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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 777Vader

My analysis of comms in Musk's X PRIME GRID tweet...

329 kings 1470 Pawns
Assuming 8 represents infinite
1 queen (17 q very weak possibility)
17 prime # also
What a symbological find

fairy chess pieces leapers?
edit on 2023/31/12 by Crazierfox because: Chess has 6 different pieces if pawns are removed it's only 5

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 10:44 AM
It's always been about the Children

Happy New Year! 123

edit on 31-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123

A couple of thoughts on immigration numbers:

1) If Joe Biden had said, in 2020, "Over the next 3 years we're going to bring 10% of the UK population over to the US", then people would be outraged - but that's the numbers that have come in illegally alone,

2) What would the impact have been on the UK economy of losing 10% of its population? Now imagine what impact it must be having on other countries; where the immigration is actually coming from.

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 12:38 PM

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

Just wanted to place this somewhere and it belongs here.

A few predictions from 1956.
Crona virus

That was brilliant and thanks. RORY Gates - his name has been a real puzzler. ORRO switcheroo has the answer.
ROR mirror.
Subtract= 3. The 3 Gates children. Also there are the 3 critical jabs that Mr. Pool warned about.

2030 agenda. That leaves Y= 25- The year of the next launch.

First possible news about Rory Gates

I've been especially concerned about him. Jennifer and Phoebe are constantly in the news and he is in the shadows. They use Instagram and document everything. He is the dark horse stalking. Perhaps kept in the shadows so that he can do some money transactions that Billy doesn't want exposed?

Melinda and Bill are constantly extoll the virtues of the girls and nada about their son. Something is off, very off.

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I saw that this morning as well. Seems odd.

Here is another oddity-
The Fountain of the Eater of Little Children- Kindlifressbrunen Defaced

People waking up?

Kindlifressbrunen Wiki

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I'm wading through this nightmare book " Disease X- The One Hundred Day Mission to End Pandemics."

It is littered with all the key numbers and smacks of Billy.

Best Investment Ever

Page 45 & 46 & 47 some interesting factoids for us to consider.

CEPI and its role in the plandemic.

"Projects launched by American biotech Inovio, Moderna in collaboration with NIAID and a team of vaccinologists at the University of Queensland were among the very first to develop a vaccine."

Orwell by John Campbell

Here's where things get very interesting.

"It's notable that all 3 of these super-fast start-up projects were collaborations with vaccine research scientists whom CEPI had picked out way before Covid came along..."

1. Richard Hatchett [BARDA Connected]- signed a contract with Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, for an mRNA jab for Zika in 2016. BF with non other than Jeremy Farrar- Director of WELLCOME Trust, now Chief Scientist @ the WHO. Master manipulator of fear.

2. Inovio- In 2018 CEPI gave $56 million over 5 years -[11]- jabs for MERS + Lassa.

3. University of Queensland- CEPI'S tie-up with them began in 2019 with a $10.6 million award to develop a "plug and play" rapid response vaccine.

Plug + Play- where have we heard that before?

In the book "The Vaccine" page 25 "But the billionaire's most burning question was whether Ugur's team had given much thought to infectious diseases. Was there potential, he wondered aloud, to develop mRNA-based drugs, in record speed, during a pandemic?
Page 26-Ugur might want to consider preparing a "plug-and-play" solution for that moment, Gates said as a matter of urgency."

Page 47 of this current book -"We went to those partners and said ' please start working on this now. Build a vaccine candidate, get it into the clinic [clinical testing].
You need to hit the ground running. Every day you wait is a day lost'."

4. Oxford- Astra Zeneca - September [9], 2018 gave $19 million to develop jabs for LASSA, Nipah & MERS. September, the month when Bill Gates Sr died and the month of Phoebe's birthday. Nipah variant is dealt with in chapter 9.

The Oxford scientists developed a platform called ChAdOx1- which was already showing promise in clinical 1 trials pre -Covid.

This is going to sound way out there, Ancient Aliens Declassified had an episode with a clip about some English letters in stone. If I remember correctly CH XO. It made such an impression that I wrote it down and kept it around for days feeling like it was something important. I kept wondering if it was a chemical compound but this would be more significant.

ChAdOx1 Wiki

The Jennifer Institute? Seriously?- chimpanzee adrenovirus? Smacks of Planet of the Apes incoming.

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
[]originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 777Vader


329 kings 1470 Pawns
Assuming 8 represents infinite
329 k:

K-329 Belgorod (Russian: БС-329 «Белгород») is a modified design of the Oscar II class (NATO designation) Russian nuclear submarine.

Is this a coincidence 1-470


  1. 1Russia again

  2. 2
  3. TP tracking

    3 prime #

  4. 4

    5 I have not checked this out
  5. null

edit on 2023/31/12 by Crazierfox because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We need to circle back to Vietnam and the 4 bat stamps tweeted by Jeremy Farrar.

Bill Gates "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" page 25-
"Unfortunately, early success can be hard to maintain. Relatively few people in Vietnam were vaccinated for Covid- partly because of the limited supply of vaccines, and partly because vaccines didn't seem as urgent when the country had done a good job controlling the virus. So when the much more transmissible delta variant came along, there were few people in Vietnam who had any immunity, and the country was hard hit."

So we have the Vietnamese stamps, Gates connection to Vietnam and now in the current book Chapter 9- Vietnam.

Page 26 deals with "Trust Us" were from the government and we are here to help. #4 on the keyboard=$, just saying.

According to Catastrophic Contagion tabletop exercise the next launch is supposed to be South America so why the focus on Vietnam? Too many know and they are switching the target country?
Page 25 and page 26 in Fauci's book "Expect the Unexpected". Page 26 is blank. Has the feelz of "Plug & Play."

Page 25 black with white writing.


Bottom has a white 7 fan shape.
Albert Bourla's thriller "Moonshot"
Page 25- mRNA- Cancer link.
Page 26- choosing mRNA approach- contrary to the normal conservative approach of vaccinologists and the forming of the Pfizer- BioNTech partnership. Plug & Play with mRNA based vaccines.
"Disease X- 100 Day Mission".
Latin American is supposed to be targeted but what if we should be focusing on the Latin for Virus?
Page 25- "The word virus derives from the Latin for 'slimy poison'."

Since this is on page 25-
"In February 2021, Kit Yates [rhymes with Gates] , a mathematician at Britain's University of Bath, captured headlines when he calculated that all of the Covid -caysing virus circulating in the world at the time- when there had been almost 107 million
confirmed cases of Covid-19 globally and the disease had killed more than 2.34 million
- could fit easily inside a single cola can."

Page 26- HIV/AIDS and fear. Fauci is a master at this one.

But what is this?
"between 7th January and 11th January
Jan. 8 WHO announces cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan due to Coronavirus.
Jan. 9- Chinese state TV - 'The new coronavirus is different from previously discovered human coronaviruses."
January 11th- The genetic sequence was published on the virological website. Same day Chinese CDC sent the genetic sequence to the WHO."

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Now to haul in Scott Gottlieb's "UNCONTROLLED SPREAD"- UN Controlled Spread.
Page 25 doesn't have much to say but page 26...

Wei Guxian became ill with Covid and went to Wuhan's Hospital Eleven
where the Dr. gave her some pills. Raising the ku as to were these drugs effective.
She became progressively more ill and went to Wuhan Central Hospital now suffering from severe pneumonia and on December 15, 2019 she was placed into intensive care.

The market was located in the Jianghan District of Wuhan, a city of 11 million people.

Speaking of hospitals -Chapter 9 Disease X, the first child, aged 8, to catch Disease X was admitted to SUNSHINE Hospital in June 2027.This was after Champosa's National Holiday for Thanksgiving- Thanksgiving?- Jennifer Gates announcement of pregnancy November 23, 2022, Thanksgiving.

One of the symptoms was sensitivity to light. The virus was similar to paramyxovirus. President Trump spoke about sunlight/sunshine.
President Trump Sunlight- UV

Page 29- China- During SARS a hospital was built in Beijing in 7 days. During the Covid plandemic they built it in 5 days. The media seized on this to push the concept that top down authoritarian China was able to respond more effectively. SARS occured in 2003, Covid occured in 2020, 2020-2003=17.

Richard Hatchett's guiding star in bold page 29-
Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

"A nation's people and its politics are 2 entirely different things and should be viewed as such. To confound the two,... was to read a situation totally wrong, missing what could be critically useful insights."

The title 100 Days mission to end plandemics- inversion 100 days to start the plandemic brings us to April 11th or 12th if leap year.[11+12=23] Jennifer Gates birthdate is April 26th. 26-23=3> the 3 children.

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 04:36 PM
interesting that Scotty and Fauci are both mum for 2025.

Now to point the spotlight on the WHO.
Page 33-35

January 11th China reported the first death from Covid-19.
The first outside of China was January 13- in Thailand.
The WHO convened a meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency, pronounced FAKE, committee on January 22nd and 23rd with the warning that Covid could go global.

The WHO had sounded the FAKE alarm 7 times prior for diseases that were not spread globally as much as Covid-19 had, with not as many deaths and yet according to their claims the committee was split on the decision as to whether Covid should be called letting Tedros off the hook. The date January 23 the WHO said it wasn't FAKE.

January 23 "despite having evidence of international spread of the virus spread in Korea, Japan, Thailand and Singapore, its ability to kill, the potential of human to human transmission" it was not declared a global emergency so no FAKE.

But January 30th the WHO changed their mind, just 7 days later.
Now FAKE was a real thing.
3 months later the WHO called Covid-19 a Plandemic and at this point there were 118,000 cases and 4,300 hundred deaths.

Richard Hatchett was chomping on the bit to call the FAKE on the 23rd complaining bitterly to Jeremy Farrar, WELLCOME Trust connected and now Chief Scientist at the WHO. All bought and paid for by Bill Gates.

Now to sort out the 7 connection to Bill Gates and his children.
Jennifer Gates- JG- 10+7>17
Rory Gates -RG- 18-7>11
Phoebe Gates- 16- 1+6=7 G=7>7/7

Gematria The Unbearable Lightness of Being

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 04:47 PM
Collectively Speaking

Every moment is a Miricle - Prove me Wrong

Happy New Year

edit on 31-12-2023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA 24

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 05:11 PM

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 05:34 PM
oops misst this 1

Fri, Mar 10, 2023

U.S. Authorizes Seizure of Russian-Owned Boeing 737

DOJ Alleges Violations of Trade & Import Sanctions
seize the aircraft, a Boeing 737-7JU—better known in aviation circles as the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ).

a reply to: Crazierfox

seize the aircraft, a Boeing 737-7JU—better known in aviation circles as the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ).

 I have not checked this out

Think Warrior

edit on 2023/31/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 05:51 PM
crud, how did I miss this?
From: New York Post

Page worked for OSS head ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan, and in her secretarial role she came to learn everything about him and other key players at the agency.

“I had the goods on him, and I played it for all it was worth,” she’s quoted as saying in “The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA” (Crown).

The new book by author Liza Mundy depicts how women in intelligence have had to endure rampant sexism and misogyny for decades — and how some cunning gals, like Page, used it to their advantage.

As former agent Jonna Mendez explained to Mundy: “You could come in with a master’s degree in French, and they would put you into the typing pool … [And] the first job was to get out of the typing pool.”
So blackmail at all costs to American Security.

“They knew who was angry with whom and who was undermining whom and who was having sex at lunchtime with a woman not his wife. One former secretary recalled that she paid all her boss’s bills, ‘wrote his mother a letter every week,’ and knew how much he spent on therapy sessions.”

While Page was initially relegated to a traditional female role despite her high level of education, she used the access to information she had as secretary to manipulate colleagues for her own advancement.

She memorized files on most people at the agency and, crucially, she also had pictures. “Meaning: incriminating photos,” writes Mundy.

An old OSS guy that was there in the CIA from the get-go, once told me that the Field Operation side was filled with Patriotic Americans that served the country during the war. The Administration side of things was infested with NAZIs and NAZI sympathizers.

Now personally I think this was not just a book discussion, but was messaging. Look who wrote the story: Gavin Newsham "Just saying"
edit on 31/12/2023 by Guyfriday because: Something something "Follow the Wives"

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 06:11 PM
Happy New Year... Calendar, Dimension, Life, Guys 'n' Gals!!!

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 06:14 PM


Bill Clinton 'will be named as John Doe 36' when a list of Jeffrey Epstein associates from court filings are made public next week

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 06:35 PM
wifeyup runor is she has 1 2
inspiration just wow some1 really took effort here
a reply to: Guyfriday

Surprpe lol idk why not

incoming allegedly

Happy Alleged

edit on 2023/31/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I said this here a fortnight ago.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 08:39 AM
Happy New Years to all on this thread. I hope 2024 brings happiness and prosperity to all of you. It would also be nice if we get some positive movement in the destruction of the deep state.

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