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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:10 PM
Commercial break!
If you need a break from the all that digging, check out this 70s Nesquik commercial

My kids were dissing strawberry milk, and I was like they still make that crap. So I looked up the Nesltle Quick bunny and showed them the commercial below.

No big deal, just a rabbit with a big Q around its neck

“The saddest sound I know”
Draining the swamp?

Good night

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Yes T2, I caught Pool's 11.XX.23; it was a change to his profile rather than a post:

I have 2 inputs on this:

1) As you say X = 10, so 11.XX.23 = 11/20/23 which is:


2) This one is a bit more lateral thinking...

a) longtime thread readers will remember member PerfectEnemy used to sign his later posts as "V" and then "W"... 23 = W. We also had a lot of John Macafee telegram posts where W was typed as VV, so...

b) 11.XX.23 = II.XX.W = II.XX.VV.

Now count the lines to convert II.XX.VV to:

II.XX.VV = 2.4.4 = 2.8 = Aug 2nd?

3) Using the II.XX.W interpretation, what else could this mean in terms of DNA?

II = A pair of chromosomes in DNA?
XX = indicates female where both chromosomes in the 23rd pair are "X" shaped
W = 23 pairs of chromosomes = 46 in each cell?

Notice that pairs 13-15, 21-22 and the top half of a Y chromosome are "^" shaped = Upside down V.

So I'm wondering if II.XX.VV is a representation of the evolution of chromosomes? Perhaps the Xs need to change to Vs to evolve the number of strands in our DNA from 2 to 12, or even 64?

Imagine the X as a 2D representation also of the double helix shape of DNA... what happens if that shape changes to a CONE or V-shape? Does it mean that the proteins can interact in a magnitude higher of ways?

By the way, this parag from Wiki is interesting:

In some species, sex determination is genetic: males and females have different alleles or even different genes that specify their sexual morphology. In animals this is often accompanied by chromosomal differences, generally through combinations of XY, ZW, XO, ZOchromosomes, or haplodiploidy. The sexual differentiation is generally triggered by a main gene (a "sex locus"), with a multitude of other genes following in a domino effect.

Is this the domino effect referred to in #4250?

The tweet in the post is about covid and vaccinations!

Biology is not one of my strong suits but maybe the above ideas will trigger some further research for you, T2!

ETA - Now consider how our letters of the alphabet may have derived from symbolic "runes" of chromosomes?

X, K, Y, n, O, Z, v,

h = (upside down Y?)
i = broken chromosome? Or the Telemore at the end?
T = a Y turned 90 degrees?

edit on 3-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

MT, a closer analysis on your Mitch McConnell freezing post:

As you can see in these screenshots, the lady is holding something in her hand like a remote control... and it is that that she touches Mitch with!
(See blow-ups)

You can see her thumb pushing a button on it just before it touches Mitch. She then seems to back hand it to Barosso? I believe that this is because Barosso had to use it again on Mitch's arm to "restart" him as he led him away?

The gent between Barosso and Mitch seems to be in on it as the lady in green touches him in the back when she approaches and he turns round and leans into to smile at her.

The guy to right behind Mitch in the pics covers his face and the looks down - as if thinking "They're really guna do it, I don't wana be involved". He then watches the lady palming the device back to Barosso.

Blow ups:

In Phil Godlewski's last live he had an AMA and said that we should find a different view that shows who Mitch was looking at when he froze... My interpretation was maybe US Marshalls? Or JFK Jr?

ETA - You'll see in the blow-ups that there appears to have been an attempt to blur what's in her hand... but they missed the one just after when her hand dropped to her side!

edit on 2-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

given that the phone seen in these two pictures seems to have an active image on it, yet after McConnell stops so does the image on the phone. Is this McConnell a real person or a robot of some sort? I mean if a limited or directed EMP was used in there robo-Mitch and the phone could have been effected by the hit. The woman would need to do some sort of 'Safe-Start" so that he could walk out of the area before a hard reboot took place.

"Oh that's outlandish" one might say. Well, a while ago we had this discussion about McCain being one of these meatbag robots, and after Biden had that eye bleed, the topic came up again. Now remember back when Trump won the '16 election? McConnell exited his office after "some guys" visited him, and left him with a pretty bad black eye. A left back eye.

I'll repost this picture:

As you can see if you shove a piece of technology into a person left eye, you can insert it into a part of the brain that controls; movement, concentration, behavior, and most importantly in this case speech. Basically, if something shut that area off, the person will just stand there. If the direct safe-start only allowed robo-Mitch to walk, then it would still go with the fact that that area of the brain would need to be restarted to some degree, but that could be as much as a light pulse of electricity. Moving him out of the area and into another area might allow a better reboot of the mystery tech.

Now I don't like the idea of "Mystery tech" as being the answer, but look at the people that might be using this tech:
Hillary Clinton (the famous scene where she was tossed into a van, then less than an hour later she's fine)

Joe Biden (the weird lock-up that happened during the Anderson Cooper interview. They might have had a pocket-sized unit to soft reboot a mystery tech user)

John McCain (those constant brain cancer reports even though his behavior didn't match up with the stories, like flying back to DC right after brain surgery. That would be a major no-no if it was real brain surgery)

Maybe that whole Black-eye gang isn't about being beaten up, but more about getting this tech shoved in their heads.

I wonder if this theory is correct, which SES employee is in charge of the remote. Also, I wonder what would happen if someone (Casper maybe) hacked those signals and caused a political elite to flip out on TV?

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Per my post, Guy, it looks like she passed the remote control to Barosso and he "re-started" Mitch when he took his arm to lead him away... you can see Barosso's left hand seems to be hidden next to Mitch's elbow? (See pic with "ok" caption on it).

Think I've earnt some zeds now!

edit on 3-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2

Rel did you happen to see Mr. Pool's post from yesterday?

A six year delta coming later this year?

11.XX.23 = 11.20.17 = Nov 20th 2017

20 x 20 vision on the magic number 17?

And invert the "11" by opposing the direction which indicates " -- " (think squinting eyes)

Post 170

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No.150215871 📁
Nov 20 2017 13:24:02 (EST)
Why am I here during the day?
Why is this relevant?
What does this infer?

The "SUN" + "infer" = "inferno" (+ squint at Nuclear blast).


Crazy I know, but I'm thinking JAPAN. "The Land Of The Rising Sun".

Revenge for the "BOOM BOOM" in 1945 they suffered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki but in an electronic payload?

Sony began in the wake of World War II. In 1946, Masaru Ibuka started an electronics shop in Shirokiya, a department store building in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo. The company started with a capital of ¥190,000 and a total of eight employees.[25] On 7 May 1946, Ibuka was joined by Akio Morita to establish a company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (東京通信工業, Tōkyō Tsūshin Kōgyō) (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation).[26] The company built Japan's first tape recorder, called the Type-G. In 1958, the company changed its name to "Sony".


Perhaps connections to the 6th (BOOM) and 9th (BOOM) of August somewhere?

edit on 3/8/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

As you can see in these screenshots, the lady is holding something in her hand like a remote control... and it is that that she touches Mitch with!

Made me think about what Jackie might have been holding. Maybe she had a device like that and used it to freeze JFK and that is was what she went after to grab off the trunk.

Watch the wives

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Has anybody been able to identify who this lady in green is?

I have a hard time wrapping my mind around robots replacing people, but I've seen through the decades how tech offered to the general public ( computers, cell phones, RFID chips, etc.) were developed in secret for many years and once perfected a less-capable version goes on the public market.

Maybe it's possible society's high rollers get some sort of brain implants-either by choice or force. It seems pretty outlandish to me, but then I have to consider Musk introducing the idea of brain implants. I don't think he got the idea or the tech to develop it on his own, and much of his corporate wealth does come from the government he pretends not to trust.

Musk is 'allowed' to speak out against the establishment as a proponent of the common man and freedom , yet everything he has his fingers in developing has the potential to take those freedoms away. He may well be in the same league as Soros, Schwab. Gates and the myriad of behind-the-scenes players-like Kissinger, for one.

The roll-out of aliens among us just smacks of subterfuge; what a perfect cover if someone gets close enough to the truth of our political leaders being controlled by AI. Maybe Mitch's freezing was just a test run to see how well it's operating.......

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 10:56 AM
i have seen other similar videos of strange occurrences with our representatives, as if they are being controlled, I do not think this robotics but some form of neuro implants stimulus. Tied to the black eyes, as possible implants, I have heard that there is a a high incidence of these "black eyes" from our representatives who return from visits to Israel.

Here is a video to watch or skip to the 40 minute mark for the juicy stuff, this video was 5 or 6 years ago
Edit, its about the 45 minute mark, the section titles "devices"

edit on 03am311000000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

Here is another of a strange occurrence, its twitter and I cant find the source video but its still odd. IS the woman in the background speaking for her?
If you read the comments, this person even gets the mistakes perfectly.
edit on 03am311000000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

edit on 03am311100000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel the 11.XX.23- Since Mr. Pool's posts are usually in reverse I circled back to 23andMe and the genetic link. Perhaps this XX is referring to the feminization of men due to contaminants in the water supply.

Watch the water-WW.

I found a very interesting study done in 2019.
Gender Fluidity in the water

"The feminization is a response to exposure to environmental contaminants that have hormone-like activity."

This goes further than simple feminization- "Male fish had eggs in their testes- a characteristic that indicates they have become feminized."

If we extrapolate to what is happening in society right now there is a big push towards gender fluidity. In fact some men are becoming feminized.
What the 'Q' in LGBTQ Stands For.

As for the domino effect didn't Mr. Pool have a post with the dominos falling? One thing that we do know is that the mRNA jabs were "gene therapies". People are having cascading health issues from heart attacks, myocarditis and turbo cancer.
A domino effect in essence.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

There's a video I've seen that makes out it was jackie who shot JFK; with gun in her lap pointing up to match the angle of the splatter.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Reminds me that around October this INFORMATION WAR will be longer than World War II.

Kinda hoping SONY isn't a bad player... I spent 6 months bidding for an outsource contract with them... and later gave the European Data Centres director a big hand getting out of an outage problem.
edit on 3-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: datguy

some form of neuro implants stimulus. Tied to the black eyes, as possible implants,

Aha! Obama was sporty a black left eye when spotted golfing right after his chef died! Coincidence?

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

That too... I think every clue we get is like an onion; you interpret one layer and then there is another clue on the layer beneath!

A good example of this is the following posts which are just entering FUTURE PROVES PAST mode:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cbce02 No.7294663 📁
Aug 1 2019 12:22:36 (EST)
[C] before [D].
[C]oats before [D]eclas.
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
You have more than you know.

1) [C] before [D] means CHARGES before (Trump can demand) DISCOVERY - this has been covered in the MSM yesterday.

2) The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
This prompts us to replace HOT with AUGUST in post #522; giving us a schedule for the next TEN DAYS:

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.10 📁
Jan 13 2018 22:33:44 (EST)
Jeremiah 29:11

a) Chan post number is 10... pointing to TEN DAYS!
b) Date stamp of Jan 13 gives 11.3 from law of War manual as well as referencing John Podesta indictment.


AUG-1st_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-2nd_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-3rd + = Q+ = POTUS 45 ARRESTED
AUG-4th_TERM(inate?)_AUTHC-TVFCAZD-837392x (Many say he gets shot in the head on this day but recovers 3 days later)
AUG-5th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-6th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-7th_corr_TAXjV^-293Z (correct TAXation? GESARA?)
AUG-8th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-9th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-10th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-11th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AUG-12th_pre_D(iscovery? or Darkness?)
AS THE WORLD TURNS. (on the deep state?)

edit on 3-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Observationalist

There's a video I've seen that makes out it was jackie who shot JFK; with gun in her lap pointing up to match the angle of the splatter.

I think she detonated his head. Or she had some energy weapon that powered through him and out his head.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I'm keeping an eye on the new Directors of the CDC and NIAID.

Mandy Cohen [CDC] tweeted this.

Busy Tuesday! Long line up.

This implies that the majority of CDC employees were finally returning to work on August 1st!

Why should the American people trust the CDC

The big Q is who was running the organization when even Walensky was working remotely? This explains the mess with the Covid tests. Lack of oversite so just about anything could happen especially, if the people going in were not working to keep Americans safe.

CDC Facing Major Financing Cuts

As usual the CDC cutting funding for community programs while retaining the bureaucratic bloat. No wonder they are returning to work. Fear is a powerful motivator.
"At this moment, we have sadly seen an erosion in the community's trust of public health, and rebuilding that trust is more important than ever."

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM
Business as Usual

House Speaker McCarthy Spotted at Bohemian Grove

..... per sources in attendance at Bohemian Grove, McCarthy spoke favorably of Trump, expressing confidence that he will claim the GOP nomination for the presidency.

At Bohemian Grove, the world’s rich and powerful dress in ceremonial garb, chant around a bonfire, and burn a child in effigy in the presence of a large owl-shaped idol....

The Bohemian Club, like other major secret societies, has an agenda of furthering globalism. At the United Nations’ founding conference in 1945, UN delegates and key dignitaries were invited to Bohemian Grove for a special program.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 02:17 PM
Word play is fun.
From: MSN News

Fraud doesn’t mean what it used to. A string of high-profile federal prosecutions are falling apart as courts apply a newly narrowed legal definition of the crime.

The latest case came this week in the prominent “steal the exam” auditing case. Other prosecutions, in the Varsity Blues college-admissions scandal and a hedge-fund trading case involving confidential government data, also were dismissed.

The failed prosecutions are casualties of a Supreme Court decision that threw out the fraud convictions of two political aides to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. That scandal involved a political retribution scheme to cripple a town near the George Washington Bridge with traffic jams. The “Bridgegate” case wasn’t fraud because it didn’t take money or property, the justices found.

So how will they procced with the "Election Fraud" charge against Trump if no money or property was involved? Hunter and Joe on the other hand have nothing but money and property on their bloody hands.

Word Play sure is fun. Woke people are really asleep, so should we be complaining about the "Sleepist Agenda"

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Now for Jeanne Marrazo the new NIAID Director.

Tweet- Project Next Gen Defeating SARS-COV-2 + Preparing for the Next Pandemic

The are determined, just determined to have another plandemic.

HHS Details $5 Billion 'Project Next Gen' Initiative to stay ahead of Covid-19

We need to focus on this "will accelerate and streamline the rapid development of the next generation of vaccines and treatments through public- private collaborations."

And focus on this - mucosal [nasal] vaccines.

In the book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" by Bill Gates, he spends a lot of time about the use of nasal vaccines. His dream is to have people sniff it monthly. What fun, we can all go to sniffing booths.

Since this is a public- private undertaking Bill Gates must be around this because of you know $.

Here he is-
bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grant to NanoBio

The link provided by Gates is broken.

Oddly NanoBio changed their name to BlueWillow Biologics preplandemic 2018 -
PR Newswire

$10 million and this was posted at 10.05 a.m. which gives us #1010.

"The company's new name reflects its evolution to a vaccines 'focused' company, and commitment to advance its novel intranasal technology to develop new vaccines for several respiratory and sexually transmitted diseases."
I see the NIH and Gates Foundation were instrumental.

Blue Willow Archives

Page 2. October 29, 2013 Blue Willow received a $5.5 [5X5] million grant from the NIAID.
What are the chances? For a PANDEMIC INFLUENZA VACCINE. It gets better. a future option to test the NE adjunct with an HIV VACCINE.
November 30, 2010 B & M Gates Foundation invested $6 million.
I'm not sure why she would want to direct our attention to this program because it could have slipped under the radar.

Youtube The Next Pandemic
I can't get it to play but you catch the drift.

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