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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 11:32 AM
We are at a part in the investigation where we should ask ourselves if we have any information about gringos with advanced tech, and chemical incapacitating agents, operating in the area, and whether or not what was happening was the actions of a couple of "bad apples".

Bad apples with advanced tech could indicate, bad apples in sensitive positions, something that should be avoided, one would think.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. I've watched the interview with the girl, but I haven't finished the full debrief video. Once I do, I'll compile my thoughts, and be back with a proper analysis.

edit on 11-11-2023 by IndieA because: Added thoughts

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 01:05 PM
had a buddy that was scope dope on awacs some years ago doing counter drug ops down in the region.

He got a reading of a target taking off no transponder that once it got to altitude (after climbing like a crop duster) it took off and was off scope very quickly.

They reported it as they were supposed to and when they landed they were met by men in suits and their data was taken.

*shrugs* dont know if its nazis, aliens, or the west is doing their super secret stuff down there but something has been going on for a long time down there.

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

In video he shows picture of insectoid alien and everyone said that’s them! At this point his local navy bodyguard got scared.

The insectoid illustration is from the 1:15:00 mark in the video above.

Talia's interview starts at about the 00:22:00 mark.

Personally, I find it noteworthy that the assault on Talia includes both hi tech (hover) and also contemporary tech such as the anaesthetic and cutting device.

Talia's interview sounds like the two attackers don't do these assaults often. They made unpractised mistakes, the two scars for instance. I wonder how much trouble they got into for the f-up.

At the 44:09 they talk about the armour and the way the cloaking appears to work. That reminds me of some of the big black triangle UFO cloaking technology descriptions from here on ATS.

I'll quickly describe two hi tech encounters of mine, I've posted them on ATS before. They may provide some insight on the ability of 3D projections.

One was a "gremlin" plastered on my bedroom window. It produced an intense pain in the centre of my chest. We had a staring match for quite some time, and then it disappeared. The interesting part was when it disappeared it did not fade, it pixelated.

The second one was about the same time. I was standing at my kitchen bench scrolling through my cell phone and the 3D bust of humanish like head with low forehead and huge eyes appeared on my bench. It rotated from about 6 o'clock to 2 o'clock, disappeared and reappeared. It did that about six or so times. That was calibration. It did not have it's eyes open, by the way.

Someone has some really impressive VR technology that can be projected in 3D.

That is why I am leaning towards Von Braun's scenario rather than "aliens from outer space". The attack on Talia to add terror is criminal, plain and simple.

I would add that I see no need for "aliens". The VR projections would explain bullets not harming the "Aliens". The BBTUFO stealth technology is well known here on ATS and is (from memory) based on graphine with light manipulative qualities. There have been patents posted here on ATS.

The VR projections would provide cover and decoy, which would allow a few real men in body armour to leave physical evidence. The men who attacked Talia were said to be six feet tall like the interviewer. The ones in the jungle are seven or eight feet tall. Wasn't it posted earlier in this thread (maybe the previous thread) that the Americans are working there until the end of December?

Von Braun's scenario would exploit established UFO lore, along with indigenous folk lore. The power of exploiting superstition and cultural influences.

edit on 11/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and fixed accuracy of my time stamps, added last few paragraphs starting with "I would add . . . "

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 09:10 PM
Full Analysis:
Before I become a critic, I have to give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Tim and Doug, for making the trip to Peru to investigate this mystery, suppling and training the villagers so that they will be better prepared to defend themselves and document events, and for paying for Talia's PTSD treatment. I respect these efforts, awesome work!

What we know:
1. The villagers claim that intruders come by on some nights, when it is not raining, and show up in body armor and on hover boards. The villagers believe that these people are organ harvesters funded by drug cartels.

2. Police investigated and concluded that the assailants are illegal miners trying to scare the natives off of their land.

I believe that Talia's report is accurate, and we are told that there was a very similar report from a boy in a larger town not too far away from the small village, so that is collaborating evidence of a similar attack.

3. Talia claims that the men are gringos and says that they were speaking Spanish. One had an accent and the other sounded like a local. They injected a substance up her nose, then rubbed a cream on her face, with one of them saying not to use too much, as it may cause the skin to stick to the bone, or something. Then they cut her neck with what seemed like a laser scalpel, before she got loose enough to able to scream for help.

4. Advance technology has been reported as being used by the assailants. Hoover boards, laser scalpels, possible stealth, or just really black body armor, larger advanced aerial vehicles, and maybe even plasma technology which was not mentioned in the debrief video but was mentioned in other, now missing, ATS threads.

5. The assailants actually seem to be carefully and systematically trying to remove faces. The only other place I have heard about such a thing happening, was reading about the alleged frazzledrip video.

6. The intruder activity had pretty much halted about a month before Tim and Doug got there. I believe that this is mostly due to the villagers cutting back the jungle and keeping regular patrols, making sneaking up on the village much harder, but I also suspect that police and media attention may have had an effect.

7. As mentioned before on ATS, but not in Tim’s debrief video, US Space Force and Special Forces have been, and will be operating in the area for the next few months as part of operation Resolute Sentinel 2023. Links posted earlier in this thread.

8. There have been reports of organized crime in the area and they involved the use of slavery for mining operations.

1. Tim seems to have a bias for believing in ETs, and although without conclusions, seems to steer the narrative towards face peelers being non-human. An example of this being that, he mentions claims that the assailants are inhumanly agile, yet we also have a claim that they struggled to pick up a 15 year old girl. He also seems bias against believing Talia’s claims that the men spoke Spanish, saying maybe it was the chemicals misleading her. Come on, dude, what are the honest chances that they are human compared to the chances that they are ETs or something else fantastical?

2. Calls the Illegal miner theory ridiculous, and the police investigation piss poor, but doesn’t interview any police. It might be interesting to hear what the police know about illegal activities in the area.

3. Even though the tribe believes that the assailants are organ traffickers funded by drug cartels, Tim somehow concludes that these aren’t “narcos” aka drug traffickers, even though his friend Doug admits to knowing about Mexican cartels having advanced technology that only well vetted government contractors are allowed to have. On that note, it should be mentioned that the US government contracting work to contactors has grown drastically over the last several years.

4. Advance technology would likely seem ‘alien” to those that weren’t familiar with it, but this fact seems to go over
some people’s heads. I know advance technology exists and is kept secret by our government, but I have never seen any evidence of advanced ET tech, which should be much more than a few decades advanced from what we currently have.

5. An earlier ATS thread showed a picture of Talia holding up a phone with a photo of a man on a Flyboard Air, but Tim failed to mention this or show the photo in his video.

6. Tim fails to mention US forces operating in the area or operation Resolute Sentinel.

7. When talking about the hover boards, Tim always calls them “circular platforms”, except for one time when he says, “board” before correcting himself. That was weird. I’m pretty sure they were Flyboard Airs, or something similar, and also not likely something that is available to the public.

8. The "mantis" looking creature video was from a video of people trying to film a craft that was no longer there, the “mantis” creatures is likely just an illusion created by the large leaves of the palm trees in the dark. Sometimes thing just look like things. Tim and Doug seemed to get a kick on how they were able to scare the NAVY guys with it though.

9. Tim also makes some interesting assumptions, almost as if he has information that he is holding back from us. He seems to think that the "circular platforms" have magnetic locks for the boots, which seems like a nice feature to have incorporated into the Flyboard technology, but not something that is alien. When talking about the cream that was put on Talia's face, he mentions it might be a vascular dilator, which I though was an odd thing to know or assume.

My conclusions:
1. Some people are up to no good in Peru and they operate in pairs. They seem to be out for profit, but it’s possible that they are merely out for a “good time” with exotic tastes.

2. These people are targeting children and young adults, after dark, and weather permitting.

3. These people are using advanced technology that is not available to the public. Someone or something powerful and wealthy is at least funding the equipment used in these operations.

4. These people are attempting to take people, and or their faces, or at least make it seem like they are. I don’t think a scare campaign as part of a land acquisition operation, is out of the realm of possibility like Tim seems to.

5. The problems at the village have stopped for now, and hopefully for good.

It’s well funded organ harvesters sourcing fresh product.
The US government isn’t doing anything about it despite being in the area.

Worse Fear:
It’s well funded organ harvesters sourcing fresh product and a government, or governments, are somehow assisting them.

We have to give our governments the benefit of the doubt and assume that they don’t have any involvement in these criminal operations, in supplying the equipment used, or even knowledge that they are taking place, and hope that maybe with time, they will investigate and deal with these high-tech criminals one way or another.

Laser scalpel:

Flyboard Air (notice the backpack and use of helmet):

Other advanced flying machines:

edit on 11-11-2023 by IndieA because: fixed video link

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: IndieA

Flyboard Air (notice the backpack and use of helmet):

Other advanced flying machines:

Interesting analysis.

I have one simple thing to refute your argument that it is a Flyboard Air or similar technology: they are powered by tiny jet engines and are ungodly loud. You would think the locals would have mentioned that. All videos I have seen of them , have the wearer and support tech wearing hearing protection,

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Springbok

I have one simple thing to refute your argument that it is a Flyboard Air or similar technology: they are powered by tiny jet engines and are ungodly loud.

We don't really know how loud they were. The reports from the debrief video are that the boards were silent, except for when taking off. Once they take off and fly away, any sound they made would seem to diminish, so it's possible that only those close enough to them, heard the engines. There were also reports that the larger aerial vehicles hummed.

It's also possible that there are secret versions of the public technology which have been developed to be even quieter, or other unknown, similar, yet secret technology.

It would be great if we had video and audio footage of the intruders on, or in, their vehicles, but we don't.

However, if the intruders return, they will have to traverse a deforested jungle area and risk being filmed by GoPros and shot with shotguns.

My guess is that the intruders were taking advantage of the lack of security of the village, but now that the village is more secure, the intruders will not return.

These face peeling perps are still out there and may still be operating elsewhere, so people in the surrounding areas should be aware and on the lookout.

If these attacks continue, we should hear more reports and maybe someone will capture something on camera.

Hypothetically, if we are dealing with a couple of bad apples in sensitive positions, who were taking their advanced technology out for late night joy rides and a little "ultra-violence", it's possible that they have already been dealt with. There's only so much of this technology out there, so it should be fairly easy to track down abusers within the chain of commands of certain programs.

If organized criminals have gotten their hands on this technology, investigators could analyze manufacturer distribution lists, if they can get them, to help identify the criminal organizations.

edit on 12-11-2023 by IndieA because: Added information

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 01:10 PM
I am left with some questions that I don't feel the immediate need to investigate.

Is adrenochrome harvesting real?

How much is one young person's adrenochrome worth?

Could adrenochrome harvesting, and or face peeling be being used as an initiation into a super secret, super evil, organized crime group?

Are face transplants a medical reality?

If face transplants are possible, what's the going rate?

Out of all the people who could afford to purchase a face, are there any who have a need for one, like a disfigured child?

And this one is a little more out there:
Are there black-op programs experimenting with, or using faces as part of sheep dipping operations or potential future operations?

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 04:57 PM
What I think this group should do is to tell locals that they are leaving. Instead of leaving, few members should remain in vicinity. The goal to check if local residents making stuff up and second, be on short distance if case something comes up, and be ready to record on video.


posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 09:18 PM
Hot damn!!!

Everyone go look at this video now!!!

Twitter caught black armored individual on film!

PROOF.....A boy has caught footage of a black ops man adjusting his Jet pack in tree in the Pichanaqui district of Peru "Look at that [explative deleted]". Guys if true this Military-grade tech.

Looks human to me! Black ops or space force?

Edit to add:

If you pause the video every few frames you can clearly see oval helmet and the backpack. These are not best examples but want to give credit to this guys work.
edit on 12-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Added photo

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: IndieA

6. The intruder activity had pretty much halted about a month before Tim and Doug got there. I believe that this is mostly due to the villagers cutting back the jungle and keeping regular patrols, making sneaking up on the village much harder, but I also suspect that police and media attention may have had an effect.

Yes, the cutting back of jungle and regular patrols may explain the activity halting.

The f-up of leaving Talia alive to talk would also be reason.


Well now.

originally posted by: pianopraze
Hot damn!!!

Everyone go look at this video now!!!

Twitter caught black armored individual on film!

(twitter quote) PROOF.....A boy has caught footage of a black ops man adjusting his Jet pack in tree in the Pichanaqui district of Peru "Look at that [explative deleted]". Guys if true this Military-grade tech.(end twitter quote)

Looks human to me! Black ops or space force?

As far as I am concerned: Case closed.

The aliens have been framed for something they did not do.

I wonder how they feel about that . . .

edit on 12/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 10:03 PM
There is a second one flying in the video.

It starts behind this tree and comes behind the tree with the individual so: 1 it’s big, not a bug. 2. They always say they are in pairs. It clearly flies behind both trees.

It starts behind this tree

Then this is first frame you can see it coming out from behind tree

It disappears behind second tree.

It is seconds 3-4 of the video going frame by frame. It is fast! And human sized. That is further away than individual on tree to left.

I’m not sure anyone else has caught this is in the video yet!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Your first video clinched it for me.

On the information, testimonies, videos coming out of South America, the announcement that the American "Space Force" and other national government military are operating in the same area at the same time, gives a rather compelling case for concluding "aliens" are not involved.

If we look at the slow drip of (dis-) information from the American government and "whistle-blowers" in the light of what is happening in South America, well, Von Bruan is looking like he called it all those years ago.

The problem is, can we really say "just a few bad apples"? Orders come from above.

Unless Space Force comes out and offers reasonable proof they had nothing to do with Talia's assault, then they are complicit in the crime by association.

This is hitting foreign mainstream news. A quick search on google brings up the Jerusalem post: Peruvian village horrified by attacks from 'giant yellow-eyed aliens'

edit on 12/11/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze
Hot damn!!!

Everyone go look at this video now!!!

Twitter caught black armored individual on film!

PROOF.....A boy has caught footage of a black ops man adjusting his Jet pack in tree in the Pichanaqui district of Peru "Look at that [explative deleted]". Guys if true this Military-grade tech.

Looks human to me! Black ops or space force?

Edit to add:

If you pause the video every few frames you can clearly see oval helmet and the backpack. These are not best examples but want to give credit to this guys work.

Do you want to know why its only 11 seconds long? Because if it were 12 you`d be able to tell it was something else like a monkey.

Ask yourself and be honest, if there was really something going on in that clip why only 11 seconds long?

Apply common sense to your Giorgio Tsoukalos level of speculation please.

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: RustEShackelFord

That was my first thought.

Then I scrubbed it going frame by frame adjusting speed and as you do some observations become clear.

1. There is a squarish backpack on its back.
2. The helmeted head is tear drop shape. "Green goblin" style. I believe it is teardrop shaped for aerodynamics. Either way the bottom is rounded and the top comes to a point.

edit on 13-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Fixing image

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

The helmets are also likely advanced tech.

Jarvish X-AR Helmet

edit on 13-11-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: IndieA

I agree.

Here is an zoomed, imaged stableized version of the video.

The helmet and backpack are more distinct in this video.

Link to Twitter video.

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I would say that the dark creature in the 11 second video is most likely a howler monkey. There's a lot of them in the rain-forest.

This video is nuts:

edit on 13-11-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Agree to disagree.

Many agree with you though.

Looks like big backpack and helmeted individual to me.

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 01:52 PM
Hey ChatGPT,


Have doctors ever transplanted a face?

ChatGPT takes a while to think, then very slowly types out the following:

Yes, face transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves replacing all or part of a person's face with a donor face. This complex procedure is typically reserved for individuals who have suffered severe facial injuries, deformities, or disfigurements that cannot be treated through conventional reconstructive surgeries.

The first successful face transplant was performed in 2005 by a team of surgeons led by Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard in France. The recipient, Isabelle Dinoire, had suffered severe facial injuries from a dog attack. Since then, there have been several other successful face transplants performed around the world.

Face transplantation involves connecting the blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues of the donor face to the recipient. The goal is to restore not only physical appearance but also function, such as the ability to move facial muscles and regain sensation.

While face transplantation can be a life-changing procedure for those with severe facial injuries, it is a highly complex and ethically sensitive field. The long-term outcomes and potential complications of face transplantation are still being studied, and the procedure is typically reserved for cases where other reconstructive options have been exhausted. Additionally, there are ethical considerations surrounding issues like identity, psychological impact, and the need for lifelong immunosuppression to prevent rejection of the transplanted tissue.

Me: Around how much does a face transplant procedure cost?

Here's the short answer from Chat GPT:
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the costs associated with face transplantation can range from hundreds of thousands to over a million dollars. These costs include pre-operative evaluations, the surgical procedure itself, post-operative care, immunosuppressive medications (to prevent rejection of the transplanted tissue), rehabilitation, and follow-up treatments.

edit on 13-11-2023 by IndieA because: Formating

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I had completely forgotten about the French woman that had her pet dog chew her face off. I remember reading about the face transplant as well.

My question is, how big of a market is there for this? I get organ harvesting. However, how many people have deformed faces needing a transplant? My thoughts are the need is minuscule.

Another question I have is the hands of the the perpetrators. No one seems to talk about them. If they had 5 fingers, I think we can rule out aliens.

For me, Everything about these encounters screams of humans with unknown tech. Nothing about it seems alien.

Additionally, Tim specifically mentions the people that Filmed the ‘insectoid creature’ were not actually filming the creature at all. They were trying to capture the craft. Which tells us there was no creature and was simply paredolia from the tree swaying in the wind.

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