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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

This makes no sense since he already had a bomb/fallout shelter in his home. It's possible that he had it expanded or replaced I guess, but his Delaware home didn't have any safeguards to prevent a car from smashing into it. I would have assumed that is what was being built there and this nonsense about a bunker is just misunderstanding or misinformation being floated about.

I wonder if anyone here lives near enough to his Delaware home, to go take a look?

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We need to take the Jeremy Farrar Tweet with the 4 Vietnamese bat stamps seriously. I have started to read "Disease X - The One Hundred Day Mission to end Pandemics" by Kate Kelland.

Jeremey Farrar 4 Bat Stamps- Vietnam

There are 9 chapters; so I started with # 9 -2027: A Pandemic Thwarted. I'm still with the 2025-2026 timeline for the next plandemic because the book cost 25 pounds, which is very expensive- almost a deterrent.

This new plandemic starts in VIETNAM by a fruit bat named Flying Fox. The stamps featured the Spectral Bats.

Spectral Bats wiki- vampires

Location- Pechong River in Champa, Vietnam

This virus starts with children and impacts them most. The operational treatment of this plandemic follows Bill Gates
Germ Team "dream" and of course the new WHO Pandemic Accord weighs in.

With all their great plans this spreads worldwide which may me wonder how could this happen when they voluntarily shut down transportation out of the country within 3 days. The only people allowed in were the scientists from the WHO, who went to monitor. This may sound way out there but it is very possible that they are the ones spreading it.

She breaks down the events on a daily basis - I seriously can't make this up.

Day 1- June 17, 2017

June 22- 6 days after the WHO was alerted there were 45 cases confirmed, 3 deaths. < Nothing suspicious about 2045.

June 23- Day 7- Now spreading beyond Kampang Chom.

June 25- 9th day- Full scale national lockdown.

June 26- Day 10- They were prepared- vaccine development and funding - "World Bank and G20 countries invested $7 billion a year over the past 5 years to boost vaccine production".

July 17- Day 31- Yea the first jab given in clincal trial. This is where 2026 comes in...

"The new paramy YX ovirus was essentially a modified version of a rapid response measles- vectored Nipah vaccine that had been approved for outbreak use in 2026." NIPAH.

Cost for the mRNA dose is $8.

They use 8 monkeys in the clinical trials.

August 26- Day 71- 500 volunteers for the jabs.

September 15- Day 91- 6.31 a.m. first person in Champosa given first vaccine.

November 15- The virus infects 1 million people in 7 countries, killing 32,830- rapid roll out to 10 countries.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

Want more thrilling details?

2002- SARS
2004- H5N1
2009- H1N1
2012- MERS
2014- Ebola
2015- Zika
2019- Covid

6 events- 2025/26 would be 7. The next one would be in 2045 making 8. Mr. Poll posted a couple of times 88.

Now here is where things are weird. The jacket of the book is in pale white with wording in teal and black. DISEASE X is in bold= 8.

The psychology of teal

Hex code #008080. Strange choice to deal with an alarming topic, a color that evokes the opposite feelings.

The Spectral false vampire bat that Jeremy Farrar is making such a big deal of hails from of all places South America, Central America and Mexico. Catastrophic Contagion Table Top Exercise announced the kick off in South America.

Now for Obama-
Obama Shares His Top Movies for 2023

Looking at this in reverse Obama excluded "The Green Book" , which considering the topic he never, ever would have passed up that opportunity.
The Truth About The Green Book

Green for go comms and they drove in a "teal" Cadillac.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We have Fauci clone Jeanne Marrazzo on the loose.

Covid-19 Update- ITT Episode 23

Q& A.
Intention to Treat- New England Journal Of Medicine.

So what has Fauci's replacement Dr. Jeanne M been up to besides the jabs and the weird tweets?

"to bring the clinical trials network capacity that we have, that had been set up for HIV + AIDS, for other infectious diseases, over to the Covid realm. Taking really good care of the infrastructure that could be needed again, that's where we are really focused."< They need to be ready.

"When you are talking to someone who's 40 or 45, if they have had Covid and they haven't had a vaccine in a year, they may not be as protected." 2045 ding, ding, ding.
But Paul Sax has something to say "but includes a completely healthy 25-year-old." 2025

She is really excited about this -an oral version of Remdesivir- the safe and effective Gates and Fauci drug not approved of by the WHO to complement the wildly effective Paxlovid.

At least Paul Sax says the quiet part out loud- they can't tell the difference between RSV, Covid or influenza unless they test. Mucosal vaccines incoming.

What a surprise a research gap- better not look more closely at the unjabbed and compare them to the jabbed.

BBC- Breathing Too Many times a Day Could Increase Your Risk of a Deadly Heart Attack

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 12:16 PM
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.
Missed you all.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Book Of Revelation Chapters

Same thing with the Tarot Card 23 there is no 23rd chapter. Could it be that Billy is trying to write his own version of Revelation? He determines the future? We are dealing with someone with serious ego issues. He is going to try and decide our future fate.

Revelation 21.23
We can see where he gets his inspiration for dimming the sun.

Bill Gates Reddit Santa 2019

He made a donation to the American Heart Association- they knew exactly what they were going to do. Crossing 8 time zones.

The Lego sets makes me believe there are many pieces to this puzzle and we have to put them together to build the model that they have used.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: loveguy
Watch the Water?

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Jennifer Gates- White Horse- Rest in Peace Dreamy Boy

"Rest in peace dreamy boy. I love you forever." 9
Dreamy boy died November 23.

Pintrest Picture of Dreamworks

She is down to 3 horses now- Lordam, Alex and Donvier. Seriously they believe they are the 4 horses of the Apocalypse.

Just to make things interesting the Wall Street Journal Wednesday December 27, 20223- A white horse on the front page [A1=11] with the caption "Boxing Day Hunt Rides On, but Without the Fox."

Has the feelz of the hunters become the hunted.

Close One's Death -8/05/22

Why don't they name her? The mindset- "the family all in black sporting a smile on their faces to celebrate rather than grieve..."
May be something maybe not but August is when Bill and Melinda divorced.

Now for # 3-
Jennifer Mourns the death of Sylvia Weinstock who designed her wedding cake published November 23

She retired in 2016- the critical kick-off year and she died from melanoma.

Phoebe has been in the spotlight quite often with Billy but what about Rory? Something very strange since he is supposed to be the second horse.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 04:43 PM

edit on 28-12-2023 by 777Vader because:

The Republican-led United States House of Representatives has voted to formally authorise its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Up until this point, the House had not had enough votes to legitimise the ongoing inquiry, but on Wednesday, lawmakers voted 221-212 in favour, with every Republican voting for it and every member of Biden’s Democratic Party against.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Part of the pathology, in the case of our friend, is creating a situation where this person can step in as the savior. I guess it expressive itself as the Hegelian Problem-> Reaction-> Solution. We both know what that builds up to...

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: 777Vader

Want more thrilling details?

2002- SARS
2004- H5N1
2009- H1N1
2012- MERS
2014- Ebola
2015- Zika
2019- Covid

What does this list indicate? It can't be when something was discovered because many of the dates would be wrong.

2002- SARS

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). SARS was first reported in Asia in February 2003.,in%20Asi a%20in%20February%202003.

2004 - H5N1

1996-1997 H5N1 bird flu viruses first detected

In 1996, highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus is first identified in domestic waterfowl in Southern China. The virus is named A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996.,%2FGuangdong%2F1%2F1 996.

2014 - Ebola

Ebolaviruses were first discovered in 1976 when two consecutive outbreaks of fatal hemorrhagic fever occurred in different parts of Central Africa.

2015 - Zika

Zika virus was first discovered in 1947 and is named after the Zika Forest in Uganda.,Asia%2C%20and%20the%20Pacific%20Islands.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:11 PM
Just gonna leave these here

The Fragile X Gene
Fragile X syndrome and associated disorders are caused by a change (also called a mutation) in a gene on the X chromosome, called the FMR-1 gene. Chromosomes are made up of thousands of genes that are passed from generation to generation

This unfortunately is not as bad as other theory.

Fragile X syndrome is an inherited intellectual disability caused by a mutation in the FMR1 gene.........

Still pretty bad and getting worse.
a reply to: Thoughtful3

What is a gene variant and how do variants occur

Definitely not what I was searching for. Complete opposite tbh.
I was trying to find a link between the vx creating superpowers like the x men
one can only dream
Any geniuses wanna take a crack at hijacking the hijack of our DNA.

Side note
I am fortunate my kin sent me bags of w pine needles. Brewed with coffee pot and some coffee for flavor.
After the reset will the years of 'freedom' be BC
B4 Cvd?
It will take time but watch for it.

edit on 2023/28/12 by Crazierfox because:

edit on 2023/29/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 10:48 AM
Now we knew.
From: Daily Mail

Intelligence officials have revealed a Chinese spy balloon that flew across the US for a week in February used an American internet service provider to communicate.

The balloon had drifted east and entered US airspace over Alaska on 28 January and was tracked as it flew over Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana, where nuclear assets are stored.

On 4 February, the Air Force sent an F-22 fighter jet armed with an AIM-9X Sidewinder missile to take the balloon down over water.

If this is true, then the NSA already knows what information the Chinese were gathering. Why didn't they just tell us that they knew. Instead, this friggen Administration had to sit and play games with the public over all this.

And they blame "Conspiracy Theorists " for spreading doom porn.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: opethPA

These epidemics were recorded on the back of the book
"Disease X
The One Hundred Day Mission
to End Pandemics." [3 separate lines]

"SOMEWHERE out there a potentially deadly new pathogen unknown to science- codenamed Disease X- is set to strike humankind."

Looking at the increments -
2002- 2004= 2
2004- 2009=5

Start year of next plandemic 2025.

2009-2012= 3
2012-2014= 2

Ha... 23. Phoebe Gates will be 23 in 2025.


4 Horses of the Apocalypse.

I was rather suspicious that there was no place holder for Disease X, which according to the book is in 2027. 2027-2019=8.

For the record the exact way the title appears for Chapter 9-

9:2027:A < the dots are different from the other chapters. 4 dots- you know.

Pandemic is Thwarted

Chapter: 1 PREPARE
to be Scared

Page 23- Some gallow humor- Twin Towers- ground zero.

Chapter: 2 PREPARE
to Move Fast

Chapter: 3 PREPARE
to Take Risks.

Chapter: 4 PREPARE
to Share

Chapter: 5 PREPARE
to Listen

Chapter: 6 PREPARE
to Fail

Chapter: 7 PREPARE
to Spend Money

Chapter: 8 PREPARE
for the Next One...

3 dots representing Phoebe, the 4th will be Leila, taking us to 2046, with the release in 2045.

20 dots in total- 2020.

These people are sick but their need for symbolism is ...

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

I'm glad you clarified that for me although I can't see Billy coming to our rescue as some kind of savior when he is the #1 eugenics fan boy.

Continuing unwinding the symbolism, up next to bat [ha] is the naming of the current variant JN.1. Working backwards Phoebe Gates was born in 2002,

Phoebe Meet the International Criminal Court- Crimes Against Humanity

J= July
.1= 1st.

At least they know they are in serious trouble.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

What I am trying to say is that we should have hope
in the future, we should be excited about the future,
and we should build the future we want.

Focus on: what moves your heart about the future.

I think there needs to be something where we delete
rules, regulations and laws because if all we do is add
them eventually we will not be able to do anything.

Let's have a future thats got more love, more like
and let's build a fun exciting future...

Free speech is only meaningful if you allow people
you don't like to say things you don't like...
thats how you know it is working.

Fermi Paradox - "Where are all the aliens?"
Perhaps the one that I think that appears to be most accurate
is that consciousness is extremely rare. People often ask me
do I know something about aliens, I get asked that a lot, and
the crazy thing is I've seen no evidence of aliens whatsoever.
I think this most likely, at least in this part of the galaxy,
we are the only consciousness that exists and so you can think
of human consciousness really as like a tiny candle in a vast
darkness and we must do everything we can to ensure that the
candle does not go out.

Peace = Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

Our bodies are chronically in “threat mode”—but being kind recalibrates our nervous system

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Circling back to China and why Wuhan was quarantined on January 23, 2020. Aside from being Billy's favorite number or maybe because of it.

CDC Covid-19 Timeline

January there were 23 events.

On-Line Calendar-

Doing some inversion here- looking at January 2020 there are 8 blank spaces after 31> 31-8=23.

The next year that January has 8 blank spaces is January 2025.

January 2026 has 7 blank spaces following the 31.

Phoebe is key here- She will be 23 [2025] and her birthday is September= 9th month and September has 9 letters.

Her birthday is September 14, 2002. Any ideas what the 14 might be connected to?

Disease X would be the 8th [9+8=17].

As for Leila January 2045 has 11 blank spaces and January 2046 has 3 after January 31st. 11-3=8 which would bring us back to 23.
11+3= 14.

This goes beyond weird that someone would set up plandemics around their children's birthdays. Rory is the mystery.
Mr. Pool 1 2 3 .

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Bernie Sanders has tested positive for Covid.

Rising Serpent Tweet

Jim Cramer must be on the ropes especially since Wallstreet Silver has an 'Inverse Cramer' following.

Wall Street Journal Page A7 [17]. He has a blue pen between his thumb and index finger. The background is very dark.

"_____________________________________________________________ and then the line goes down forming a 7.
Ambition can create the
means to do whatever you
want to do in life.



Page A6-
Colorado GOP Files Appeal to Supreme Court Over Ban.
"The Colorado GOP asked the justices to fast- track its appeal by 'setting a briefing and argument schedule that permits the Court to resolve the case before March 5, 2024, Super Tuesday."

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
This is infuriating! Of course we are to busy "getting Trump"that news which affects We the People to get this news out an infuriate them as bad as it does me. Created EFFIN Chaos! It's getting so old!!!!!!

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