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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 02:02 PM
Richard Hatchett-

"It's important to understand the kind of movie we are in."

These research scientists threw caution to the wind because now they could do more research and get well funded.
"Making risky decision making- all the more, in well, risky." Due to fog of viral war.

A section deals with linear progression of a disease vs exponential and they really, really needed exponential or else Covid-19 would not have been an event.
Bruce Aylward, WHO connected, returned from Wuhan China armed to the teeth with data, provided by "Trust Us" China that it was exponential and he made sure that everyone knew, trotting out graphs ect. This was February 2020.
January 22, 2020 Britain raised their risk level from very low to low. Everything is executed by the numbers.

By April 22- 3 months later, just blaming Covid- 41,000 people had died.

CEPI funded [9] "Curevac, America's Inovia Pharma, Novovax, Moderna, University of Hong Kong, Oxford University vaccine development team led by Sarah Gilbert at the Jenner Institute: an international research consortium led by Institut Pasteur and Clover Pharmaceuticals in China. According to the book many of these projects are not well known. By 2020 CEPI committed $1.1 billion. The list seems to be short the 9 that they claim they have funded. Page 59.

The level of planning-
Adrian Hill- Director of the Jenner Institute by April 2020 had already lined up- wait for it- 7 countries with large scale vaccine manufacturers.
"This at a stage the virus had no name, no supporting evidence from clinical trials, and was at risk of being useless if those upcoming clinical trials showed it didn't work well."

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 02:43 PM
I've decided to decode this book in a different way.

The Index Pages 194-202. [8]

Obama 123, 69 and oddly listed again 44
Pandemic Preparedness 123
Moderna 123, 77
Pfizer 123, 88, 52, 145.
Heidi Avery 123

Who is Heidi Avery

South America- Peru 103 < This is the only South American country listed by name.
Latin America 55
Rift Valley Fever 55

Viruses- general 25-26.
Ebola 26, 13, 41, 149
WHO 26,...
Pneumonia 26
Zoonotic Diseases 25, 55 ...

A World at Risk- Report 126-128

George Soros 99
Bill Gates 99

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 15, 116-118 [omitting 117]

Who's investigation of the outbreak 170-172
Vaccine Manufacturing 170- 172

Marburg 11,55
Nipah 11, 47, 154 [11,11,11]
Zika 11, 10, 34, 49
Hendra bat born virus 11
Malaria 117, 118,49
Polio 117

HIV 77 *** This one is weird. Human immunodeficiancy virus emergence 26.

Initial Alert 156-157...666/7

Super Fast 88

Wrap up
NASA data 55

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

The Daily Beagle- The Underdog

Murderous Moderna- lots to read here.

This is all just so outrageous- Stephan Bancel - scrolling to the bottom, selling shares and yet his share holdings never go down.
There must be some reason, other than greed that Moderna has priced their jabs at $130. Unlucky number symbolism?
Moderna and Pfizer government contracts

Look at the blue chart. July 22 Moderna $1.74 Billion, 66 million doses $26.36. 2026?
Total for both $25.26 billion. The years 2025-2026. 12.21 [33] mirror $20.69 . Not a coincidence.

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 05:50 PM
Closed Captions = ON

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 07:46 PM
Happy New Year! Here's to a magical and miraculous future

edit on 2-1-2024 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 09:21 PM
Got distracted

White House Author.
Dr. Jill Biden

As Second Lady, Dr. Biden full-time English professor at a community college in Northern Virginia.


a reply to: Thoughtful3
First thing Aviary

The Aquatic Bird House helps visitors to understand the importance of saving the world’s dwindling wetlands. The Sea Bird Aviary, with its cliffs filled with perching Inca terns and pools where Magellanic penguins gracefully swim, is one of the true gems of the park.
Open year-round


2nd maybe 1st
Major GL below

Rochester attack suspect Michael Avery is pictured after deadly New Year’s crash

Investigators found filled gas canisters in his car the night of the crash, but have thus far found no evidence of a terror attack or that Mr Avery’s actions were ideologically driven.

a place for keeping birds confined

edit on 2024/2/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 11:09 PM
Excuse me if this has been discussed here, I cannot follow like I used to be able to at the beginning. Don’t know why, but I had a disgusting thought today. Aside from the pedophilia, war, organ harvesting is the ‘humans as currency’ thing possibly including recycled people into products?! As in whatever it could be used to make whatever?! Example, products and …food perhaps?! Don’t really want to know if I really want to know the answer to that either
Hope I made sense to what I’m trying to convey.

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

I'm new at this.

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 11:58 PM
Don't eat fast food/Processed food.
Bury loved ones on your property.
When the storm comes

At 40k feet one can protect your DNA and watch your 6 (also check for curves)
To go full blown tinfoil what if all the products made from overseas not only contained deceased parts from their dead their soul force and when it breaks the force is released. Since the techno jabs made almost everyone an Android MO *
A quadrillion

a reply to: Kaiju666
See1st video for game plan

edit on 2024/3/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox
Battery dying ran outta time gitmo does not have an aviary but

Herps Of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

 Jeff Lemm  December 1, 2011 7:05 pm

A look at the snakes, lizards and amphibians of Cuba.

Because only 11 percent of the 20-square-mile base is actively used by the military, large areas of grassland, mudflats, thorn scrub and mangrove tidal forest remain in an almost pristine state (Silva Lee, 1997). Within these varied habitats numerous species of native birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians benefit from the protection the base provides.

When do snakes hiss? When they have an open air Terrarium to look at while stuck in a box.
edit on 2024/3/1 by Crazierfox because:

The chief added that Avery was still in the process of being scientifically identified, but the authorities have been in contact with his family.........
[/editby ] extra DIV

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: 777Vader

Yeah sounds great.

Wake me up when it happens or is that like when he locked her up or drained the swamp?

No need, we were told, friend.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Happy New Year! Here's to a magical and miraculous future


Happy 2024 to you too Troy and everyone, the posters, lurkers, our wonderful mod, and them no longer with us. This year is going to be crazy but huge at the same time.

edit on Fri Jan 5 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: snippped quote

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen2
a reply to: Crazierfox

I have no idea what they may be painting over, directions, recipes, info leading to digital data? I'm not sure. It really makes more sense that they are hiding info behind the painting and probably sealing it up to "maintain" the integrity of the painting but I have seen art restoration shows and am quite sure there is a method to separating the layers and removing the top layer.

It is difficult to wrap your mind around shape shifting reptiles or shapeshifting AI especially when so much information has been withheld from us. When I started posting in this thread, after lurking on ATS for 14 years, I was hoping to show others who feel intimidated by the intelligence here that it is it okay to ask questions in the thread. It is okay to search further for information that isn't clear in the bible and it is okay to question what you've been taught to be the truth.

I am a Christian but I've known there were things hidden from me and just like IMBACKBABY's Tom Petty video, I won't back down. I read the bible in it's entirety in 2001.......I came back to Genesis time after time after time knowing in my heart there was something more to the story that had been provided. I tried to have conversations with Ministers who would not talk about the Old testament! Why? Why won't they study and understand the truth and urge others to seek the truth, why? Why do ministers fear the old testament? .........imo they are ignorant about the old testament and have been taught that it isn't important.

The obvious answer is older than Christ, it's money because money provides security and gives them control of you and your spiritual beliefs.
I can remember my grandfather showing me his bible and telling me that the answer to anything you will ever need to know can be found here. Well, he was right.......maybe not exactly how my Papa meant it but the bible and it's inaccuracies or unexplained bits have had me searching for 22 years.
If our creator is a shapeshifting monkey riding on a lizards back...........IT WILL BE OKAY because He knows what they have done. I do not want people to be scared of trying to elevate themselves. They need to know they are not blasphemous for questioning the bible or what they have been taught that may be inaccurate. It is okay to have a personal relationship with your creator without all their “rules”……I honestly believe He prefers it and “they” hate it.

I thank you CrazyFox for helping me along the way. It was scary at first and it has taken many months for me to get to this point but I have realized that whatever is coming into the light for all of us to see, is not coming out of the darkness willfully. We have pushed them out and we can handle the truth no matter how obscure or even scary the truth may be, we are equipped to handle it and……….THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE.

I'll be honest with you, I've never read the Bible, sometimes you don't have to read something to know what's in it. You don't have to read something to fight evil. Truth comes from within. I chose to create and manifest (Genesis) my own path and walk it. That's just me

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 02:26 AM
So that Epstein list is going to be made public? Well we can just ignore this news then.
From: New York Post

The new owners of the late financier’s playgrounds of perversion in the US Virgin Islands — known informally as “Pedophile Island” — are working to transform them into a glitzy new resort.

Billionaire Stephen Deckoff paid $60 million for Great St. James and Little St. James, with the smaller of the two hosting Epstein’s former estate.

According to reports, the co-founder of Black Diamond Capital Management hopes to inaugurate the new attraction sometime in 2025.

So all the occult talk about stuff going on at the island, will now just be part of the fun at the new resort. I even bet child sized workers will be used at the place.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Herve Villéchaiz.


posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

What are prime numbers, and why do they matter?

Why are primes important in cryptography?

RSA Key Sizes: 2048 or 4096 bits?
RSA-2048 = 617 decimal digits (2,048 bits)
RSA-4096 = 1234 decimal digits (4,096 bits)

X is a prime with 1800 digits = DIGITAL ARMOR

#8 & 7 = 233 & NEGATIVE ONE United = (8 x 233) + (-1) = 1863
#1 = 1567 + 1863 = 3430


May well go into "2024" (X = 24th letter)

Where is Your Focus? = God's Promise = Armor of God
If You Reach Out for Me, I Would Run Into the Storm
PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 3-1-2024 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

SPARS Table Top Exercise for next plandemic 2025-2027

#3387 was posted July 2019. Going back 2 years is 2017 when this table top exercised was conducted.

2017- 8 years forward brings us to 2025- launch date. 8 lines in that post.

Having read through all 66 pages the usual numbers appear. The letter P is one additional letter added to SARS. Pre-planned. P=16 Launch of the operation was 2016.

Chapter # 16-HO!= 23.

Page 40 has one additional element- "On July 9, 2026, a week before Corovax was released for distribution in the U.S. , the power grid at the Grand Coulee Dam in eastern Washington State experienced a catastrophic failure."

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Brad Wenstrup- Fauci to testify January 8 +9

"I keep saying it would be great if in the future we can predict the next pandemic, prepare for it, protect ourselves and maybe even prevent it."

Almost word for word from the current book.

Pointing out the obvious here Fauci served 7 presidents. He stepped down in 2022 leaving 23 in play.
Bill Gates will be 70 in 2025. He has his own personal fetish for 23- connected to 23andMe.

Bill Gates putting pieces of the puzzle together

His need for symbolism verges on the insane. Not wearing glasses? Those that can see can see the pieces.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

FDA Approves 7 Pfizer Meds- all time record

Oops almost forgot 55 new ones for 2023. 2018- 4 approvals, all for oncology.

Veil of Ignorance

John Rawls - American philosopher- awarded by Bill Clinton the National Humanities Medal 2002

3 years after his death.

Mr. Pool posted about a statue with a veil slowly coming off.

From the book, chapter 4: PREPARE
to Share

"It was when we were all behind the veil- right at the beginning of the novel coronavirus outbreak, before we knew anything that could prompt us to make selfish decisions which would end in the harm of everyone and prolong the pandemic- that we would have been most able to design a fair system for all." Page 91.

Apparently the only reason anyone worked together was because of fear.

posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

More from the thriller-

Dusting off page 80- "These infectious disease warriors started planning in Davos in January 2020.

"Barely a handful of cases of the disease had been reported outside China, yet these seasoned infectious disease warriors were already thinking globally."

President Trump At Davos 2020
"We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse... They want to see us do badly."

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