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LIVE: Congress holds UFO hearing.

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posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:22 AM

edit on 27-7-2023 by HeirHeart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

The Bible was composed by an ancient priesthood, for a future priesthood. It’s never been understood by the clergy, because the church clergy aren’t priests, they’re clerics. It’s been used as a tool to manipulate the masses, but that’s not what it is, or it’s intended purpose. The Bible, and all scriptural myth can be read two ways… using your intellect or your intuition. You will only ever see what the Bible is and who it’s for thru intuition.

The Bible is a “bibliography”, a collection of books about the same subject. In order to understand what it’s telling you (not what it’s saying) you need to know the subject. The subject is YOU!

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:38 AM
I think yesterday was a step in the right direction but unfortunately I don’t think full on disclosure is something that we’ll ever get from any government. Short of Aliens landing in a populated area and saying look at us, here we are.

The government is not in the business of being transparent, why would they be? Anything we get from them would be a false flag (even that would be tough to pull off) or disinformation. For those thinking that the military can pull off a false flag operation, I’ve got news for ya… we can’t. There’s a small population of high level operators out there, I’m pretty damn good at what I do and I’m not in the upper echelons. The majority of the military (US at least) are hardly competent at their actual job.

As far as our responses go, real full on disclosure is going to be a rough thing when and if it does happen. Just look at the mass hysteria that happened with Covid. Now imagine knowing for a fact that we aren’t the only ones out there. Religion will be thrown to the winds with almost everything a majority of people believe. That in itself is going to cause massive panic. Something to keep in mind is that although this subject is recently becoming more acceptable to think and talk about, the community on ATS is generally more accepting of the idea that not only are we not alone but we’ve been observed and visited.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:40 AM
It's not actually easy to find reading material on google on it. It doesn't list UFOs with his name, well not easily. It's no wonder not many have heard of him therefore if a big search engine fails to point the relation of UFOs to his name. Or is it do with hollow earth, i think it is, looking at something I saw. Hmm. a reply to: WhiteHorse

edit on 27-7-2023 by jonnyc55 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:48 AM
Not necessarily. When the Bible refers the Angels and Demons, is it possible that these entities are basically aliens? Many assume angels and demons reside only on a "spiritual" plane, but the Bible clearly states in Genesis that angels came to earth and procreated (genetic manipulation) with humans to create the Nephilim.

While I do believe that man's "religions" may cause them to fight disclosure due to not wanting to lose their power and influence, I don't think there is any specific Biblical texts that say there can't be civilizations with advanced technology that has been watching and interacting with mankind. In fact, I would say that the Bible actually says specifically that there is. Human "religions" have just taught that these scriptures are referring to the "spiritual" plane.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: jonnyc55

originally posted by: WhiteHorse
Read up on Admiral Richard E. Byrd's expeditions to the Antarctic after World War II and read his flight log. How have you never heard of this before?
Are you talking about this?

What connects Operation Highjump, nazi flying saucers, and the Hollow Earth theory?

According to the “long-lost secret diaries” of Admiral Byrd, he found an entrance into the hollow Earth, where he discovered a lush and green environment with a temperate climate and a shimmering rainbow city made of crystal. In the cave, he met extraterrestrials who spoke with a German accent and flew disc-shaped ships with swastikas on them. He also reportedly met their leader, referred to as "the Master." However, the sources for these claims are dubious and unsubstantiated by documented evidence.
Have you got sources that aren't dubious? Links?

edit on 2023727 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: HeirHeart

Who do you mean is guaging the publics interest in regards to this?

As for the rest of your post, its right up my alley in terms of what i enjoy reading on here, not necessarily what i personally believe but interesting. Got some Hidden Hand and Astr0 vibes from it.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:17 AM
Maybe we want Russia and China to BELIEVE we have alien tech?

There WOULD be an advantage to that, and it's been done before. Lying about stuff you have that you haven't got so that your enemies fear you more.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

I think this whole thing is something along those lines. But i imagine the technology is real, i think its to send adversaries down dead ends. What Eric Weinstein said in regards to this topic and string theory was interesting.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: jonnyc55

Yes, it has to do with Hollow Earth, or at least an area in Antarctica with an advanced civilization. There have been quite a few discussions on ATS on Admiral Byrd over the years. So you can read about his flight log here. But there are many other sites as well that discuss it.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Maybe we want Russia and China to BELIEVE we have alien tech?

There WOULD be an advantage to that, and it's been done before. Lying about stuff you have that you haven't got so that your enemies fear you more.
Speculative, but it's logical speculation. That may not be the only reason, but it seems like a good one.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I am not saying that I buy into all of the information that is out there about Admiral Byrd. I just found the way Grusch was very careful in saying that we need to speak about it in terms of "non-human" and not necessarily extra-terrestrial as to keep an open mind about their actual origin was somewhat telling. That does not necessarily point to Hollow Earth, but it immediately made me think about what Admiral Byrd supposedly wrote in his flight logs.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It's a threat from the dark side or the opposite side.
A dem threat and a more severe GOP threat. It is clear they have been ahead of this.

Here's what you don't see. If one believes Grusch, who says there have been threats and even murders, maybe. He and his wife, he says, have seen something terrible.

Then there is an opposing force to this so-called disclosure from some deep place who can give people strokes and manage the courts.

It's your not-too-run-of-the-mill conspiracy theory.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: introufo

The thing I keep thinking is that Grush is disinformation... like has been done before.

Here is the thing: Whistleblowers are only protected when govt malfeasance is what they are blowing the whistle on.

They are NOT protected from the penalties of revealing classified information, no matter how much they believe that 'the world has a right to know'.

That Grush hasn't been indicted for obviously spilling classified info is telling. It tells me he isn't telling the truth. A person can lie all they want and roam around free as a bird.

I use this barometer anytime an 'insider' starts telling tall tales. It works pretty good.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Etathia

I don't know anything about Eric Weinstein.

Could you post a link?

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:02 AM
What if this is just a smoke screen to make Russia and China think twice about what tech we have that they don't know about .

Funny just noticed someone else said the same thing .
edit on 27-7-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:05 AM

I found this book to be very interesting. Coupled with the fact that Grusch refuses to use the term extraterrestrial. IMO, this points towards them being inter dimensional.

What have we been told about angels and demons? That they are spirit beings.

What would we call an inter dimensional being, that does not have a physical body as we perceive it? A spirt being.

One and the same.

I don’t believe Grusch when he says they have bodies. And if they do have craft, it’s either ancient and abandoned long ago; or the cosmic tricksters planted them here to make us believe they are extraterrestrial in origin.

The PDF version I read of this was much better. Ophiuchus1 posted it in a thread that I can’t seem to locate, a month back or so.

edit on 27-7-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Per the Bible, pre-flood, the sons of God did come to Earth and took up physical form. I actually agree with you here about interdimensional beings, with the exception that they can be physical beings with physical craft as well.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Grusch provided the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review at the Department of Defense with the information he intended to disclose, prior to going public and got the green light. There seemed to be a whole lot he couldnt anwser though because of NDA’s and national security.
He said on multiple occasions that he would have to disclose certain information in a SCIF — a sound-proofed room for officials with security clearances used to disclose sensitive information.

As for Eric Weinstein, ill see if i can find the exact interview. But basically he went into how physics have pretty much been at a stand still since the 50’s. In terms of major breakthroughs and Ed Witten, the foremost mind of physics and string theory of today. How his dad, Louis Witten had been involved in Anti Gravity reasearch back in the day. And how String Theory almost seemed like its there to steer people away from exploring other theories in physics.

posted on Jul, 27 2023 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: andre18
His answer is a direct reply to pilots of the craft.

His answer was, if I'm not mistaken, "“As I’ve stated publicly already in my NewsNation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries, yeah”.

That may have been a direct answer to the above question but is not really an answer to the question, as he didn't say if we have the bodies of the pilots.

His answer says that we have biological material that came with some of the recoveries.
He didn't say the biological material was from the craft's pilot.
If the craft had fallen on a farm and killed a cow, the recovered pieces of the craft would have biologics, but completely unrelated to craft (up to the moment of impact against the cow).

I don't think that answer would be accepted in a court.

I know I wouldn't accept it and would ask for a clearer answer.

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