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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 12:30 AM
RFK Jr - Full Interview on CNN's State of the Race (12.15.23)

[16:45 - 18:00] rough transcript

RFKJr : ...There are questions with our election system. There was a study that came out from by the New York Times this week that said 1 out of every 5 mail-in ballots, people who did send in mail-in ballots... that 1 out of every 5 of them said that they had cheated. So you know... we need... what I recommended...

CNN : I'm sorry... that 1 in 5 people who mailed-in ballots said that they cheated?

RFKJr : Well, you can go ahead and look up the article.

CNN : I think we have established here that there have been several times that you have said things to me that we were able to prove that was not the case...

RFKJr : You had one quotation of me that I did use unfortunate language because it seemed much more expansive than I intended and I apologized for that. But you have not shown me multiple times, you have shown me 1 time...

CNN : OK, well, uh... Forgive me if that is.. is.. uh.. you know.. uhm.. caused you to make sure... I just want to make sure... that I, I, I do not have the information on the study... so I just want to make sure our viewers...

RFKJr : You should look it up. I could be mistaken about the study but I believe it was yesterday... but at any rate, I think you know, I advocated in that article and elsewhere that we have paper ballots and we do not rely on machines... there is a whole city called Las Vegas that was built on a capacity to make machines that count money that count properly. We have ATMs on every corner that never make mistakes and give you too much money. We ought to have voting machines that can't be hacked, and we ought to have paper ballots where we can double check. And that is just reasonable common sense. It is something that shouldn't be a democratic or republican issue...

CNN : OK. I have just one more question before I let you go & that is Jan 6...

RFKJr Ending Comment:
Listen, I appreciate you questioning me in a way that is strong because I really appreciate that this is the first interview that I have been able to do live on CNN in many, many years. So, I appreciate that and think it is a good thing for our country. That we ought to be able to have this kind of dialog.

One-in-Fiv e Mail-In Voters Admit They Cheated... (12.12.23)
--- Additional Info from Survey with Full Demographic Breakdown ---

Ballot-Stuffers Caught on Camera... - NYT (11.4.23)

Rejected Mail Ballots Are Showing Racial Disparities - NYT (2.2.22)

Mail Ballots are Already Being Rejected. Guess Whose - NYT (10.22.20)

Error & Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises - NYT (10.6.12)

PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything 123

edit on 17-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Just noticed something else that ties two of my previous posts... NEWS UNLOCKS MAP:

In Q365 these lines mean...

POTUS today = POTUS5 rally at 14:00 on 12/16 in DURHAM, the day before 12/17?

UNLOCK? = NEWS unlocked meaning of above line.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 04:46 AM
Interesting thought. Why do so many Presidents sons become artists?

George W. Bush, former president of the United States, is one of America’s most famous politicians. From a warplane pilot to a Harvard Business School Graduate and eventually the 43rd president of the U.S., Bush was yet to make his entry into the arts. This article will introduce you to some of the most famous George W. Bush paintings and shed insight into his life, career, and experiences with inspirational figures.

a reply to: RookQueen2

Tighten your tinfoil!! Has anyone done a layer analysation on the artwork. That should be considered a national security issue.

edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 05:25 AM
ELON MUSK tweet at 8:28pm UTC is giving comms re MILITARY:

a) Gematria:

ROME FROM THE ROOF OF THE PANTHEON = 1103 hebrew (11.3 marker), 2022 english (24 hrs?) =


b) Video length of 26 seconds... post #26

c) Rome from the roof of the Pantheon... R+P = 18 + 16 = 34

Also noteworthy the video starts with MOON, pans round and ends with MOON... 28 days?
edit on 17-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

this meeting

edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because: trying to find it came up with this

Pfizergate’ affair lead EU lawmaker Michèle Rivasi dies aged 70!!!!!;!
Michèle Rivasi, the Green MEP who pushed for the SMS exchanges between the European Commission President and Pfizer CEO to be made public, died on Wednesday (29 November) at the age of 70 of a heart attack while on her way to the European Parliament in Brussels.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Crazier it isn't that crazy.

Awhile back when Fox was doing an expose about Hunter's paintings, Joe Biden was shown in one. I could see him handling some strange triangular shaped prism pointing towards a possible target. I have no idea what it was but maybe some new military technology.
There were other images but that is the one that stood out the most to me.

No one else could see it until I pointed it out and then no one could unsee it. Lol.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I am continuing on with #1010, 1011 and 10112.

I noticed that the No. with each must also mean something.

#1010 & #1011 have No. 894401
#1012 has No. 894571.
[894571- 894401= 170]

No. 894571- [17] [45] [71]

Microsoft's 45th anniversary was in 2020. President Trump was #45. Stuck in the middle with you comes to mind.

Obama was #43 & 44.
Since all 3 posts target April 2018, Microsoft's 43rd anniversary-

Bill Gates Calls on the U.S. to Lead Fight Against a Pandemic That Could Kill 33 Million

"He announced a $12 million Grand Challenge in partnership with the family of Google Inc., co-founder Larry Page to accelerate the development of a universal flu vaccine."
From the horses mouth " vaccines take time to research, deploy and generate protective immunity."

Scrolling to the bottom Ebola again-

Rather mind blowing "The CDC is facing a loss of emergency funding provided in the wake of the 2014 Ebola pandemic and has begun planning to downsize its epidemic- prevention activities in 30 out of 49 countries."
10 countries remaining.


2018, 2019, 2020- 3 years.
2021, 2022, 2023- 3 years
2024, 2025, 2026-3 years.

Launch date for Disease X- 2026 confirmed using Billy's math.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Some more about Pfizer.
Sue Desmond- Hellman stepped down as CEO of the Gates Foundation on December 5, 2019 claiming time for family.

She was on the board of Facebook- 2013- 2019.
Where, or where did she go?

Pfizer April 4, 2020 -Sue Desmond-Hellman new board member

She gets around.
Biden appointed her to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology 2021. No conflicts, no conflicts.

Sue Desmond- Hellman wiki

#1010, 1011, 1012- April 4
No coincidences.

But wait Debra Birx has something to say-
april 4- Next two weeks crucial to flatten the curve.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Crazierfox
a reply to: tanstaafl

President Obama Welcomes Q to Washington
So I want to thank Gabe and Rebekah Lyons and their team here at Q for bringing this important conversation to Washington.



First line of a government website POTUS story and it says "welcoms".

we love coms

Speaking of interesting link from Easter egg at" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

3.2. Detailed analysis of COVID-19 epidemic

We now analyze all reliable genetic, epidemiological and geophysical and astrophysical data. This leads to the alternate hypothesis that COVID-19 arrived via a meteorite, a presumed relatively fragile and loose carbonaceous meteorite, that struck North East China on October 11, 2019. This is at odds with the main stream expert “Infectious Disease” opinion of traditional person-to-person spread of an infectious endemic disease such as, for example, Cholera (Vibrio cholerae).

from there it links to" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

Brilliant Midnight Fireball Lights Up Sky Over Northeast China
By Tariq Malik
 published October 13, 2019
It turned night into day.

Sky event
Dark to light
This link does not play more comms? " target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Probably everyone is sick of #1010, 1011 and 1012 but we need to look at "AIR".

Counting 17 from the top and 17 from the bottom places [AIR] in the killbox.

Focusing on 3 with Bill Gates at the center. He has been working on some very strange projects, all in the name of climate change.
1. Breakthrough Energy- remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it underground.

2. Graphyte Company- taking decaying tree and plant material bundle it up and store it underground so that they will not expel CO2 when decomposing. Where is the science??? Decomposing plant material is important for soil health.

3. Form Energy- iron- air- battery tech" uses the process of reusable rusting. The battery cells contain iron + air electrodes and are filled with a water based, non- flammable electrolyte solution. While discharging, the battery absorbs the oxygen from the air and converts iron metal to rust."
Since I have trust issues who knows if this is safe.

But then Gates has been especially keen on launching reflective particles in the air to dim the sun. He has developed an unhealthy interest in our air.

Working from the plandemic angle Billy "the jabber's best investment he ever made was with vaccines. The type that shed- spreading through the air and then there is Covid-19 that is airborne as well.

"How to Prevent the Next Plandemic" by Bill Gates. He is very, very keen on deploying sniffing centers for vaccines and having vaccines introduced via air whether we want it or not.

Bill Gates Investment in Start-up Graphyte

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

When GW started painting, I realized something wasn't quite right. That is just very off but I never factor AI's in on my theories. Kinda seems like they may have known that AI was or would be coming and when doesn't it? (sarc).
If you mean running it through that image lab software then I can say I have not. I lost the link to it last year when my pc crashed and I thought I had found it once but it was a subscription fee site. If you mean anyone besides us, I don't think so. I searched quite a bit for any info before I posted that. There is sooooo freaking much going on news wise I'm not sure anyone who would investigate are searching for new news.

I've also had a very gruesome thought. Is it possible adreno to be mixed into the paint? Bare with me here......the company I work for does onsite screen printing for apparel. It's my sisters business and I have been around it (even when I didn't work for her) for 34 years. Back when we started it the ink and thinners, and all the chemicals we had to clean the screens and equipped with were extremely toxic. 10 years later OSHA gets involved creating a nightmare for the entire industry but in my opinion this is one they got right. Fast forward to present and we now have edible ink. It has the consistency and look of thick paint so we still have to use some thinners in order to push it through the silk mesh. Without thinners it is completely edible. If I am trying to match the exact color of Razorback red I would start with a base ink that is white and use a pantone numbered color chart that is an actual recipe card of how much of any colored inks to add to that white base in order to achieve the correct color. All that being said, as long as it was not thinned, it could be used in the same manner as a painter would use acrylic paint which appears to be what HB's preferred medium from what I have seen online.
What I don't know is what ratio would need to be used in order to not dilute the dreno too much for it to be a "satisfying" product. Is there a way to separate it from the ink after it had dried on the canvas?
I do realize this may seem far fetched but FFSake.........what isn't these days?

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen2
a reply to: Crazierfox

When GW started painting, I realized something wasn't quite right. That is just very off but I never factor AI's in on my theories. Kinda seems like they may have known that AI was or would be coming and when doesn't it? (sarc).
If you mean running it through that image lab software then I can say I have not. I lost the link to it last year when my pc crashed and I thought I had found it once but it was a subscription fee site. If you mean anyone besides us, I don't think so. I searched quite a bit for any info before I posted that. There is sooooo freaking much going on news wise I'm not sure anyone who would investigate are searching for new news.

I've also had a very gruesome thought. Is it possible adreno to be mixed into the paint? Bare with me here......the company I work for does onsite screen printing for apparel. It's my sisters business and I have been around it (even when I didn't work for her) for 34 years. Back when we started it the ink and thinners, and all the chemicals we had to clean the screens and equipped with were extremely toxic. 10 years later OSHA gets involved creating a nightmare for the entire industry but in my opinion this is one they got right. Fast forward to present and we now have edible ink. It has the consistency and look of thick paint so we still have to use some thinners in order to push it through the silk mesh. Without thinners it is completely edible. If I am trying to match the exact color of Razorback red I would start with a base ink that is white and use a pantone numbered color chart that is an actual recipe card of how much of any colored inks to add to that white base in order to achieve the correct color. All that being said, as long as it was not thinned, it could be used in the same manner as a painter would use acrylic paint which appears to be what HB's preferred medium from what I have seen online.
What I don't know is what ratio would need to be used in order to not dilute the dreno too much for it to be a "satisfying" product. Is there a way to separate it from the ink after it had dried on the canvas?
I do realize this may seem far fetched but FFSake.........what isn't these days?

You are onto something very significant here.
Very significant.
Your theories are not far fetched and as far as I know you alone figured it out.

In fact I am fascinated with your possible discovery.
We learned from this thread the diplomatic protocols bypassing international inspections for art is key to child trafficking and adrenochrome trade.
It was a huge mystery why anyone cared about HB art and we all just accepted it as money Laundering.
But why not add this layer to it?
It makes much more sense when you add these theories especially with your added insights to the business side of it.

I think you are onto something here that is important.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:41 PM
Circling back to 23andMe.

#2063, 2062, 2061.

Time to drag Scott Gottlieb into this, the one and only, sitting on the Pfizer board while promoting the jabs on the enemedia.
While he was FDA Commissioner he allowed 23andMe to introduce some tests for health risks without premarket review. "This change is expected to usher in a rapid expansion of the consumer genetics industry." Bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

23andMe Scores Big Win From the FDA

This is 2018 when Scotty boy was Commissioner of the FDA.

Scott Gottlieb Wiki

Up until this point there had been some guard rails about testing for diseases. This opened the door for people to get DNA testing for 3 types of cancer. Prostrate, ovarian and breast cancer.

The three types of cancer that have been turbo boosted after the mRNA jabs. Wandering into the weeds a bit here but people will get the information and then turn to their friendly Google for information and advice.
Google is then in a great position to sell the information to insurance companies and employers and who knows who else.

Since there are 3 posts Sep [7] -March 2018- 23andMe gets the FDA approval for first genetic test on cancer.

September 2, 2018- 23andMe signed a 4 year contract with GSK so that would allow GSK to develop therapeutics targeting DNA.
This was a 4 year contract with a one year extension, taking us to 2023.
Now they have renewed it for another year when people will be fearing the rise of cancer that will have been activated by the mRNA jabs. Especially critical if the cancer is DNA linked.

3 critical events all timed to revolve around the plandemic. Then there is the Alzheimer's angle- and not to forget Biden's odd remark about every hospital bed in America would be filled with a patient suffering from Alzheimer's.

23andMe signs $300 Million Deal With GSK 2018

However there is much more going on.
Collaboration Between GSK and 23andMe

First in class cancer treatment.

"In a significant mile-stone for the collaboration GSK and 23andMe have advanced the first joint asset, a patented first-in-class cancer treatment that was discovered by GSK and being co-developed by the two companies, GSK and 23andMe were working on similar programs independently prior to the collaboration. GSK was chosen to advance to the clinic."

What does the SEC have to say about this deviation by 23andMe?
Sec Ex-10.17

"If 23andMe is performing any clinical studies under a Collaboration Agreement dated July 2018..."

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Everything is 404'd. I find this explanation pretty far out there. So far they've tried frozen food, pengalins, bats, wet market but under no circumstances gain-of-function at the WIV, approved by Fauci and paid for by us. They have even gone out into the field to try and find more bats to play with to prove that Covid came from them.

Now they want us to believe it comes from a meteor? I would imagine viruses would be incinerated going through the atmosphere. There has been far too much planning around all of this. Big Pharma all set and ready with Gates providing contacts and endless funding.

Meanwhile the WHO is on round #2 of trying to determine the origins of the virus. Maybe they can go check on this; it will be a better use of their time.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Interesting timing

More evidence suggests COVID-19 was in US by Christmas 2019 !!
!! ;(

NEW YORK (AP) — A new analysis of blood samples from 24,000 Americans taken early last year is the latest and largest study to suggest that the new coronavirus popped up in the U.S. in December 2019 — weeks before cases were first recognized by health officials.

It's tough linking to way back the nih and space one curious because a prior version posted a link to the comet origin theory when this all started B4 lockdown
Omoomoo is back this time bearing what presents

With a strange u-turn, this mysterious object has been coming back, and people are dying to get their hands (or feet) on it.

Now to add a biblical twist

200,000 wi voters

edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

T3, fyi the "other numbers" are the 8chan qresearch bread post numbers (think sequential post numbers in thread parts.

I'd noticed early on that they werebeing controlled such that military intelligence could guarantee getting the post numbers they desired - which effectively means they control the qresearch board.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 07:15 PM
Well, I submitted this poem to the short story contest for December in the writer's area, and they totally threw it in the trash bin.

Maybe I should have just submitted it here first.

Regardless, here it is again:

Drug War Rapists

They bus in young men and women, yanked by SWAT teams from home.
I lock them in cells -- almost never alone.

Once the mandatory minimum sentences have thrown away the keys,
armed with a truncheon, I club the backs of their knees.

In the dark of the night, new ones are forced to be whores.
Ignoring their whimpers ... I step past their doors.

Your son's working for me, in that crowd in the sanctum.
He's surrounded ... beat down ... and he bleeds from his rectum.

I've got your sister alone too, separate from the others,
trading sex with me for visits through glass with your mother.

Thank your government well - they turn a blind eye.
Those self-serving politicians, who let these things fly.

But they serve me well too, because they keep me employed:
an endless stream of drug war prisoners - - fresh flesh to enjoy.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Those were posts from the web archive it's hard to link but they were old news. The comet theory, Niburu included, has been around since it all started read sitchins work and look at the parrallals.
Increased authority ✔️
Global natural disasters ✔️
Lots of people dieing ✔️
Masks ✔️
Lockdowns ✔️
WorldWide Chaos ✔️
The controllers want us to believe they are responsible for everything to maintain control
They are just as bad off as the rest of us.
edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because: Bob

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad

Drug War Rapists

They bus in young men and women, yanked by SWAT teams from home.
I lock them in cells -- almost never alone.

Once the mandatory minimum sentences have thrown away the keys,
armed with a truncheon, I club the backs of their knees.

In the dark of the night, new ones are forced to be whores.
Ignoring their whimpers ... I step past their doors.

Your son's working for me, in that crowd in the sanctum.
He's surrounded ... beat down ... and he bleeds from his rectum.

I've got your sister alone too, separate from the others,
trading sex with me for visits through glass with your mother.

Thank your government well - they turn a blind eye.
Those self-serving politicians, who let these things fly.

But they serve me well too, because they keep me employed:
an endless stream of drug war prisoners - - fresh flesh to enjoy.


edit on 2023/17/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 08:57 PM
Something, something going out on the street?
From: New York Post

A car barreled into a parked SUV that was part of President Biden’s motorcade Sunday night as the commander in chief was leaving his campaign headquarters in Delaware.

Biden was walking from the campaign office to his armored SUV when a sedan crashed into a US Secret Service vehicle that was used to close off the intersection near the headquarters for Biden’s departure.

The sedan then tried to drive into a closed-off intersection before Secret Service swarmed the vehicle with weapons pulled and forced the driver to surrender.

Biden was taken into his waiting car, where his wife, first lady Jill Biden, was already waiting before they were driven home.

So how did this happen? What next someone off the street "accidentally" walking in on Joe while he's going poop in the oval office?

Then we have this.
From: New York Post

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was pictured posing with one of Jeffrey Epstein’s accusers — part of the well-connected sex offender’s use of photos to manipulate the women he abused and control the narrative around his nefarious behavior, according to a new report.

The photo — believed to be among the first showing Gates with an alleged Epstein victim — was allegedly taken by the shady financier himself at Gates’ Seattle office in March 2014, years after Epstein’s 2008 conviction in Florida for soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution, The Wall Street Journal reported.

In the image, published by the Journal Sunday, Gates is seen smiling and fiddling with the zipper of his dark quarter-zip sweater as a woman identified as a Polish model, then in her 20s, stands erect at his side in a grey jacket and blue scarf with her chest nearly pressed up against him.

The woman, whose face was obscured in the published photo, told the Journal she met Epstein, a registered sex offender, months before the snap was taken and that he then quickly began showering her with promises that he could help her career with his powerful connections.

At least three other photos exist allegedly showing Gates with Epstein accusers, the Journal reported, saying it reviewed images of a Russian model who claims she was abused by Epstein posing with the tech titan at locations including the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City and Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse.

I guess Epstein isn't going away anytime soon.

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