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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I am not sure if we can call this but Mark Zuckerberg may be booted.

Daily Mail

This was in November and he looks to be recovering from surgery. However he has been involved in something odd. He has been building a huge underground bunker in Hawaii- Koolah Ranch with 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms and 11 disk shaped treehouses planned.

The super elite have been very busy taking over Hawaii and New Zealand. New Zealand has been a favorite for some time now so that leads me to wonder if there was a coordinated plan to take out as much of the population as possible with the Covid jabs. Nothing at this point will surprise me.

Mark Zuckerberg $100 Million Top- Secret Compund

The timing- right before the plandemic. Construction gets interrupted for awhile. It takes time to build something so large so maybe the push is on for completion 2026, the next launch date.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Since that is a medical symbol perhaps MTG is signaling something coming down the pipe- my persona favorites would be Fauci, Bill Gates, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins to name a few.

As for the new decode method I have been wondering for awhile how they connect together, especially the repetitive ones. Everything has meaning?
3033. < Completion.

Gates and Warren Buffet are very connected to #1010 with the initial 10 million shares gifted to the Gates Foundation in 2006. January 2010 Bill Gates launched the next 10 years Decade of Vaccines. Just a bit of spice -Warren Buffett as of 2023 - 17 years of payments to the Gates Foundation.

Warren Buffett - 17 years of donations to the Gates Foundation

These 3 posts are dated April 4- the day that Bill Gates and Paul Allen established Microsoft!!!

History of Microsoft

We are currently using Windows 11.

What could the 12 represent? $21 a share- mirror $12?

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Thoughtful3

So you have enlighten the population who are ALREADY aware that govt is full of sh1t and corrupted that the govt is full of sh1t and corrupted?

Good job.
I hate to break it to you and everyone here but most people including the normies as you guys like to make fun off , are aware that govt is corrupted . The issue is that nothing is being done about it and their is no accountability and they feel whats the point. Every poll and congress ratings iterates that the American public has no trust in the govt and are aware they are corrupted.

So q is just preaching to the choir , where is the accountability? Anybody can preach.

What about Rel who has provided so much insight and has stayed with this through thick and thin? He has committed time and resources because he knows this is important.

Look I like the guy and I think he has good intentions and I think we all want the same things and I don't want to talk sh1t about the guy.

However what has he provided or has made a difference in any of this?

I'm just hoping atleast he has been entertained with all his efforts. Besides a bunch of outsiders feeling like insiders , what value has any of these decodes have done?

Honestly in this thread I think the most valuable asset here is the community of people gathering together with the same want of a non corrupted govt and the pursue of the truth. The decodes and all the other fantasy stuff like movie clips and sound clips is meaningless and has made no difference in the outcome of govt corruption. If anything its serves as a distraction keeping the community from evolving into a more powerful role in general. Actually since Q came into the scene corruption has only gotten worse and so blatant that they don't even care or take precaution about hiding it any longer and are willing to just shove it in your face.

Not willingly, forced from the shadows.
Their timeline for their plans through this jubilee got compressed.
Jubilees cannot be delayed. They can be planned for, but not delayed.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
We all can see he isn't much of an artist but aside from that it isn't the norm, imo, for paintings & drawings to sell at the prices we've seen his work sell for until the artist is deceased.
In the case of my 6 $6.00 drawings the artist was deceased and my $36.00 investment parlayed into $7,200 in 2016. They are 5 x 6 in size and would be hard to fit a lot of info between them and the frame, but the majority of HB's original art (not the prints) would have at least an inch of depth with a minimum of 24 X36 inch area that could conceal quite a bit of info or cash depending the situation. They knew the info on them was going to come to light in spite of c19, and I believe that is when Hunter decided to become an artist (remember Hunter is the smartest person Joe knows and his change in occupation has always looked like a pitiful attempt to convince the masses that he's gone legit).
I am sure it's wishful thinking but I hope someone reads my original post on this that has a connection to the committee investigating the Bidens or maybe it will get talked about somewhere in the media so the committee could try to get the names of his buyers released.

I could also be way off base and full of s**t I just find it hard to believe they would just quit their little scheme if not for the money (they are going to need a lot of it), then for their own well being from the money they've taken and not yet fulfilled the end product. It's kinda like I read in one of the threads this week about Hunter saying he would leave the country if Trump gets elected. People with nothing to hide don't have to flee from their own country and if people who bought that art or sold that art have nothing to hide why the secrecy about who purchased the art?

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 01:30 PM

There may be a connection with the WHO here.
The WHO declared the plandemic on March [11], 2020.

This is the 70th day of the year. Working backwards it was a Wednesday [4] in week [11] of 2020 which was 45 months ago.

Fun with dates

Ha. Now to find out what is so, so special about this date.

National Funeral Director + Mortician Day.
World Plumbing Day- that smacks of Billy the "Sanitation" guru.

Pfizer received the EUA December 11, 2020.
9 months after the WHO declared the Plandemic- 911.

This door will be opened later.
The choice, to know, will be yours.


Reading assignment for those inclined- "Moonshot" by Albert Bourla.

Since 2020 was a leap year December 11 was 366 days into the year- 666.


Working backwards 20 days remaining of the year and it was 2020.

UNICEF's birthday- the ones responsible for deploying the jabs against the children.
This also coincides with the first broadcasting of CBS, NBC, KTVA TV Channel 11 in Alaska< enemedia.

Since Albert Bourla is Jewish- the Holocaust.
China joins the WTO. < Pfizer has deep connections with China.

December 11 is special too

August 23, 2021 Pfizer received FDA approval for Comirnaty. Smacks of 23andMe and the DNA link.

More dates

2 years, 3 months and 23 days ago.

Comirnaty Approval

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

It could also be about 1500 documents per painting. Maybe it's the reason why he had access to those boxes of classified documents. Sell off pieces of art that had copies of documents in them. Kind of reminds me of when those jewel thieves were exporting blood diamonds out of Africa by putting the stones in bottles of water.

Hiding stuff in plain sight, maybe this is why the client list was so secret.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
a reply to: Imbackbaby
One time witnessed a crash in snow on the freeway stopped to make sure ok. Tried to give the license plate of the car who caused the accident to the police and was threatened with a dtfc ticket. Pre-Covid. The Dukes of Hazard sums up the po po in the states. La Haina.

Just an update.

They wrongfully arrested a woman. I actually called the police while the police were there. Evidence trail man.

So the police assault me and they think it's ok. Right ok.

Remember I phoned the police to lodge a complaint against them while they were doing their gestapo thing.

I followed it up the next day enquiring about the woman, they refused to tell me anything until what I did next...

I lodged another complaint against the police (2nd one), within 5 mins I had a phone call saying the Lady had been released without charge. I asked them, was she on medication? Did she miss her meds? Has she been attacked or something? Crickets..

They got my back up when they put their hands on me and I tried to explain that If I did the same I'd be arrested. Who arrests them?

I asked them to recite common law, maritime law etc etc etc, crickets.

I did actually ask them if they realised how many British names are on the Epstein list and why they're not looking at that.

3 times in 3 years I've told them they're wrong but hey it goes on. 3 times in 3 years I protected a vulnerable person. They do the same thing every time, they check my background and I keep saying the same thing, "I'm clean, cleaner than you are"

I'll have the bodycam footage soon if it still exists

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: interupt42

You ask the typical person off the street about government corruption and yes they will acknowledge it exists but cannot get beyond the typical talking points that amount to nothing. Too much feeling and not enough thinking. Defund the police and rewrite laws to not incarcerate people of color, missing the fact it was not always racism that was why they ended up in jail. I strongly disagree with your assertion that people know. Like you they think they know and that arrogance has you all missing the point.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

By compressing it is also hopefully destabilizing their plans. No doubt they don't care if we know or not but there may be those that can take action if they are aware.

Circling back to #1010, 1011 and 1012.

The first 3 companies involved with the mRNA jabs were Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna.

BioNTech's CEO Ugur Sahin had direct interactions with Bill Gates prior to the launch of the plandemic.

I have sooo many books here. Evidence in the book "The Vaccine" by Joe Miller with Dr. Ozlem Tureci and Dr. Ugur Sahin.

The Outbreak Page 23

October 2018- At this point BioNTech had only treated 400 people.

Ugur was invited at the last minute to the Grand Challenges meeting, "an event designed to help solve global health and development problems and attended by dignitaries, including Chancellor Angela Merkel."

He was really surprised because he was not in the field of infectious diseases. However "Gates had recently invested in an HIV program that ended up helping cancer. Now perhaps cancer could repay the favor and help rid the world of a virus or two."

Ugur ended up having a one on one meeting with Gates "in a stuffy hotel room." Hiding?

The immune system could be hacked- and Ugur was the key -but the billionaire's most burning question was whether Ugur's team had given much thought to infectious diseases. Was there potential, he wondered aloud, to develop mRNA- based drugs, in record speed, during a pandemic?

***He might want to consider preparing a 'plug-and-play' solution for that moment, Gates said as a matter of urgency."
Bill Gates hack Tedros was there and "was effusive in his praise for BioNTech's 'very encouraging' cancer break-through. Suggestions of a Nobel Peace Prize were floated.

If this isn't interesting enough [page 26] BioNTech teamed up with Pfizer to develop a flu vaccine and at the same time with the Gates Foundation to work on two of the big three- HIV and Tuberculosis. Right after this meet and greet.

The first case in Germany was in a 33 year old worker at a car parts supplier- so on they marched with the plan "deploying hundreds of staff and spending millions of euros to develop a vaccine using an unproven platform against as-yet unnamed threat."

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:21 PM
Fantastic summary of the unsummariable

👍😂a reply to: FarmerSimulation

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

It could also be about 1500 documents per painting. Maybe it's the reason why he had access to those boxes of classified documents. Sell off pieces of art that had copies of documents in them.

Those are my thoughts as exactly!

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Since that is a medical symbol perhaps MTG is signaling something coming down the pipe- my persona favorites would be Fauci, Bill Gates, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins to name a few.

There is the Rod of Asclepius (with one snake) and the caduceus, with two snakes twined around the rod. The Rod of Asclepius belongs to Aesculapius, who was the revered Greek god of healing, while the Caduceus symbol is identified with thieves, merchants, and messengers- not a desirable protector of physicians.
I can't tell which version Pelosi or MTG wear. It's said that around 76% of commercial organizations used the Caduceus.

In politics backgrounds, clothing color and style and all accesories are very carefully chosen. Most are unaware of the power of suggestion and subliminal messaging.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Mark Zuckerberg $100 Million Top- Secret Compund

The timing- right before the plandemic. Construction gets interrupted for awhile. It takes time to build something so large so maybe the push is on for completion 2026, the next launch date.

Many elite have bunkers that rival those for politicians, and it seems every newcomer to the multi-milliom club stes out to build the biggest and best. I really think 'those in the know' are well aware of what's coming; some planned, some natural events. ELE's have happened before, and will happen again. I watch closely when the elite begin to disappear from view.....

"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains" - Rev 6:15

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 06:41 PM

More Shipping Giants Suspend Passage Via Red Sea After Attacks

Two more major shipping firms, Mediterranean Shipping Company and CMA CGM, said Saturday they were suspending passage through a Red Sea strait vital for global trade after Yemeni rebel attacks in the area.

The announcement by Italian-Swiss giant MSC and France's CMA CGM follows a similar decision Friday by two of the world's largest shipping companies, Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd.

2 4 The sHOW

edit on 16-12-2023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 07:05 PM
You are here - at least in UTC:

edit on 16-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 07:31 PM

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 09:03 PM
think again...UP 2 U
lurkers SOUND off


you think its a waste of your time ? TRUST YOUrself - ITs the


edit on 16-12-2023 by MetalThunder because: HERE L NIGHT ???'S ?

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:49 PM
So sorry I am so behind & still trying to catch up there is so much flying by to read. However I hope this info may
be beneficial from Dr Robert Malone...

Robert Malone, MD, MS; Malone Institute December 15, 2023, 2:30 PM EST (Madison VA and Tallahassee FL) The failure of government regulatory authorities to identify and disclose DNA fragment contamination of the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine products prior to independent laboratories disclosing their contamination study findings has raised serious questions about quality control oversight of the manufacturing processes used to produce these products, as well as their overall safety. Rather than rigorously addressing specific safety questions concerning the previously undisclosed contamination or adulteration of both modified-mRNA vaccines, in a written Dec 14 reply to a prior Dec 06 inquiry, Dr. Peter Marks of the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research has resorted to redirecting, gaslighting and stonewalling the Surgeon General of the State of Florida. Experts from around the world have raised concerns about the safety implications of DNA fragment contamination in COVID gene therapy-based “vaccine” products. Leading regulatory authorities have conceded that these rushed novel and complex biological products are contaminated, and deliver both synthetic modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mod-mRNA) and a wide variety of uncharacterized shorter DNA fragments into the cells and tissues of those who have accepted these product. The Biden administration has previously mandated and currently markets these products in the USA for Americans of all ages including during pregnancy, fraudulently claiming that they prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and spread as well as COVID-19 disease and death. These DNA fragments are left over contaminants from manufacturing the mod-mRNA “payload”. The contamination was first detected and reported by experienced US and Canadian genomic researchers, and their findings have been replicated by many other laboratories. To manufacture the COVID shots, both the DNA contaminants and the mod-mRNA are assembled into the most highly active lipid nanoparticle genetic delivery system ever developed, and this final drug product has been injected into over a billion human arms. After injection, the material distributes throughout the body and delivers both DNA and mod-mRNA to a wide variety of cells and tissues including ovaries. Both mRNA and DNA can control a wide variety of cell functions. The mod-mRNA directs cells and tissues of the recipient to produce genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (as well as other uncharacterized “frameshifted” proteins and peptides). The DNA fragments come from the circular bacterial DNA (“plasmids”) used to manufacture the mod-mRNA. These plasmids include DNA sequences which can produce a variety of functions inside both bacterial and human cells; proteins which confer antibiotic resistance, sequences which guide DNA into the nucleus of cells, and highly active genetic switches for turning on adjacent genes in either bacterial or animal cells. ampaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=26hcym&utm_medium=email

I am not sure if this all works...there is so much more detailed info on the site...


PS It's Christmas & some Jerk stole me wallet with Credit Card, Debit Card & last Ben Franklin in Cash tonight at the market!!! What a FK ing Jerk!!!
They could have turned it in, cz it dropped from pocket exchanging potatoes when I pulled cell phone out to make sure
the exchange was for Non GMO potatoes. I was about to check out already scanned the store card for discounts & saw I needed to exchanged the bag of potatoes cz way to many...clerk cancelled that..went straight to the potato & onion
round & pulled out phone to check that the exchange was non GMO & straight back to check out. Wallet not there & the
store pulled up video while I went to double & beyond checking. Video showed that I had put wallet in front L jacket
pocket like I said. Phone was in front L pocket of jeans so when I pulled it out to check the non GMO issue is when wallet
got tipped out. Bloody F...Bastards!!! Unbelievable during holiday season! It literally took less than 30 sec to walk to the


posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:49 PM
i Came I Saw I posted

Silent Night ...




posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Ektar

This goes along with previous post...sorry it won't allow me to copy anything D-19-Vaccines.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


edit on 16122023 by Ektar because: no edit

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