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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Face peelers legend goes back over a hundred years.

Human trafficking is all over this region and they prefer teens… same ones getting attacked.

Use ing the legend makes sense. As much as anything else.

Just imagine seeing something like these artists concepts from the descriptions the villagers are seeing:

Twitter source link

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Yet, why would criminals keep targeting a village for over a month? That stirs up armed hostility. The soft target becomes a hard target. Isn't that making things difficult for oneself?

Whereas, the idea that the Americans are field-testing new technology fits with the idea of covering up with "aliens and UFOs". This attack (the attack on Talia aside) fits more with established American military modus operandi. For example:

Source: Sorry, But It’s Probably Not Aliens ~ article by Wes O'Donnell 06/09/2021 - American Military University EDGE.

Allow me to present the argument against alien visitors:

The Black Budget

First, the United States has been pouring tens of billions of dollars a year into the so-called black budget since at least 1947. That budget funds black projects that are classified top secret, not itemized, and are used for intelligence operations and super-secret advanced military technologies.

In fact, in March of 2019, President Trump announced a record-breaking $86 billion for the black budget for that fiscal year.

While I was in the U.S. Air Force in 2005, I had the opportunity to chat with a visiting employee from Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs (ADP). When I jokingly asked him what he was working on, not expecting a true response, he became very serious and said, “All I can tell you, Wes, is that Star Wars isn’t just a movie.”

Remembering this conversation years later still makes me giddy with excitement about our troops wielding lightsabers in combat. However, it is much more likely that he was referring to advances in aerospace engineering.

In an interview with Popular Mechanics, the late Skunk Works chief Ben Rich said, “There are some new programs, and there are certain things, some of them 20 or 30 years old, that are still breakthroughs and appropriate to keep quiet about [because] other people don’t have them yet.”

Disinformation Campaigns by the US Air Force and Pentagon

Next, the U.S. Air Force and the Pentagon have a long and storied history of performing disinformation campaigns, often using the deep pop culture roots of UFOs to hide advances in aerospace technology. When national security is on the line, it’s better to have the public believe they saw a UFO than disclose the newest breakthrough.

A report by the New York Times in 1997 shows that the CIA and the Air Force promoted UFOs to cover up sightings of their U2 and SR-71 spy planes.

The mysterious men in black, unknown individuals in suits who show up after credible UFO sightings, are none other than members of the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations. AFOSI is a cross between the CIA and the FBI; in fact, AFOSI was modeled after the FBI.

The first commander of AFOSI was former FBI special agent Joseph Carroll. Among AFOSI’s unique mission is the security of technology and information, intelligence gathering and threat assessment, mitigation and elimination.

That makes sense because, in an open society like ours, where the government cannot easily control the flow of public information, disinformation is the only viable option to maintain a degree of secrecy. For its part, the AFOSI is an expert at controlling information.

An Ideal Testing Environment

Finally, it is crucial to note the parameters of the sightings by the Nimitz crew off Baja and more recently off the U.S. East Coast.

Both crews were operating in a sanitized training environment. The aircraft were not armed because no aircrews were expecting a fight, and civilian traffic is largely diverted from active military ranges.

In addition, the Nimitz was fielding a massive new upgrade to an advanced radar system for the F/A-18 Super Hornet and also a new Cooperative Engagement Capability technology. That capability implemented datalink and sensor fusion technologies for the entire carrier group, which provided advanced fidelity in the radar picture.

Imagine taking radar and sensor data from all the ships and aircraft in a carrier group and combining it into a commanding real-time view of the battlefield. Such a massive upgraded system was being tested for the first time when the Nimitz had its first encounters with the now-famous tic tac UFO.

It occurs to me that a sanitized training environment and an incredible new sensor upgrade create an ideal testing condition to see if our own team can spot top secret, undisclosed aircraft.

edit on 17/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:55 PM
Here is a video of just the interview of Talia, the girl who the tall black armored individuals tried to abduct.Link to video on Twitter.

Some notes watching this again:

When she describes them coming up the hill she makes a gesture with her arms describing the board they are surfing. It is a circle with one meter diameter or smaller. So the picture I posted above would be about the exact size. I’m 6’4. A round board this size with me standing in the center would leave about just inches on each side if my feet were shoulder width apart.

The ‘gringo’ was considerably taller than Tim who is over 6’ - I believe I heard Tim is also 6’4".

Talia called the taller one ‘gringo’ Tim called the other one ‘the Peruvian’. Talia says the taller one spoke Spanish like Tim, with an accent… the 6’4 ‘smaller one’ spoke with a Peruvian accent.

While hovering on the platforms!!! One grabbed her on her neck and then placed hand over her mouth so exactly opposite his other hand. Then the second one also hovering on platform picked up her legs. This had to be incredibly unstable and awkward. No wonder they we’re having trouble handling the girl. Balancing on hovering platforms - which were so quiet she noticed the wind but not the sound before she was grabbed. These are not using tech that we are aware of - all existing hover tech is considerably more noisy than she describes. I fly drones, small ones, and they make more noise than this, especially carrying a load!

They attempt to fly away with her but can’t for some reason, so they take her down the hill and behind a small native shed where she struggles, is dropped then screams.

Three family and several neighbors run back when she screams and see these individuals in black armor over her. This is not just a story of a girl. It was witnessed by many adult both family and neighbors. This is residential area behind her house. Many came running and observed this.

They were talking about peeling her face and attempting to do so. This was not abduction. It was attempted mutilation. Again many animal mutilations also going on in this tri-country area (Peru, Brazil and Ecuador) concurrently with these face peeler attacks.

If black ops it makes sense to talk about peeling her face to perpetuate fear and the local face peeler boogie man mythology. This could be staged on their part to reinforce local legend to explain away their presence. They had no intention of peeling face, just talking about it to install fear. Who would normally believe villagers talking about local legends? It would delegitimize villagers story to the world and allow black ops to perpetuate their real agenda - whatever that is…

If it is demonic, maybe feeding of fear, it makes sense. This would create a lot of fear and bad chemicals in girls body. Remember many high ranking pentagon officials thought the ufo phenomenon was demonic.

If aliens - Who have lights that can knock people out from other accounts - this incident makes no sense. Knock her out with light then take her away.

Edit to add, here is video of Russian armor with exoskeleton assist: Twitter video

Photo of suit:

edit on 17-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Eta

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

LOL, twitter is blaming the Russians now?

Perhaps if we think in terms of two scenarios in Talia's attack, we can get a better picture.

In the attack was successful, a girl's faceless body would have been found. That adds terror to the event, it also adds physical evidence and credibility to the "aliens attacking a village". But it would probably remain a mystery. The girl would probably have her funeral at her village.

That the American Space Force is coincidentally in the same area at the same time holding joint military exercises with South American governments adds to the mystery and conspiracy side of things.

If similar attacks happened in the future at another location, well, the answer most people would jump to is the aliens are attacking again.

However, the attack was not successful. Talia lived to tell her story of human attackers. One has to ask; would Tim Alberino have gone to Peru if Talia did not survive?

In the first scenario where a girl dies, the mystery only deepens.

In the second scenario, where the girl lives, the mystery begins to disappear.

edit on 18/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Perhaps advanced US technology explains some sightings.

It is stretch to say it covers every sighting, on every continent and every country going back tens, if not hundreds of years ago.

It fails to explain where all these "soldiers" are once they are no longer useful? Do they all retire to some super soldier retirement village? Why are there no leaks? Once recruited, do they have to stay in the program forever? There is always a leak from someone somewhere.

Let's say they need to recruit the best people for these black ops programs. That would mean selecting a significant amount of people from SEAL Teams, Green Berets, Delta etc. Has anyone noticed their sons and daughters going missing? Or never retiring. Never talking.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: Springbok

Perhaps advanced US technology explains some sightings.

It seems to be the case here in Peru, this one incident at least.

On the other hand, the grays (and others?) are often said to be the culprits to abductions and UFO phenomenon. Probably the majority. No argument from me there.

I know the grays, heck I even wrote a thread on how they achieve their abductions by psychically taking over a location and controlling what people perceive within. This isn't how they operate.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: Springbok

Perhaps advanced US technology explains some sightings.

It seems to be the case here in Peru, this one incident at least.

On the other hand, the grays (and others?) are often said to be the culprits to abductions and UFO phenomenon. Probably the majority. No argument from me there.

I know the grays, heck I even wrote a thread on how they achieve their abductions by psychically taking over a location and controlling what people perceive within. This isn't how they operate.

My mistake, I thought you were saying that all aliens are actually just humans with advanced tech. I also admit I am unfairly biased against people who say they have been abducted or have had experiences.

Please understand that when I say this, I am not calling you a liar or attacking you personally. The bias is mine.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Having followed the Ukraine Russia conflict quite closely, I think that Russian advanced tech is mostly smoke and mirrors.

They would have used some of it by now to gain some advantage in a devastating war of attrition. If nothing else but to save face, As it is they are buying weaponry from Iran and North Korea now. They are cannibalising consumer electronics just to be able to gain access to the chips for re-use in weapons.

A picture of a fancy suit is no better than a picture of an Iron Man suit whilst making the claim it has all these capabilities, but in reality it is made from cardboard.

I am still leaning to a splinter group of humans that has no real affiliation to one government, but is aligned with a non human agency. They have their own hidden base or bases. Abductions are just a way of replenishing their gene pool. Breeding stock, if you will.

Mutilations? Initiation of new recruits? A gang will sometimes require a new recruit to perform some horrendous ritualistic act to prove loyalty, and it serves as an act of dehumanising whilst also tying that person to the group.

edit on thpSat, 18 Nov 2023 03:12:19 -060012113b2023k by Springbok because: ritual

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: Springbok

As we say in Oz, no worries mate.

I have a bias too, I'm advocating for the grays here. I reckon the "aliens" are getting framed for something they did not do.

a reply to: Springbok

I am still leaning to a splinter group of humans that has no real affiliation to one government, but is aligned with a non human agency. They have their own hidden base or bases. Abductions are just a way of replenishing their gene pool. Breeding stock, if you will.

Mutilations? Initiation of new recruits? A gang will sometimes require a new recruit to perform some horrendous ritualistic act to prove loyalty, and it serves as an act of dehumanising whilst also tying that person to the group.

Aye, I haven't crossed that one off my list either; the "non-human agency". That ties in, in a way, with Von Braun's alien invasion false flag.

edit on 18/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: added reply

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 07:01 AM
I’m not suggesting Russian, I was posting for video of the armor.

My suggestions were the three paragraphs before with black ops being most likely.

Aliens very unlikely.

Demonic slight possibility.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Gotcha. I read the caption on the twitter post who accused the Russians, I knew it was not you.

Russia! Russia! Russia!

It is looking like a failed "black ops" is what happened to Talia. If that is so, then this is turning into bad publicity for someone. It may be just a coincidence the Space Force and others are there at the same time.

I would hope that higher ups in the military are grilling their people to make sure it was not them. The attack on Talia was a line that should not have been crossed.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I'm getting Darth Vader vibes.

Nice concept art... however, their black metallic armor is described as having a non-reflective finish that seems to absorb rather than reflect light.

Maybe the material would look something like Vantablack...

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

We may never know.

I was just thinking that the truth probably lies between my worse assumptions and something less evil and maybe even somewhat justifiable, like a scare campaign or scare campaign training, but then I would have to wonder if these are attempts to scare the tribe off of their land.

And I have to agree, if they have knockout plasma ball tech, why not use it? Perhaps, there are good reasons. Maybe it's important to keep it secret, so it's only used in emergencies, or something like that.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: imitator

Agreed. Definitely described as light absorbing black which is tech we have currently.


New team in Peru interviewing!

The crew in collaboration with investigative journalist @joismantilla traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to investigate the alleged attacks that terrorized the community of San Antonio de Pintuyacu. What we learned is mind bending.

Twitter link

The village elder is in that picture with the film makers so they are definitely already in Peru. They also posted picture with Talia, the girl the black armored figures tried to face peel:

They say they are 4 weeks away from publishing findings.

We’re still in Peru but we’re estimating four weeks out. Keep an eye out for @joisjoists as he will be featuring information much much sooner than we can. We’ll also be posting thoughts here as we process the whole experience.

Buckle up buttercups, this ride is not over!

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 02:03 PM
A bunch of news coming out of Peru.

First: US government issued do not travel warning to the area of Peru all these attacks are occurring. They blame crime and drug trafficking: Twitter link.

Second: face peeler attack in same region. Warning somewhat graphic: Twitter link.

A 60-yr-old man named Robert Ramírez Tangoa was found with his face and eyes completely removed in a difficult to reach part of Peru in 2022 -it requires a 5hr boat ride. No one has come to investigate his death.

Warning graphic video:

Third: somewhat different aliens attack boy: Twitter link.

there is an extraterrestrial presence in peru!!!! This 17 yr old boy was awoke to a skinny humanoid with armored skin, glowing eyes and "holes" all through its body. He also took UFO photos the evening this happened🛸...i will post more on this!

He sustained physical injuries and was very shaken in the interview. He and his whole family are witnesses including neighbors. They shot at a hovering UFO at the time of his encounter and his dad watched the ufo leave as he shot at it. It was hovering out side his bedroom

Boy was injured. Family and neighbors witnessed. They shot at the UFO.

Crazy times in the Peru/Equador/Brazil region!

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 02:44 PM
I was trying to look for this thread, wasn't appearing in the forum, or in the search function...weird...I bumped up the other thread. Imagine there really are Aliens in the Amazon attacking people, yikes!!!

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: sendhelp


Lot of great people contributing and amazingly little upset, other than the shocking topic.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 03:50 PM
Thanks for the updates!
Very weird the travel advisories weren't issued before the joint military exercises? Glad another group has joined in investigating. Talia looked so much more at ease now that some time has passed, it was good to see. Her earlier "scared rabbit" face was heartbreaking.

Everyone has to make a living.
When you first posted this thread it was like a gut-punch. I literally couldn't fathom having to leave for work every day knowing that running a gauntlet that included active Pelacara encounters were possible. These villagers do it daily.
It still blows my mind. The risks they live with just to eat are something most of us will never fully comprehend.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 04:23 PM
A travel advisory has been issued due to claims of the Shining Path terrorists group operating in the region.

Who are the Shining Path?

Understanding the Path of Terrorism

After approximately 10 years of recruitment, structuring, and self-examination, the Shining Path launched its war against Peruvian society in July 1980. Its goal is to destroy Peru's governmental and social institutions and replace them with a radical Marxist-Maoist regime.

Founded and led by Abimael Guzman, a former philosophy professor, the Shining Path has conducted a relentless campaign of violence and destruction for more than 12 years. It is responsible for the deaths of between 24,000 and 25,000. They have demonstrated that they will use all methods available and will strike any target to achieve their goals.

The Shining Path operates in mobile terrorist cells. These units are highly disciplined and are usually led by an experienced cadre commander. A veil of secrecy and a highly compartmentalized structure shields the group from infiltration by government informers and undercover agents.

Here's a more recent article:

Shining Path: Peru's guerrilla group all but defeated

Peru's Maoist Shining Path guerrilla movement, whose founder Abimael Guzman's body was cremated on Friday, is listed as a terrorist organization by the Lima government.

All but dismantled, a few members remain armed and active. This is an overview of the group blamed for tens of thousands of deaths.

- What is the Shining Path? -

The extremist rebel group was born from a split in the Peruvian Communist Party and rooted in the ideology of Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong.

Peru's post-conflict Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) described the group as a "subversive and terrorist organization" responsible for numerous crimes against humanity.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze
A bunch of news coming out of Peru.

First: US government issued do not travel warning to the area of Peru all these attacks are occurring. They blame crime and drug trafficking: Twitter link.

Second: face peeler attack in same region. Warning somewhat graphic: Twitter link.

A 60-yr-old man named Robert Ramírez Tangoa was found with his face and eyes completely removed in a difficult to reach part of Peru in 2022 -it requires a 5hr boat ride. No one has come to investigate his death.

Warning graphic video:

Third: somewhat different aliens attack boy: Twitter link.

there is an extraterrestrial presence in peru!!!! This 17 yr old boy was awoke to a skinny humanoid with armored skin, glowing eyes and "holes" all through its body. He also took UFO photos the evening this happened🛸...i will post more on this!

He sustained physical injuries and was very shaken in the interview. He and his whole family are witnesses including neighbors. They shot at a hovering UFO at the time of his encounter and his dad watched the ufo leave as he shot at it. It was hovering out side his bedroom

Boy was injured. Family and neighbors witnessed. They shot at the UFO.

Crazy times in the Peru/Equador/Brazil region!

Devils advocate: why is every video posted in high definition - all the way up until a dead person with their supposed face peeled off is shown? I mean, it’s like going from 4k to a badly filmed 1930’s movie….

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