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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 09:08 PM
Looks like others are awaking to what i had stated long time ago about the dangers of Q and its real intention to keep the people on the sidelines with hopium until it becomes to late.

I got a feeling this election is going to be the crossroads.

edit on 121231America/ChicagoWed, 13 Dec 2023 21:12:04 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 09:56 PM

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

For some reason, "Change we can believe in" came to mind.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: IndieA

originally posted by: RookQueen2

There are a lot of suspicious listings on Etsy that have people wondering if child porn or children are for sale for sex on the e-commerce site. CHILD TRAFFICKING TAKING PLACE ON ETSY?

General Mike Flynn
— I would like an explanation for these suspicious posts, and I still would like an explanation for why I’m not allowed to sell “Child Lives Matter” products while you approve products that promote Satan!”

Anyone else remember $10,000 listings for things like pillows and cheap file cabinets on Wayfair, that also had part numbers that when searched on Yandex, linked to missing children?

I do, those were easy enough claims to investigate and confirm. What was even more shocking for me, was that one of the girls from this research was from a town that neighbored the one I grew up in.

I remember how WayFair was supposedly using names on overpriced furniture to traffic children, but there was nobody who could explain how the ordered "product" was delivered. Too many holes.

If trafficking was taking place, I would think that the logistics would be handled off of the website and in a secure manner. The listings could have just been used as a way for customers to browse the market.

I've also wondered if maybe this was a way to avoid having to launder money. The IRS expects criminals to report their illegal gains and perhaps, this was somehow a way to accomplish that.

edit on 14-12-2023 by IndieA because: reworded

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: interupt42

this notion keeps getting pushed forward, but does anyone have real evidence that terms the -Q- community uses were taken from or used during the Russian Revolution? I don't mean doctored up propaganda posters from today, but images or tangible evidence from the early 1900s.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: interupt42

this notion keeps getting pushed forward, but does anyone have real evidence that terms the -Q- community uses were taken from or used during the Russian Revolution? I don't mean doctored up propaganda posters from today, but images or tangible evidence from the early 1900s.

I have no idea if it has any association with the Russian Revolution. However, the concept is the same and a strategy used to keep enemy at bay while taking full control behind the scenes.

Trump last election was an example. There was a bigly win and BOOM on a weekly basis for trump and his accomplishments. Trump and his supporters thought they had it in the bag. However when it really counted his swamp administration stuck it to him. He nor his supporters saw it coming. Heck even trump was aware that the democrats were going to rig it but did nothing to stop it.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: interupt42

Oh, but it does matter. Equating the whole -Q- community as nothing but propaganda spouting Bolsheviks damages and hinders efforts in explaining details such as why Seth Rich is important, or why Hunter's Laptop should be kept in the news stream. Look at how lex Jones effected the oddities surounding the Sandyhook School shooting. Ask about the teachers car full of guns... "you're one of those Alex Jones conspiracy nuts", what about the man that was seen shooting from the grassy field behind the school... "Alex Jones had really done a number on you".

This current "-Q- people are nothing but Neo-Bolsheviks throwing tired Russian Revolution propaganda at everyone", is nothing but an attempt to "Alex Jones" anyone that questions or highlights the need to expose what's going on within the deep state.

That's why when whoever Darko was/is posted that thread calling out -Q- as a Bolshevik Wanna-Be, people should have taken better notice as to what was going on. It's not about prevention of false information, it's about belittling and discarding the facts.

"If you silence those who speak the truth, then you control the narrative."

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Pinning this tweet here-
"Feels like we're purposely being shown how rigged it is."

Seekthetruth 101 tweet

At this point it is more than obvious that we are witnessing how really corrupt everything is and this is by design. We had to be shown just how seriously corrupt and rigged the system is and probably always has been.

Consider Operation Warp Speed Task Force.

White House Task Force Cashed in on Plandemic

This took some serious effort to pull together some of the most conflicted people to lead us through this plandemic. The selection of these characters lies with Mike Pence.

I especially take note of Seema Verma- the one responsible for suspending non-elective procedures.

Seema Verma Wiki < Can you imagine anyone selecting her?
I watched as one neighbor who had his supposed "elective" eye surgery suspended resulted in him suffering from blindness for months. Her actions harmed and killed many.

Moncet Slaoui - Moderna Announcement
Moderna DARPA BARDA connected having Slaoui on the board since 2017 and then lands on the Task Force. What are the odds?

Meanwhile we have Fauci running around with a security detail, worth million, but we the taxpayers are paying for this and he is retired. Christine Grady, his ethics chief is anything but. More like Bonnie & Clyde.

Term limits, ability to fire and prosecute, and a desperate need for non competes whether medical or defense ect. Serious head count reductions in government, repeal taxation since they waste what they get.
We've been shown some pretty ridiculous taxpayer funding such as gender studies in Afghanistan of all places.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: interupt42

This current "-Q- people are nothing but Neo-Bolsheviks throwing tired Russian Revolution propaganda at everyone", is nothing but an attempt to "Alex Jones" anyone that questions or highlights the need to expose what's going on within the deep state.

Sorry, but that isn't what interupt42 was saying. He was talking ONLY about the actual Q drops, the Q posts that were supposedly made by the mysterious Q.

Not the q-anons or the q 'community - whatever you think that is.

Personally, I'm much more inclined to believe it was all a psyop to keep everyone die-empowered.

Sorry, but all of the twisting required to 'analyze' the posts using timestamps and other such things was - well, again just in my opinion, silly nonsense.

edit on 14-12-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I look at all of this as one big tangled mess that has to be unraveled so that we can fully understand what planning went into this, the execution and the intent. We can guess the intent quite easily.
Plus we need to know who the main players are and somehow get them removed from positions of power. And with you they need to stop with the jabs for everything.

Final CDC Rule- Control of Communicable Diseases- January 19, 2017.

The day before President Trump took office and took effect March 21, 2017.

They picked that date for a reason. Just happens to be the day that Twitter was launched.

National countdown day syringe exchange day and world puppetry day.
March 21st is special

"Many commentators raised concerns about forced vaccination or other compulsory treatments."

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: brewtiger123

Yes, there is so much fear tied to that word when it conjures images of nukes, doom, suffering and cataclysmic disaster. But there's another way to envision an apocalypse --

"Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling".

Apocalypse originally meant an uncovering (by the gods), a revelation of things heavenly and godly.

Apocalypse... a new way of looking at things...that completely radicalises our notions of the where we were, when we were, what we were...

We are the Apocalypse they fear.
The Apocalypse of Light. The Light of Truth.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: interupt42

I have not been sitting on the side lines. I have been giving people who visit this site links to evidence and books to read which have more links. Hopefully they can pass this information along to others. Many don't have the time and do not know where to go to find information. We are fortunate that this supposed "psyop" was set up as an interactive game to keep everyone engaged so that people would keep searching for the truth.

Nor have the 1700 Drs. that signed the Great Barrington Declaration. Numerous people have written books exposing the dangers we face such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Others have written about the dangers of the CCP.

Then there are the brave twitter warriors who kept trying to get the truth out to people, who kept devising work arounds to maintain contact in the face of a huge censorship machine, resorting to Substack and Rumble.

Jikky Leaks and the Mouse Army of scientists have toiled in the dystopian censorship darkness and have undertaken a heroic effort to uncover details about the dangers of the mRNA jabs and the corrupted people around this. The level of their scientific analysis is above my head but they have provided clues so that I could go hunting.

Jikky Leaks has been under serious intimidation and threats and that is real.

Then we have the gifts of books from Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, Scott Gottlieb, Klaus Schwab and friends chock full of evidence. I've read them and I consider this to be for the greater.

What about Rel who has provided so much insight and has stayed with this through thick and thin? He has committed time and resources because he knows this is important.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: IndieA Funding

No surprise that we have Facebook and Goog funding this along with other foundations. I was particularly interested to see how much funding they received leading up to the plandemic.

Fiscal year end June 2019 was a funding blockbuster.

Annenberg Foundation- $694,117
Facebook- $242,400
Stanton Foundation- $100,000.

Makes one wonder why the Annenberg were so specific about the extra $17.
And of course the $11. AF= 7.
Then there is Facebook's $400.
"It might be the only numbers that has a definition in the dictionary."

Just to keep up with the 11's.

Meet Windows 11

Rel Windows 11 logo in the top left corner - 4 squares red, green, blue and yellow. Does that remind you of the Mr. Pool post of the hotel with the different colors?

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: interupt42

This current "-Q- people are nothing but Neo-Bolsheviks throwing tired Russian Revolution propaganda at everyone", is nothing but an attempt to "Alex Jones" anyone that questions or highlights the need to expose what's going on within the deep state.

Sorry, but that isn't what interupt42 was saying. He was talking ONLY about the actual Q drops, the Q posts that were supposedly made by the mysterious Q.

Not the q-anons or the q 'community - whatever you think that is.

Personally, I'm much more inclined to believe it was all a psyop to keep everyone die-empowered.

Sorry, but all of the twisting required to 'analyze' the posts using timestamps and other such things was - well, again just in my opinion, silly nonsense.

And even when many following along asked for the whole timestamp crap to tone it down a bit so discussion wouldn`t get mucked up, the timestamping speculation and useless feel good virtue signaling posts doubled down. What once seemed promising has turned into a chatchat thread for a scant few seeking attention. It became clear early on that you couldn`t question the narrative here either and that absolutely everything posted was to be believed 100%.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I just wonder about the funding amounts of the FactCheck.Org- what if we convert it to letters.

Annenberg- the first 3 numbers $694 would be FID, according to the McKinsey & Company this means Final Investment Decision!
McKinnsey & Company- FID

Facebook- the first 3 numbers $242 would be BDB. There is a connection to Microsoft Works data base, British Digital Broadcasting, Back-up Data Base.


However if taken as Section 242
Crimes and Criminal Procedures 242

Just for a bit of spice-
Crime Code List

0170- Homicide- Drug Induced.
0110- Murder First Degree.
17/10- Endangering Life/ Health of a Child.

I've been very suspicious about the odd grant amounts that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awards. They might follow the same pattern. I will try and check out a few.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:04 PM
So I rec. a letter from Gov. Sarah H. Sanders today that I thought some of you might find interesting.
She is declaring Arkansas a Sanctuary State for:
Unborn babies from the horrors of abortion
Children from sexualization and gender grooming in schools
Law abiding citizens from out of control crime
Workers from job killing regulations
Patriots censorship, gun confiscation and tyranny

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I've also wondered if maybe this was a way to avoid having to launder money. The IRS expects criminals to report their illegal gains and perhaps, this was somehow a way to accomplish that.

I think your spot on with this IndieA. I believe the purchasers already selected the human they wanted and were told what name of pillow to look for on wayfair then Wayfair laundered the money for the traffickers.

edit on 2023-12-14T17:22:30-06:0005Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:22:30 -060022303122America/Chicago12 by RookQueen2 because: Edits are fun. Whoever you is,,,,I like your style.

edit on 2023-12-14T17:24:16-06:0005Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:24:16 -060024163124America/Chicago12 by RookQueen2 because: link not working

edit on 2023-12-14T17:25:17-06:0005Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:25:17 -060025173125America/Chicago12 by RookQueen2 because: stupid links dont work.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I like how you selectively quoted me, then come across like a passive aggressive attack. My point was made in the entirety of the post and not in pieces of it. This attack on -Q- and the people who follow it as being nothing but New Aged (or Neo) Bolsheviks has become an almost default for others who just want to hide the facts that have come about due to -Q- and the community that follows it.

I mean the US Congress passed a memorandum of understanding that -Q- is a danger to democracy, but Hamas, BLM, and MS-13 haven't seemed a little off. Now there's a massive push to just discredit the whole -Q- thing and the people that are following it by blinding attack it with terms such as "Russian Propaganda", "Neo-Bolsheviks", "Agent Provocateurs", and names as such. It's not about expressing one thing or the other, but instead it's about hiding the truth from people by demonizing those people that are providing answers or asking the questions that are needed to be asked.

If you believe that it's all "Silly Nonsense" that's fine, sometimes I feel the same way, but even you must realize that its not all silly nonsense, or otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back here to debate what's happening.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Another point to bring up is this "End of Days" stuff that gets tossed around. In the Book of Judas, Jesus explains that after the End of Days it will be the Time of Man. God won't have any interactions with mankind during that period.

I blame the Church for misconstruing both phrases.

posted on Dec, 14 2023 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I'm so glad your back!!!! I believe we are allowed to have conversations now

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