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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:56 AM
Looks like the global goalpost is in the process of changing. Funny how it looks like we might be more likely to be heading into a glacialization period rather than a boil away era.

From: DW.Com

The newly appointed head of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Jim Skea, spoke to two major German news outlets over the weekend, soon after his appointment to the role.

Speaking to weekly magazine Der Spiegel, in an interview first published on Saturday, Skea warned against laying too much value on the international community's current nominal target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared the pre-industrial era.

"We should not despair and fall into a state of shock" if global temperatures were to increase by this amount, he said.

In a separate discussion with German news agency DPA, Skea expanded on why.

"If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change," he said.

"The world won't end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees," Skea told Der Spiegel. "It will however be a more dangerous world."

Surpassing that mark would lead to many problems and social tensions, he said, but still that would not constitute an existential threat to humanity.

So finally, they want to concede that the warmer weather won't help the people or the planet, but I like how they leave the door open to conflicts and controlled famine. Typical

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not to mention that Europe north of the Alps is experiencing a distinctly wet and cool end of July and early August. Temps not even reaching 80F in the afternoon.


posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:20 AM
Looks unwell...

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Gripping the club too tight in his right hand. Probably just sliced the ball out of play.

His week slice won’t hold up against Trumps long game.
edit on 30-7-2023 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Perhaps the cook didn't appreciate being drowned.


posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Considering how brutal of a boss Fauci was, it's surprising only 50% of NIH employees allowed themselves to be vaccinated. You could see anger in Fauci's eyes when he admitted this fact during a Q&A session of some symposium in 2021.

I just finished Chapter 4- Trump in Crisis-A Tale of Two Januarys.

Paul Alexander brings up the issue of why President Trump did not fire Fauci or Birx since it was very clear that their policies and statements to the public were not based on science or on any data.

We need to really consider the seriousness of the rumors that were swirling around DC and openly discussed.

There was speculation that he would be targeted like John F. Kennedy or that one of his children would be. President Trump would have been well aware of these rumors and perhaps that constrained him from taking them on.

The Deep State felt very, very threatened by him.

As we have seen Fauci is in character mode of the Godfather and Rand Paul is a serious threat. What a coincidence that Rand Paul's office caught on fire.
Rand Paul's Office Catches Fire

Just now he has made a criminal referral to the Department of Justice over Fauci's lies to congress about gain-of-function.

Rand Paul announces criminal referral of Fauci

Occam's Razor.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Trump's war room just released a new ad 'Wolves and Witches.'

Wolves and Witches

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Now watching:

Thought for the Day:

Ukraine War is intended to depopulate Europe of fighting age and able men.

Right? Who is doing the actual fighting, the brave and strong...?

Thank you for posting that FF! I would probably not have seen this otherwise. With very few exceptions, I normally get bored listening to some of these interviews with celebrities/famous people. And, although I have not (yet) watched all of the Tucker stuff on, "X", I really am enjoying his stuff since his release from Fox and the way they "gagged" him. Having said that, I watched every single second of this 2 1/2 hour interview with Andrew Tate. Tate is very well spoken and, like him or hate him, he really came off as surprisingly intelligent. I can see how his words have been twisted into "misogynistic comments", but if you really truly listen to him - he's not wrong in what he's saying.

I'm sure "doctors" would disagree, but his comments on depression are right on and that is exactly how I've managed to get through the absolute crap in the past few years of my own life. Many things have happened to me personally that would be considered to legitimately lead to depression - requiring meds and therapy. Instead of curling up in a ball and feeling sorry for myself, I had to "man up". Like Tate says, there's still sh!t that needs to be done and there are many people who depend on me - so suck it up and get it done. And getting stuff done and taking care of my family and job who depend on me satisfies me and makes me feel useful and needed. Yes I'm still depressed about personal stuff, but I am not sufferingg from "depression" a non-disease! No depression meds required at all (and he says much more about the subject that is right on the money).

Currently I believe him that he's innocent. Obviously that opinion could change if they come up with a shred of legitimate evidence, but for now he seems very articulate and, like I said - surprisingly intelligent. I'm listening to him until there's a real reason not to.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

They pushed their luck and now have been caught with their fingers in the cookie jar.

Facebook Co-founder Dustin Moskovitz funding campaign to ban RFK JR from the ballot

Turnoutpac tweet

From my perspective they don't want RFK Jr to be a candidate because he will be like Thor's hammer to Big Pharma and their jabs and therapeutics. He is very clear on his position that the childhood vaccine schedule needs to be re-examined.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Have you seen this?
Justice Department issues letter to arrest Devin Archer

This on a Saturday? And he just happens to be testifying about Biden corruption on Monday. It looks like they are prepared to do whatever it takes.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

No wonder Robert F. Kennedy Jr is such a threat to the Deep State at the NIH, CDC and FDA. He knows too much.

RFK JR Big Pharma royalties

I thought it couldn't get worse but it does. These royalties can be inherited! That would explain why there is such a big incentive to push more and more jabs on everyone.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Obligatory Archer didn't kill himself. Even the densest of people should be able to see what they are doing. They keep setting new precedents that will come back and bite them.
edit on 30-7-2023 by hangedman13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Guyfriday

Have you seen this?
Justice Department issues letter to arrest Devin Archer

This on a Saturday? And he just happens to be testifying about Biden corruption on Monday. It looks like they are prepared to do whatever it takes.

If they succeed I would hope the court would allow him to testify via zoom!

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

In chapter 4 Paul brings up an important point. Who hired Deborah Birx to the Task Force?

Matt Pottinger was another chess piece put into place pre launch.
He became Deputy National Security Advisor September 2019.

How does a spook get to the top of the National Security Agency?

He has a very interesting background which fits like a glove.
- son of Justice official Stanley Pottinger.
- graduated with a degree in Chinese studies.
-worked as a journalist in China for 7 years and covered topics such as the original SARS. He would have been boots on the ground.
- he abruptly left and joined the U.S. Marines Corp and in fact had to get an age waiver.
- completed tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq and became a decorated intelligence officer.

-Then by extraordinary good fortune he met General Flynn who then appointed him to the National Security Council as the Asia Director.

-Another chess piece was put in place Robert O'Brien was the new National Security advisor who then installed him as National Security Deputy Advisor.

His wife Yen [Duong] was a virologist and had worked with Birx previously. Both of them actively pursued Birx to join a team with members that they did not have confidence in. Maybe that was by design.

Consider the possibility that he is a Chinese spy entrenched in a key position to influence who was on the task force and then purposely place people who would inflict the most damaging policies on the country. Yen would know Birx mind set.

The role of Matt Pottinger in the Covid-19 policies should not be taken lightly. He was featured in three books where it was documented that he had an outsized role in "pushing alarm, shutdowns, mandates and science from China in the early months."
When Biden got in he was one of the few Trump administration officials that thrived, and in fact had no fire and brimstone directed towards him.

What has happened since? He resigned from his position due to January 6th.

He is now Chairman of the China Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

President Tsai Meets with Matt Pottinger

He certainly gets around. Now he is dealing with Taiwan with Israel in tow encouraging national military service.

He is not a fan of President Trump.
Matt Pottinger Youtube

Matt Pottinger Wiki

[D]'s (internal) infiltration issue(s) w/protecting NAT SEC?
Do you believe in coincidences?
>DF Chinese spy -insert 20+ years.
> Awan IT scandal
> Omar paid [F] agent
Clinton server>China relay.
[VJ] direct relay>Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]
>[Kerry] direct relay> Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]
It's only a matter of time.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Good one but I wager their zoom will suffer some complication.

Reading this chapter 4 it should be renamed to "They Lie- Every Single One of Them."

Here is President Trump trying to make decisions that are best for the country and everyone he should be relying on was lying and manipulating him. It is staggering. They need to be charged with treason and hanged.

"Why were the WHO and the CDC taking the numbers that China was giving us at face value when we know from our own intelligence agencies that those numbers were false?"

Paul Alexander was brought in to be an objective voice and he was shocked at the level of corruption. I suppose when they take their marching orders from China who lied about the origins, lied about the outbreak, lied about how well they were controlling Covid, the pattern makes sense.

All of the lies were to misdirect policy and send us on the wrong response to the plandemic. People were harmed and many died because of this.
Fauci/Collins have access to far too much money to fund research and because of this structure they have undue influence over the scientific community who will not bite the hand that feeds them.

"This corrupt system was promoting policies that were actively harming the public." All of these agencies need to be dismantled and rebuilt- not Biden's Build Back Better model though.

"The reality is that every single statement made by Fauci about Covid-19 was wrong." Wrong policies, wrong mandates, made statements with no data or evidence because after all we are to trust the science.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

No I did not, thanks for posting this.
I was distracted by this story.
From: MSN News

A Chinese-linked company was found running an unlicensed California biolab that contained at least 20 potentially infectious diseases, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes.

The warehouse was discovered by local and federal agents in Fresno County. The illegal and unlicensed laboratory was full of lab mice, medical waste, and hazardous materials.

Federal agents interviewed a man named Xiuquin Yao who was running a company at the warehouse called “Prestige BioTech.” Yao served as president of the company.

The company was registered in Nevada, but the owners used “empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified,” according to court documents filed in the case. Prestige BioTech was not licensed in California.

the story is also being reported on NBC News

From the story above it points out that the FBI and Department of Energy (weird) points out:

Chinese-linked bio labs have been the center of controversy in recent years. The U.S. Department of Energy and the FBI have officially announced they believe the deadly COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.

During an interview with Fox News, FBI Director Christopher Wray did not mince words about the origins of COVID. “The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” Wray said.

Renown Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan alleges that not only did COVID-19 originate from a lab, but that the leak “was not an accident.”

“Of course, it was not an accident,” the virologist told Fox News. “I can tell you based on the protocol and also the other surveillance system it will be impossible for the lab leak accidentally happen in such a lab and also cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic.”

Dr. Yan, who once worked for the Communist Chinese government, argued this same point about the virus three years ago, but she was censored and labeled “false” by Facebook’s fact-checkers, including

So, if they knew, then why didn't they just tell the world? Given that this story is about an illegal Chinese Bio-Lab being operated in the US, then how many SARS Corona Virus T2, Monkey Pox, and other raspatory diseases weren't from China but from homegrown labs instead. Just as a reminder, China is still suffering from an outbreak of Plague. I hope these illegal bio-labs aren't playing with that.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Previously I covered how the CDC botched the Covid tests and I assumed that they had taken on the role of development and manufacturing upon themselves.

I am surprised.

The task force made that decision. The CDC had never manufactured test kits before and were destined to fail all the while giving another 5 weeks to seed the virus throughout the population. Why would they make such a strange decision???

We need to take a close look at Alexander Azar.

He assured [as in lied] to President Trump that everything was just great with those test kits

He was the one responsible for granting immunity from liability for the manufacturers of the jabs. He went further and gave liability protection for the tests and for the vaccinators all the while leaving only the jabbed population at risk. It's almost like he doesn't like us for some reason.

By the time President Trump learned of the test failure too much time had gone by. He then turned to private industry but of course that involved more ramp up time.

Paul questions why President Trump did not fire Azar along with Fauci, Collins, Walensky and others lying to him. Talk about a tough position- there would be no one left. If he did those up next were of the same mind set. Really no way of winning.

To show the gravity of the situation "It was a hardwired reflex at the NIAID to exaggerate public fear of pandemics." That way they could demand more funding.


posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

That is a frightening thought that there could be more.

You just reminded me of a book I briefly covered quite awhile ago-
"Kill shot" by Jason Dearen. The untold story of the worst contaminated drug crisis in U.S. history.
Just the tip of the iceberg.

It goes into great depth about pharmaceutical compounding companies and the lack of oversight by the FDA. The system is very broken and from what I can see by design.
Some of these labs as well were built and operating in unsuitable conditions with really no effective oversite. Almost like no oversite or just an illusion of oversite. Same conditions of lab waste, rodents, clean rooms not clean ect.

This book came out in 2021 during the plandemic so it didn't get much attention. I will look it over again with a fresh prespective. Maybe China has illegal labs in this area as well.

The use of compounding products has been skyrocketing and with Pfizer's drug shortage due to the tornado damage this might exponentially increase. This whole area is very poorly regulated.
Hospitals are using some of these products with no labeling and no clue if the ingredients are safe. Doctors as well.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:02 PM
Follow the WIFES


Delaware businessman Bill Stevenson sat down for an interview with Newsmax host Greg Kelly and criticized the Biden family for shady dealings, threats, and corruption.

“I couldn’t stand it anymore,” Stevenson began. “I needed somebody just to listen to me, to tell them what happened to me because I got on the wrong side of the Biden family.”

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Witch came first, the pain body or the addiction lol choice of course. Wisdom leaking everywhere ATM, yes now is escaping more strongly, gettin side glances from zzzzz's and even a viper den or two, belated DOOT day all and happy white Wizard overtone year, thats Sirius. A leak > Yip , best friend growin up is known as the winz murderer, another did his wife then himself but kids spared, another couple close family truama's loses n oldest boy few years back leavin to oiriginal home, that one #ed up my massive trust in god/universe a wee bit, so much honour in that this happenings seen nowadays for me, best one advice i gave to a friend couple moons ago was you amazing bastard, you came in with drug alckohle and sex addictions and your alive doin the good work, you organized and did n worked with and released on behalf all that consciousness bits n pieces, # your some holy man in my book brother, he got it.
That's inspiring. Most everything is about addiction. Some of the most spiritual people come from some really #ed up places...`like Lame Deer, that great spiritual teacher of the Americas. If they don't get stuck in victim mode, they all have one thing in common. They reach out to the universe and tell it they want to change. And change they will. When we reach out to the universe, we are reaching out to ourselves.

Why does it # up our faith in God? Why do we make it about us? Because it IS about us? God wants us to be happy. If being miserable makes us happy well then there we go. We can go our whole lives being miserable, depressed, frightened, angry, a victim (because it makes us happy) of various inner and outer dis-ease making excuses for ourselves, or worse, and until we tell God/ the Universe we would like to change we will remain that way and keep blaming God. We are blaming ourselves. Where is God at but inside us? Part of us? We have the same (almost) capacity to create as God, we just lack God's intelligence, but we can access our higher intelligence. I'm not denying # is #ed up and people are #ed up but we are the one's doing it. And we know it. Like an addict we can't stop ourselves until we put out that clear intent for change. We are the change, but are we doing it for the better?

Delores Cannon said something about this being a lunatic asylum of the universe. A few other commentators on the human condition have as well. Maybe more specifically its one big AA meeting, all about addiction.

Think about that. If that is true, we are all mentally, emotionally, spiritually ill until we make that intent to the universe to change. To heal, not be healed. To pray, not pray for.

Just heal.

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