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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Samuel336

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: Samuel336

One thing I learned on ATS is that, lenses have signatures that can be used to identify them via lasers and fancy software.

It makes sense that reflective coatings, similar to what we see on some reflective sunglasses, could be used as a countermeasure to this technology.

I'm sorry I don't follow.. Lenses?

Lenses for seeing.

Eyeballs, cameras, and anything else with a lense, have features, details, and uniqueness that can be regarded as lense signatures, which can be read from a distance with advanced laser technology and analyzed with powerful software, so I've heard. I imagine that sunglasses with reflective coatings could serve as a countermeasure to this technology.

This is something that was explained to me within a thread about a drone that was flown into Area 51 airspace, and the raid of an Area 51 website host that followed.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:35 AM
I think it’s safe to say everyone browsing this thread deserves the invite.

Unfortunately, ATS is sinking guys. The mod team and some old members created a new site. Focus is on conspiracies and not poloitics. Been up for a few weeks. I got an invite yesterday. I’m glad we have somewhere to go when ATS officially tanks.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 09:10 PM

Part 3:

Unmasking the Pintuyacu “Pelecaras”

Mask was hard with straps in the back.

She felt like Tim and his military buddy were the same as the abductors and was afraid. Sounds like ptsd trigger.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Well, personally I think humans doing this sort of thing such as impersonating UFOs, "aliens" and folklore spirits is going to bring about "catastrophic disclosure".

One might say these crimes are demonising the "aliens" in the public's view.

While the authorities might like that idea for reasons of their own. The demonised party won't like it one iota.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

The attacks are true. I have personally seen photos from South America that would outrage any UFO researcher that has been researching long and hard for many years. The understanding of truth will bring any researcher to understand why the cover-up existed, and why ever since the late 70s there has been a indoctrination program to the US civilians to help them get used to the idea of the ET presence, but why this program has been sluggishly going along year after year and is still in effect so many years later. The photos are outraging because one understands the cattle mute enigma from the abduction reports of two independent witnesses, not the many witness reports of cattle being sucked up into objects, but personally what happened to the cattle, what the knife looks like, what type of room it is done in, the only thing hard to figure out is a clear picture of the people doing it because they can form into a mist or fog, in the case of Myrna Hansen the space people kept shining a bright light into her eyes, but there are still enough details that take us back to an ancient testimony, due to the many details of the Atlanteans.

Peru was a stronghold division of Atlantis. The world was divided by ten, and ten hybrid alien kings ruled in palaces in certain cities of those areas and Cusco Peru was one of them. Another was in Ecuador. Another was Micronesia, Egypt, Iberia Spain, Canary islands, North Africa Berbers, Pyrenees Basque, Ireland, Yucatan, Montana. The legend states that the Atlanteans were on their way to ruling the whole world and were stopped by the ancient Greek giants.

The original pure Atlantean race were called a race of gods and they were ET. There appears to be a time very far back when white giants with brown hair, different than the big headed red hair giants, lived and mingled with aliens on Atlantis. The aliens treated the animals like humans and gave them baths, and cared for them greatly. This is the time when they had the golden wall paper that was melted by a cartoonist. The cartoons showing all kinds of faces. This is how we can establish how the different races looked at this far off time. The whole world was populated by giants at this time, but also little people and hominids, I agree that we probably only came 35,000 years ago. It appears that the giants from Atlantis could live and mingle with the ETs.

The idea is that these Atlantean builders came from a place by Cuba that fell during a cataclysm, the site has been found but the studies not released. At this time they went to these places that I mentioned above, to Peru, and Egypt. It was apparently very easy to overcome who was there at these places, possibly savage men. The legends from those men is that they didn't mind the Atlanteans but for the fact that they came with too many different hybrid animal experiments and they didn't have enough places to put them, and they didn't serve a purpose but to serve the curiosity of the King.

So when I have imagined before, I still see the far back ancient streets of Cusco, and I think of the movie Labyrinth, with all kinds of weird creatures popping behind those large stone walls. It was said that the aliens reside behind the walls, they would speak to the wall and communicate with the alien on the other side. We have to understand that when people see UFOs diving into the mountains of New Mexico or Utah, it was the same back then. The alien would dive into the pyramid of Egypt - the ETs didn't use the door on the side and climb up the narrow walls.

I didn't want to get too off track, just to say that I agree, the attacks are happening, they were happening, and even back in Atlantis they were also, of the same exact nature, because it is the same exact alien were are dealing with. Even the secret ring of Solomon said to have alien language matches the very books found in the hall of metal records - we are dealing with the same ET.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: MindfulnessTruth

Do you think it's more likely that the assailants were Atlantean ETs, than the Spanish speaking gringos that the witness testified to?

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I think you nailed it on page one of this thread by noting that American Special Forces and Space Force were doing exercises in the area.

* We have the suspect in the vicinity of the crime.

* Means: high tech not available to the public.

* Motive is the cover story which exploits folk lore.

* History: Operation Wandering Soul is an example of psychological programs in the Viet Nam war era.

Link to Operation Wandering Soul:

edit on 14/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:19 AM
99.99% in my mind humans doing this.

Mk-ultra, bluebird, etc…

Radiation experiments on African Americans — syphlis also.

The history is there and it’s horrific.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 07:20 PM

Don’t know what to call this one.

There is a huge push to discredit the Peru story. A bunch of accounts are JUST IN THE LAST 24 HOURS pushing very hard that it was miners in jet packs.

If you search “Peru alien" on twitter and click the latest tab up top instead of top stories you will see a glut of random accounts trying to change the narrative.

Update 2

I figured out what’s going on.

Daily Mail did a story and posted it to twitter.

The uptake in chatters is debunkers trying to deflect and stop people to looking into… basically saying:

“Authorities already checked and it’s miners with jet packs, nothing to see, move along."

Which is utter bull# and totally disproven at this point.


posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Now what if word got back to the people behind "disclosure"? Maybe they read ATS?


Don’t know what to call this one.

There is a huge push to discredit the Peru story. A bunch of accounts are JUST IN THE LAST 24 HOURS pushing very hard that it was miners in jet packs.

If you search “Peru alien" on twitter and click the latest tab up top instead of top stories you will see a glut of random accounts trying to change the narrative.

Word that people are figuring out that the Peruvian fiasco is not "aliens" nor "spirits" doing the face peeling and terrorism.

Like I said earlier in this thread, my opinion is the Peruvian fiasco is a big public relations blunder for the American Space Force, United States Air Force, US Special Forces and whoever else is participating in Operation Resolute Sentinel.

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: pianopraze

Boluarte Authorizes the Entry of US Military Into Peru

(External content)
The U.S. military will carry out operations with the Peruvian Joint Intelligence and Special Operations Command (CIOEC), the Joint Special Forces (FEC), the Navy's Special Operations Forces (FOE), the Air Force's Special Forces Group (GRUFE), the Anti-drug Directorate (DIRANDRO), and the Police's Special Forces Directorate (DIROES).

The training will take place in Lima, Callao, Loreto, San Martin, Santa Lucia, Huanuco, Ucayali, Pasco, Junin, Huancavelica, Cusco, Ayacucho, Iquitos, Pucusana and Apurimac.

The U.S. military will arrive in various groups, between June 1 and December 31. The largest group will be made up of 970 members of the U.S. Air Force, Space Force, and Special Forces.

Besides carrying their personal regulation weapons, they will arrive in Peru with planes, trucks and rapid response boats to take part in the "Resolute Sentinel 2023" maneuver.
(External content end)

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 12:16 PM
Incredible documentary on human mutilation cases here. It's long and about 15 years old, but I found the hair on my neck rising when watching some of it - especially with what is coming out into the open now.

UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up ~ a documentary by Richard D. Hall

About 40 minutes in there is a case of skin peeling,

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Everyone is welcome

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: theshadowknows
a reply to: KKLOCO

Everyone is welcome


How is it that you accumulate no stars or flags, yet I see them transpiring?

This is an anomaly….

_TSOHG_ ???

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 08:25 PM
New interview of Timothy:

Link to podcast on Twitter.

A few new details, very much better articulated.

Good interview. I’m still listening and very impressed.

Better than his other interviews but there is no video.

ETA he describes new details about the craft and boards.
edit on 19-12-2023 by pianopraze because: Edit to add

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I listened to it. Didn’t hear any new details, though. It sounded like a regurgitation of everything. What did I miss?
edit on 20-12-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 03:52 PM
Here's some more information about illegal activities in the region:

Expanding Drug Trafficking on Peru’s Borders With Colombia and Brazil

The Amazon forest and watershed shared by Peru, Colombia, and Brazil provide ideal cover for coca cultivation and processing. As a result, a coc aine trafficking chain has emerged there — one that begins with coca grown in Peru. The criminal infrastructure created to feed this trade also protects and promotes environmental crimes, such as illegal deforestation, timber trafficking, and illegal gold mining. The remote areas have little state presence, and the dense forest canopy makes illicit activities and armed groups largely invisible.

The tri-border where Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela meet has continued to maintain its longstanding role as a transit corridor for coc aine. Though it’s not known as a drug production hub, the Venezuelan side may be seeing new coca cultivation.

For a decade, a faction of the Shining Path guerrilla force has holed up in the VRAEM, securing coca crops and moving coc aine on behalf of different clans. The government has, at times, tried to eradicate coca in the VRAEM with little success, yet the military presence appears to have pushed coca cultivation to other parts of the country — most dramatically, the Amazon wilderness along Peru’s tri-border with Colombia and Brazil. Previously, coca growing had been minimal there.

An official from Mariscal Ramón Castilla’s municipality mayor’s office, who asked to remain anonymous for security reasons, said he feared that the Amazon province has become another VRAEM for traffickers. Coca cultivation has doubled there over the past four years, and its 6,362 hectares of coca accounted for nearly all the illicit crops in Bajo Amazonas in 2021, according to the latest drug report. Bajo Amazonas was the third-largest area for cultivation in the country. “We are in an area that for the state is not a priority,” he said. “That is one of the reasons behind the increase in coca crops. We are on our own here.”

For years Peruvian authorities have focused their counternarcotics efforts in the VRAEM. Meanwhile, authorities have ignored the tri-border while criminal networks have taken advantage of the area’s natural infrastructure. Its numerous river arteries and thick jungle connect Colombia and Peru, the main drug-producing countries, with one of the major international coc aine exit points, Brazil.

It is unclear who controls coca cultivation and processing labs in Peru’s northeastern Amazon region. Colombian law enforcement officials mentioned a group called Clan Chuquizuta. The Indigenous and rural communities in Mariscal Ramón Castilla described the traffickers who are paying them in general terms as “narco-benefactors.” The most likely scenario is that the Peruvian traffickers in this region are freelancers who supply Brazilian and Colombian groups.

The Amazon River and its vast network of tributaries and streams provide smuggling routes from Peru into Colombia and Brazil. The withdrawal of the FARC after 2016 ended the Colombian group’s hegemony in the region, paving the way for an evolving mix of armed groups to compete for territory and nodes in the drug trafficking chain. Groups’ names change in this fluid criminal landscape. National and political allegiances are largely irrelevant. Alliances and enemies are made easily. Reaching deeper into this corner of the Amazon to control drug corridors, these armed groups have broadened into environmental crimes, particularly illegal gold mining.

The Indigenous leader said the gunmen who threatened her community called themselves the Sinaloa. Human rights officials and the representative of the National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon, said they had also taken declarations from people who had been threatened by representatives of the so-called Sinaloa group.

The name Sinaloa doesn’t appear to have any connection to the notorious Mexican cartel. Instead, it has been used at times by members of the Border Command, a confluence of ex-FARC cells and remnants of the Colombian drug trafficking organization La Constru. The Border Command emerged in 2017 in the wake of the dissolution of the FARC’s Southern Bloc. Members have described themselves as opposed to injustices committed by FARC commanders, including not sharing wealth with the rank and file.

he Border Command, which the Colombian military has dubbed “residual structure 48,” controls much of the corridor along the Putumayo River, according to officials. The group’s sway stretches to the western Colombian department of Nariño, a key coc aine production and trafficking center, via Putumayo.

At some 300-strong, the extent of the Border Command’s influence in the deep recesses of Colombia’s Amazonas department is unclear.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I need to go back and read this whole thread, read first part but thinking I’m missing some info in between. This is one of the most bizarre stories I’ve read. Watched all three of the girls testimonies, very bizarre. The powder and lotion was really weird, any ideas on that? And the cutting of her neck WTH? She seemed pretty certain that one was a native from Peru and other was a gringo that spoke poor broken Spanish. What purpose would they have for taking a 15 yr old girl? Apparently they dragged her by her legs and then gringo had her by the hair not wanting to let her go, but her brothers were coming to help and he did let go. This is just some really strange #. You could tell she wasn’t making any of it up.

I would like to hear what her brothers witnessed, because I believe she said they saw them flying away?

Something else that was weird is that the control panel seemed to be on the shin area, she said they had buttons there. Seems like a strange place to have a control panel of sorts. I’m wondering if it was part of their suit but linked up with the flying machine when they would step on it?

Another question… was the interviewer the guy that was headed there a few weeks ago to investigate?

Anyways maximum weirdness to say the least.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

I think that the powder and lotion support the theory that the assistants were after a healthy, young, viable face, possibly for a transplant.

I think that both assistants were gringos, with one of them speaking the local dialect, like Tim can.

As far as the control near the feet goes. You know how snowboarders lock their feet into their snowboards? Imagine a electro-magnetic locking system that can be operated with the touch of a button.
Most of the other controls of these modern flying devices are based on the user's body position, in a similar manner to how the Segways are operated.

edit on 21-12-2023 by IndieA because: Added information

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

You need to read through it. There’s a lot there.

What’s even more interesting is the assailants have no weapons except for laser scalpels to take off people’s faces.

They take bullets from the villagers like they are nothing.

I think the fact that they carry no weapons to kill people says a lot. Like a black OP’s directive - ‘you can only take faces, but you can’t kill for any reason other than that’.

Why have such advanced technology, without any means of a true assault?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: pianopraze

I need to go back and read this whole thread, read first part but thinking I’m missing some info in between. This is one of the most bizarre stories I’ve read. Watched all three of the girls testimonies, very bizarre. The powder and lotion was really weird, any ideas on that? And the cutting of her neck WTH? She seemed pretty certain that one was a native from Peru and other was a gringo that spoke poor broken Spanish. What purpose would they have for taking a 15 yr old girl? Apparently they dragged her by her legs and then gringo had her by the hair not wanting to let her go, but her brothers were coming to help and he did let go. This is just some really strange #. You could tell she wasn’t making any of it up.

I would like to hear what her brothers witnessed, because I believe she said they saw them flying away?

Something else that was weird is that the control panel seemed to be on the shin area, she said they had buttons there. Seems like a strange place to have a control panel of sorts. I’m wondering if it was part of their suit but linked up with the flying machine when they would step on it?

Another question… was the interviewer the guy that was headed there a few weeks ago to investigate?

Anyways maximum weirdness to say the least.

This is a second film group that went and they are very slow rolling out the interview over many small parts. I’m very frustrated at this point and checking every few hours for next part of interview.

TLDR: beginning in Brazil early spring this group of black armored individuals swept wast into Peru, then north to Ecuador, then east throug Peru back into Brazil. They hit a great number of villages (dozens) going region by region. They reached this village around July/august. By the time the researches got there they were further East almost into Brazil. They are currently in Brazil as of November.

They killed several and incapacitated many with lasers (maybe the ones died had allergic or stress reaction causing heart attack) they almost completely pulled face of one boy, he was rushed to hospital and barely survived. They started on Talia and she was able to struggle and call out. She was in her back yard in the village so her family and neighbors all came running and saw the two individuals. They tried to get away with her but dropped her, went to a clear area of sky and flew up and away.

Hundreds of people in the region have seen this group. Hundreds. Many think it is human group. Some think alien.

Many have been abducted and never seen again. A few people and animals killed/mutilated and left.

Could be human trafficking/organ harvesting. Could be initiation right for cult or organization. Could be aliens with motives we don’t understand.

I think it’s humans. The tech is advanced but well within our known tech processes with a little more tech than currently admitted.

Example: the one meter radius hoverboards use silent, unknown tech to fly, but steer in equivalent manner as our known hoverboards/ one wheels/ etc. - boots locking in and flying like maneuvering a one wheel.

The armor is bulletproof but easily identified as armor. Etc.

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