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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: IndieA


Why is Marjorie Taylor Greene wearing Nancy Pelosi's CADUCEUS in your Youtube video link???

Perhaps it's indicating MTG will be next Speaker?

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I suppose one could propose that Q is an operation by the DNC to keep their opposition calm by offering false hope. I am skeptical of that idea simply because the modern generation of Dems have been so vocal and transparent in their goals and methods.

The DNC isnt doing this . The DNC is nothing but a tool just like the RNC,IRS, the MSM and the DOJ .

Its the hidden hand behind the scenes that also controls the big 3 letter C agency that would be running this.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

That's an interesting new decode method, T3!

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:33 PM
You guys remember this?

Trump April 26 - Trump April 26 - Trump April 26 - Trump April 26

Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24
RELEASE DATE: April 26, 2024
DIRECTOR: Alex Garland
CAST: Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, and Cailee Spaeny

April 26 is also the anniversary of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster which according to some contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Russian TV to air its own version of Chernobyl, which implies CIA may be to blame

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

So you have enlighten the population who are ALREADY aware that govt is full of sh1t and corrupted that the govt is full of sh1t and corrupted?

Good job.
I hate to break it to you and everyone here but most people including the normies as you guys like to make fun off , are aware that govt is corrupted . The issue is that nothing is being done about it and their is no accountability and they feel whats the point. Every poll and congress ratings iterates that the American public has no trust in the govt and are aware they are corrupted.

So q is just preaching to the choir , where is the accountability? Anybody can preach.

What about Rel who has provided so much insight and has stayed with this through thick and thin? He has committed time and resources because he knows this is important.

Look I like the guy and I think he has good intentions and I think we all want the same things and I don't want to talk sh1t about the guy.

However what has he provided or has made a difference in any of this?

I'm just hoping atleast he has been entertained with all his efforts. Besides a bunch of outsiders feeling like insiders , what value has any of these decodes have done?

Honestly in this thread I think the most valuable asset here is the community of people gathering together with the same want of a non corrupted govt and the pursue of the truth. The decodes and all the other fantasy stuff like movie clips and sound clips is meaningless and has made no difference in the outcome of govt corruption. If anything its serves as a distraction keeping the community from evolving into a more powerful role in general. Actually since Q came into the scene corruption has only gotten worse and so blatant that they don't even care or take precaution about hiding it any longer and are willing to just shove it in your face.

edit on 331231America/ChicagoFri, 15 Dec 2023 14:33:30 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 03:33 PM

I have a really eerie feeling about the Netflix show "The One Hundred" that I am currently watching.
This series aired March 19, 2014- which was when spring began and is also linked to AIDS/HIV.

The show is loosely based on a teen novel series with the initial book coming out in 2013 and the subsequent books coming out in 2014, 15 and 16. The show substantially deviates from the source material, like many book to tv translations do. Why is the date of the series premier relevant again if the fact that the source material predates your specific choice ?

In the spring of 2014 that was the start of the Ebola Epidemic. 7 years later, when the series ended, we had the Covid-19 plandemic.

There have been a total of 34 Ebola epidemics since 1976. Sure one of them started in 2014 with a first case reported in 2013 but what about the start date for the 33 other Ebola epidemics?

According to the WHO there were 17, 100 cases. Disease X- "100 Days to Prevent the Next Pandemic."

Assuming you are talking about the 2014 - 2016 Ebola Epidemic then I am not sure where you come up with that number.
According to the WHO there were the following during that specific epidemic:

1. Confirmed total cases: 28,652.
2. Lab cases: 15,261
3. Total deaths: 11,325

On March 29, 2016, the WHO lifted the PHEIC status on West Africa’s Ebola situation. The impact this epidemic had on the world, and particularly West Africa, is significant. A total of 28,616 cases of EVD and 11,310 deaths were reported in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. There were an additional 36 cases and 15 deaths that occurred when the outbreak spread outside of these three countries. The table below shows the distribution of cases and deaths in countries with widespread transmission and countries affected by the epidemic.

Lots of numbers-

There are Lots of numbers everywhere. If you ignore any inaccuracies in your selection, when you cherry pick elements of those numbers then you can find a pattern in anything.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: interupt42

I think you are quite wrong about people knowing the system is broken. You give the average person too much credit. The average person barely pays any attention to what is going on around them. They rely upon the news media to tell them what is wrong. With a captive audience like that lies fly through unquestioned. Case in point I dealt with, NY state is going to gerrymander for the left again. Even after they got denied a few years back and had an outside group draw bipartisan districts after being brought to court. Do you realize how many people think that is the will of the people? Too many! The citizens of NY voted to make it bipartisan, but the left doesn't care! They appealed to a court they stacked! So much for "our democracy!"

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

I think you are quite wrong about people knowing the system is broken

I disagree, I have yet met anyone that has told me that they trust the govt or that the govt isnt corrupted or compromised.

You give the average person too much credit.

Not at all. Here is the kicker they ALL KNOW the govt is corrupted but go full moron state when it comes to voting time and politics. They think this time it will be different or they fail to see that you are not going to get a corrupted govt to fix the issues they created and are benefiting from.

They keep trying to fix healthcare,economy,debt, education, etc with the same people that created the broken system that is benefiting them versus ONLY focusing on conflict of interest.

So No I dont give them much credit. However , they are certainly aware that the govt is corrupted they are just to stupid to realize what they are doing wont work.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: interupt42

I disagree, I have yet met anyone that has told me that they trust the govt or that the govt isnt corrupted or compromised.

My daughter distrusts the government and sees all oliticians as corrupt, yet believes everything she hears on the evening nr=ews. Any contradictory information she chalks up to 'crazy conspiracy theories' and really has a meltdown if you bring facts to the table.

I think that attitude is quite prevalent with people living in big cities where the majority of people reside.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:29 PM
Hungary blocks vote on European Union's $54 billion Ukraine aid package

edit on 15-12-2023 by 777Vader because: Viktor

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 11:23 PM
WOW signal from General Flynn? - tweet:

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 09:08 AM
Clown World


Merry Christmas?

edit on 16-12-2023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 09:43 AM
SCAVINO 55 COMMS - tweet at 6:53am UTC:

a) Video length 0:55,

b) Video mostly BLACKOUT,

c) Water fountains represent liquidity being pumped into new financial system,

d) Soundtrack of VIVA LAS VEGAS, gematria gives:


BONUS ROUND: It shows the BAT SIGNAL at the 44 second mark:

edit on 16-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:08 AM
Surely no COINKYDINKY that POTUS45 is holding a Rally at DURHAM today:

Think DURHAM BOAT in Q14 and Q3800... "Think Durham start."

...and the rally starts at 14:00
edit on 16-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Mind still boggles Rel, thank gosh more are seeing the movie, blessings.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Clown World


Merry Christmas?

That will teach you to not be a person of the correct skin persuasion ...


posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Interesting bit about those letters the artists leave with their works. Nice method of sub rosa communication.


posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:30 AM
Thank you for making my point...

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: tanstaafl

Remember Event 201?

What a wild coincidence, Covid-19- Omnicron was BA.1.

Omnicron BA.1

V=[V-Q]= 5
N= 14> 1+4=5
T= 20. Total 5+5+5+5=20.

Subvariants BA.1.1, BA.2, BA.3.

Bill Gates plays some really weird number and word games. His most recent book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" is full of this.

John Hopkins and the B & M Gates Foundation Present Catastrophic Contagion

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Have you read the book "FAUCI Expect the Unexpected"?
Page 14- Combat Stigma.

This page I consider highly significant because of the way Fauci and Obama handled Nina Pham- a nurse who caught Ebola while treating an infected patient in Dallas in 2014.

Fauci personally took care of her and she recovered.
There was a great deal of fear at the time that Ebola could spread because of patients being brought back here. This was a first.

Now for the mind set.
"So when she was ready to go back home to Texas, we decided we would publicly discharge her and have a press conference. You can imagine the amount of public interest; there seemed that there were a HUNDRED cameras outside the the Clinical Center waiting for her to leave the hospital.
As she walked towards me I opened up my arms, threw them around her, and gave her a big hug- which, as you can imagine
went totally viral on social media.
I wanted people to see that I was not afraid of hugging someone who had just recovered from Ebola. And then we took her to the White House and introduced her to Obama and he hugged her too.

Now contrast that with how Covid-19 was handled by the esteemed Fauci. This October 2014 Ebola outbreak was I consider a dress rehearsal. A serious dress rehearsal with the WHO- CDC- NIH- and the enemedia learning to work together.

Ebola Historical Breakdown

The WHO declared the Ebola outbreak on March 23, 2014.
August 8, 2014 WHO declaration Health Emergency of International Concern.
11people were treated for Ebola in the U.S.
First patient died on October 8.
October 23 first patient in New York City.

Someone you may really want to listen to about bioterrorism and how long DARPA has been working on this is Dr. David Martin.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: RustEShackelFord

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: interupt42

This current "-Q- people are nothing but Neo-Bolsheviks throwing tired Russian Revolution propaganda at everyone", is nothing but an attempt to "Alex Jones" anyone that questions or highlights the need to expose what's going on within the deep state.

Sorry, but that isn't what interupt42 was saying. He was talking ONLY about the actual Q drops, the Q posts that were supposedly made by the mysterious Q.

Not the q-anons or the q 'community - whatever you think that is.

Personally, I'm much more inclined to believe it was all a psyop to keep everyone die-empowered.

Sorry, but all of the twisting required to 'analyze' the posts using timestamps and other such things was - well, again just in my opinion, silly nonsense.

And even when many following along asked for the whole timestamp crap to tone it down a bit so discussion wouldn`t get mucked up, the timestamping speculation and useless feel good virtue signaling posts doubled down. What once seemed promising has turned into a chatchat thread for a scant few seeking attention. It became clear early on that you couldn`t question the narrative here either and that absolutely everything posted was to be believed 100%.

Not a chance it happened like that.
Not a chance.
Until it plays out everyone is bound by speculation based upon personal depth and understanding.
EO's still in place inspite of new and opposed administration.
Election fraud still being #1concern yet still active.
Vaccine 100 year old planning completely disrupted and forced to play out many years too early.
Climate hoax the same.
Queen gone.
Vatican going gone.
Both broke.
Child trafficking completely exposed and perps.
Clinton's, Bushes and deepstate exposed.

Tech and social media exposed and transitioning.

U less all that is needed to hand over everything to AI I would have to say there is an antithesis at work far beyond a hegelian dialectic ploy.
It is a ground floor grassroots awakening that has been done in a way that empowered, not silenced the thinking, concerned and previously neutered average everyday person to a level of courage that was nonexistant before.


We not just got to watch, but participated in destroying the globalist century old plans for our Orwelian, brave new world pre-planned dystopia destiny.
Is there another side to it that brings about something else, a plan B?

Absolutely, of course there is.
But exposing the darkness to light is a mandate for humanity that can never be ignored.
What we have allowed to happen to our children cannot go unopposed.

What happened January 1, 2023 is a redirection of 100's of years of planning.
Another faction is now empowered.
And most likely directing this new path.

If the election fraud is not corrected this year.
You are probably correct.
And EO 13848 was for nothing more than a bolshevic ploy and EO 13818 a Hollywood production.

I have been doing this long before any of the Q drops and the vagueness surrounding them were a distraction at first with all the decoding and all some have found and identified.
I do not have the type of mind to grasp it.
But others do.
And it impresses me beyond imagination.
And in knowing a lot of it was done for communication with operatives placed when the underground war began the logistics hold in reasoning.
Like how the Superbowl is globalist messaging to globalist stooges and elite.
The NSA abilities require these methods.

Ever since the activities of the Corporation came into existance through the bloodline families and the British and Dutch East India companies the hidden agendas worked from 99 year charters.
This of course makes everything beyond generational planning.

And all of it looks to be designed by timeline to culminate now.

For me I see it like this.
I have been an antivaxxer for 32 years.
My entire world view was based upon preparing for that day when Christians would be blamed for a pre-planned century old forced vaccination to stave off a plague.
A depop plan that could not be stopped.

Until Q.

It forced their actions too early.
They have made way too many mistakes as a result.
EO13818 was bait.
EO13848 was the kinetic lever because their hand was forced to act at all costs due to EO13818 and the exposure to the world of moloch worship in practice by ceremonial sacrificial offerings of the firstborn.
Even planned parenthood got exposed in all this.

I was not a follower of Q.
Still not actually.
But I am fascinated by what it all did to people.
It energized the world in ways that can never be stifled.
You cannot go back now.
Nobody can.
Those of us that know do not ever intend to go back.
How can we do that and live with it?
Maybe that was the plan by exposing us?
But if so it certainly did not pacify us as what is being claimed here now.

This is so vast of a movement that I do not stand out as a Krazy Konspiracy Kook.
Yes I am a Kook.
I just don't stand out as much.

America is an ancient prize.
Our destiny is being written.
We must be more than just a tourist destination for globalist safari Park from a rewilded nature sanctuary.

The corporation died because of Q.
I saw it happen.
January 1,2023 set our destiny in motion.
Hollywood is gone because of Q.
Well, because of the awakening Q initiated.

Q is not the movement.
We are.
We have become Q.
We have to be if we are to finish what was started.

This is why qanon is such a bastard representation.
Q is Q.
We are the anonymous individuals who are now reclaiming school boards and local town boards.

We were given a clear path to reclaiming our country and indivual liberties because we were awakened.

There is no passive inactive neutering because Q is going to do it for us as is being claimed.

We are Q now.
The military does not have the authority to change our outcome.
We have to decide our own future government.
The retards that claim Q is doing all this are the neutered party, not us.
We have been energized and empowered.

How many here will lay down their lives before they go back to passive compliance?

I cannot go back.
This is where I take a stand.
Just the opposite of what is being claimed here now.

After years of flying solo you guys changed everything for me.

After the talk of "done by Easter" came and went I was full of apologies.
Not now.
I see a much bigger picture.

This coming election year means everything and we must, we have to be involved like our children's future depends upon it.
We cannot be passive.
We have to be more than just the 15% that participated in the US revolution.
If not it will require a civil war to turn it.
And we cannot allow that grandiose human sacrifice to the globalist/communist/bolshevic wet dream.
Neither can we allow another world war where Christians kill Christians fighting wars for our mutual enemy.

A new beginning started on January 1, 2023.
We get to participate with what our future will look like.
We have been activated, not pacified.
Prove me wrong

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