PM
Great thread! OP

Maybe - we have some basement dwellers being pushed to the surface.

What are the caves like in the areas affected?

Might have a quick wander around and see if there's any info on cave systems.

I haven't read up on the locations yet, only just come back on and seen its gathered pace - anyone made / seen a map?

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 06:11 PM
Just had a quick squiz at caves in the area ------- ooooh!

I have stuck a red dot (sketchy I know) where approx Varginha

edit on 1 12 2023 by McTech2 because: sketchy

Just poked my nose in a rabbit hole. All around the area in Brazil strange caves and tunnels found -
found this

attributing them to prehistoric beasts.

Stunning caves and tunnels systems every-where!

Welcome to the Grand Flushing! Swamp is Drained- supply of babies dries up. Bring the critters outta there holes...
edit on 1 12 2023 by McTech2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 02:13 PM

I just made a Thread on Government funding ET tech.

All the things we are seeing tried out on these villagers was funded by the DIA in 2010!

Bio-control of devices,
Invisibility cloaking, etc.

Here is proof of funding the tech we are seeing implemented in Peru/Brazil funded over a decade ago!

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 05:36 PM
(Smile) told y'all so.

~ sorry, couldnt help myself : )

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 09:37 AM

UPDATE: A very talented crew are working on a TV project to uncover the truth on the attacks in Peru. The American-based team @5MeoProductions has been working with @joismantilla and plan to release their project soon they say and said it is shocking. #ufotwitter #ovnis #peru

Twitter link

I will post more updates as they come.

edit on 3-12-2023 by pianopraze because: Mia post corrected with update

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 12:38 PM
Same region, 2009 had same things going on:
Face peeling.

Women in peru described a UFO hover over her village for about 2rs and the villagers shot at it with guns in June 2009. She says it was very low,"so low that you could tell it was like a spacecraft”. It was like a slowly moving star in the air.

this event was witnesses by the her entire village and also caused the people to stand guard at night. She says they were removing organs and faces in 2009 aswell. She heard similar stories months ago but didn't believe them. Now after seeing the lights herself, she believes.

why does everyone have linear view to this. Peru is massive. This may just be an UFO. Not the pelacaras or even anything else. UFOs, organ trafficking and military operations are all simultaneously happening at the same time.


posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Good on ya pianopraze, we need these accounts to understand where human action begins and stops. To classify human action and then what is left over is something else.

You probably noticed I approach this as the "aliens" are being framed for something they did not do.

Innocent until proven guilty.

I think it important we get that right because there is a very long history of humans demonising "aliens" and "mythological" Beings as evil.

That ties in with Von Braun's fake alien invasion false flag, Project Bluebeam, and a one world order.

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Unfortunately the video is not in English so I cannot understand the woman's words.

However, there is nothing here to suggest that "face peeling" occurred that night in her village.

this event was witnesses by the her entire village and also caused the people to stand guard at night. She says they were removing organs and faces in 2009 as well. She heard similar stories months ago but didn't believe them. Now after seeing the lights herself, she believes.

This paragraph does not suggest that the village was attacked in that event, only that there was a light hovering close enough to shoot at it.

It also says that there have been stories from elsewhere that she now believes to be true, by virtue of witnessing the UFO.

edit on 4/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Clarity

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

My high school Spanish is long out of date before you throw in accent/dialects.

I understand enough that it is talking about this.

That the abductions/face peeling going on in the region in Peru Brazil and Equador has been well established by a variety of sources, at least three I’ve presented in this thread.

Both Tim and the Brazil ufologist verified reports of abduction/face peeling during this time period in the videos I’ve posted.

The villagers are split on belief also - some saying aliens some saying gringos = non local humans.

As to if human or alien I lean also towards these being human with advanced or UFO tech.

This video was posted to YouTube the same year 2009 as info from DIA did their "study" to get funding for "advanced research".

I think we have this tech.

Testing it in remote Amazon basin with indigenous legends and perpetuating such legends as cover is 100 percent believable to me.

Until recently it was unlikely events there would draw attention and if they did it would be easy to try to discredit as indigenous legend.

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I think you have hit the nail on the head there. Not an alien problem; a human problem.

Problem is what is being done to innocent people is horrifying. Which suggests that "disclosure" is going to be at least a partial whitewash.

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Thank you for mentioning about the greys & etc. My worries are too about the villagers being possibly
used by military to test their so called toys, new weapons on possibly the most innocent people on earth
period. This is beyond abuse & sickening cz they dont need to use & abuse innocent people to test their
tech at least not this physical crap.
I do not think it is far as I know nothing resembles the actions of aliens.


Edit GOOD ON YOU! Pianopraze you are doing a really great job providing ALL info from many sources
& keeping everything up to date. I think its especially difficult & taxing on these kind of threads (?) ...
I could be wrong but in my mind it requires much more research than many other thread topics cz you can find
back up info much easier in normal criminal or non-criminal cases involving Police & above, than researching
any UFO/Alien activity. Thank You.

edit on 4122023 by Ektar because: left out info

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Good on you Ektar for speaking up, my thoughts too.

The other concern is the "aliens" are being framed for crimes they did not commit.

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

B H that was the quickest response I have seen! LOL

Not derailing thread, new info keeps arriving & this is one of the most interesting threads I have read
in a long time. If a person actually reads all the info there is so much to learn & continuous incoming
So I was backing NS268 about high chances no aliens involved, does not fit fit any alien
narrative I know of nor familiar with...yes there are abductions & they are horrible cz you are TAKEN
against your will, could be aliens or military, but still against your will & is horribly terrifying to say
the least.
However in all these yrs of Aliens & UFOs these current events going on in Peru & etc do not fall
into the history so far..I say that cz I have no idea if things changed or not...thinking NOT.
It's just too weird & almost (yeah crazy but Im exhausted) seems like Im seeing the makings of sort
of Rock music or ? video or play being written & tested before the real deal? OK Bed Time........

My personal meeting Ektar was in the here & guessing & a foot or 2 from me, cat was right
there & she had been displaying warnings a week or so ahead that something was going on & roommate
witnessed it all...
encounter was friendly, I originally came here for the UFO & Alien info...
You have much more experience ? & for sure different experiences than me & I'm
sorry I have not been able 2 read your Fae & alien threads yet. Too many issues
going on & can only pop in here & there for now too escape the stress.
I know we will be talking in the future...


posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: Ektar

Aye the thread is a credit to pianopraze, especially how the thread gets updated.

You can always post on the fairy thread if you like Ektar.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 05:21 PM

mSM in Peru caught faking image of jetboarder trying to discredit villagers reports.

The image they used was found.
Twitter link
Proven Hoax by media!

Edit to add: here is the link showing it is Franky Zapata in the Paris air show in 2019: Link

Here is video showing the found photo compared to media supposed new pelecara photo:
Twitter video

This is the second time they have attempted it!

Here is previous attempt.

Twitter link
I saw this a month or two ago on #ufotwitter. Everyone agreed it was hoax photo a month or two ago but no one came through with original image, so recently the media ran it pretending it was a new photo.

So this is two fake reports this last week and they have been caught both times -this time as #ufotwitter found the original.

Things are heating up in this case!
edit on 5-12-2023 by pianopraze because: Added link to original airboarder image

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Could be a disinformation campaign.

Black-ops personel are seen, heard, and reported to the media. The story gains attention online.

Some people investigating the reports think that the Flyboard Air, or something similar was being used.

To help cover-up the use of Flyboard Airs in Peru and related operations, a keyboard psy-op team is tasked with discrediting the reports of this technology.

They split into two teams. The first team perpetuates the evidence that could suggest ET, and pushes the ET narrative, because that's helped conceal tech and operations in the past.

The second team decides to fake evidence of the Flyboard claim, in hopes of discrediting the theory that it's being used by in Peru. So they do what they do best, Photoshop some stuff and wait for people to take the bait, then reveal the hoax.

Idk. Just thinking out loud, I guess.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Nice "thinking out loud".

Blaming the aliens is gonna come back to bite them in the ass.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: Ektar
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Thank you for mentioning about the greys & etc. My worries are too about the villagers being possibly
used by military to test their so called toys, new weapons on possibly the most innocent people on earth
period. This is beyond abuse & sickening cz they dont need to use & abuse innocent people to test their
tech at least not this physical crap.
I do not think it is far as I know nothing resembles the actions of aliens.


Edit GOOD ON YOU! Pianopraze you are doing a really great job providing ALL info from many sources
& keeping everything up to date. I think its especially difficult & taxing on these kind of threads (?) ...
I could be wrong but in my mind it requires much more research than many other thread topics cz you can find
back up info much easier in normal criminal or non-criminal cases involving Police & above, than researching
any UFO/Alien activity. Thank You.

Thank you.

But I’ve not emphasized everything that’s going on to try to not muddy the waters.

Example and to your point on military toys being tested: there is a lot of villagers being hit with lights.

Some are stopping hearts. Some just stunning/incapacitating.

One man died and was revived by his friends who was with him. Twitter video of him being revived

D.E.W or (directed energy weapons) are being used in peru to instantly stop peoples hearts and they do NOT leave any physical burn human has made this technology yet, it is a fact. This is so serious it is recognized as breach of international law.

This lady was outright killed. Twitter

i contacted a women who's mother was attacked by the 'Pelacaras' 2 months ago and it killed her. The women was distraught and not sure what happened. This village reports another victim of a laser attack also. Sep/2023 village near Pucallpa, peru.

This women was killed because of these attacks from Pelacaras. She was apparently hit with a 'laser beam' of some kind. radio silence when i posted on this, it's odd this gets ignored?

I don’t know if the lights are killing or just hype or fear induced physiological affects causing heart attacks. But they are happening in the presence of dozens of witnesses. Not the person alone.

These lights go back at least to the seventies. They have been in many of the videos I’ve posted exempt the Brazil Ufologist video. Reported in both Brazil and Peru.

There are many more I will post a couple here since I’ve been remiss not talking about this.


This man named Silas Soto woke up to an attack at 2am which he said was like "hot water" or an energy all over his body. The village saw a UFO in the sky at the time of attack and he believes a laser was used and that the attack was not human beings.

Witness from Peru shot and hit strange floating beings who responded with a light beam that left him unconscious The incident happened September, 2nd in Jorge Chávez Community near Lago Pucuna in Peruvian Amazon

The Brazil foia video of the village I posted earlier talks about getting hit with lights also.

edit on 5-12-2023 by pianopraze because: Added Brazil foia video

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