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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123

Fully aligned with HOPE for the future, building what we want and decreasing regs, brewtiger!

I was brainstorming what would be a logical change for regulations...
Remove regs that don't impact 20% of people more than 80% of the time?
Remove regs that don't impact 80% of people more than 20% of the time?

Then I realised that such a formula would end up deregulating most of the Ten Commandments... So I guess the regs need to have MORALITY as a major variable rather than SEVERITY?

Just thinking out loud.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 06:17 AM

edit on 12/30/2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: HARDNEWS

Clickbait? It doesn't bring up any news... Just a home page with no news in it???

The port0 indicates it used to select any usable port on your PC under TCP/IP???

edit on 30-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Bingo. It is just to coordinate the numbers game. I've started to analyze the book in more detail and it is just littered with symbolic numbers.
This is about as obvious as it gets. Tony Blair's foreword starts on page 7 and who cares if there are not 6 pages before that.
This is all about humans as currency.
By starting on page 7 that leaves pages 8 + 9 together. This is like a roadmap using numbers.

Pages 10+11 open together ku #1011.

The WHO added Disease X in February 2018- February is the 2nd month bringing us to 2020- Covid-19 launch.
Everything has been planned down to the last detail.

Kicking the tires a bit here-
Disease=7 X=10= 17.

This is where things get weird. The 100 days and Disease X. From January 1- 100 days would take us to April 11, then add 10 to this brings us to April 21.

April 21-National Yellow Bat Day

Military intelligence- 265th Army Security Agency. This was declared National Yellow Bat Day in 2016.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Why a judge ordered the FDA to release Covid-19 vaccination data pronto

Why not ask for 100 years? 100-75=25.

John F. Kennedy "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."

Hiding -"The failure of the government's closed-door approach is exemplified by the fact that the FDA did not send a representative to the court hearings."

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:05 PM
Weird tweet-
Jeremy Farrar as Director of Wellcome Trust

Pinning it here.
"As Director of Wellcome, I accept this. I apologize for the actions and inactions that have caused this, and for the pain and disappointment it has led to." 9/10"
August [9] 10, 2022.

Obama songs for 2023 Tweet

28 songs but COBRA by Megan Thee Stallion has some strange vibes-

COBRA- Youtube- weird eyes

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: 777Vader

My analysis of comms in Musk's X PRIME GRID tweet...

The pictures bottom right are from Bearableguy123 tweets about XRP... i.e. Riddlers community.

1701 ?? The NCC number of the starship Enterprise...

Perhaps Musk is planning on building a starship among other things...

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Re the Awakening: We don't find out who we are, we remember,

I've been pondering a biblical scenario over the last couple of days:

a) If we assume, for arguments sake, that the fallen angels/nephilim fell 6000 BC, before hooking up with daughters of men; then every human on earth has some element of nephilim in their genes. I watched a youtube yesterday that made the argument everyone on earth is jewish because the grandparent genealogys over 200 generations summed in the quintillions - and there were only 200 million on earth at that time - ergo everyone has that DNA somewhere along lineage,

b) Given (a) is correct, then, for us to rise through the dimensions and escape the prison/quarantine planet, God/creator/source must forgive the nephilim prodigy? A bit like the story of the prodigal son: "Ok, you've learnt your lesson, welcome home" to heaven?

c) Since some will stay in 3D, some progress to 4D, some to 5D, then it follows that multiple raptures equate to rounds of selective breeding... the best are chosen for the next generation/dimension because they have mostly good rather than evil traits? In effect, the daughters of men have been breeding the evil out of nephilim, generation by generation?

d) However, the nephilim inbreeders like the Rothschilds and similar nephilim "families" have not had their evil diluted and must be consigned to the fire/slaughterhouse?

e) Therefore, as a result of AWAKENING dormant DNA memories gained from our fore-fathers, we remember that we are angels and all a part of source in heaven?

I posit that REMEMBER doesn't just mean to "bring back to mind"...
... It also means (out on a) limbs RE-MEMBER; i.e. rejoin the BODY WHOLE = the congregation of heaven?

The above kinda makes sense of the brewtiger/Shane Browning memes of Jesus embracing lucifer.

Allow me to add to this if I may.
Robert Sepehr is blowing the lid off anthropology and I am becoming more convinced every day he is part of the great awakening.
He shows it begins with Noah.
Now let me add to his work.
Naamah was on the boat.
She was Noahs 2nd or 3rd wife only mother to Ham and not Japeth or Shem.
I believe Noah was a Son of God.
Pure blood in the line of Adam.
Uncorrupted blood.
Naamah was tubal-cains sister and of Cains lineage and it is through her the nephilim blood carried on past the flood.
She had sex with Ham and birthed Canaan.
Noah kicked Ham out and Naamah went with Canaan and Ham.
She is the black Madonna with child.
She is Inanna.
Ham is Zeus.
Noah is Cronus.
Recognize the pagan myths do not ever treat Noah with due respect.
It is from Ham and Canaan the corrupted bloodlines have infiltrated and corrupted the Earth.

As for Shane Brownings depiction of the devil and Christ hugging it out.
I believe the story of the prodigal son has everything to do here.
Satan being the elder son who is wrought with anger and ambivalence towards the return of the prodigal son.

I believe there is a cosmic play at work where we can only understand in part that the Most High has always been in complete control where in the end everything is set right with the Sons of God and His creation that was set to tend the garden.
We being 3rd dimension beings.
When Satan found out that we were to be elevated above his 4th dimension authority in the resurrection where we become elevated above him as 5th dimension beings, he could not have it. He went ballistic just as the elder son in the story of the prodigal.

There is an eternal and heavenly message in the prodigal son story that we will only fully understand when it all plays out and Satan is set right.

Because how can there be any other way?
Are we to believe Father never saw Satan's fall coming?
That sin is some great surprise Father never saw coming from His creation?
It will be set right through forgiveness.
Satan must be forgiven but us for him to see his fault and accept us.
Forgiveness is the absolute that sets everything right and melts away Satans wrath towards us. Death has already been conquered.
edit on 30-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

5 years you say. They might as well yell from the roof tops 2025. Just trying to fan the flames of fear.

Since we are in the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse territory, where is #1?

Timeline for HIV

Since Phoebe is up to bat for the 2025 event we should look at her birth year 2002 since it is a mirror of 2020.

Click 2002.
The kick-off for the HIV epidemic.
"In July, UNAIDS reports that HIV/AIDS is now by far the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, and the 4th global killer."

10.3? Worldwide 10 million young adults plus 3 million children.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Launch Grand Challenges 2002

#9 looks disturbing- "Create a full range of optimal, bioavailable nutrients in a single staple plant species." No meat for us.
Why does he have such a hate for cows?

Fauci and the NIH partnering with the Gates Foundation. I wonder what he's up to?


posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:50 PM

And here’s more ‘stuff I didn’t wanted to know about my country.’

10,000 illegal aliens using the same exact social security number voted on Nov 3, 2020 Insurrection.

Note: the prostitute Katie Hobbs, her pimp Doug Douchebag and mistress
Mark Brnovich belong in prison.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 01:11 PM
Past Proves Future.

Fauci in his epic thriller "Expect the Unexpected", page 23, he self admires himself in how he handled the Ebola epidemic of 2014- 2016. This might be why they yanked that book off of the market because it was much too early. They couldn't have Fauci pointing out the Ebola connection, which I consider a dress rehearsal for the "event".

2014-2016 Ebola History

The first case was December 26, 2013. March 23, 2014 the WHO reported the first cases of Ebola and dragged in the bat angle.

August [8], 8, 2014 The WHO declared Ebola a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Over the duration of the epidemic it spread to 7 countries.
11 people were treated for Ebola in the U.S. Tick Tok- March 11, 2020 the WHO called the Covid-19 pandemic.

"On October 23, 2014 a medical aid worker who had volunteered in Guinea was hospitalized in New York City with suspected EVD. Diagnosis was confirmed by CDC the next day."

I can't believe they left out Fauci's role in this case. He personally, according to page 23 in his thriller, that he personally cared for her. Just like how he became personally involved with HIV and Covid-19 which should be Covid-20.

This is where he developed his love relationship with the media. He called them and had them at the hospital to film her discharge and then on to visit Obama who hugged her.

Everything was a dress rehearsal.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

Ooh... That's a nice connect re USSS Enterprise.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Cheers for the value add, FarmerSimulation... Seemed pretty logical to me.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 08:21 PM
I've been checking the Global Emergency Events map and things are getting pretty interesting as we approach New Years Eve:

a) The Eurotunnel between UK and France is closed, as is one of the tunnels under the Mersey river in Liverpool,

b) Both France and Germany preparing for expected riots on New Year's Eve,

c) Thick persistent FOG over much of the world:

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Algeria, Russia, India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia

d) Africa has a line of fires West coast to East coast, along the dividing line between desert and South: 271 in all,
Australia has around the same number of fires,

e) Extreme rainfall/STORMs in:

Southern Africa, Madagascar, Columbo, Indonesia, Phillipines, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Kyrgystan, Khazakstan, China, Canada, US west coast, Haiti, Honduras, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay

It was the **Thick persistent FOG** that looked most unusual - especially so wide spread.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen2

"And here’s more ‘stuff I didn’t wanted to know about my country.’

10,000 illegal aliens using the same exact social security number voted on Nov 3, 2020 Insurrection.

Note: the prostitute Katie Hobbs, her pimp Doug Douchebag and mistress
Mark Brnovich belong in prison."

"The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event."

-Adolf Hitler

edit on 30-12-2023 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Like you, I have serious trust issues. The new 'Bill Gates' is presenting himself as the good guy, and nobody seems to want to do any vetting of what he stands for or what he is doing.

You may enjoy this read. Eyes wide open!

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 12:02 AM

Just wanted to place this somewhere and it belongs here.

A few predictions from 1956.
Crona virus

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

EM also talked about Immigration/Birth rates in this video.
Connecting his entire quote with current news /EM pinned post:

There are too many regulations in general... look at this
as an overall, fundamental function of a stable civilization.
The longer that any given civilization is stable & does not have
a big war, the more rules & regulations will accumulate over time.
So rules, regulations & laws, they are immortal. They never die
but people die so after every year more & more rules, regulations
and laws are added... you will eventually make everything illegal,
and you can think of it sort of like Gulliver's Travels, where the
nation is Gulliver being tied down by one little regulatory string at
a time. Eventually you have millions of strings and then the giant
can't move and so I think there needs to be something where we
delete rules, regulations, and laws because if all we do is add them
eventually we will be able to do nothing.

To be clear on immigration overall, I'm very much in favor of legal
immigration. I think we should welcome to a country anyone who is willing
to work hard and is honest, has high integrity and will add to any given
country... why not have them join? ... ... But if it's illegal immigration
and there's no filter... how do you know who's coming... you don't know
so you have to have some basis for saying someone should come in or not,
and my argument is it should be a very simple basis: Will they add to the
country? Will they be a productive part of the economy? Do they admire
the culture?... but if there's no process for that then you don't know...
I want to be careful because my words will be misconstrued.
I'm not saying all illegal immigrants are bad. I think probably most of them
are good, but... if there is no process at all... then how can you say that
everyone who is an illegal immigrant is going to be honest and hardworking?
You can't say that because you simply don't know...

According to the mayors, it is already overwhelming essential services...

Immigration in the United States: Current News About Immigration
Illegal Immigration Is a Bigger Problem Than Ever.

Estimating the Illegal Immigrant Population Using the Current Population Survey

Chicago, Denver, NYC unite to limit migrant bus influx from border

Transportation agencies skirt Chicago asylum rules with new immigrant drop-off method

Rough Estimate (2023): 3,000,000 migrants (250,000/month x 12)
222,000 / 3,000,000 = 7.4% by Chicago, Denver & NYC past year
So where are all the aliens going?

Illinois pauses construction of Chicago migrant tent camp in Brighton Park
After pulling plug on first Chicago migrant tent camp, second site still on the table
Shelved Brighton Park migrant camp cost city of Chicago nearly $1 million

Blinken Meets With Mexico’s President About Surge in Migration at the Border

Mexican president blames US sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela for migrant surge

The Reasons Behind the Increased Migration from Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua

End Of 'Wet-Foot, Dry-Foot' Means Cubans Can Join Ranks Of 'Undocumented'

Universal Law = Balance = No Sides, Only One Tree
Address the Root Cause = Heart of the Matter = We Stand With LOVE
PEACE = Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 31-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 03:18 AM
This sounds more like money laundering than anything else.
From: Fox Business News

Consulting firm McKinsey & Co. has agreed to pay $78 million to settle claims by U.S. health insurers and benefit plans that its work with drug companies helped fuel an epidemic of opioid addiction.

Why do I think this is money laundering? Well this segment,

The class action settlement resolves claims by so-called third-party payers such as insurers that provide health and welfare benefits.

The agreement is the final of a series of settlements McKinsey has reached to resolve lawsuits over the U.S. opioid epidemic. The firm previously paid $641.5 million to resolve claims by state attorneys general and another $230 million to resolve claims by local governments. It has also settled cases brought by Native American tribes.

The litigation has resulted in more than $50 billion in settlements with drugmakers, distributors and pharmacy chains.

Plaintiffs accused McKinsey of contributing to the deadly drug crisis by helping drug manufacturers, including Purdue Pharma – the maker of OxyContin – create deceptive marketing strategies to increase sales of painkillers. Insurers said these tactics forced them to pay for prescription opioids instead of safer, non-addictive and lower-cost drugs, including over-the-counter pain medication, and that they had to pay for the opioid addiction treatment that followed as a result.

Funny how this happens after all those politicians that have connections to McKinsey all seem to retire for "Family Reasons" all at once. I wonder what size of a cut McKinsey is getting from covering this fund?

Hey I wonder if the "Big Guy" gets a cut from McKinsey's business too?

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 07:03 AM
Nothing is happening, right

operation out of Cleveland Ohio from … you won’t believe this … medical institutions & hospitals… look at the dates of the news story on left vs. my previous tweets (right)

millionaire's row

Euclid Avenue's "Millionaires' Row" was home to some of the nation's most powerful and influential industrialists, including John D. Rockefeller


8 Secret Underground Passageways Hiding Deep Below Greater Cleveland's Streets

Did you know there are actually tunnels under Lake Erie? This mine fuels our wintertime cleanup escapades, providing rock salt to the region to assist in the melting of ice. The mine is roughly 12 square miles in size, hiding roughly 1,800 feet below the coast of Cleveland.deep

Most people have no idea this incredible system even exists right here in Ohio. Although tours are no longer offered of the mine, just knowing it's there is mind-blowing.
Luckily the tin foil helps contain the blast

Interesting unrelated tho
We trust
No Coincidences?

edit on 2023/31/12 by Crazierfox because: Cleve

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